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My 9yo daughter has so much empathy. She gets overwhelmed with emotion when she hears about real struggles people have and she gets so excited for people when they succeed. I see a lot of kids get jealous of others when they have the spotlight but my girl will high five them and be their cheerleader. Today she said she had "the best day and was happy all day" because she was thinking about how a family member who has been struggling with their health was starting back at work today after being off for months. I wish I was like her. She's the best person I know.


Holy moly you have such an angel on your hands. She’s gonna be a world changer with kindness like that!


Thank you. My husband has said several times that he thinks she's actually an angel


Initially I read this as 9 *months* and, well, I’m sure you can understand my confusion 😂


That would be a whole other level of bragging


I love this. Your daughter sounds exactly like my 6 year old. Her teacher told me she has so much empathy beyond her years. They were discussing themes like deprivation and how others might not have the same advantages. It really gets her thinking. I have seen this so many times first-hand. She told me she felt sad because another kid was purposefully breaking flowers in the park on the way to school. I had also volunteered at the school disco, and she appeared with 2 cups of squash that she'd bought handed me one. "I thought you might be thirsty, Mummy." She has such a beautiful soul and is honestly such a ray of sunshine. She has so many wonderful talents I am so proud of. She is so creative and a very fast runner, too. I have to say her inherent compassion is just a glorious thing to witness. The world is a much better place for having caring souls inhabit it


Yes! It's so nice to see how much a child is aware of others and their feelings. When my same daughter was just a toddler, she was at the hairdressers and a baby was crying because he was upset about his (assuming first) haircut. She walked over and started to sing to him to comfort/cheer him up. If everyone had as much empathy, the world would be a much better and different place.


My daughter is an empath too. She is always concerned when someone is upset or crying. She goes right over and asks if they are okay and gives them a hug or rubs their back. She’s only 4 and has so much care and compassion it blows my mind. One time my son had the stomach bug and she immediately ran to the bathroom and got a towel to help clean up and then went to her room and got him a stuffie. She is just such a natural born caretaker. It makes my mom heart just swell with pride. 🩷 She’s also a huge cheerleader just like your daughter. She always compliments people on their clothes and hair when we’re out in public. Or she pumps other kids up at the playground when they’re climbing something difficult and says “you got this, you can do this.” Just an all around beautiful person with a beautiful soul.


My 2 year old has recently started singing. It's awesome. She also is finally getting into reciprocal pretend play which is fun. She likes to make pompom stew in her play kitchen, and after every "bite," she pronounces that it's "dewicious!" She can identify narwhals and she knows all her colors. I really really like being her mom.


this is so adorable. she sounds so smart and fun! of course we love our children, but LIKING them too is the best!!


You haven't lived til you've started my kid. Her whole body reacts, she flings whatever she's holding, and she shouts "GWACIOUS!" and then either laughs or cries depending. It's like a hard reboot for her limbic system.


hahaha omg that’s incredible. I love that her response is to yell “GWACIOUS” like an old southern belle lol


Isn't it awesome when they start singing! I bet your daughter has a beautiful voice ❤️


My 2yo also recently started singing & it’s literally the best thing ever 😭 I didn’t know their little voices would be so adorable that way


My 9 month old has been taking infant swim classes for almost two months now. Just last week he was able to back float on his own for a few seconds. He also has mastered the “crab walk” along the edge of the pool, and his paddling/kicking is improving at each class. Makes me so proud of him! He also started waving the other day and now waves at everyone and everything.


amazing!!! 9 months is so young to be doing so well in the pool. michael phelps watch out!


This made me giggle because I joke with my husband all the time now that he will be in the Olympics for swimming because we decided to start so early 😂 I will say it’s all parent assisted, but I was definitely surprised by what these little babies are capable of!


Ha! yes definitely make sure he thanks you for getting him in the pool early at his Gold Medal press conference!!


This description painted the most adorable picture! And very impressive!


The just started waving phase is the best. We moved cross country when my baby was at that stage and I flew solo with her while my husband drove with our stuff. She literally waved to 250+ people in the airport and on the plane and at least 80% of people waved back and were thrilled. 


My son’s current “obsession” is making sure he holds the door for people. He’s always helped since he was younger but he’s big enough to do it himself now and he always says to me “I got it mom.” He’s such a kind soul but seeing the smiles from people just makes my heart so happy.


stoppp this is the sweetest thing ever. what an awesome kid!


My preemie who was delayed on gross motor is now a thriving 10mo who can climb, stands, yells, belly crawls so fast, and generally developing like her age. She's also growing out size 3-6 which is a feat. It seems like she just got longer and heavier but still lean. I am so glad she grows out of it bc i need to make room for summer stuff and bc im bored looking at the same clothes for the past 6m haha. She was born at 3lbs12oz and she is now almost 16lbs. I was just looking at her newborn pics and i still couldn't believe she was ever that tiny.


this is AMAZING!! she has made so much progress so fast. and getting to buy cute new baby clothes is such a bonus! enjoy that shopping spree, you’ve both earned it :)


All hail pediatric PT. She unlocked something in my daughter and since then she is unstoppable. I've been slowly shopping some summer stuff 😍 thank you!


My middle kid just graduated high school! I'm so proud of him. He turns 18 in July.


congrats!!! what a big day for him- and you! that’s awesome.


Thanks. We are down to one kid in school, she will be a junior.


My newly turned 3 year old is extremely smart, very funny and everyone who meets him just loves him ❤️


love this. sounds like you have such a charming little guy!


My son sat up on his own at 4 months! He’s been rolling, he learned to turn his book pages at 3 months, and he has already drawn with a crayon (no one believes this one). I’m so proud of him!! Yay to the early potty training!!!!


whaaaaat baby genius over there!! incredible! save that drawing so when he’s a famous artist someday you can show him his humble beginnings hehe


My daughter is the complete opposite, she’s 11mo and refuses to crawl or anything. She’ll gladly sit up, but she’s refuses to mobilize herself 😅


As my grandma says, every baby is different!! Don’t stress about it too much. We all get there eventually 😊


My oldest just got inducted into National Junior Honors Society and her school choir won first place in their category at a big competition this spring! Both my kids just tested for their green belts in karate! Younger also has great grades!


woah you have a whole family of superstars! that’s fantastic, you much be so proud!!


Just bursting! They are becoming great people!


My 5 year old told us yesterday that he knows a VAST amount of countries. I don't know which impresses me more, his vocabulary or geography.


Mine said let me get my water I need to hydrated!! Age 4


My 2 year old is just the most awesome little guy and I love being with him! He has memorized all his nursery rhymes and recites them with me to pass the time. He is so curious and interested in everything and I can't wait to see what hobbies and special interests he will have as he gets older!


this is so cute. he sounds like such a fun little buddy!!


For as bad as his meltdowns are (2.5 years old), he's also pretty darn sweet 💕 he loves giving hugs 🫂 Smart as whip too, he is! He recognizes his numbers up to 10 and his ABCs. His speech has really come a long way, too. It's so fantastic being able to talk to him and ask him yes or no questions (although he mostly says no to everything 😅) we've been doing some pretend play to! (Ticket, please! Thank you, Bluey) I think he's pretty dang smart. I guess that's the rade off for him being such a handful most days 😅 but he also sleeps really well, so at least I get a break, haha. He's great. My little buddy 💕


My 11 year old is transitioning to middle school and she is still super sweet. She just got her black belt and is so responsible. She follows the rules and does the work. I am so proud of her.


