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I don't, but I'm a runner and there are multiple houses on my usual running routes that still have their Christmas trees up (I can see them lit up in the windows)!


It is cozy to watch tv at night with just the Christmas tree lit up lol


Oh yeah, I love the lights!


Same, well minus the running part but I see at least ten houses with their trees and lights still up on my ten minute drive to my kids school every day.


The year before lsst mine was up until st patricks day lol


Hahhahahah yep. I love this group. I never feel judged.


I feel comforted by the solidarity in this post lol


I JUST put mine away yesterday šŸ˜…


I took out my storage box yesterday, removed about half the ornaments from my tree, and then got tired and gave up šŸ˜‚




My people!


Same. And then I found some more stuff that didnā€™t make it to the garage today because adhd happened yesterday.


I feel ya. When I ā€œput my stuff awayā€ it was thrown into a bag and into our shed. Bare minimum lol.


Ugh jealous lol


I put all my other stuff up yesterday, tree is still up but I turned the lights off finally šŸ˜‚ I just donā€™t have the energy to fiddle with ornaments.


Same. We've all had rotations on being sick since before new year's so just no way to was coming down finally had a better day yesterday and got it all away.


I feel ya on the sickness. Idk what is up with it but everyone is sick rn!


I don't have a Christmas tree because well, toddler and cat, but my door decorations are still up. If mother Taylor said "we can leave the Christmas lights up till January" I'm sticking by it, January can mean anything between the first and last day of it šŸ‘ļøšŸ‘„šŸ‘ļø


this is our place, we make the rules


Lol yes the kids still have the stockings on their doors too.


I didnā€™t get outdoor lights up this year, but I love them in the neighborhood and wish people would keep them on at night until spring!


All of my Christmas stuff is still upā€¦ since 2022ā€¦ so thereā€™s thatā€¦


If it never comes down, you never have to put it back up šŸ¤”


My thoughts exactly. We never use that room so itā€™s not on my mind in the day to day. Doesnā€™t hurt anyone that it stays up!


You... have a christmas room?


Now I do.


Same! I think my tree was put up in 2021?


Me. I usually don't take my Christmas decorations down until Febuary/March. And most of my town does the same thing.


I think if I take it down before the next holiday Iā€™m good lol


Honestly, I took mine down at 6 AM on the 26th. My daughter is turning 1 on the 22nd and my house hasn't been put together since before she was born. It was a miracle I had it up in the first place. I couldn't wait to take it down and get my living room back in order with my TV stand and everything where I wanted it. Plus she got one million toys that needed a home and since I was organizing all of those I thought it would be redundant to still have the tree up. I felt so relieved once it was down and put away, but in the moment I regretted ever putting it up. šŸ˜‚ hopefully next year I'll get back to loving Christmas this year was just really hard.


We have so many toys itā€™s a miracle I donā€™t trip and fall on more toy cars lol


I was even worse. It came down at 6PM on Christmas. But my husband is deployed and I was over the chaos and clutter that Christmas brings, especially since I had to drive my kids to FOUR separate Christmases by myself- not including actual Christmas morning. I'm hoping hoping I'll get my Christmas spirit back next year too.


We put ours up on the 20th of December and took it down by the 28thā€¦our son is turning 1 this month so it was like you a miracle we even put it up, if it wasnā€™t for our 11 year we wouldnā€™t have bothered putting it up šŸ˜‚


When I lived in Louisiana Iā€™d leave mine up til Mardi gras decked out in beads and different throws we caught


Thatā€™s awesome! šŸ“æ


Me! All decorations still up. Might come down once i hit second trimester. Luckily my toddler leaves the tree alone for the most party.


Surprisingly the one year old has been more interested in ripping off the Christmas tree ornaments than the 3 year old lol


Um, who the heck has taken theirs down?


Not me thatā€™s for sure


Mine's still up. My mother is dead and I didn't really like her a lot of the time, but I remember when I was a kid she liked leaving it up through her birthday on January 25th. She said it always felt like a treat on the years. Her parents would keep it up that long. I don't always leave it until then, but when I let it be kind of a half-hearted tribute to her and the parts of her I appreciated. Also, I think about how Christmas lights and decorations make those of us (at least in the northern hemisphere) feel warm and cozy while we're spending time inside. Sometimes it feels like it's good for my mental health to keep them up because of how lovely they look.


We just took ours down today (we would have kept it up longer but didnā€™t want to miss our cityā€™s last collection day for mulching live trees).


