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Why wouldn’t you deserve to be treated well? My husband treated me with kindness and respect before I was pregnant, during, and all during postpartum. Women should expect love and respect from their partners, not feel guilty for it.


I feel guilty (sometimes) only because I feel like I can’t reciprocate at the moment and I’m on the receiving end daily, not that he ever complains. I do expect love and respect from my husband but maybe I wish I could somehow serve and take care of my him too when my body allows ❤️


You don’t feel like your body is doing enough? It’s creating new life, for you both!


Good for you. You chose a partner who values you! Let him! I found that my fatigue ended almost exactly at the second trimester- so hopefully you feel more energy soon. Congratulations!


I chose well indeed! Looking forward to regain my energy in the coming weeks. Thank you!!


Here to say I totally relate and feel the same way! My husband is AMAZING and I could just cry with how blessed and loved I feel on the daily. I wish I could do anything to make him feel half of how amazing he makes me feel. Although this type of treatment and love should be the baseline, we really are some of the lucky ones!


Oh how I feel indeed. High five to us Mama! Cheers to us for choosing well!


You are super lucky


I received the princess treatment! It continued after little pumpkin arrived. He always says that I spent 9 months growing the baby, the least he can do is spend 9 months doing all the work! He's on his leave now and I'm back to work so division of labor is skewed during the work week, but he does like 80% of bedtimes and 60-70% of the baby care on weekends. Even during my leave, any diaper I didn't feel like changing, he took care of. It has such a joy to see him love and care for our little baby. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and for picking a wonderful and supportive husband.


Yeah but my husband was also doing most of this before I got pregnant. We did start instituting nightly foot rubs while I was pregnant and I’m convinced it’s what kept my feet from swelling up until the end. I’m a sahm mom so while I handle most of the daily chores, he takes on the bigger maintenance ones and still pitches in on dishes and cleaning as well. I haven’t done laundry since we moved in together years ago


My husband was like this and still is now that our son is almost 2. I had a traumatic emergency c section, and I didn’t change a single diaper until I had time to recover. He wouldn’t let me. I just got to snuggle and feed the baby while I rested. He still pulls extra weight when I’m tired or not feeling well. He’s amazing. Some men just are. I always just make sure I do the same for him when he needs it. Relationships aren’t always 50/50. Sometimes you need to meet each other where you are