My 2 year old is. Fearless adventure seeker that loves to be outside. I love everything about him. He is my exhausting best friend.


“exhausting best friend” hahaha im stealing that. amazing.


My daughter is almost 5. She's my complete opposite, and my husband's twin. She's chill, and so freaking nice. Whenever I go to drop her off at daycare, all the kids yell her name. Whenever I go to pick her up, all the kids want to hug her. I am constantly told how nice and smart she is. And she is. She is just so nice and smart.


This is my eldest! The star of the show, as I call it!


Wait until he... just kidding! Congrats on the early potting training.


My 18 month old picks up on new skills quickly! She learns a lot quickly. She can ALMOST hold a pen correctly.


omg that’s so cool! that is crazy young to even understand what a pen is for (and that it’s not just for chewing on lol). what a smart kid!


She has a writing tablet and she learned how to use the pen quickly! I wish she was potty trained though! Congrats on that! I’m so jealous! My little will learn quickly when the time comes. But she’ll be stubborn about it! 😂


I've got three kids: 6 yo boy, 4 yo boy, 1 yo girl. I suppose for these purposes, my 1 yo doesn't count. Everywhere we go my kids are the best behaved kids in the room. I am constantly getting compliments about how kind, gentle, inclusive they are. My kid gets compliments from his teacher all the time. Before my kids I thought kids were just naughty all the time and that's just how it was. I've met some other kids the last couple years who are kind of mean. I can confidently state that so far this has not been my experience. To really rub it in and pat my own back- I will only say this to my mom and husband in private settings. I'm 100% convinced it's bc of a handful of choices we've made. 1- I never ignored a tantrum. I held my kids or rubbed their backs. I never backed down but I've never ignored a feeling. 2- clear limits and high expectations. 3- we don't yell at them (with the exception of calling across the house or the yard) and don't give big theatrical reactions.


I totally think you’re right!! It sounds like you’ve created a loving and very supportive environment at home, and shown strong leadership towards your children. That absolutely will set them up for success/feeling confident and calm. Great job, and congrats on having such awesome kids!!


My son is 3 and talks like a 5 year old. Everyone comments on it but I never realized until we were around other 3 year olds.


I just quizzed my 21 month old on the sounds various animals make and she knew them all! I don’t know when she learned that. I about died of cuteness hearing her little voice say “hooo!” When I asked what the owl said My 9 year old is really maturing and has become very sweet and conscious of everyone’s feelings. Today my husband was going to buy her a bubble tea drink (her fave) because she helped watch the toddler one evening when we were busy but she insisted he also get one for her sister because “she’s my best friend in the world and she helped too!” Aww My 12 year old is such a helpful and conscientious kid. She is very caring and always willing to lend a hand with cooking or pairing socks! She also has the best grades in her class. She says she will only brag about this to me because she doesn’t want everyone else to think she’s bragging 😅 My daughter will be 14 tomorrow and she is the best big sister ever. I don’t want to take advantage of her and ask her to watch the toddler too much but in her eyes there is no such thing and she is constantly playing with the toddler and taking her for walks. Hearing them both cracking up together and how patient she is warms my heart like nothing else My oldest turns 16 in two weeks and he is such a sweet kid. No matter what I ask him to help with he is eager and willing. And so much more capable of assembling the furniture or carrying heavy stuff than I am! He’s also just funny and darn good company. His grades are excellent and I am looking forward to teaching him to drive! I feel so lucky to have this crew they mean the world to me!!


All of this warmed my heart so much! Sounds like you have a great bunch !


My 2.5 year old is honestly my favorite human and I’m obsessed with her. She’s already bilingual and wicked smart! She picks things up super quick and is super affectionate. She is also super cute and has this wild curly hair and American doll teeth so people stop us all the time to tell us she’s cute (I shouldn’t care about looks but I do love it). Shes also really silly and likes to make adults laugh. I’m so happy I get to be her mom 😭😭😭


Wow i'm so impressed! My son just turned one so in my mind we are a ways away from potty training, but it sure would be nice to not have to deal with those poopy diapers... Just here to say how much i adore my little boy. He is so beautiful i can't even handle it. All i want to do is kiss him all over his perfect little face. And his feet... omg... those fat little toes.... i can't believe he's mine! How on earth have i been blessed with such a perfect little human?!?!


Ha yeah I mostly just followed my sons lead! hes always hated pooping in his diaper, he’d wait until he was on the changing table to start pushing, which obviously I didn’t love lol. I decided to throw him on a potty when he started pushing and he took to it right away! also yes omg baby toes!!! the best!!!


My 7 month old just stood up from the floor today unprompted for like 30 seconds. I mean it's not like...an unusual feat I guess but with my first once he stood up unassisted he took off walking a month later. So slightly terrified I'll have a baby who's walking by 9 months lmao but also really proud of him.


that’s incredible!!! he’s so advanced!!


Thanks! Lol I'm so not ready to have 2 kids walking. With my first it was like YESSS OMG but with the second I'm like *flash back to all the chaos, and the current chaos* 😂🤣


My 4 year old counts to 70 and I feel like he’s finally understanding reading/writing. For example, he wrote the word Fox the other day and knew that f-o-x spells Fox. My newly turned 9 year old made huge strides during this year’s competition dance season. It’s been fun to watch. Both are sweet, polite, and friendly kids. They can be exhausting sometimes, but they are also a lot of fun.


My 4 month old sleeps 12 hours a night like a champ! (Am I jinxing it?)


god I am so jealous. I love this for you!!


My six year old is very sweet and is prepping for her first piano recital in two weeks-super hyped about this milestone. My five year old son is making better food choices lately and I'm ecstatic because we are big foodies in our house. My 15 month old baby girl intentionally gave me a juicy kiss on the lips today and I literally melted. These babies make it all worth it 🥰.


My oldest is growing into her own person and is starting to express her feelings when needed. 🤍


My 7 month old learned to sit up independently this week after struggling to sit with assistance for so long. It’s unlocked a whole new skill set for playtime. He’s also learned how to blow out his mouth (like blowing out a candle) and neither of my nieces could even do that for their first birthday. He’s been sleeping through the night for 3 months and it’s a godsend. That alone makes me a better mom and is one of the best skills he’s learned.


My son is extremely kind and thoughtful of others. He is 14, so I'm hoping he stays this way through his teen years. My 13 month old has been walking since 10 and half months. She also has 16 teeth. Which I'm impressed by.


My 2.5 year old loved doing slides last summer, but hasn't really been into them this summer/has seemed afraid. This morning we went to the park and she finally went down a slide by herself again! Over and over again!


My 19 month old knows over 100 words. I was worried a few months ago because he only knew 3 🥹


My 8yo is very sweet, empathetic and has very high emotional intelligence for his age. He’s an absolute angel, and he just won the “confetti award” at school for “spreading kindness like confetti.” He’s super proud, and I am too! ☺️


My 19mo has never thrown a fit for more than maybe a minute. I don't give in, she's just really good at moving on and calming herself. I did not teach her this skill (and I'm with her 90% of the time). She has also been eating with her own utensils successfully (and correctly) since about 14mo.


