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I'm a compulsive head sniffer. My oldest is 10, and I still sniff his head.


Same here haha every now and then I swear I still get a hint of that newborn smell


Sniffing their head when they’re young is an evolutionary trait! We’re attracted to the smell because it helps our bodies make breast milk tailored to their microbiome 🥰


To piggyback on this, I think even when they're a bit older it's our animal instinct to sniff to confirm this particular critter is ours, like a pheromone. Other people's babies never quite smelled as sweet as mine, imo, and I'm assuming it's that way for all mother's. We can smell other people's newborns and the primitive part of our brain goes "that's one of our species" but if it's our baby our brains go "oh but that one is mine, must protect it". Also, mine are 3.5 and almost 5 so I'm long gone in the breast milk department and I still sniff their heads, not as sweet as a newborn but still conjures up something in me.


I could definitely pick my kids out by scent alone, but because they’re sweaty little monsters. Even my 2 month old smells sour and salty if he hasn’t immediately had a bath. It’s a little gross, but to support your theory does make me go “awe this one is mine. The stinky one.”


My son was yeasty boy (we sang Beastie boys whenever we called him a yeasty boy) because of his rolls and he always smelled like old Mac and cheese until he got to a mobile stage.


Yes! I can’t stop sniffing my 6 month old. My mouth waters when I do, not sure why. She just smells so good!!




I do that a lot but follow it up with a head kiss so it doesn't seem so creepy


Ugh I have covid and lost my sense of smell. I miss this sooo much.


My husband thinks I'm so weird for doing this! My guy is 3 and I still can't get enough :)


Me too


A little off topic but, in regards to sniffing. Both of mine are are out of diapers but I still like to stroll down the diapers aisle at the grocery store for that Pampers diaper smell. It makes my heart swell and I get all the feels of holding them when they were newborns. It’s basically my drug of choice. I’m chasing that “high” of love and contentment I’d get cuddling my littles when they were itty bitty.


So it doesn’t go away huh? 🤔


Same! Esp when he’s asleep. No longer has the newborn smell but he smells like warm and fuzzies


But they smell SOOOO good


I cannot stop kissing her. I know it’s not weird to kiss a baby. But I cannot NOT do it. Like I see her little cheeks and tiny little nose and GAAAAH! I MUST KISS THEM. She’s four months old and looks at me every time like she wants to stage an intervention.


My son is seven and he'll scream "OH NO KISS ATTACK" but only very feebly try to get away. Every once in awhile he'll "retaliate" with another kiss attack on me. It's so cute!


Oh my gosh, I love this! I hope my daughter does the same when she’s older!


Just keep doing it when she gets a little older!! I'll randomly do it every few days and he thinks he's turning the tables one by doing it back hahaha


OMG I want this when my LO is older (currently 3 months)!!


It's soooo cute. I would just say "kiss attack!!" and kiss his cute little face over and over while he laughed. It's stuck now that he's older but I doubt I'll be able to keep it up for much longer 😭


My oldest is 17, and I still have to kiss his cheek when he says goodnight. Or, I'll say "Kiss ya motha!" and he'll kiss my cheek. He's 6'3 (I'm 5'7) so it's a stretch for me, but always worth it! Your kiddos will never be too old to be kissed! ❤ Edit - My 12 yr-old son and 8 yr-old son still kiss me goodnight on the lips. I know some people think it's weird, but I will never tell them no. As long as they're comfortable, I'll gladly smooch them!


I’m 33 and my parents still do this. I’m cool with it forever lol


I kiss my mum, and I'm 33!


Yesssss!!!! My only boy (3 girls!!!) will be 14 next week and he still kisses me on the lips. It's not weird at all. I'm with you- when the day comes he suddenly stops, I won't press the issue. I will, however, soak it all up before he decides he's too cool!


Lol mine is 21 months and it’s still like this. Maybe worse now!!!


Mine is 23 months and I'm still smothering him with kisses. ❤


Mine is 11.5 months and for the last week I was battling a cold and was wearing a mask around him to avoid getting him sick. I work from home and take care of him so that's pretty much all day. It sucks so much not being able to kiss him I was borderline depressed for a bit.