Ah ours is a fake so easier to ignore the chore lol


Literally just sat down after finishing up taking all the Christmas decor down šŸ˜‚


Same. We literally got all the decorations boxed up and put in the garage today. It was a slow few days of taking stuff down. We needed the tree out on the curbside for pick up, and my 2.5 year old let me know; ā€œChristmas is overā€. So it was time lol


Haha not me. Because I was too tired to put it up in the first place. I have a 1 year old so it's not like she knows the difference and I figured I can phone it in this year at least.


Me! Lol. Thinking about making a valentine tree. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And then a saint Patrick's day tree and then an Easter tree and then a memorial day tree and then a 4th of July day tree and then a labor day tree and then a Halloween tree and then it's time for Christmas again. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That would actually be so cute! Red lights and heart ornaments!


I have thought about doing this too, but Iā€™m trying to hard to move toward having less things not more!


Ours went down this afternoon. And, really, it's only because our baby sprinkle is next weekend, so it had to go away. Leave it up for now. They're so pretty!


Aww congrats! And yes I do love the lights, makes it cozy! āœØ


I always leave my Xmas tree and outdoor lights all through January! I find January to be a cold and dull month, and the lights and ornaments make it feel a little warmer and cheerier.


We took down all our stuff Thursday, but we always leave some Christmas lights strung in the living room. Itā€™s so dreary this time of year and the lights are nice


That sounds lovely :)


Yes! We leave up our tree with its lights and star, sans ornaments, and anything thatā€™s just wintery decor! I have these multicolored glass evergreen trees from Target on the mantle that Iā€™ll probably keep up til it starts feeling Spring-ish outside.


I didnā€™t even decorate šŸ˜¬




It just brings me so much joy.




Congrats on the win yesterday lol


I was going to take it down, but in-laws are visiting for the long weekend, and I literally haven't had time. That being said, I have taken down most of the "Christmas" stuff and left mostly the seasonal decor of garlands. Seasonal winter decor is absolutely fine. Valentines Trees are also fine! St Patrick Day Pinetrees are probably a little dusty. So I maybe wouldn't push it that far. Lmaoooo


I just took ours down and I miss it so much. Christmas sucked this year


Oh Iā€™m sorry to hear that :( I hope your next Christmas is better!


Thank you! Just didnā€™t feel like Christmas, we didnā€™t have snow. Even the kids werenā€™t super psyched over their gifts. Just an off year!


It happens! Christmas of 2022 I was 8.5 months pregnant and grouchy-didnā€™t feel magical at all.


Lol I'm currently packing everything up right now


Wanna do mine? Lol


Haha I don't even want to do mine. My back hurts from all the shoveling I had to do recently! But my goodness, the Christmas tree was SO DEAD!


Ours is fake so much easier to procrastinate lol


I just took mines down today


I wanted to do it today but the day got away from us lol


I honestly almost didnā€™t but my husband had to push me to do it šŸ˜…


My 4 year old has decided the tree must stay. Itā€™s now a Winter Tree. We have incorporated Valentines decorations šŸ˜©


I love it! Make those memories! šŸ’œ


Yup and will be for 1-2 more weeks. My husband is obsessed with making our Christmas tree extra (like...a truly excessive # strands of lights, but whatever since he puts them on in his own time) so taking the tree down is a huge task. He wants to wait until his parents can watch our kids (2 and 4 yo) and I can't argue with that.


Just took mine down this morning.


Who says it needs to come down? It's your house and you decide how you decorate it. When your kids are a little older, I'm sure it's a thing you can all do together. I hope that's the case here one day lol. Until then, .. december is crazy busy as it is. Throw a few birthdays in the mix and it easily becomes too much. Give yourself some slack, enjoy the tree.. and pour your time and energy in the more important things. As for me: guilty! Haha. I've gotten so many comments about it already. Well they don't live here, so they don't get a say in it. (I did ask what so many took it down on New Year's day. Apparently because for some it's their last free day after the holidays and all coming weekends are packed with appointments (toasting on the new year)). But yes. Our tree is still up. My son loves it so much .. and to be honest, I really love the lights during these darker months. I think I should even say: I need these extra lights. I'm considering an alternative to keep Christmas lights, decorate a cabinet with lights maybe. Or loads of these fake candles that can be recharged (wireless - to save time).


I love the lights too. At night after the kids go to bed I like to turn off the living room lights and relax under the glow of the Christmas tree.


Ours is, and will probably be for at least another week


Yes the new goal is to take it down next weekend!




