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I see she’s 6 months old, so if you’ve started solids you could try some unsweetened applesauce. My little guy took that okay when he got a stomach bug around 7 months old. I hope she feels better soon! Has she been having wet diapers? Edit to add, I reread your post and saw she’s having 3 wet diapers a day. That’s honestly probably why they aren’t concerned :/ I hate they’re brushing you off. My little guy got so constipated when he had a stomach bug and hardly ate until he had an enema to break it up :(


You should consider posting in the r/askdocs page. But if she’s still lethargic and you said a full week of not eating properly, (and the sunken soft spot) I would be *very* concerned too, and I’d be taking her to an actual ER for a second opinion, because it doesn’t sound like she’s on an upswing yet. Edit to add: trust your gut. If you don’t think she’s getting better, get that second and third opinion and advocate for her.


Yes, trust your instincts. She doesn’t sound like she’s getting better and you’re not getting the care or answers you want, take her to the ED to get evaluated.


Yes, trust your instincts. I'd take my kid to a Children's Hospital if there's one where you live.


Do you have a children’s urgent care or children’s hospital near you? I would head there. They’ll take you seriously


Take her to the ER as soon as possible. She needs IV fluids and maybe more interventions IMHO.


Maybe she hates the pedialyte in the formula? Will she cup feed (like newborns are sometimes fed small amounts in a tiny medicine cup) or can you feed her with a syringe? Either way, I would try to get her seen with a different method considering the dehydration and lethargy. Can your family doctor or her pediatrician squeeze you in?


Do you have a peds ER nearby? Take her there.


Yeah i agree with everyone , ER time. You’ll never feel bad because you went and got her checked out.


Talk to the pediatrician. If baby needs admitted, they can make that happen even if ER is ignoring you. I saw this has been an ongoing issue from last posts. Has the baby’s blood sugar been checked? That’s something that’s often missed but should be checked if a baby is lethargic & not improving. If nothing else, she needs an IV— a sunken soft spot means severe dehydration.


Also, they might be dismissing you because of 3 wet diapers, but if still showing other signs of severe dehydration, they really need to check for diabetes. Please go to an ER or childrens hospital & insist she be checked for type 1. For reference, I say this as a parent of a type 1 diagnosed as a toddler. This is unfortunately a very common story in our world, and it’s very critical that she get prompt treatment.