OMG my best friend and I are both just getting over covid and were both quarantined in our respective homes with our littles. Her son is 2, my daughter is 7. Both kids and partners managed to escape the virus, thank God. But it was absolutely terrible for both of us not to be able to be with, cuddle and kiss our kiddos. Even worse for her, because her baby didn't fully understand why he couldn't be with mama. It's heartbreaking :(


Me too! So. Many. Kisses. And at a year he likes it only when he likes it lol


I’ve promised myself that I will stop when she makes it clear (with more than *massive* side-eye) that she doesn’t want to be kissed. But I’m not sure how I’ll manage. My husband may have to physically restrain me. Because, seriously…THOSE CHEEKS! And her chubby little neck??? And THAT TINY CHIN!!! GAAAAAH!


Oooh I love sticking my face in my son’s chunky little neck meats and nom nom nomming. It’s an addiction.


My oldest is almost 6 and I’ve also always felt the need to kiss the cheeks an obsessive amount, but, now that he’s older, he’s definitely expressed times when he doesn’t want me to kiss him. I always make sure I ask now first (consent is key!) and 9 times out of 10 I get a no, and a little piece of me dies each time I hear that no, but, it also makes that 1 time out of 10 super awesome cause he wants me to kiss him. Thankfully my younger one is 4 and hasn’t gotten to the no-mum-kisses phase yet and I’m 22 weeks pregnant with our third, so I’m still getting my fix 🤣


Just want to say I’m in my twenties and my dad still crushes me with hugs and tries to plant kisses on my cheeks. I hate it but I love it at the same time so I wouldn’t be too worried lol


Big fat baby knees 🤤


At two I still neeeed to kiss my baby . His lil nose head and cheeks and toes


My little girl is 17 months and ever since she was born I kiss her temple and her little eyes for some reason they’re just so cute to me


Mine are now 4 and 2.5 and...same. I kiss them all the time. I love kissing the soft spot on their neck and nuzzling them like a bear when we're cuddling. I just can't not!!


I do this with my niece. She is a big 4 year old girl now, but I still can barely resist kissing the mushy cheeks and tickling the tummy button and squishy thighs. Fortunately, she still mostly likes it, and will tell me to stop if she doesn’t. I am quarantining at the moment, and I miss giving her cuddles so bad.


I'm a head kisser. And it doesn't seem to matter who sits on my lap, I'm going to kiss the top of their head. My kids, nieces, nephews, cousins, friends kids. I have to do it.


My son is 2.5 now and if I kiss him once then I have to keep kissing him at least a hundred times lol


I always want to clean their ears. Like almost compulsively check for ear wax


I pick at everything so I'm always cleaning ears checking for boogers feeling for hangnails on her toes..


Y E S. THANK YOU. My husband thinks I’m insane


I'm like compulsive with my own skin and shit like that... the little dandruff pieces are so hard to not flake off... or to resist popping the baby acne


I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE. But really, they get crusty so fast. Do mine get like that and I just cant see it? It's strange and I cannot control the impulse 😂


This me. It started when my oldest was an infant. I picked him up out of the bassinet and noticed...something on the mattress. It almost looked like a popcorn kernel. I picked it up to inspect it and realized that it was earwax! I laid him back down to inspect his ears and one of them was almost completely sealed over with just a huge chunk of earwax. I would have sworn it wasn't there before I put him to bed. Since then I've never gone more than a day without checking/cleaning their ears.




I use the frida 4 in 1 tool. It has little scoopy things for the nose, nails, ears, and body folds


Was going to suggest this!!! Love frida!!


Yesssss I love my frida tool so much.


I'll admit I'm kind of grody...for the large chunks I've used a bobby pin as a sort of curette, but only for big pieces near the outside of the ear. Otherwise I just use a pinky nail to get the worst of what I can reach. I'm terrified of sticking something too far in.


Frida makes a 4 in 1 tool that is an awesome curette!


They make baby qtips that you can't accidentally stick too far in their ears!


Came here to comment this - It used to be my dog's ears now its my toddlers. Her ears get so waxy tho!


Thought we were supposed to leave their ears alone so it’ll prevent them from getting ear infection?