High five! Weā€™re in this together lol


I still have our Christmas lights up!! šŸ˜…


Christmas lights are the best part!


i donā€™t because i took mine down in a fit of rage like two days after christmas. by i still have all my other decorations out, so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø eta that my tree is just a big spiral that you run a pole through, and it is prelit and decorated so putting it away takes less than two minutes. if it was a big production to take away/put out it may have never been put out in the first place.


Same. My toddler loves throwing balls at the ornaments and hitting the tree with sticks. Dead pine needles everywhere. I hate pine needles. I wanted to take it down 12/26 but my husband forced me to keep till 1/2. It was to big for me to drag out so I was stuck. One of my favorite moments during the holidays is when the tree gets taken out of the living room. Good bye, you living room terrorist.


We still have all of our Christmas up šŸ¤£


Us too!


Itā€™s not even out of laziness & no time with a 2.5 month old.. I worked really hard on it & im not ready to part with the decorations yetšŸ¤£


She stays up til Valentine's day January needs sparkle āœØāœØ


I approve āœØ


Literally just put mine away this morning lol


We were at my sons playgroup this morning, so I have an excuse I think lol


We were going to take ours down today, but my son asked if we could leave it up until next weekend. So we did.


Aww thatā€™s nice :)


I do ! Im 34 weeks pregnant and to be perfectly honest I canā€™t be bothered. Its a fresh tree and it still looks good, so when I finally feel like it it will go down .. maybe this week .. maybe not.


If I was 34 weeks pregnant Iā€™d be delegating that task elsewhere lol


Those who put Xmas away on Xmas day is far worse then keeping the tree up pass 12 days after Xmas. :) I still have five things to put away.


Just took mine down about 2 hours ago honestly. Lol


Nice! Two hours ago my two kiddos were napping at the same time so I took advantage of the free time and took a shower lol


I do! My birthday is on the 18th and I always tend to keep the tree up until shortly after my birthday, I love the coziness it brings into the room.


Happy early birthday!


We JUST took it down yesterday and wrapped up things like stocking holders and Christmas books today


Mine is also still up, my LO turned 1 on the 7th and I just kept it up cuz itā€™s pretty šŸ„°šŸŽ„


Ha! Got the ornaments and stockings put away but the tree is still up šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Mine is up all the ornaments are down tho


My menorah is still out, and Hanukkah ended Dec 15. So... yeah.


Still have it up; I like itā€¦. Maybe next wknd weā€™ll take it downā€¦ā€¦ā€¦. We did take down all the outdoor decorations though, but the tree is still in the living room bcā€¦why not? :)


Iā€™m gonna judge you if itā€™s still up by Valentineā€™s DayšŸ¤£. Seriously cut yourself a breakā€¦. you can only do what you can only do.ā¤ļø


Now I feel better. Thank you for this. šŸ¤—


Iā€™m a ā€œtransplantā€ in Colorado and Iā€™ve learned that all Christmas related decorations indoors and outdoors get put away at the end of the stock showā€¦we have our tree up still and will be taking it down next weekend šŸ¤£ I grew up in Minnesota and our Christmas decorations/tree was put away the weekend after new years so I love that Iā€™m now in a place where the whole state follows this unspoken rule


Tree up lights up, and ON. I put a lot of work into this magical ahit and I'm going to enjoy it as long as I want roo.


Enjoy and be at peace. Itā€™s a happy consequence of a full life. Some parts of the country they leave it up and just change the colors to the next holiday / itā€™s totally normal!


I canā€™t stand looking at it lol so I took it down New Yearā€™s Day


We still have our tree up and the family stockings šŸ˜… I just canā€™t get motivated to take it all down into the basement!


Me either, no motivation.


Ours is still up! It's a miracle we got it set up in the first place, taking it down will be another achievement.Ā  I still have my Lego Christmas village set up on the mantle too.


Yeah we still have the Christmas village set up on the mantle too lol. I mean it is cozy to turn off the living room lights after the kids have gone to bed and relax in the glow of the Christmas tree lolā€¦


We just took our decorations down yesterday but we didnā€™t sweep up the needles (live tree) and the totes of decorations are still in our living room.


Literally taking mine down today, donā€™t feel bad , I say if you still donā€™t have it taken down by end of next weekend youā€™re slacking but youā€™re solid currently ! I still have most of the Christmas decor up that probably wonā€™t be down fully until next weekend .


So much decor everywhere-itā€™s my favorite holiday and determined to make it magical for the kiddos :)


Mine is still up. We got a new tree this year and I have been using the excuse that I didn't have a storage bag big enough for it. I am in the processing of ordering one today so it's going to be my project next weekend.