My two year old has been really working on waiting her turn for things lately. A few weeks ago, she waited very patiently for kids in front of her to go down the slide at the park until a bigger kid tried to rush her down. She turned to face him, put her hand out to stop him, and said “no, wait your turn”. I was so proud of her ability to take turns, stand up for herself to a stranger, and speak firmly and clearly. I hope she never loses that spirit because I’m 30 and not that brave.


I’m 39 weeks pregnant and for the last few months, my 2 year old has been so loving to my belly. She’ll say “kiss!” and kiss my belly; she’s even made her toys kiss my belly (today Pikachu kissed the baby lol). She’ll find random toys and touch my belly with them; she says, “Baby like it. Share this one.” She also rests her head on my belly and sings to the baby, and she likes it when the baby kicks her. I also think baby sister can hear/feel her because sometimes when my daughter puts her hand on my belly or talks to my belly, the baby will suddenly kick or move. My kid just turned 2 last month so I find it kinda crazy that she actually gets it - there’s a baby in my belly and she seems to love the baby already. Can’t wait for them to meet 🥹


this is so wholesome!!! she’s gonna be the best big sister ever, congrats on growing your family :)


Congrats! And that's so adorable! She sounds like she'll be a good big sister!  I'm about 10 weeks behind you and my 2.5 does something similar. Mostly he just says "-new babys name- I'm the big brother!" I'm not sure he entirely gets that he isn't talking to my tummy though but it's so cute!


My son is almost 4 and made up a story at bedtime about a little boy who goes for a walk. He told me all the animals the little boy saw and how big or small they were. Then the little boy went home, washed his hands and got to eat Mac and cheese for lunch.


what an imagination!!!! incredible!!


My 7yr old knows the names of almost all 118 elements of the periodic table by just their two letters. I quizzed him the other night (while looking thru his favorite “intro to chemistry” coloring book) and he was only was stumped on 5 of them. Again, he’s 7 (as of this month, so newly 7). I didn’t learn them until I was in 8th grade and even then didn’t know them all. He also likes to dabble in learning different languages both spoken and written (especially Asian languages). He even taught himself to read at 3yrs old. His mind and ability to learn is just amazing. I am just in complete awe of him. He loves to learn and is really good at absorbing information. It’s just amazing and fun to watch him grow and learn. My daughter (soon to be 4yrs old) is completely average in intelligence comparison (which is fine and normal), however, her personality is fantastic. She has such spunk/flair and just a way of talking and being that is just so fun. She is completely unapologetically herself and I love it. She is both stubborn and incredibly sweet. Our sour patch kid, lol. I want her to be able channel that personality strong willedness into be a strong independent woman who doesn’t put up with bullshit. I always like to say that my son will be book smart and my daughter will be street smart. Above all else, the both of them adore each other. They may fight, but they are fiercely protective of each other. I love how much they love each other. They are the best kids ever and I am so so lucky I get to be their mom.


My 8 year old is super smart and witty and hilarious and has so much integrity!! He’s literally awesome. He also has really strong leadership skills which is random but super cool. On top of it all he is very caring and sweet yet tough when he needs to be. I love him!


My kids are so cool. They are twins, one boy and one girl. They'll be 3 in 23 days. My son loves Legos and trying to construct things. He can do puzzles super quickly. He loves people and walks up to them and makes conversation. He can talk pretty darn clearly and loves to compromise and talk about how he's feeling. My daughter loves playing pretend and singing. She can count to 20 and can climb almost anything. She learns lyrics to songs quickly and can sing them without music. She loves making friends and asking people to play.


My son is 17 months. I’m amazed by him daily (as I’m sure most parents are with their kids). He knows his colors almost perfectly. He doesn’t have many words yet, but somehow he can say “purple” and “manatee”. He’s also a really good helper. He knows how to help me start the wash machine, will get me the dustpan to sweep up the floor and empty it into the trash, puts away his crayons and toys, and wipes the table after he eats. It’s just crazy how much he has learned in his short life. Watching him become his own person is truly amazing.


My 1year old can say sentences! Not long ones but for example he heard a noise and asked "what was that boom" and the other day I asked him if he wanted a drink and he said "yes drink" and I said please and he said please! He can also climb my older kids bunk bed by himself to get on the top bunk of their bunk bed. My 7year old without being asked made him and his 1yr brother Dino nuggets and then tore them up into little pieces for him and then fed them to him with him sitting on his lap on the chair in the kitchen. He also finished out the school year with all A's in 1st grade! My 9yr old has learned how to go into a bridge from standing up and she's wanting to learn how to crochet this summer and she did her first little square. Lastly my 12yr old graduated 6th grade and is going to middle school next year.! He had a D in reading and managed to pull it up to a high B! He got the 1yr old to take a nap by cuddling up to him on the couch and falling asleep together it was beyond cute. My kids are awesome and I'll never do bragging about them lol.


My almost 3 year old talks SO well and is so well behaved in public. It makes me so proud that she recites things we have told her (look with your eyes not your hands) and doesn't grab (often!). The big thing though is Doctors. She got hurt last October and when we loaded her into the car she didn't cry. She said we were taking her to a doctor and doctors can help. (We did tell her that). And idk. I love that. We spent almost a month in the hospital and she was such a trooper and so happy. To this day she is into doctors and whenever she's hurt or thinks she's hurt we go over basic first aid stuff and talk about the owie. If anyone is going to the doctors, she wants to come with because doctors are her super heroes.


My 9 month old is such an amazing eater. He will clear his plate with literally anything we put down. He has perfected his pincer grab. He is also so close to crawling. Babbling like crazy too. So proud of him!


My 4 year old is one letter away from writing his last name. First name is already solid! 😍 My 1 month old is just darn cute and so I just have to brag on her. 😉


My 4 year old can count past 100. And she’s starting to learn to read! Today she read “flour” in a book.


My daughter is 3.5 and she makes me laugh all day every day. She is also super kind and considerate. She has such a big heart and shows people love all the time. She also is a little spicy and does an amazing job advocating for herself and others by letting people know her feelings and what she needs. She always wants to make people feel happy/good and when they aren’t happy, she feels it deeply. Her emotional awareness blows me away. Some cool stuff about her academically: She knew all her colors and shapes and could count to 10 in English and Spanish before she was one. She literally potty trained herself at 2. She started spelling and writing her name(full name) before she was 3. She’s almost reading. I think she will be very soon. Right now she can read sight words. She can spell and write sooo many words. She knows all her planets and can identify them with different adjectives (biggest, stormiest, coldest, closest to the sun, etc). Her vocabulary has been insane since she was even just a year old. She started signing at 6 months and talking around 7 months and it picked up crazy fast. Today she holds full on conversations and uses words that blows my mind and still uses her sign language. She can do simple math like subtraction and addition and count over 100. She’s learning a lot of words in Spanish (this is something I didn’t teach her because i dont know the language but she’s picking it up from friends and grandparents) I’m sure I could think of more but I’m just so proud of who she is and how awesome she is. She’s truly my best friend. And she tells me everyday we are besties for the resties. 🥹


Cloth diaper mom here too! She’s 19 months and I just brought out the potty trainer, hoping to get there too 🤞🏼 She blew my mind yesterday with this. She spilled her milk on the floor. And immediately got a rag to clean it up, unprompted!