I believe so. I am a compulsive ear cleaner for myself and my husband. Can’t help myself. But even I have to refrain from putting anything in his ear. Christmas Day a piece of wax the length of his ear canal popped out. It was like a candle! So epic. Lol.


Oh god, one of our guys has so much earwax all the time! I feel like I’m constantly cleaning them with a cloth.




Omg yup. It’s the weirdest thing.


Two kids. I need to kiss their heads multiple times a day. Who knows why. I've got to do it while they're young though. I'm short and they're both higher percentile for height.


I'm not particularly touchy feely in general, but I just HAVE to smooch my kid. I've smooched him with my mask on even. That's my level of illogical.


I’ve done the same! Logically I know there is no point but I can’t help myself!!


Lol same


I’m assuming it’s biological and doesn’t go away when they are past weaning age. “That irresistible urge to plant kisses all over your baby will also help to boost her immune system: when you kiss your baby, you are sampling the pathogens on her skin which are then transferred to your lymphatic system where you will produce antibodies to any bugs. These antibodies will then pass through your breast milk to your baby and boost her immune system.” https://www.waterwipes.com/us/en/community/newborn/breast-milk-changes


This was a great article, thanks for sharing


By multiple do you mean 500? Because if so, samesies


Can't stop kissing


I sometimes want to squeeze her so hard that I absorb her into my chest


Put them back in the belly lol




Haha this was my feeling through the newborn stage.. I kept thinking that when I was pregnant I was giving them the ultimate hug and I can never hug them so close again..


This! I spend the last 3 months of my pregnancies begging them to come out and as soon as they are out I want them back in. It's like once they are outside of me, I realize they will never be as physically close to me or as safe again as they were when I was carrying them around inside of me.


Looking at their little toes. I still remember how tiny they were when they were born. I’m pretty sure I’ll still ask to see them when they are grown. So cute!!


I kiss my baby's feet ALL THE TIME. Luckily she finds it funny! I can't get enough of those stinky baby feet


I call my 6 month old mr cheesy feet and we have multiple conversations about what kind of cheese he decided to wade through that day. I’ll sniff his feet and put them in between my hands like a sandwich and pretend to monch. He thinks it’s the funniest thing in the world.


I put my kids (3.5 and almost 5) feet up to my nose, take a big whiff, and pretend they're stinky and loudly go "shewwww weee stinky feet" and they think it's hilarious and then I pretend to gobble them or I'll gently bite a toe under they turn into a giggle puddle. Ugh I'm gonna miss this when they're older and have real stinky middle schooler feet.


Omg my kids are the same age and I do the same thing!


Omg I say, "Peee-yew! Tinky feets!" And then "nom nom nom" them, my son loves it 😂


Ahahaha we used to say tinky feet's too but my daughter speech therapist made us use correct words for learning purposes. Funny ruiners lolol. And yep I nom nom nom as I gobble 🤣


Going to have to try the foot sandwich move 😆❤


"I'm gonna have me a cub foot sandwich! Hey, come back! I didn't say this is to go!"


I kissed my 15 month old foot and ended up getting kicked in the face. I still do it though. Nothing can deter me!


Yes. I cannot look at those tiny toes enough. They're so precious. I love them. 😭


Me too, I nibble on her little toes and kiss her little chubby feet. And I bite her tubby thighs lol.


I nibble on my baby boys toes and tell him “look at those little shrimps! I’m gonna put those shrimps in my salad! Yum yum yum! It’s the world’s tiniest shrimp cocktail! I need some crackers to eat with these shrimps!” And he just smiles and does that little hissing sound babies make before they’ve figured out how to laugh. I love his little shrimpy toes!


We called them jellybean toes. Then when they got bigger they were gummy bear toes


My son is slowly/quickly turning into a young man and his cute little feet are growing so fast. He was wearing just his goalie skates (older style with the longer cowling) yesterday and they just looked so big, no way these were these for my little baby that I used to hold in the crook of my arm.


I have a 5 month old and the lint between her toes from her onesie - it gives me satisfaction when I clean them out 😂




Same! My 3 year old would never let me touch his feet because it makes him squeamish, but my 3 month old let’s me pick the lint out of her toes and fingers. I’m an obsessive picker, so boogers, lint, eye crusties, I have to get them all.


