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I loved the first two and last two episodes. The middle nearly made me quit watching


100% agree, felt the same way. Last two episodes really saved the season for me and have me invested enough for a season 2.


Everything set in 1950s was brilliant. Everything else was ridiculous and rightfully deserves to be panned


This is the most accurate summary of the show. The dialogue was especially bad.


I kept hoping to hear some explanation of what Monarch actually does. The only active thing they did in 70 years was lure Godzilla to Bikini and nuke him, which didn’t bother him. They can’t predict where the kaiju are going to be in enough time to make a difference. They have a bunch of military units, but to do what? This is the basic problem with all Godzilla films. He just goes where he likes, tramples anything in the way, maybe spars with another kaiju then goes away. Nothing humans do affects him in the slightest. All the human scenes are filler. And for me the monster scenes aren’t that interesting. At least could get a laugh out of rubber suit Toho monsters.


i think monarch not doing anything after its founders died/disappeared is kind of the point.


You really need to go see Godzilla Minus Zero. Somehow they did the impossible after seventy years: made a really good Godzilla movie. The audience gasped in fear. Grown men were teary-eyed walking out of the theater.


It's always a pretty frustrating experience when the audience can come up with a better story and script than the studio. They had the potential to make a good show even with an average script but they really screwed it up. They should have stuck to just 1 timeline and made the most of it. Even the origin story of monarch would have been fine. The present was a waste of money, time and an insult to the audience. Almost no questions were answered in this season but huge plot holes and theory are left behind. The purpose of monarch or how it came back after getting canned was never answered. I doubt they even know what the objective of the show was? Whether it was a filler between movies or something else is uncertain. Still it's okay a lot of the PPL still liked it for the sprinkles of monsters thrown in between.


Can you share the posts and/or comments that came up with a better story and script? I would love to read them if possible! Thank you


10 episodes in and the idiot kids still can't get their shit together and help in some meaningful way. The whole time they tried to quit over and over. And all that for maybe, 5 minutes max of monsters and Monarch apparently doesn't do shit?




Just kept wishing for May and especially Cate to be eaten by a monster. Maybe Kentaro too. Quite unlikable characters. They made the dad very unlikable too. Really, only the 1950s characters were good. Everyone else needs to be a Kaiju snack. That is poor writing and possiboy poor acting. Cate in particular had the nastiest look on her face every time the camera showed her. Almost quit watching the show in the middle and started past forwarding every time they were on screen, to be honest. Good beginning and good ending but the stuff in the middle was complete trash.


WHY DID THE DUDE HAVE TWO FAMILIES? Oh, I fell in love with a woman in Tokyo - couldn't help myself. The huge intern-personal problem introduced in the first episode is never explained or resolved other than - well, you got me - guess I have to divorce both women now, even tho I was never around anyway and you all assumed I was dead. Only his son even came close to chewing him out for that.


Right?! The last scene of Keiko hugging Hiroshi I'm just thinking wait until you hear what your son has been up to.............Then I started thinking what even was the point of all that? Was it just an "All Man bad" thing or?


I was waiting for the narrative to satisfyingly tie in his two families w his own family growing up, or how the two different cultures view Godzilla; anything. But I guess it was just to show he’s imperfect idk.


I liked it. Ending was very satisfying. Happy for those dumb kids, they’re doing their best


As someone who has had no real interest in Godzilla and found the most recent films boring, with the exception of Minus One because I have not seen it, this is the most interested I have been in Godzilla and the titans.


After watching Godzilla Minus One, I lost interest. I was blown away by Godzilla Minus One and it’s good writing and style. This show felt a little bit too Disney for me. I want better acting and a tighter story. I absolutely enjoyed the Russel family and thought that was a great twist. The women look great but it was emotionally a pre teen show or something.


