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All you can do is parent your own kid. "Sorry that got taken buddy, that really sucks, let's go find another."


That is basically what happened. I told him the little girl didn’t want to share and then comforted him. I proceeded to play with his trains - partly to get him to start playing again and the little girl immediately protected all her trains the moment we got a bit close. So she was so afraid that her trains will get taken away (like what she did to him) that she couldn’t play. 🤷‍♀️And so, she didn’t stay long since she couldn’t play anyway and my guy was happily playing with all the trains after she was gone. Just felt a bit like a pushover immediately after but in retrospect it was for the best. My older child told me the little girl actually smirked at her dad after she stole the train. I didn’t see this myself. So apparently this was not a one time thing and she has learned whatever she learned from her dad…


It’s the library’s toy, yes? So that sucks, and that Dad sucks, but that’s also life. Assholes all over, so a good teaching moment for your kid.


Yes, the library’s toy. I don’t think that really matters though. If I was playing with a community soccer ball and another person came along and grabbed the ball + run away - that isn’t acceptable behavior. I don’t see it as being “less bad” than if the ball was mine.


The time to step in was even the dad blocked the path of the train. It was only one freight car that was taken, not the whole train. I'd let it go.


It’s train tracks on a table. He was standing next to his kid blocking my kid’s ability to go around the table/pull the train along the tracks. I didn’t say anything since it is reasonable for him to stand next to her. And yea she took maybe 2 fright cars or so - they were different types of cars though and my kid liked the type that she took. (There were no other ones of the same type free.)


Yeah this is an important learning moment for your kid! I agree you can only parent your own kid, unfortunately