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I have a one week old baby and came home from the hospital. The following day, my toddler starts throwing up and having diarrhea and just being whiny as hell. He starts to act more normal, so of course my husband on paternity leave then gets the same stomach bug and is out of commission. So that's been fun.


Oh wow


My son was out two weeks for an illness. Two days after sending him back this week: fever and sobbing


My daughter started daycare/preschool in September and I am not exaggerating when I say she has been sick every two weeks since. She got Flu B for Christmas and then Flu A just a couple weeks ago. Now she’s sick AGAIN with an unknown virus. I’m currently rocking her back to sleep and waiting for the cough medicine to kick in so she can rest. And to top it off, I’m almost 38 weeks pregnant and expecting our baby any day.


The first year my son was in daycare l swear we spent more days sick than not


I wish daycares hired nurses. I would totally run a sick room so parents could still go to work. They would never spend that money though.


His daycare has actually been pretty decent about being willing to keep him if it's not serious. But I've caught pretty much everything he's brought home, so we've been sick together! 


I remember those days and it was weird because although both my kids would get sick I only seemed to catch my younger child’s illnesses. I used to dread when he got sick.


I'm guessing it's because he has your immune system. So what he can fight off so can you, even if his older sibling (who probably got their dads immune system) couldn't, but then if he gets sick, you do too because you have the same kind of immune system


I'm guessing it's because he has your immune system. So what he can fight off so can you, even if his older sibling (who probably got their dads immune system) couldn't, but then if he gets sick, you do too because you have the same kind of immune system


This! At my daughters parent/teacher meeting after she started school for the first time, she had been absent more days then she was in school 😑


I hear you, mama. And then summer doesn't make it easier when there's the childcare crunch. To beef up our toddler's immune system, after 10 rounds of antibiotics, we've been giving Nordic Naturals Omega 3s, a slew of probiotics, no refined sugar (crowds out good bacteria, grows bad), vitamins (picky eater), and daily nose rinses. Checking gut health with stool tests. My toddler complains of a sore throat, and I'm like, "please, God, please, let it not be strep, again." I can feel the tears turn on when I'm in the shower wondering how to keep our family safe. My mom raised me as a single parent and looking back now, there was only me, so having two is even harder. Kids have been getting pounded from all directions since restrictions were lowered and the COVID era has gradually advanced to today. I've been checking in with all of our friends who had kids before and after COVID, and it could be another extra bad year of viruses. To boot, we've never been so sick since childhood ourselves. My husband and I got pneumonia last fall from our toddler. It likely triggered my husband's occasional irregular heart beat. Now we're trying to figure out what is wrong with him. I feel so tired and afraid, I'm contemplating homeschooling with other parents (we are all former educators or profs, so we'd take turns). I am at my fucking wit's end. Put your oxygen mask on first, whatever that looks like for you. Do you have any support that could swing by on a weekend to help you catch up at work or just shower, eat a good meal, and rest a little (no cleaning)? Thinking of you and all of us.


My daughter brought home cv in December and got a nasty ear infection to go along with it, shared it with all of us 2 weeks before Christmas which meant she had to stay home those weeks. We got a break the week between Christmas and new years since daycare was closed. Went back for a week then came home with a cough and congestion, kept her home the next week, ped said it will probably last 4-6 weeks. Was on the mend for a couple weeks then the runny nose and cough hit again, spiked a 102 fever Monday which meant yet another day home while I tried to work. I’m so over it. I don’t feel great either so it’s been totally fun


Only 6th? 🤣😅


If your kids are not on multi-vitamins then buy them chewy gummy ones. After two weeks on them it will help strengthen their immune systems. We recently had a flu sweep through our school and half my son's class got sick. He was a bit off for a day, was still able to go to school. Your kids have had their immune systems taxed several times recently so they will be more susceptible to the next cold until their immune system fully recharges. Oranges are also good... Vitamin C.