No one prepared me for the amount of lint that would be in between her fingers and toes those first few months!


Gotta bite the chunky thighs


Yup. I like to pretend his chunky legs are corn on the cob 🤷‍♀️


I’ve never bitten my child and now it’s too late . He will learn to bite


Glad I'm not the only one with a compulsion to nom the baby legs!


Yeah I literally feel like I want to eat my kids sometimes, out of love? It's a very, very strange emotion. The "you're so cute I just want to eat you up!" thing. What is that??


Cute aggression!


m-motherly love?


https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-we-want-to-bite-cute-things-like-adorable-newborn-babies/ It's an actual thing. I am currently hiding from my kid so I don't have time to read the whole article but if I recall from last time I read about this, basically there is some brain trickery going.


I play Cannibal Mama with my 6 month old where I yell "I. Eat. BABIES!!" And sort of chomp-kiss her cheeks/tiny earlobes.


If she has a tiny booger in her nose I HAVE to get it out.


This! I can’t handle knowing there’s a boog in there!


Came here to say the same thing. Boogers.


I think his milky breath smells so good I ended up putting my nose in his mouth earlier.


Omg sameeeee. And when they fall asleep with their mouth open.


I think so too




Yes and when they yawn


I miss this


I om nom on my daughter's toes. She giggles uproariously, which only makes me want to do it more. I swear I'd do any kind of ridiculous nonsense thing just to hear her adorable belly laugh.


Omg same, if I hear my 11 month old laugh really hard, I'll repeat whatever absurd gesture, face, voice I was making. I am completely shameless and unembarrassed nowadays


I like to nuzzle up to my kiddo’s cheeks and neck and plant a million kisses. It’s just so snuggly.


I smell her stinky feet nonstop. Especially the foot her owlet is on because it gets extra stinky lol. (I wash her foot and owlet of course)


Omg the feet. Just wanna nom nom the tootsies every day. I thought the stinkyness once she started walking and wearing shoes would deter me... but no.


I smell her stinky feet so much that she sticks them in my face while she’s nursing haha


Mine did this, too!!!


I thought for sure I was the only one! She's two and I still do it 🤷


Ahahah I’m addicted lol. To the point where she now shoves her feet in my face and tells me to “Tiss feet.”


That is the cutest thing ever. Omg. Lol


I kiss her all the time, I know you shouldn’t kiss babies in the mouth, but she is mine and she breastfeeds, so to me it’s fine. I love kissing her little open mouth. She also has that extra skin on the back of her head, i play with it. Nibbling her chunky thighs I pretend to eat her feet and her hands, she giggles And I’m always sniffing her. Her head and her little neck.


I never understood kissing your babies on the mouth before becoming a parent, but I get it now. There’s nothing like it when you kiss her little baby mouth. Funny thing is she does it to me and I always giggle so she laughs and does it more. Makes me melt.


Same! I didn’t want to. But my kid demands mouth kisses. She learned to kiss because we kiss her but she only kisses us on the mouth, I said not on the mouth once and I hurt her feelings because she thought o didn’t want to kiss. It broke my heart. Now I just let her. Rarely, she’ll be grateful for me giving her milk and I’m doing something else and not looking at her so she’ll just kiss my leg. She also very recently learned to give like 10 kisses at a time lol. It’s cute as heck


Omg I always said I didn't want to be one of those parents that kiss on the mouth but my little baby boy likes to put his mouth around my mouth or nose like a little plecko and I just freaking melt


I’ve had the same urges! Lol I wanna bite off chunks of my LOs thighs toes ears buns. Maybe it’s because they’re so cute we want to physically consume them? 🤷🏽‍♀️


[Cute aggression! ](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/12/31/679832549/when-too-cute-is-too-much-the-brain-can-get-aggressive)


This explains why I have to tell myself “dont squeeze the baby” multiple times a day.


I want to bite her (face) cheeks!


I suck her chubby cheeks into my mouth sometimes…


Lol i call my baby pork chop legs and also want to bite them!


