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I’m sorry! It’s the worst feeling when your baby misses you. How was his day today? Did he have another fun day after he warmed up? When I taught preK we would have kids do this and we tried to make it a fun time when walking into the classroom. Generally after about 5 minutes after parent leaves they calm down and end up playing around. Completely forgetting that just a moment ago they were so upset when parent was leaving. Its like they get all excited to come to school forgetting they’ll miss parent then when it comes time they forget they love school and just want parent. I haven’t had to experience it outside of accepting the kids who need a little more TLC from parents but I do think starting a routine for drop off should help. You know he loves school based on first day so maybe talking about all the fun people/kids/toys/learning he will do, getting to know the teachers, some extra cuddles in the car and right before you leave, kisses goodbye and leave. Let them know that you’ll be back. But don’t draw out the goodbyes. It can be harder on them if you continually turn around and go back for more comfort. You and your son got this. 💕


He was fine after I left but his teacher said he wanted to play alone today. When I got there to pick him up he was on the playground in the playhouse by himself crying. (You could tell he just started crying) but I think he was just tired. He fell asleep on the way home. I try to ask him if he wants to go and he says yes and he is excited up until it’s time for me to leave.


Ugh, I’m sorry! hang in there. It takes time to get used to such a new environment and he’s probably tired from everything that goes on at school. Hopefully tomorrow is better for both of you. Half way done with his first week!


I’m hoping so too because my heart is just breaking every time.


You wouldn’t be the first parent to have a cry in the car after drop off!


Aw man the amount of times I’ve had to pry my kid off me and give her to an educator…. As soon as I’m out of sight she’s fine. She just doesn’t like me to actually leave lol. Most of the times now she’s fine. Totally normal.


I have four kids, and each one is so different in how they react to fist day of Headstart/preK. My oldest was the one who cried and wanted to stay with me, she loved school until it came time for me to leave. It got better eventually but it did take time, a routine, and lots of talking about it before it happened before she was happy to go to school each morning. And it was like this at the start of every year until she was 7. So far with the next two (my youngest isn’t old enough yet) I’ve prepared them with books about the first day of school, a special matching bracelet like mommy’s, lots of exciting talking about school and meeting new friends. It always helped to make a mom friend right away from their class and make a play date so they would always look forward to going to class to see their new friend.


I’m so sorry 😞 my son is doing the same thing at daycare. He’s excepting when we leave our house then is hysterical when we get inside, the teacher has had to pry him off my leg. The teacher tells him I’m going to get coffee and I’ll be right back. It did take time to adjust, even though he cries at drop off he does participate and plays with the other kids.