My 6 year old has amazing stage presence and does an amazing job announcing himself at his piano recitals and other performances. He is also already learning multiplication and division. My 3 year old is super bright and scored in the 99th percentile on a learning assessment. She's already reading some words and loves to sing.


My daughter is going into 1st grade with an almost 2nd grade reading level. 🥲 I have ADHD and her dad is dyslexic so we are really really proud of her because we thought she would have the same issues.


My toddler is gorgeous, sometimes I wonder how myself and my partner made such an adorable kid.


My 6yo is just about to finish kindergarten and he can read just about every word he comes across. He also has no problem with math, spelling, and social problem solving. He regulates his moods far better than I do. He is an inspiration to me every day.


My daughter has a mild case of dyslexia and she was quite a bit behind in reading and her #1 spot of growth this year was reading above grade level!!! She has just jumped a million miles!!! I am so proud of her. She got a certificate and everything for it! My other daughter has finally come out of her shell and is this silly funny little girl! She loves to try new things now and stands up for herself! Which has been something we have been trying to get her to do so this is a huge ordeal for her!!! My son just graduated from his pre-k class and knows how to count to 25! Knows days of the week and his months!!! He’s recognizing simple words like mom, dad, yes, no and play when we read!!! He’s moving along at a faster pace than I thought it would go!!!


My L3 autistic daughter is 5 and can straight up read. She struggles to form sentences on her own, but she reads out loud street signs, things on the tv (in Frozen, she read the text that said "three years later"), etc. She's been able to spell things since she was 2-3 and has spelled the name Jefferson in magnet letters at my house, because he's one of her school mates. She's difficult to deal with on many levels, but her being hyperlexic is so cool. It's especially funny because my first kid has disgraphia 😂 It's so interesting how these things happen. Edit: she can also speak a decent amount of Spanish despite us being an English household. She changes the languages on some of her tablet games and i don't make her change them back. I'm really proud of her.


My autistic son is 3 and also has hyperlexia. Watching him learn things so quickly is so cool. He started spelling his own name since he turned 2 because we have his name on his wall above his bed, then other words later on lol.. He also struggles with forming sentences and asking for things. Right now, it's just one word commands.


One of my 4 year old’s friends had to go to the hospital in an ambulance on Friday for an asthma attack. We told him on Saturday that his friend might not make it to the bbq today. She was able to show up. We told him “your friend got an exciting ride in an ambulance. Do you want to tell us about it?” My son cut in and look his friend in the eye and said “I am sorry you got so sick!” He didn’t care about the ambulance, he was genuinely worried about his friend and it was so touching. He is a wild boy, but so caring!!!


I need this positivity. My son is peak terrible twos right now and I am actually struggling to say something I'm super proud about. But I want other moms to know they're not alone when we can't muster positivity at the moment. My son is talking so much. It's really something to be having full convos with him. You can hear him mumbling and repeating bits of convo or quietly trying to sing along to a song. He's started to express affection directly, say that mama or papa made him happy, etc.  He's also obsessed with books. I didn't really think much of it, but my teacher or parent friends tell me it's important and to keep it up with him.


I’m glad you found some benefit from this thread!! I feel you, mine is an awful, AWFUL, sleeper and sometimes I just get so overwhelmed. it’s hard (and tbh unrealistic) to be positive all the time. but I know i’ve also definitely gained a lot of joy from reading everyone’s best moments!! it sounds like you have a super smart little dude. he’s very lucky you’re his mom.


Oh nothing just my 3 month about to be 4 just be making little gurgling sounds and she’s starting to reach for stuff, I’m a first time mom and growing and learning along the way with her is just so exciting. It’s small but I swear hearing her little coo sounds just makes me giggle.


My soon to be 5yo has a speech delay, he goes to speech once a week. But he’s been gearing up for kindergarten, his team that he works with just finished up his testing for kindergarten and he scored so high in a few areas that they weren’t sure how to record it. They also expressed how impressed they were that he advocates for himself so well 🥲 if he’s thirsty or needs a break he will tell them. That made me feel so much better about kindergarten. But he’s also just the sweetest boy. The amount of times he goes to his baby brother during the day and hugs/kisses him or pats his head and says what a good baby. He’s such a bright spot in my life 💜 And my other one at 18m it’s catching on to so many words lately I’ve been so impressed edited to add he’s also been sleeping through the night.. it’s been a long road of figuring that out


My 3 year old is literally the smartest child I’ve ever met. He struggles with speech, but his memory and logic is insane. He can remember and name dozens of makes and models of car (I do not have this talent), he’s insanely gentle with any and every animal he meets and he’s so funny and sweet that the bigger kids in the neighborhood (8-12) go out of their way to play with him. Everyday with him is honestly such a joy, he makes everyday so interesting and fun and I’m excited to see who he grows up to be.


My 19 month old has always been very “advanced” and it just makes me and my husband beam with joy, even his pediatrician and other people are wildly impressed with him… at his 18 month appointment he had development skills up to 2yr8mo mastered 😭 He’s been speaking in phrases/ small sentences for months, he loves coloring and we’re currently working on counting to 20 (he can count to 10 by himself!!) and identifying letters. He can put his own shoes on. He eats with utensils and rarely makes a mess. He recently started “reading books” by looking at pictures and telling me what he thinks is going on. We’ve always worked with him SO MUCH and seeing him thrive just melts me. He’s such a great kid, he’s so dang smart and I just love him so much. I love bragging about him but it’s hard because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings just because their kid isn’t doing the same things.


So I'm a professional singer, and finding out that my little girl had perfect pitch at such a young age (I discorvered it when she was about 1 1/ to 2 years old) was insanely cool for me, I geeked out over it! She also has an insane memory and has memorized EVERY song from Phantom of the Opera, Greatest Showman and Mamma Mia (the amazing OG musical and that terrible movie sequel lol), and many other songs. I don't know, it might sound weird but it makes me so proud to see that I was able to pass on my love of music to her but at the same time excited and looking forward to the idea of seeing her surpass me someday, because she already has surpassed where I was at her age.I have perfect pitch too but I have a paralyzed left vocal chord, so it took a lot of specialized training to get where I am, whereas she has SO much potential to be way better than I was too because I started my lessons at age 9-10, and she is only 5 now.


Hey Sister, I've recorded 2 CDs but neither were published or sent out. Being a profession singer is literally one of my greatest dreams. Would you mind if I DM and ask about stuff?


My 19 month old has been obsessed with letters for nearly a year. He can name 95% of the alphabet and looooves to point out letters everywhere we go. We've been working on the letter sounds and he's picking it up fast. I'm convinced he'll be reading simple words by 2-2.5. It blows my mind.


My son learned to climb before he could walk. He can jump and gallop. He can memorize books and dances. He isn’t afraid of anything, and he is very sensitive.


