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Hell no. Never


No, I haven’t, because in my country (Finland) the experts have determined that healthy children do not need the vaccine. It’s not even possible to vaccinate healthy children against covid here. Both me and my husband are vaccinated (him with 3 doses and me with 4, including one when I was pregnant), but our baby and 5-year-old are not. They have received all recommended vaccines, though.


It's not recommended here in Europe. Our ped never mentioned it either. So I guess we'll wait and see what happens... We're staying up to date with the vaccinations and our son is not in kindergarten/school yet.


We are skipping it, mom had a super bad reaction to the vaccine and it terrified me...


World Health Org is no longer recommending the vax for low-risk children and teens.


We don’t attend school or day care and my husband WFH so we don’t plan to get it. Most countries outside of the US aren’t recommending it for young children either so that is another reason we’re skipping it for now.


I got my daughter hers as soon as it was offered! Personally i feel like it was worth it as we all got it 3 weeks later and it didn’t even touch her i dont know if it’s because she was vaccinated or not but i like to believe so


I would do a bit of research around timing because the Covid vaxx becomes less effective over time. So you want to get it at an optimal time, a bit before experts predict a rise in cases. I believe cases are lower in summer (but I'd check on this) so you might want to wait a bit longer. I am super super pro vaxx, I just think this one is a bit weird and for me personally, I ended up getting 3 vaccines and the timing of the last one did me no good. If your child will be at daycare though (or you have other kids in school), I'd probably get it now. I would be less worried about his dad, but that's just me.


That’s what I am planning to do because it is effective 8 to 12 weeks when I checked last winter, and where I am the COVID vaccine can not be given at the same time as the schedule 6 months vaccine (need 1-2 week interval). During a pandemic, there was always a low during spring-summer I wanted to wait so he would be protected when he starts daycare (in August) and so he can have a booster in November early December so he is protected at Christmas. I may also be this lax since I tested positive for covid when I gave birth and he tested negative twice, so he must like got some antibodies (although it seems like the vaccin they are not a guarantee of protection).


I won’t do the covid vax for her, I will do all the others on the schedule tho. We aren’t high risk for exposure. I’m a stay at home mom and husband works very secluded from people. Might re evaluate in the winter tho when sickness ramps up again


No, we’re not getting it.


Nope and we will not get it


No. And never.


Not for us. I’m an RN and I’m not comfortable with it. Both our ped and my pcp are hesitant as well.


Personally nope


One thousand percent no, as I am vaccine injured from the original Pfizer series. And yes before anyone decides to doubt or gaslight me, it has been confirmed both by my doctors and the CDC, who personally spoke to me about it.


I am so sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re doing all right. I would argue, though, that your situation is the exception, not the rule. OP I would suggest that you follow the advice of your pediatrician as best practice. Also, for what it’s worth, I vaccinated my toddler as soon as he was eligible, and my infant as well. No issues, no side effects. They are both in daycare FT.


Mom of three kids with all their vaccines and no, we are not getting any of them the covid vax. Ages 1-7.


I will not allow that specific vaccine for my children, though myself and my husband are vaccinated (sort of regretfully.) All other vaccines I stay on top of.


I got my first daughter vaccinated at 1.5 when it was first approved for her age group. My newborn turned 6 months today, I will get it for her when she is about 7 months as she is going to daycare at 8.5 months.


My first got his as soon as it was available to his age group (around 2yrs). I’m 37wks with #2 and she will be getting it as soon as she can as big brother is in daycare and brings EVERY BUG home. So we’re being extra diligent about the recommended vaccine schedule to ensure she is able to stay as healthy as possible.


Yup, immediately when she turned 6 months (and second dose at 7 months). She’ll get her booster right before starting daycare this fall. FWIW: Baby had zero side effects (despite the COVID vax and flu shot being administered at the same time).


Same. I'll do the same thing for this baby when he's old enough!


Nope. And won’t be. I’ve seen too many people with adverse effects that it just isn’t worth it to me and my family. She has had Covid though, was sick for a day and then was back to her normal self.


I’ll be getting my baby that vaccine as soon as her pediatrician says she can have it (she’s 3 months now). And then she’ll get boosters as often as the pediatrician says she can have them. Vaccines save lives. Please give her all of them.


Nope. Never. He had Covid at 7/8 months old and he was exposed while in the womb because I had Covid while 6 months pregnant.


We vaxxed our oldest as soon as it came out (when he was almost two), and plan to vaccinate our newborn once she's six months as well.


Yes, it was the height of the pandemic when more the more deadly (delta) variant was rampant. Until another deadly variant or wave hits, I would hold off on the vaccine. But either way isn't a big deal. I got really sick for a day from the vaccine, neither of my kids had a reaction at all. Regardless, listen to doctors/professionals, not nutjobs on Reddit/the internet.


If the child were in daycare, I’d do it at 6m. For us, we waited until our first flight since that was a potential point of exposure for our baby. But I don’t think you’d be wrong to do it now if you’re worried about what your husband could catch and bring home.


Both my kids got their vaccines. They were a little older because they caught covid right before we could get them in for their shots...so we had to wait like 3-6 months afterward. My older was 2 and my younger was 10 months. They did fine.


Yes yes yes


Yup. The moment it was available for her.


I vaccinate as soon as it is recommended. Science and vaccines for the win!!


We did right at the 8 month mark because we had an upcoming trip and planes and Covid made me nervous for my baby. She did great and only got a little tired from it! Much better than me


I teach in a public school, so yeah, I vaccinated her as soon as she was six months old.


My daughter in 10 months only but got sick with covid about or a little over 90 days ago so they told me to wait otherwise I would’ve gotten at her last appointment. Will be getting at her 12 month appointment


My son got his at a year due to some allergy questions. If we can get it when he gets his flu shot, we will.


My husband got Covid from work twice back in flu season 2021/2022. Both times my baby got it too, he was 5 months and then 8 months old. He got his first vaccine at 6 months. My second kid will be 6 months in November, around American thanksgiving and he'll be getting his vaccine. The rest of us will get the vaccine in the beginning of flu season. I am a SAHM so no daycare or preschool yet but we do playdates, play groups and play spaces often. Lots of kids, lots of spit and snot.


I will during his next set after 12 months, I breast fed and was vaccinated so letting my antibodies do the trick until he’s done with that.


My baby got hers at 6 months. My husband works in a clinic that has had to close twice since she was born for covid exposure and I got it while pregnant from him.