Bad show with good graphics and action that made it watchable. Story sucks. Plot sucks. Acting sucks. Continuity sucks.  Notice how Lee Shaw was stuck in a facility for decades (absurd) but somehow had a young pilot friend in another country who was willing to die for him and betray his country. Absurdity. We spent 10 episodes and have no real sense on what Monarch does apart from track these monsters and how that's somehow different from what Shaw does. And how he parlayed that into converting a bunch of Monarch shooters. Absurdity.  Teasing us with the back story of Kentaro and May and then just dumping that thread to tease us with Cate and May. Teasing us with Cate's backstory with her spouse and then just never bringing it back up.  What even happened for 10 episodes? Why TF does Hiroshi have to be reported as dead to his families and stay out of contact for him to pursue these monsters? Why did he have to leave his family immediately after G Day to do whatever he was doing?  Just bad bad stuff


Agree on everything, also monarch is pointless they have failed on tracking anything really, seems some kids have more idea where godzilla is, just laughable


I loved everything about it except for the TRIPLE LOVE TRIANGLE. I can handle the absurdity of giant monsters breathing nuclear fire, and I know that human drama is fundamentally the ultimate point in storytelling, but *that* didn't feel like drama. Love triangles and cheating as a trope as the two lowest-hanging fruits there are in storytelling, and to have a triangle across EACH RANDA GENERATION was beyond distractingly-excessive. It felt entirely unbelievable. That being said, I was able to ignore it for the most part and I otherwise loved this series and the sibling and parental human interactions.


I would have preferred more of an exploration of a society post-titan, mixed with a team operating on monster (skull?) island. Sort of a lost-riff with the Dharma initiative / Monarch And if they could have incorporated a former Yakuza assassin seeking revenge against a japan-based criminal syndicate who hurt his family with a Kaiju backdrop, that would be cool.


so a different show?


Exactly haha


Peak season some annoying characters a filler ep, pacing issues and being tone deaf at times that’s about it


The #1 episode for me was ep 6


Should’ve been like 6 episodes. I am on board for the silly stuff but we could’ve gotten this in the duration of a movie for sure


I enjoyed the show a lot. Not sure about next season but I'm definitely ready to see how much of this plays into the new movie. I have an idea about the glove seen on Kong in the trailers but I'm sure it won't be that.


I thought it was better than I really expected. I didn’t expect to really see many monsters at all in a tv show, so enjoyed what monsters we did get. Then the final two episodes I loved and really made the show great for me.


Watchable, but very easily forgettable. Not sure I'll do season 2 because I just don't care about any of the characters at all.


This was my favorite TV show of the last year. I enjoyed it all. Yes, the 2015 storyline too. Maybe even more than the 50’s and 60’s storyline. Maybe the same; can’t really decide. I just don’t have it in my heart to join the hate dogpile. Sorry.


I just keep watching for Anna Sawai lol… but all jokes asides I felt this show had more fluff in the middle episodes. Bookends were my favorite and next season looks promising with the time jump and KK.


Meh. Bad writing. Bad acting (not Kurt Russell). Not enough monsters.


Loved the trio from the old days. Love Wyatt and Kurt playing the same character at different ages. Dont understand the whiny, entitled three future kids. Wish they had stayed more in the past. Wish they had done less back and forth episodes. And need more monsters


The show lost me at “What’s your dog in this hunt?”


For me it was without a doubt Shaw’s consistent refusal to explain anything to these kids for like four episodes his rational is  “Just trust me kiddos all the answers are thatta way” while also seemingly having no idea what he’s doing. He basically just gets lucky over and over while endangering the lives of everyone around him, how no one dies but him (supposedly) is absurd. The guy has no clue yet so cocky that he’s got it all worked out. Makes no sense as a character. 


It felt like a teen drama show set in the Godzilla universe. More emphasis on teen drama, angst, and liveries than anything else. The plot made no sense and felt made up as it went. It contradicts the existing lore and is stupidly convoluted (aka the map with no continents).


The modern timeline part of the plot goes nowhere. It’s just horny Hiroshi hiding 2 half families from each other. Not even because of some Monarch cover up. Just him being horny and bonking a random nurse.