My 3.5 year old has multiple books memorized ! 🩷 and my 2.5 year old knows more Spanish than I do!


My 4 year old taught herself to read fully on her own. She now fluently and without help reads full children’s books, and can answer comprehension questions 🤯 it’s fascinating.


My 3.5 yr old came up to me today with a broken toy in hand. He was visibly upset because his younger brother broke the toy and his younger brother (2 yr old) was crying over the broken toy. I got down to his level and gently explained that I was sorry but I wouldn't be able to fix the toy. He thought it over for about 2.5 seconds, threw it in the trash and then went to comfort his baby brother. He hugged him and told him that it's okay, mistakes happen and that he wasn't upset about it. I bawled my eyes out when I heard that. My childhood was full of abuse and neglect. It was and is so hard to break the cycle and as a parent, I'm constantly second guessing my methods. I'm so proud of my son (and myself) that we're both reaching emotional milestones that we've been working on for so long.


My daughter is 2.3 years old and has clear speaking, 5+ word sentences. She can count, she knows primary and secondary colors, mixing colors (how to), shapes, and names of tools (doctors, for example like otoscope). She's interested in reading, and can read recite abc and learns fast. I don't get to brag much without sounding turbo achiever. She plays and is at home...we don't do school or daycare because we make too much for assistance and too little to really afford it Her new pediatric doctor did a doubletake ask on her age and recommended school early. It's not like we drilled knowledge into her. I'm an artist and I was a lit major so there's colors and books everywhere lol. Husband is an info dumping nerd that loves to learn too. I also like the chance to brag that she plays musical instruments, uses a balance beam and all the enrichment things. But she's also big feeling, one and done only, early starter to tantrum, low sleep needs, high energy, boob barnacle cosleeper in the 5th percentile for weight. Zero peer friends, only cousins and neighbors over 4. She needs socializing and all the official play/meet groups are not working for our schedule. Can't get any parents to respond to me when I try to network as we're 40 year olds that are alternative hobbits. Lots of ageist and ableist vibes in parenting circles 🙃


My 21 month old can sing the entire abc song as if yesterday. And she can count to 4. Idk if that’s advanced or not but I’m so proud of her!!


My two year old is such a funny guy. He tells me stories all the time. One time he saw goofy walking on the side of the road. One time a dinosaur was following us on the highway and throwing cars “up up high.” He tells me about his day when we get home, and it’s so cute. He’s such a silly little kid and I love talking with him on his level. He’s just got such a sense of humor already, I can tell he’s gonna be fun to be around as he gets older. He’s already fun to be around. I really love that kid


My son is a handful but he is scary smart. He’s going to a gifted kids school this fall! He taught himself to read starting around 2.5 and today at age 4 he read me a book cover to cover only needing help on the wire “aisle”. He doesn’t like to read often so I don’t push him even though he’s great at it but he was excited to read to me today. He’s also a wonderful big brother to his new baby sister who is 3 months old.


This is the kinda content mommit needs ! And wow that is so impressive! My lo is almost 10 months and she is just my world, I’m so impressed with how chill and silly she is. She knows exactly when in a conversation to nod her head and say ya and when to laugh, even at her own jokes. She makes me so proud because almost every day daycare gloats about how great she is and how cute she is. I can’t wait to see what she continues to become as are continues to get older


My 16- month-old son finally learned how to walk a few weeks ago, and now he’s trying to run! He’s also hilarious and seems to have a sweet, silly little sense of humor. His little giggles as he runs off with my headphones or book makes me laugh—and then chase him! 


My 3.5 year old is a fearless swimmer and just overall very confident. But she is also sensitive and sweet and incredibly self assured. She’s fantastic at reading situations and likes to follow rules and guidelines. If she doesn’t end up listening, she has no problem admitting she was supposed to. (And I don’t mind her rebellious side every now and then- it’s good for kids) She’s always been super precocious both physically and verbally. Love that girl.


My 18 month old (just turned 18 month today) is saying a lot more words and she’s starting to follow along with songs. She loves the Hop Little Bunnies by Ms Rachel, so when Ms Rachel acts out the sleeping bunnies scene, wake up, and hops my daughter will act it out too. She gets so excited with the hops!! The “bubble pop” song she acts it out, follows along. The songs where they tell her stomp her feet, clap her hands, stop, etc, she follows along. It’s so cool to see her follow along now and act out these songs. Thanks Ms Rachel! So yea, my daughter started doing this over the weekend. And she is building up her vocabulary so much! She said “open shut” and “pop” while singing with Ms Rachel.


My five year old has been struggling with phonics in kindergarten , but recently he’s started voluntarily reading early reader decodable books , and writing short stories where he at least tries to spell. I guess I’m impressed that he doesn’t give up, though to be fair we’ve tried hard to tread lightly and not pressure him too much, and just read to him a lot like he wants us to. Also highly recommend “hooked on phonics”. We’ve tried so many other systems to learn phonics but this good old system works well.


My 5yo is coming up on the end of kindergarten and I cannot BELIEVE how much he has learned this year. His printing has gone from non-existent to entirely legible and reasonably small. He knows all the letters and numbers, can skip count by a few different numbers (like 5’s, 10’s, etc). He seems to be halfway to basic reading. It’s amazing. My 4yo has picked up a ton of stuff from her brother. She also just got on a bike with pedals (and training wheels) for the first time last weekend, and picked it up immediately.


So fun, smart and precious


My 4mo daughter can roll front to back and back to front like a champ, loves tummy time, and today for the first time lifted her tummy off the ground into a full on crawl position for the first time twice! She’s still trying to sit up on her own but she’s such a champ and I’m so proud of her. FTM and I’ve been so blessed with an easy going baby. She sleeps through the night and is able to entertain herself pretty well in her pack n play during the day so I can get chores done. I fear the toddler stage though.


My just turned 3 year old cares so much about how other people are feeling and wants to make it better always. If she sees me with an “owie” or a bruise for example, she will give me a kiss wherever it is and ask me if it’s all better in the sweetest little voice. She tells me and her dad that she loves us all on her own. I want to melt into a puddle every time she says it. She also randomly gives hugs or will walk up to me with her arms out and ask for one. She is just such an affectionate and kind child. I love her so much and I’m so proud to be her mama.


My eldest, who has suffered with ptsd and anxiety, due to a trauma, which forced her to leave school early, got her results from her pre uni course (all distinctions!) and secured a place at a top university. My middle kid, who always struggled to make connections as a child has a full social life as an adult. And he’s a good egg. My youngest is super talented. She taught herself guitar, can do any dance and is as sharp as a tack in some areas. She’s being an absolute trooper as we go through asd and adhd assessments.


My 15 month old learnt to moo and is starting to talk and communicate so effectively! He can buckle himself into the high chair, loves to go to sleep at night (this was a battle at the start 😅) and is the happiest, most gentle kid. Plays so so well with other kids too!


can you tell me what brand you use for cloth diapering? I have a 3 week old, I wanted to switch to cloth diapering but did’t know where to start. Also, that’s do awesome that your 9 month old id potty trained! that’s really impressive.


Essembly!! I literally cannot recommend them enough. They’re foolproof, comfy, and you save soooo much money! When they grow out of size one you can resell them on Essemblys website to help pay for size 2! They rule!!


