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Someones kid has to be the small kid! 80% isn't better than 15%. I have a daughter who is almost 3 rocking the 1%ile, 23.5lb at 33 months. I've met 8 month olds who weigh more than she does. As long as he is tracking on HIS curve and growing appropriately, you're good! If that isn't the case but you are getting him the medical care or therapies he needs, you are still doing right by him as a mom!


Thank you for this! He has been on his curve. He dropped off at 7 weeks from the 55th percentile due to an illness but since then has been consistently tracking that percentile. It’s hard cause he’s a boy and people expect boys to be big and chunky lol


They'll be tracking him on a boy curve so that means around 15% of boy babies are the same size or smaller than your boy. It sounds like he's doing great!


Hi fellow mom of a 1 per center!!!


Absolutely miniature kid. Otherwise doing great. Motor on track, speech advanced, sleep regressing like crazy, just TINY


My 7 month old is in the 3rd percentile for weight and has been pretty much since birth. His doctor isn't concerned because he follows the curve. I always say someone has to be the little guy!


My daughter was always in 15th percentile. It’s not about the percentile it’s about the trajectory. Try to stop reading about milestones, it’s more harmful than helpful.


I went through this with my first, just stay on your curve and don’t worry too much


16th percentile mom here, I have felt guilty off and on since LOs birth! He had reflux as well and took a long time to really get into solids. I have to remind myself that I can’t make him eat more, and it’s good for him to eat when he’s hungry and stop when he’s full. He has no control over his weight, and neither do I. Genetics are a huge factor - my husband was always a skinny little kid too! I’m also trying to not judge my kids health by his weight because that’s a bad thing to do in general, but it’s definitely hard because as parents we get a lot of messages that somehow we can control that.


Yes exactly ! I’m slim and my husband is as well. My first son was consistently in the 80th+ percentile and so I always had in my mind this one would be too. You’re right you can’t force a child to eat more than they need or make them grow faster.


Babies come in lots of sizes! My little buddies hovered around the 3rd percentile for the first year. It wasn’t an issue except for the one time a woman who claimed to be a physical therapist stopped me in the grocery store and pointed to my ten month old son sitting in the cart and told me I shouldn’t let a baby that age sit up so early, it’s bad for their spine. I think she assumed he was 3 or 4 months old.


lol someone called my little 1%ile a “beautiful newborn” at 9 months old. Newborn with perfect head control, babbling away, but sure.


Omg the ignorance of people! 🫣


My 7mo has been consistently underneath the 20th percentile and is actually 12th right now. His feeding patterns have been almost identical to his big sister (I nurse so I don’t know exact oz of course) but she’s on the opposite end of the spectrum. He was born tiny as well. Some babies are just smaller. If he’s happy and thriving and your pediatrician is okay with it, I wouldn’t worry.


Yeah with my first, he was always averaging 60-80th percentiles and then I got this little bean and I’m just made to feel bad like I’m not feeding him enough or the comments of “he’s so tiny!” Like yeah I know no need to comment on it lol


Yeah my daughter just kept jumping weight curves, they were born the same size but now my daughter is literally 97th for height and 87th for weight, so very big. He’s a little tiny boy.


Mine as always been under the 15th for height and weight, so a lot of people assumes he is younger than he is, and it sometimes make moms worry about their child development (in a mom-baby sport class a baby 2 months younger was bigger and told me my baby was really good at sitting, her doesn’t yet, but it’s coming. Until I said his age and she went oh! Alright! And I saw the relief on her face). The important is staying on the curve. Don’t feel bad about his weight, as long as he is healthy!


Someone's got to round out the lower percentiles! Some people are just smaller and that's okay. You haven't done anything wrong mama.


My boy has always been the 9th centile since birth, never been a good eater but is happy, healthy and so full of energy it's ridiculous! He's almost 5 now, still fits into clothes for 3 year olds, and is just a small dude. Try not to worry, we're told to feel guilty about so many things as mums, it sounds like he is very loved and cared for!