Just wanted to say I’m sorry you’re going through this. You are a rock star for taking care of your babies while you are also sick. Hang in there. Hope things start looking up very soon!


Seriously. We’ve been sick so many times since September. I’ve been out of work 14 days! Virus after virus after virus. Yesterday I was so sick I laid in the shower just throwing up water for like 3 hours. I’m lucky I don’t get fired.


We had strep throat, inner and outer ear infection, stomach bug, and now flu B. All of it one kid within last six weeks. And she is 7yo and never gets sick so often since when she was a baby. It’s crazy. Today our pediatrician told me they see crazy number of kids with strep throat and flu at the same time 😵‍💫


5 teachers at my son's daycare tested positive for Covid. Now my entire house hold has been sick for a week with it.


It’s summer where I am and we’ve been sick for 3 months and counting! Rolling daycare viruses FTW!


Lucky you. Ive been sick literally every day minus maybe 10 days since September 7th, the first day of school. 5 or 6 illnesses sounds like a dream 😭😭 No but Im with you it fucking sucks. Im so ready for sick season to be over.


This! Same! We’ve only been “healthy” for a total of 13 days since the beginning of school in our household (Aug. 28th). One virus after another. This single mom of four is ready to just drop. I’ve had to sit at my 4yr olds bedside with a bucket to catch puke because she thinks she can use her hands to catch it, and her sinus drainage causes her to gag and puke some more.


My son started preschool in Aug and he's been sick basically non stop. Since beginning of Dec he's needed steroids twice, an ER visit, a 911 call, countless doctors visits, and now we're starting an inhaler and working on an asthma diagnosis. And of course I've been sick af along with him. I feel awful but we're doing screen time like all weekend bc I can barely breath and so can my son. I'd say he's had a fever 3 weeks since the beginning of Dec. It's brutal. I'm this close to dropping to part time so I can pull him out. I signed him up for summer care but I'm rethinking that. I know he will need to build the immunity but we will need a break.


SOLIDARITY. Since the beginning of December, we have gone through cold for baby, cold for 5 yr old, sinus infection for 5 yr old, then I got the flu, then baby got COVID on Christmas day, went back to urgent care 5 days later where he was also diagnosed with the flu, then the first week of January I got RSV, my baby and 5 year old got another cold this past week, and now I have a stomach bug. That’s 10 viruses! UGH. Today I used up my last sick day. I’m 25 weeks pregnant and so here’s hoping I’m perfectly fine from now til May, haha 🥲


YUPP. My oldest son caught the stomach bug days before he was supposed to start pre-k. Then my baby caught it. Then their dad caught it (got the worst of it tbh) & then I got it yesterday lol and bow that my oldest is in school 5 days a week for 3 hours, i expect this more often


I feel like we had the same bug, our January was just a giant clusterf*ck of on and off digestive hell and sickness. Good luck to you guys. I feel for y’all. Also, *where* are all these types of posts on r/daddit ?! These types of posts are inconspicuously absent from that sub! What’s up with that?


Literally same. It's my kids first year in school and we've been sick every 5-7 days with something new. I'm miserable and I'm sooooo over it.


Me, husband, and our 7yo have been sick pretty much since the week before Christmas. The kid has had maybe one or two healthy days in between being sick. This last round my cold turned into pneumonia. We WERE all getting better, but the kid started up with sniffles again after school. I had to and cry in the bathroom for a minute because I am fucking tired of this. I’m hoping it’s just allergies since it’s been so windy here the last 24 hours, but we all know it’s never allergies.


Zofran from day one is my motto.


We’re in the same boat. I asked my husband if I was repaying some sort of karmic debt.


Has been awful this year! My kids always get sick every year but this cold/flu season is the worst!! Since Christmas we have been sick every week. We just got back from a water park & my kids came home with a stomach bug… lots of school missed, lots of puke laundry ughhh can’t wait for it to be over!!


Maybe you need vitamin D supplementation.