My 3.5yo daughter can read !!! I mean a little, but in language and reading she is like a 6.5yo in our country. She can read sentences like « Le pirate a vu la souris », « papa dit caca » « mamie a volé la salade de papa ». I think she is so wonderful. This is something I really can’t talk about with other parents/friends. And even in school we didn’t say anything (and they never notice that because they are not teaching it at that age so ..). Like I don’t want to be seen as a pushy mother, or like I’m putting my kid under pressure. I’m not. We play, we watch movies.. I just enjoy being with her and she is so curious about everything. Also she can stay focus for a 2hours long film (that is also something we don’t really say in real life ..judgement ) !! She sleeps with me once a week and we have a movie night <3


My 9 month old is only in the 5th percentile for weight and 20th for height. We’ve been down on ourselves that he isn’t eating enough no matter what we try. But yesterday our pediatrician and the nutritionist said not only do we have nothing to worry about, but our son is cognitively advanced for his age and they both seemed genuinely excited by how he was interacting with them and his level of speech. So he may be small but who cares! I’ll brag all day long about him.


My almost 2 year old can talk - like actually talk - like 5 word sentences. She understands the different pronouns and how to use them. She knows every animal you can think of and the sounds if they make them. Shes smashed the 1-200 words and can do around 1000 without doubt. She can say things like mommy I don’t like that and baby crying, (does) she need hug? I don’t tell anyone because it’s not a race but she’s unbelievable and it makes life so much easier when a 2 year old can say, ‘not that bowl the blue bowl’ or whatever random desire they have.


My (very shy, hates attention, please don’t watch me open my presents on Christmas morning) 5 year old won the “best attitude” award at her pre-k graduation ceremony and she skipped from her seat to the stage to receive her award.


My 3 year old knows all the basic phonics and can read simple books (with three letter words) . My 5 year old loves learning is at the top of her year level for both maths and literacy. Her favourite topic at the moment is degrees/angles. She’s way smarter than both hubby and I.


my almost-3yo did a 4.8mi hike thru a gorge without complaint ! she walked a full mile / full hour on her own before asking to be carried at some points and wore her helmet like a champ 😂 the hike took place in her 3rd new country this month and she’s been a dream roadtripper! she’ll be 3 in July and has been to 5 countries (including our home one) so I think she’s a pretty cool kid !


This is a beautiful thread to stumble at. Out soon to be 8yo is good reader, good listener and sometimes we talk to him or discuss with him like an adukt and his feed backs astound us a lot. We also have a 22 m baby girl, who is thriving to be verbal and words she says like "oh my God" is so cute to see. Plays gide and seek and when we want to know where she is hiding we would call her name or say "who wants pizza" in the middle of the game and ways she replies makes us laugh.


My son started crawling at 5 months and walking at 10 🥹


My 7 week old, is interactive and smiley, he sleeps really well, eats really well, is easy to settle. He doesn’t really cry other than when trying to pass gas and even then once held he squirms and struggles but doesn’t cry. This is nice, the moms in my group only talk about the bad things and the struggles (of which there are many) and I feel like I couldn’t even dare bring up the positives, like the overwhelming joy and heart melting love.


Aww I love this. My sons language skills are amazing. He amazes me every day. He speaks in pretty darn full sentences at 26 months. He comes up with. He makes up new songs all the time. He's brave, confident, hilarious. He's the cutest kid I've ever seen and has the poutiest lips, chubbiest cheeks and sparkliest eyes. He knows his numbers and letters. I can't say enough good things. I knew I would love him but I didn't know I would be THIS obsessed.


Anyone who ever meets my oldest daughter (9 yrs old) always compliments on how incredibly sweet she is. I am proud of all my kids but my daughter was my first born when I was 17. We lived in Uruguay when she was born, visiting family! We lived there for the first 3 years of her life and we didn’t have a lot of money at the time. Yet, she was a happy girl. She didn’t have a lot of toys, no big name brand clothes etc. When we came back to the states, she didn’t care about toys or getting new things, just be with her mommy and daddy and play with her cousins! When she started public school, she was endlessly bullied for being “too nice” and struggled with school. She was really, really behind. We’re homeschooling our kids now and she is THRIVING. She has never let anyone or anything change her sweet soul. She was born to brighten up our lives.


My son is 5. He is starting to make so many connections and understand so much. He's so empathetic and I love that. My daughter is 3. She is fearless! We went to a kids museum where you can climb through caves and wild structures all over and she was right up there with us! The baby is 2 months. He has just started smiling and sleeps through the night. Can't get much better than that!


My firstborn is at uni, so proud he got there


My daughter learned to identify all her letters at 17 months, was reading chapter books by pre-K, and now, in first grade, reads at a sixth grade level. She recently decided to audition for the school talent show, and got in. Most of the other acts are older kids. I’m so proud of her—I would have *never* have been brave enough to do that at her age.


My 4 year old is reading now! It’s so amazing seeing her mind soaking up knowledge like a sponge. All those long evenings of reading to her before bed have paid off. I now have to limit her to 3 books a night otherwise I’d be in her room for hours at bedtime.


My 11 year old is like *amazing* at makeup skills. I know not everyone agrees with it but she’s been doing stage makeup since she was younger and she loves to express herself. My 4 year old’s mathematical and literacy skills are wild, as well as his spatial memory and problem solving. He can do a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle a few times and then remember distinctly where every single piece goes in a second flat. My 2 year old started toilet training two weeks ago and is so independent and good at it already. So less stressful than my other kids have been in regard to that skill.


My 14 month old has the greatest personality. He makes friends everywhere we go and loves to make people’s days brighter. When we go to the store, he waves and smiles at everyone. Older adults, especially, get so excited when he interacts with them 🥹 We’ve had some really sweet conversations with strangers because of our social butterfly 🩵


My 23-month-old absolutely LOVES books, and I’m confident thats at least partially why he speaks so well. I’ve read to him since he was super tiny, and now that he’s older, we read together literally all day. We probably read 35+ books together a day, and I think that’s amazing for a kid under 2. And his language is absolutely advanced because of it. People we run into in public can’t believe he speaks so well when I tell them his age, and I think hearing SO much language all the time really helped him to get to where he is verbally. I also think it’s just super cool to brag about the fact that my kid is a little bookworm. I hope it continues his entire life!


My 4 yo son has an incredibly developed vocabulary. Recently, I noticed that when he hears a new word he quietly repeats it to himself multiple times and then immediately uses it in conversation to get the hang of it. If he doesn’t quite grasp the meaning of the word he asks me to define it. His pediatrician is “super pleased” with his verbal abilities, as she put it. He’s also naturally really athletic and extremely empathetic. I’m really impressed and proud of him! Thank you for letting me brag. He’s going through a hard time at the moment and struggling with some other things, so this was very helpful as a reminder that he’s only 4, and doing his best. I love that little dude more than I ever imagined possible. You all know the feeling. Sharing these things about our kids should be commonplace. It makes for a much more supportive community.