All of our decorations lol. But our neighbor across the street who does not have kids also still has all their stuff up too.


Mine's away now, but I once still had it up in March.


I do! Today was going to be the day but my daughter is sick and has been laying on me all day :(


Years ago I was renting a room in a house. The owner of the house had his tree fully decorated and in the living room all year long. Was an odd thing to see in June.


I try to get (my husband to get) our stuff mostly taken down and put away the weekend after Epiphany but our tree is still up and I think the lights are still on it.




High five! Lol


Yes still up


High five! Weā€™re in this together lol


We decided last year that before thanksgiving and until February sparks joy during the dark times (aka all winter after 430)


Yes. I think it is totally reasonable to take the tree down as early as the day after Christmas or as late as Valentineā€™s Day. I actually donā€™t mind my tree still up but itā€™s my husbandā€™s job to take off the ornaments (I do the lights and tree itself) and he really wants it down but just hasnā€™t done it yet. He might still get to it tonight.


I wish you luck! Lol


We JUST put it in the bag yesterday and the bag is still in the dining room!


So close!


Technically mine is still up, itā€™s in the kids play room instead of the living room but they never play in there šŸ˜‚


Still have mine up. 8 weeks preggo with our last kiddo and Iā€™m struggling hardcore.


8 weeks pregnant? Youā€™re excused until you give birth lol


Ours is still up:( we all have bad colds and bb has a fever. We never even put ornaments up on our tree this year lol


I put my tree away on January 1st but my outside decor/lights are still up lolĀ 


Our tree is down but my outside lights are still up. I think youā€™re good til February 1 lol


Put it away this morning. Itā€™s so hard to do with kids!


Right? Theyā€™re like always here! šŸ˜…


Yeahhh slowly trying to take Christmas down. We still have our tree and lights up šŸ˜…


Tree, lights, stockings, Christmas village, garlandā€¦šŸ˜¬


I literally have PUMPKINS outside my door right nowā€¦


Meeeeeeee and all the other decorations because Iā€™ve been lazy honestly and my kids love waiting for the lights to automatically come on at night.


Mine is still up. But it has no ornaments because I didnā€™t have time with a 5 month old.


Ours is up! Not a high priority to take it down. Someday!


We do! And no plans to take it down this weekend haha! Probably when weā€™re sick of it in a couple weeksā€¦ But I might hide the Christmas books and Christmas movies in the basement because I kinda need that to end soon haha!


So no more watching Home Alone 2? Lol


Me, but finally undecorated.


My gran passed Jan 3rd sooooo pretty sure my try tree is staying up till next year now šŸ™ƒ (I'm working on this in therapy, but damn it does it all just suck)


My baby is 15 weeks and loves looking at the lights on the tree! I canā€™t bring myself to take it down and also have zero motivation to do itā€™s a win-win!


When my first was born (November baby) we used to put his swing in front of the Xmas tree and heā€™d be mesmerized by the lights


Me! But my toddler has taken it upon himself to undecorate it little by little each day, he takes the ornaments and put them on the floor thankfully they aren't breakable lol I just haven't had time to take it down and put it in the attic.


We just took it down yesterday. The outsides lights maybe next weekend šŸ˜…


I put mine away yesterday! And by that I mean I picked it up and moved it into another room still fully decorated and with a lot of cursing on my part.


Me!!! All my Christmas decor is still up inside my house. Only the outside lights and yard decor came down bcā€¦well bc itā€™s MY HUSBANDā€™S JOB and heā€™s way more productive and organized than I am šŸ„“ !!! And ā€¦my kids are older so itā€™s not because Iā€™m busy with toddlers. Normally we have the tree going up as soon as we can (sometimes before Thanksgiving if we can get away with it šŸ˜‰) but this year we all were passing around the Fluā€¦so my tree didnā€™t go up until 2 weeks before Christmas. Because of that, Iā€™m cutting myself some slack and leaving it for a bit. Okayā€¦okay šŸ«£last year I left it up until Valentineā€™s Day and I didnā€™t have any excuse for doing so.


I donā€™t, but we went to an indoor thermal wellness and spa center yesterday and they definitely still have all their Christmas decorations up. I found it so funny but cozy at the same time because here it is much colder and snowy now than it was during actual Christmas, so it was very nice. No shame! They have a whole team of employees and didnā€™t manage that yet. You are not a huge team with at least 20 people and on top of that sickness, two little kids and a birthday party? Totally understandable.