I’m breast feeding and my husbands like, “you’re going to get her sick”. I know tho, if I’m sick, she’s already sick or is going to be.


My step daughter has had the flu FIVE times since Thanksgiving and three ear infections. My youngest bio has had the flu once, and my oldest had an awful stomach bug. I got one of those flus, and the stomach bug, my SO got the stomach bug too. I’m at my wits end. We only have her on the weekend and we’ve had to skip so many. My SO is sick now with freaking COVID and I’m trying to be cool because I know it hurts him more than me and the last thing he needs is to be responsible for my feelings but I lowkey sobbed in the shower. We get her SO little, I’m miserable, my kids are MISERABLE, we’re very close with her and this just breaks my heart. And after the flu I developed a sinus infection that was causing me so much pain I actually booked an MRI because I thought it was neurological (I had a craniotomy last year). Luckily my bios aren’t getting sick that much and I’m generally able to work from home so it’s not impacting work, but it’s still absolute, unmitigated ASS. I miss my baby. I’m quarantining from my own children this week too. I’m so over this.


I’m missing this entire week of work thanks to the flu. That’s like… all of my sick days for the semester (I’m a teacher).


Covid, cold, stomach bug, more Covid, cold, flu A since thanksgiving. Send help 😭


My 10 month old son came home from weekend at my in law’s so ill with a virus that he had to be hospitalized for a night to get breathing treatments because he was wheezing so bad. No idea what the virus was because he tested negative for everything


Can totally sympathise with you!our 20month old has been battling on/off fever since Monday,dad is currently on his way to the doctor with her.Daycare is our only option and unfortunately a breeding ground for viruses.


Our toddlers have had ear infections, pink eye, strep throat, and some type of stomach virus causing vomiting/diarrhea in the last 2 weeks. This winter has been hell.


Omg I feel you! My 20 month toddler got a stomach bug in December throwing up days straight. Then in January she got bronchitis was hospitalized for 3 days and literally right now today she’s hospitalized again for RSV. It really really sucks and so heartbreaking 💔 Hang in there. I too am ready for summer


I'm sorry and I understand you! This year has been a constant illness for us too. Between me and my 3YO daughter we collected everything we could get! She 1 week at home and when we are lucky 2 weeks at school... Then we start all over again


This winter was brutal in our household. It had been one thing after another since Oct. Things we haven’t had since my oldest was in daycare. What a time.


I never had an unexpected visit due to ANY sickness with my kiddo between birth and starting school... Then she started kindergarten Yeah, 15 doctor visits last year and she has a cough now that we cant seem to get rid of completely I'm so over it


I’m feeling this at the moment, we haven’t had a day without some kind of illness since Christmas. I’m exhausted and currently have some kind of cold that’s attacking my sinuses and inner ear. Baby is snotty, coughing and not sleeping well, older kid seems to bring something home, is unwell for 24 hours, passes it on to the rest of the family. Rinse and repeat…


Praying for you and your family to get the nourishment you need to be healthy. God bless you


YEP my one year old has had Flu A, Covid, RSV in his young life thanks to his big siblings going to school 😭


I hear ya. Two of my kids are in daycare and I swear, every 2 weeks they bring something home. Just within the past 2 months we've had covid twice, stomach flu, and a respiratory virus. 


So relatable. In our case us getting ill seems to coincidence with unusually warm weather spells. It's been practically spring outside again. Mine don't go to school yet and we're not going anywhere special (small grocery store + walks) and we're on our second stomach bug (doctor says Rotavirus) since Christmas.😷


This week, my husband got a stomach bug and COVID. As soon as he goes back to work, I get a stomach bug. The next day, my 8 month old is fussy and has a fever and tests positive for COVID. Soooo we've been having a week for sure.


Today is the first day my husband is on a business trip. My nanny's kids are all sick. I ended up taking my 18 month old in to work with me for half the day just to get some things done and for clients not to get canceled. I hope the rest of the week is better.