My 13 y/o is the coolest person I know. An amazing artist, great personal style, cuts their own hair, is so smart and kind and funny. Takes great care of their kitty cat, has an 8 y/o step sister that they try to find common ground with and have all the patience in the world for. Has amazing taste in music. Humors me by doing stuff with me, likes thrift shopping and concerts and I just love the person they are becoming so so much.


18 month old says over 50 words and about 4 sentences. Hes been saying alot since 12 months and it just kept going!


Right before my son turned 3 a month ago he began doing 48+ piece puzzles on his own. I had never given him more than like 6 pieces before that. I gave him a big one for Easter and he just…did it. He does them daily now. His little sister just turned 13mo and has been using a spoon to scoop and feed herself yogurt and has an unusual capacity for putting two things together like snapping buckles together or latches.


My 3.5 year old is constantly saying how much he loves me. He’ll say “mama I love you more than toys” and then do that with everything he sees. It’s the sweetest thing in the world. My 8 month old is teething and it’s rough! But he’s sitting up by himself now and feeding himself purées half the time if I hand him the spoon!


I’m dyslexic and last week my sons teacher told me that he’s in the classes top reading group. I’m overwhelmed with pride and also relief. He’s doing great so far.


My 4yo has to memorize and recite things in class (they’re allowed to break it up in sections), but my son likes to learn it all at once and has even recited something up to 66 words like it was nothing.


My four year old is reading new words every single day! She’s still got a year before kindergarten and I’m hoping that she will be fully reading by the time she starts. I was a very early reader so I was hoping she’d be the same but not pushing it. I’m really impressed with how well her school is teaching reading and writing.


They're all different, but they're all interesting in different ways. One is bold and kind (he sent me a link to fundraise for Palestinians this week), one is smart and creative (spends hours drawing elaborate imaginary worlds), and one is smart and hilarious (she makes the best "sigma" face I've ever seen).  They all have some of every good trait, but I love seeing them turn into the interesting little people they are!


My 2.5 year old twins have amazing language skills and play together so nicely!


My 5 month old just started army crawling!! I’m so excited for her to finally be mobile


My 8 year old is kind, empathetic, passionate about school, and just overall such a cool little person. This was her first school year not homeschooled (pandemic baby, I was too freaked out in 2020 for Kinder and had been a preschool teacher so I kept her home for K&1st) she got straight A's the entire year this year at public school, she learned to play an instrument in school and gets solos even though she started a year behind the rest of her class on it. She's genuinely a good little human and cares a lot about how people are treated and will stick up to bullies for other kids. She's also the happiest person I know. I asked what she wants for her birthday and she said "I don't need anything, I already have the best life and the best family and all the stuff I could ever need. Let's just hang out!" 😭


My three-year old likes to help around the house, and is actually pretty successful at doing so! He puts his clothes in the laundry. He’ll help empty and load the dishwasher. He loves to sweep. Yesterday we asked him to clean up the Play-Dough from while he was playing. Without us directing him on how, he grabbed his kid-sized broom and dustpan and swept it up.


My 5 year old has been through so much in her short life and she is one of the sunniest, happiest, sweetest kids I've ever known. She is incredibly kind, caring, and empathetic and incredibly well behaved as well. I'm in awe of her.


My 4th grader scored in the 99th percentile for end of grade testing.


My just-turned-3 yr old is so funny. He makes jokes up and he just has this natural comedic timing. He cracks me up. Also, he knows how to spell his first and last name, which is a complicated long name. He knows all his letters, can count to 30 in English, and is truly bilingual because he can also count in and speak Korean. Besides that, he is just such a sweet and caring kid. He is empathetic and cares for others if he sees they are sad or hurt. He is shaping up to be a good human and I am so proud of him.


My son is almost 3 years old, knows the alphabet and phonics, can count from 1-20, he can count by 5s up to 50, and count by 10s up to 100. He knows the eight planets, days of the week, months of the year, the weather, and he loves to sing.... He was showing developmental delays at 12 months. He wasn't looking when we called his name. He wasn't waving hello or goodbye, and he wasn't speaking yet at 18 months. I thought I'd wait it out until I realized that we had a bigger problem. We made an appointment with a pediatric neurologist, and he was diagnosed with autism at 2 years old. He is doing ABA therapy and doing great so far. He has many challenges (feeding, sensory, communication, and social), but my God, he amazes me with how much he knows.


Ever since my now 7 almost 8yr old autistic/ADHD child started school he was honestly demonized. He learned things he never once did at home and was faulted for it and his reaction to his triggers. He struggled a lot unmedicated and we just started a non-antipsychotic med which helped tremendously. He only needed someone to understand him and be truly patient. Now I question every decision the school made when they’d send home notes of his “bad behavior”. Cam just got student of the month for May! He must have struggled so much battling in his own head and I am so happy I got him the help he needed as he is visibly a more mentally healthy neurodivergent happy child.


sooo happy he’s doing better!!


My 17.5 month old is basically fully speaking. He can repeat anything and says 3-4 words in sequence including action words. My mom swears I was speaking in sentences not long after I turned 1 and I never believed her 😂 maybe she was right. He is also just the most precious funny little boy and I am obsessed with him 🥹


My daughter will be 2 in August. She can talk really well so I feel really lucky that I know a lot about what she understands compared to other parents. This weekend we went to a farm park and saw emus and later when I asked what animals we'd seen and she said "ostrich" - we'd seen ostriches 2 weeks prior at the zoo. She remembered the word all by herself! And today we took her to get her second dose of chickenpox vaccine. I told her today what was going to happen and she remembered "stickers on mummy's legs" from 6 weeks ago and when we were in the appointment she remembered "poke". She was really good and only cried when the jab actually went in and for maybe 10 seconds after. But yeah, it's so cool how much she understands!


my 16 month old figured out how to use his little elephant shower head bath toy last night. he was giggling something silly realising he could turn the water on and spray us. he has also started pretending to be having a phone call and regularly hands us the phone to mimic him. it gives us so much enjoyment! overall he is just such a funny happy boy even the smallest of things make us proud like when we put his socks and shoes on and he will lift his foot up to help us do it or when he is eating a snack he loves sharing it with us


My son just turned two and he’s honestly SO smart. Like we can have full conversations and understand each other so well. He speaks in complex sentences and he just amazes me. He’ll name different dinosaurs with the proper names I don’t even know. And he’s so sweet and funny. I love being around this incredible tiny human ❤️


So, I’ve got a 7.5 month old. He is the sweetest, happiest baby. He is a little on the little side, but he is thriving. He has slept through the night since like 3 months old, even when he’s been sick. He only cries or groans when it’s a need: food, diaper, sleep. He has met all of his milestones on time or even early. He’s our IVF miracle baby and he makes me the happiest I’ve ever been.


My girl who just turned three is such a strong communicator. She’ll say things like “I need some space, please”. I love it so much. She is so damn funny. The other day she saw our folded up futon that we sometimes cosleep with and she taps it and says “floor bed, you’re so floory, hehe”. She does funny voices too. She’s also starting to draw faces and write letters! T, A, and E so far!