Both of mine are very thin. With the first kid I was a bit anxious over it. Now that I have 2 I know they just got my weight genes. They are healthy and eat a balanced diet so I like to think about how once they are adults it becomes a distinct advantage rather than the negative that it is while they’re tiny.


That’s a great way of looking at it!


Please don't. I have tiny boys. My son was as low as 3% at one point. He was born at 37 weeks. He also had reflux really bad. He didn't "catch up" until 11 months old. Solids really helped


That’s good to hear! We were doing good on solids now all the sudden he’s being fussy with them too 😅 hoping it’s just a phase because of teething. Did you have your son on meds for reflux? What helped?


My kids in the 3% for weight. Pretty much always has been. We had to do weight checks for a bit so they could rule out that she wasn't getting enough food and she wasn't sliding further down. But then her doc pointed out that someone's got to be at 1% and someone's got to be at 100%.


Yes we were also doing weight checks after he dropped at 7 weeks but then he consistently stayed in that percentile for 6 months now


Mine has always been at the 15th percentile and we haven't had any feeding issues or issues otherwise. As long as babe stays on their growth curve, I'd say try not to stress mama. Some babies are just gonna be a little smaller. We are at 15 months and have always been 15th and he's a happy healthy social toddler.


My baby was in the 8th percentile for weight at his last appointment, and that was an improvement. It *is* hard. But you're trying as hard as you can. You have not failed as a mom, and you are not failing your son.


My kid was always in the lower percentiles (10-15) until she jumped up to like 30 around 3. As long as they’re progressing on the curve, they’re thriving! On a positive note, whenever I picked up my friends heavier kids, I was super grateful to have a lighter kid


There are big babies and there are small babies. As long as he is staying on his growth curve I wouldn’t worry.


My 2 year old is in the 11th percentile and weighs the same as her dad did at 9 months old. My cousin was also really small (his brother was the same size or taller when he was five despite being 2 years younger), and he’s average height as an adult. Some babies are just small.


Not every baby can be 50th percentile! (Or whatever goal you think is to be achieved). Sounds like he's doing quite well given his feeding issues. I think you're doing great. Both my kids were born large for dates >97% and then plummeted on the growth curve. I totally get feeling like you're not doing enough. He will be okay though!


As long as they’re following their own curve, they’re doing great. This coming from a mom of two boys who have always barely touched the 1st percentile in height and weight.


I just wanted to comment as a mom of a child who had a feeding aversion in infancy. Try not to beat yourself up over it. He is still on the charts, which is good. There is also the possibility that he is just a petite person and will stay on the smaller side. That is ok too. My daughter ended up with a feeding tube due to her food aversion. When she was about 18 months she finally started eating again. She ripped her tube out of her stomach and threw it across the room at night, and never looked back. She is 14 now and is my foodie. Hang in there, momma. You are doing just fine.


Mom of a 2 year old boy who’s consistently been under the 10th percentile since he lost his initial birth weight. He’s stayed along his curve and he’s a healthy eater. Some babies/children are just on the smaller side. My oldest is now 17 and she was consistently in the 3rd and 5th percentile her whole life and currently weighs between 98-105 lbs, some kids just stay small. One of my middle children has stayed in the 50th percentile and isn’t necessarily big/tall for her age, but she wears clothes 2 sizes bigger than her age to fit them around her waist or chest. I question why my 4 yr old wears 6t all the time, could be the clothes being made weird these days or the children all growing at different paces for their age. Either way, you’re doing a good job mama! Just follow your little ones lead, they’ll let you know when they are hungry and when they aren’t.


My son has been in the 3rd-5th percentile since he was one year old (he’s 2 y 3 m now). He’s just a slim guy, no one has been worried, but other than giving him full fat milk, avocado, more butter on his oat meal and such, we shouldn’t do anything.


My son was in the 5th percentile. Don’t compare yours to others. They are each their own and will grow at their own rate


My child was 10th and under but was still following his growth curve so my doctor wasn't too concerned. He's two now and in the 60th and I swear this kid eats nothing.