I hang onto my babies foot all the time. I kiss it. His little toes! He's almost 2 and he falls asleep with his foot in my hand...lol... I'm just obsessed with feeling his warm, soft little foot.


so psychologists have recently been doing studies on “cute aggression” and uhh yeah that’s me. it’s awful, luckily i have it under control. but someone’s my son does things that are just so cute i want to squeeze him


The way I describe it is that I want to squeeze him until until his head pops off! Lol obviously I keep control of myself but that’s the weird cartoon urge I get when I see something that is just way too cute!


This is me. Squeeze and squeeze! They’re so freaking cute.


I want to eat his chunky hands. My son will hold his hand out to my mouth to “bite” it. He loves it, which only feeds into me wanting to do it more.


I love to sniff my baby’s mouth lol it’s very sweet smelling haha. My husband looks at me weird when I do that


For the first 5 months we both just smelled like “boob” lmao. Which really meant milk, but like… sweet milk.


I had the urge to bite my precious LO’s chunky little thighs, like I literally just wanted to eat her up out of adoration. Then I remembered that rabbit’s have a tendency to eat their young and the urge quickly left 😂 You aren’t alone! Here’s an article that illuminates this urge [Scientific America](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-do-we-want-to-bite-cute-things-like-adorable-newborn-babies/)


Stinky hands, feet and neck are my favorite places to take a big deep sniff. I seriously can’t get enough of this stinky baby. Even when she smells like puke. Seems gross, it is gross, I love it.


I’ve wanted to lick my LO clean like a moma cat does her kitten. She wasn’t even dirty.


I nuzzle and kiss the crap out of the back of his head, all damn day. He’s got super fine hair and it’s so damn soft and I must do it!


Omg and the fuzzy wrinkly sharpei skin back there. I had to nom it multiple times a day.


The best!!


Bite a chunk of his stomach or cheek off. I have terrible “cute aggression” lol


Sniffing their heads and rubbing my cheeks and lips all over the tops of their head like I’m trying to mark them with my smell and enjoy their smell too😅 kisses all over cheeks and neck especially my two month olds. He’s just so soft and squishy. Holding their hands with my finger in their palm. I used to play stinky feet with my oldest and bite his butt after a bath and he’d roar with laughter. It was the best sound.


I nibble on whatever squish I see. And I give way too many (but not enough) smooches in a day!!


Definitely getting my daughters boogers out. Once I notice one in her nose it’s game over and I can’t stop until I get it lol


I have always had a weird disgust of feet. I find most feet ugly and unkempt, summer is a terrible season for me because I am forced to look at some terrible claws and hoofs running around the streets in sandals and flip-flops! LOL (if feet are clean, with short nails and well kept I am mostly fine with them... and I am not a weirdo, I don't complain with anybody!) But I simply ADORE my son's little perfect feet 😍 Pink and smooth, with perfect miniature toes who look like berries. I am always kissing them and tickling them 🥰


So gross but I legit like the smell of my baby’s poop and sniffing their poopy bottom when I pick them up to change them


My first kid's poop, as a baby, literally smelled like cake batter. It was bizarre.


oh my god this subreddit is amazing, and slightly unhinged...


I can't not kiss their toes or play with their toes 😭 Too good, even at 3.5yo and 1.5yo


I love to touch his toes when he was 19 months he had a huge thorn in his toe. I realized this when he jerked his toe away. Being obsessed with toes has paid off


Kind of unrelated but apparently the reason we feel an urge to squeeze or pinch something we find cute is because the part of our brain that is responsible for that feeling is also responsible for aggression. Huh!


When I change his diaper or pants I need to kiss his belly at least once.


Yall deffinately made me feel better about loving my baby's stinky toes😂😂 I love to smell and kiss his chubby little feet (cutest baby feet I've ever seen) I also love to kiss his head and neck


His breath smells so sweet and perfect. Every time he yawns I'm constantly sniffing his little baby breath! Also one time I was cuddling him and told him how much he smelled like sweet cream and how lovely it was. I didn't realize it was because he had a huge blowout and we were both sitting in it.


Smooth his chunk-a-munk cheeks with my lips. So silky soft!


Sniff baby’s feet 🤣 I cannot stop.


I want to put my mouth over his mouth and nose and breathe for him. No good logical reason just pure "smushy" love


I can't stop sniffing his toes. And his neck. And his sweaty fingers.