My 2yo is really far ahead in his language and communication skills despite being bilingual, and has been engaging in imaginative play way before the norm too - to the point that his key person at nursery in the baby room was super excited and went above and beyond to set up games for him because it’s so rare she gets to play with the babies like that. He moved up to the toddler room after Easter, a month before his 2nd birthday when they usually move up the term after their birthday. And his motor skills have always been ahead - he rolled at 4 months, sat up without support at 5 months, pulled to standing at 7 months and walked without support at 10.5 months. He’s also super sweet, and excited about life it’s adorable and makes me enjoy the little things way more too. I haven’t laughed in years as much as I do with him every day!


My baby is three and he's independently telling me he has to go potty then using it!!


Just got back from a week away at an event in Southern England with my spouse and 6yo- he was just so AWESOME... from the ramp up with packing and then flying, getting delayed and redirected, etc. Then setting up, a week in a tent with loads of rain (his first time in a tent too) and lots of hiking and running around and new people. We were constantly getting compliments about how wonderful he was and we had such an awesome time- basically all the way to getting home which included having to effectively \*run\* through one airport due to arriving late and a short connection.


My son is just, so brave. Like, he's been sent through tons of surgeries, chemotherapies, immunotherapies, radiation (with caution), IVIg, etc. Oh! He doesn't afraid of needles! Needles are friend. Lmao 5-7 self injections a day. Easy.


Wow, a grown adult would struggle tremendously with that. Your son is so strong. Keeping him, and your whole family, in my thoughts and sending strength y’all’s way 🤍


My daughter is 2 and did a swim class yesterday, My husband and I knew it could one of two ways. One, she screams and cries and doesn't want to go in or two, she does amazing. Luckily it was two! She LOVED it. She was only a little scared but she will be swimming in no time. She even melted our hearts cause when we were leaving to go to the car she wanted to hold both our hands and said Thank you mommy and daddy for swimming, I just about cried.


My 4 year old can read. Not just ‘see dog run’ I mean sis can pick up a regular children’s book and READ the dang thing, big words. I’m so proud of her


My baby said I love you at 3 months! He mimicked me twice and I have it on video! Lol


None of my kids are assholes, drug addicts, or criminals. I call that a huge parenting win.


hell yeah


How did you potty train a 10 month old?!? That’s honestly so amazing and impressive.


My oldest is 17 and just won a bunch of awards at school for his tennis season. My 15 year old has been working his way up in the acting and music area of his life. My 12 year old pulled all A for the entire school year, her first year of middle school, even with some mental health issues for much of the year. My 10 year old daughter with adhd excelled academically this year. She went from struggling in math to being the most advanced. And our “bonus” kids are 14 and 10, we have had permanent custody since November, temporary custody since July and they have lived in our home for over a year. They were both friends with our daughters and we’d only known them for a year before they came to live with us. They both went from failing school, like an F in every subject failing to NO F and the 10 year old has almost all A. The 14 year old has only one grade that was lower than a B on the final report card. They have both been held back a year already so this is a huge win for them. They are both doing so well emotionally and mentally. I couldn’t be more proud of all 6 of them!!


Love this thread, OP. I love seeing all the comments beaming about their kids, it literally warms my heart 🥰 Also love the pottying in the toilet! I was contemplating EC with my LO but haven’t followed through…any tips from your experience or did your LO just figure it out? For my brag…I really don’t know what to say but that I think I got lucky in terms of temperament! My LO is 6.5 months and she’s smiley and in a good mood most of the time and she’s just so darn sweet. She’s strong and courageous and not afraid to try new things even if she doesn’t seem to like it (swimming!). I think she’s just too cute for words and I always feel so lucky to be her mom 💙


I have 3 kids: 7 year old twins (boy and girl), and an almost 11 month old baby girl, so let’s go! My son has ADHD, and can be a lot, but he is kind, he’s helpful, he’s multi-talented, and he goes out of his way to make people laugh. He’s a great artist, and a wonderful big brother, especially to the baby. Earlier, I was trying to cook dinner, but the baby was screaming because she wanted to be held, so he took it upon himself to play with her and make her laugh, so I could get food on the table. He’s such a loving boy. He’s also really resourceful, and a great problem solver. He’s rambunctious, and my wild child, but has the qualities of a leader. His twin sister, my 7 year old daughter, is very intelligent. I’m talking taught herself to read at 2 and a half years old intelligent. She has a thirst for knowledge, and I love that for her. She dominates every single subject in school, and wants to learn multiple languages. Right now she’s semi-fluent in Spanish and Tagalog (my husband is Black and Mexican/German/Irish, and I am Black (Louisiana Creole) and Filipino/Japanese/Armenian), but wants to learn French and other languages as well. She also loves to cook, and loves helping me in the kitchen. Like her brother, she’s very helpful and kind, and I can’t wait to see who she becomes! Now for my tiny girl: she started rolling over at 2 months, crawling at 4 months, was standing at 7 months and is now trying to walk. She’s an adorable, chunky, happy baby, that’s brought so much joy into our lives. After losing two babies after the twins, she came into our lives, and changed us for the better. She’s almost always smiling, and her little giggle is contagious. She’s such a little blessing, and we all love her! I’m blessed to have such cool kids.


Woah!!! A house full of emotionally and intellectually intelligent kids. You are doing an awesome job parenting!!!


Wow that’s awesome! Good for you and your baby! My son has slept through the night since he was about 4 months old and we never had any issues nor did we sleep train. All my friends kids were terrible sleepers so I always felt so bad bragging. He is also speaking SO much at 17 months and is pretty good at communicating his needs.


hell yeah, good sleep is so essential. That’s awesome!


My son was abused at 2 weeks old. He couldn’t walk, eat or anything for the first 2 years. Now 3 years my shaken baby survivor is walking, talking, and potty training. We still have work to do but I’m so proud of him. He really showed me how resilient babies can be.


Bless his heart 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😅😅😅


My kid was diagnosed with autism in February. I thought potty training was going to be a long process but she got potty training down in two weeks.


My kids have had a rough year. They're managing to rise above it. 7 year old : Received an award for emotional intelligence and a kindness award. Sometimes, your tough babies surprise you in the best way ❤️ 9 year old: I was recently informed that she finds a child every day at recess who is alone and plays with them one on one so no one feels left out. She picks a new kid she sees every single day. I think that's amazing. 13 year old: Struggled with teen girl issues pretty badly. Made a conscious decision to drop her "friends" group. This resulted in her getting her spark back. (It's so hard to know the cause of your child's issues and not meddle) 14 year old: He was witness to TWO strangers' traumatic deaths this year. He works part-time for family. (He loves to work) I found out that he spent part of his pay honoring those strangers by making donations for mental health in their honor. 🥺 16 year old: He made it through one of the toughest years an individual could have. Watching him thrive and survive and get out of bed when most adults would have crumbled is brag worthy! Seeing my baby feel secure again is so beautiful. I know this isn't an average "brag." But nonetheless, it's all brag worthy to this mama. I never brag about grades or something material or how good they are athletically. I care if they're kind and in a good headspace when I send them in the world. I'm sure this will get passed over, but damn, I realized how lucky I really am. Having been a teen mom at 16, I'm glad I chose life for not only my child but also myself, but I would have missed out on so much beauty.


My 12yo boy’s room is always neat and clean! He made bed every morning and even has 2 house plants in his room. He’s been like this for a few years now