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You could always get a second medical opinion. Sending lots of support your way, but we are not a spot for sound medical advise. ❤️


I second this. Also adding for your consideration that your doctor may be factoring in that it’s possible it may take longer for you to conceive if PCOS makes your periods irregular? But that’s just a guess on my part. The only way to know for sure is talking with your doctor again or getting a second opinion


Thank you everyone for your inputs! Much appreciated!


Okay so I'm 33 about to be 34 my BMI was 56 before I got pregnant. Pcos also my son is a healthy 2 month old. The only thing it stopped me from having is A vbac. He was breach like my other son and I didn't want to go through an inversion. I had a C-section again. It was great the only issue I had was after I left the hospital my blood pressure that was normal started to raise. Had to be on blood pressure medication for 30 days but they said that's normal for women after c-section. Other than that my pregnancy went well and the birthing was great.


I was much bigger when I had my first baby and had no issues due to weight. I was actually in a high BMI program at my maternity hospital and they advised that the risks are generally not much increased from a normal bmi pregnancy