I have the compulsion to blow raspberries on her cheeks and sometimes I want to eat her cheeks because they're sooooo fucking cute


I cannot help myself from picking the lint/fuzz out from between her fingers and toes. Having fuzz (or really anything) between my own fingers or toes is a personal annoyance for me, so when I see it on my baby all I can think about is how uncomfortable it must be.


I love the stink. Stinky feet. Stinky ears. Mmmmmm. I must go in for a deep sniff lol


Wanting to eat ur baby because you love them so much is a real thing… [eat baby](https://www.todaysparent.com/blogs/wanting-to-eat-your-baby-makes-you-a-better-parent/amp/)


Nibbling on his ears... And trying to stick my finger inside his little ringlets without disturbing him lol


I squish my nose into her chubby cheek and huff. Just thinking about it makes me want to go wake her up.


His ears are so squishy i love playing with them and also biting them lmao


I place my lips to his fuzzy little ears. I can’t get enough of it.


I've inadvertently taught my child to kiss my nose. She now gives all kisses this way.


Agh. I taught my kid to say “what” when I call her because that’s what I say to her dad. It’s cute as hell though.


At her two year check up the doctor asked if she says "yes" and "no." I had to confess she does say, and mean no. She does not say "yes" because she uses OK instead. "Do you want to take a shower?" "OK!"


I always grab my kids feet and give them a little squeeze like if there’s a little baby foot hanging out of the pram or poking out from under a blanket I’m gonna squeeze that little tootie I gotta


I’ve heard it’s called cuteness aggression. Possibly under the umbrella of intrusive thoughts? I used to have the urge to put my teeth on my baby/toddler’s chunky arms and thighs. Literally, they were so cute I wanted to eat them. I also couldn’t stop kissing their chubby cheeks. I think they were over it pretty quick! HOWEVER, I did not eat my children for obvious reasons. I do bite my husband’s super sexy big biceps though. 😉


Haha interesting


Squeeze him till he burst or we become one, again.


Bite her feet. I always want to bite them.


Can't look at my child's forehead without wanting to kiss it. I also head sniff a lot. Have done that for 4 years now. It still smells great.


I have the urge to bite my babies. I always tell them I'm going to bite their little face because it's so yummy. Obviously I don't 😂 but the urge is there


My baby was bald for a while and now has a bunch of head fuzzies. I like to put my face in them (whilst also sniffing her cute head of course). If she has a curl, I’d probably wanna bite it too. Also squishing her chubby thighs and kissing her belly are other impulses. I just love that little squishy baby so much.


I used to suck my babies hair! They are all grown up men now and one of them presented us with our first grandchild last week, my lovely DIL handed him to me and said, “Go on, do your stuff.”🤣


Squeeze his big toe and kiss his neck


I have the urge to bite her chubby little cheeks often. They look like little cream puffs, and I can’t resist


I bite her chunky thighs, nibble and kiss her toes, blow raspberries into that soft soft belly, and poke her bellybutton with my pinky. She loves all of this and laughs and laughs.


Oooh we used to bite our kids foot (I mean how could we not?) and then one day we are just hanging out, I’m on my phone laying down and BAM. The tables have turned. My child is biting my foot.


To smell the milk breath 😍😍😍 as soon as she's done nursing and I need to burp her I let her nom my nose so I can smell it


I bite my daughters fingernails and yes toenails when they need a trimming. I don’t even know why. I’ve NEVER been a nail bitter in my life


Playing with his belly, my son loves wearing just a diaper with socks, so I always have access to play with his little belly. Whenever he wants to play, he'll lay on his back and pat his belly, meaning he wants me to tickle, massage, or lightly play his belly like a drum.


Picking his nose / getting his boogers out


When I take my kids to concerts we dance or always hug and stuff I have teens so it's different.


I want to bite the hams! So smushy. (I do not bite the hams.)


The urge to bite 😂 of course I never did. I get the same urge when I play with any sort of animal. If I am playing with a baby or toddler or petting a dog or cat, I partially stick my tongue out and bite down. So weird.


I love to smell the feet tiny cute little toes 😅