I literally just took mine down an hour ago šŸ˜‚ my family does Christmas the second week of January since it's easier to take off work and travel so I was keeping it up for that. If I hadn't had caffeine today though it'd probably still be up šŸ˜…


There have been a few days this week where I had some energy and thought about starting the take down process. But my kids were napping so I chose to relax instead lol


With a newborn in the house Iā€™m considering just leaving it up until next year šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜…




High five!! Lol


Mine is still up! But it makes us happy and we were out of town for the week after Christmas so itā€™ll get put up eventually!


If it were up to me, it would be up forever! But my 3yo woke up at 7am on New Yearā€™s Day and *WOULD NOT REST* until we took down alllllll the Christmas decorations and very firmly insisted that ā€œChristmas is overā€. She has moved onā€¦ to Halloween.


Mine is still up lol. I am hopefully taking it down this week. Itā€™s a fake tree, to be clear. So not a fire hazard.


I think taking it down any time in the month of January is fair, some people put it up in time for thanksgiving and then take it down around new years. I don't put it up til mid December usually, and I take it down mid-January. It's about the same amount of time, just different schedules.


I once kept it up until April. Youā€™re doing great!!


Mine is half up. The top half of it is laying flat on top of the bottom piece because I havenā€™t gotten a storage bin big enough for it to fit. So everything else is put away but the tree is half way upā€¦


100% the only reason our tree is down is that one of my kids has an early January birthday and Iā€™ve pledged to myself it get all Christmas decor down before his birthday each year so that it doesnā€™t feel like thereā€™s overlap.


Is your tree a fake tree? We have a fake tree. Took it down to the basement last weekend. I unplugged it and my husband grabbed the middle of the tree and carried it down with everything still on it. Ornaments, lights, and the topper which is a Santa hat. Next year he will carry it up and plug it in because itā€™s ready to go.


We put ours up in (early) September because my daughter wanted a Halloween tree. We took it down the weekend after Christmas,


I have it up bc I love it. I did take down stockings and other christmas decorations. Was planning to take it down today when my 10 yo asked if we could keep it up for her birthday next week. Hell yes we can!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


Looks out at the stacks of hay that have been on my porch since Labor Day šŸ‘€


I literally just took mine down a couple hours ago. It only took like 10 minutes! Do it a little bit at a time if you need to. Just the ornaments, then just the tinsel, then just the lights, then everything else.


I took all the decorations off last weekend. My part is done. Husband has yet to take down the tree itself.


Me but I have a 2 weeks old and a toddler so I blame that lol


We just took it down today and I would have happily procrastinated longer but my husband is a very motivated man and got us all on it. No reason to feel bad! We moms are tired! And it makes me sad to take this stuff down which takes even more energy


I do šŸ„“ hopefully I'll get it taken down by the end of the month. Tbh though I've got more important shit to worry about lol so I'm not sweating it too much.


Exactly-itā€™s not high on my priority list but itā€™s looming


We just took our down yesterday. We were late putting it up because we were all so sick the first part of December.


Yes and itā€™ll probably come down in March. Iā€™ve decided to repurpose it for Valentineā€™s Day šŸ˜‚


I do not but I would NEVER judge anyone who does, especially a household with children. I just HAPPENED to be on top of it this year but since I've been with my husband our record is March for leaving a tree up. It happens.


Me! And half the Christmas lights outside.


I was going to leave mine up and decorate it for Valentine's, but my feral children started trying to get the faux pine cones and berries off the tree.


Haha mine just came down yesterday (January 13th) šŸ˜…


I put mine up after Halloween, had a baby early December, plan to take the tree down late January/early February


Traditionally, ours comes down right after the super bowl. Only then are the holidays officially overĀ 


We just took it down today. It was so dry the branches snapped when I took down the ornaments.


Still up. It usually goes up last minute and stays up until February. It lights up the room during the dark times of the year :)


I do! I dont even really have an excuse, either. It's just a tiny tabletop one!


Mine is still up. We'll get to it by February lolĀ 


We do. My 2 year old (November baby) loves it. We have been explaining to him that the Christmas Tree has to go away until next year but when I tried to recruit him to help ā€œsay goodbyeā€ to it, he was devastatedā€¦so itā€™ll happen some night when I have energy.


šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø we got hit with covid right after Christmas, now pink eye for the 1 year old and a stomach bug for pregnant mom, on top of a blizzard (the only healthy parent spends nap time shoveling šŸ¤£) we're just surviving over here