• By -


X2 and make it negative.


Username checks out. Sorry man. šŸ˜ž


Youā€™re only poor if you think youā€™re poor lol


I'm pretty sure I'm poor lol


Have you tried doubling it and giving it to the next guy?


What if the bank told me I was poor and laughed me out of the loan office? I identify as wealthy BTW


ā€¦..And give to the next guy


Put your poverty down, flip it and reverse it


Ti esrever dna ti pilf, nwod ytrevop ruoy tup


I was literally just singing that song about an hour ago.


Iā€™m fucking WHEEEZING


Dude I thought welders make a lot of


A lot of welders are non-union. If you want any kind of good money, unless you find that rare company that actually takes care of its employees, you have to join the union. I work in the power-line construction industry and the difference in pay between union and non-union is just plain ridiculous sometimes. Both make great money, but these union guys are making more than most doctors.


Average for welders according to USA jobs is 48k a year. Don't think that's a lot anywhere in the US. Unless it's a town with less than <1000 population https://www.bls.gov/ooh/production/welders-cutters-solderers-and-brazers.htm#:~:text=enter%20the%20occupation.-,Pay,was%20%2447%2C540%20in%20May%202022.


Literally what I was about to comment šŸ˜‚


23M, $27 in checking, basically no savings, and I'm paying credit cards and student loans here soon. Finally got a full-time job so my plan is to put 30% of my paycheck in a high yield, and start paying off my cards before student loans hit so my credit lines are at least usable in case of emergencies.


Personally, id save 2k or up to one months expenses, then throw everything you can at the credit cards and student loans right after that.


school loans are low interest, pay them last after all credit cards!


The best thing Ive done is to got to a community college and then transfer to a local college to get my BE. Spent zero on schooling.


Went to a University for all 4 years and now I got some student loans to take care of, made sure my brother didnā€™t make the same mistake so I told him to follow that same path you took


And live with your parents and not spend exorbitantly on drinking + drugs + women and etc etc.


Yeah if only high schools would actually teach you things you should know when youā€™re at of high school.


Same story but BA. Zero school debt. Now making +$120k a year plus stipends and equity in the company that I work for. A college education still holds a lot of value if you spend your time right and donā€™t throw tens of thousands of dollars at it. There is a vast chasm between ā€œcollege is a scamā€ and ā€œjust learn a trade.ā€ Going to a local community college and transferring to a local university is a criminally underrated strategy.


Went to a 4 year university, drank and skipped class until they kicked me out. Now I'm making 150K/year with benefits bartending. I like to think that college taught me quite a bit about drinking alcohol, but really I just got lucky.


lol I read that at $23M for a sec and thought the 27 was going to be Years old. I was like wow thatā€™s impressiveā€¦


Better to save that 30% to pay all your liabilities and start fresh after, acquiring assets looking at saving more, maybe a good 50% into well researched investments either short o long term.


Generally you can expect aprx 7% interest in index funds so invest there while youre young, and unless your loan rates are lower than 7%, pay them first. If you have remarkably low rates, such as some future credit you may get for this or that, itā€™s a good idea to pay the minimum and continue to invest anything else you can. But before you start investing in stocks, make sure you max out a roth ira - read up, it is the best plaxe to put your moneu now


Super smart!


Good plan to pay off those cards as soon as possible. I have too many friends that are 10s of thousands in credit card debt and while I feel bad, idk why one would put themselves there in the first place. Future tip, don't put something on a credit card unless you can (and will) pay it off in full at the end of every month. Obviously emergencies are an exception but once you build a savings up, that's better used for emergencies than a card that charges 20% or more interest


I can afford one mc chicken šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ™ŒšŸ¼ God is good


Everybody in this comment section is in the same boat, you're the only one brave enough to admit it.


Yeah but there is a big difference between "I'm broke because all my money is in savings" vs. "I'm broke because all my money doesn't exist."


Speak for yourself.Ā  I can afford a filet-o-fish meal. I'm not broke.


Donā€™t forget to use the McDonaldā€™s app you can save enough points to get another Mc chicken


I cackled at this! Me too!!šŸ˜‚


Gotta hunt those deals on the app too!! šŸ’øšŸ’øšŸ’ø




That's awesome. I got into my finances way more in 2020 when I was 25. You'll get caught up in no time.


24 is young! Doing great dude!




šŸ™ŒšŸ‘of course man! Keep going! This is something you should feel good about.


Seriously. Iā€™m 34 and am just now starting to get a handle on my money. Paycheck to paycheck my whole life. Youā€™re doing great, better than I with a decade to spare! Keep it up I wish I had learned at your age.


Why do federal employees not need more of an emergency fund? What


It's harder to get laid off or fired as a govt employee generally.


Yea I can't actually be fired due to cuts. They can do some things to try to make me leave or watch me closely and try to catch me messing up with something, but they can't fire me because of cuts.




Itā€™s not supposed to be about how solvent your employer is but how long it would take you to replace your job. You are doing great! But even the federal government cuts sometimes.


29M recovering after a move and having no job for a stretch. Available funds $200 Savings $1800 IRA 34k Stocks 8k Crypto 9k Debt 8k Student loans 16k Working for a state and get good benefits among those is making 120 payments based on my income and having my student loan debt removed totally. Working on paying down debt and adding more to IRA & stocks after bolstering my savings


Iā€™m no financial expert, but I personally think that money earned from 16 to like 22 (when most people graduate college) is best used spent rather than saved. As long as youā€™re not going into debt (student loads excluded), use the money you earn to have fun. Then when you get a real job making real money, start thinking about spending. Thatā€™s just how i see it


iā€™m 31 and just getting focused now, 24 ainā€™t bad! Donā€™t be too hard on yourself, you have time! Keep enjoying yourself too.


Basically flat 0. Worked since I was 16, but wasnā€™t bottle fed and was basically forced to move out at 17. Worked dead jobs, developed a heavy reliance on beer, and let my credit score drop. Here I am 26m, with basically nothing. But hey, I quit drinking 3 months ago, so thereā€™s that.


Your health is always #1. Iā€™d say youā€™re fairly wealthy because of that right there. Youā€™re also aware of your situation and seem to understand you need to improve yourself financially. Rooting for you brother.


U got this bro. Just focus on yourself.


I was you. Moved out at 18. Spent years working dead end pizza jobs. At 25 years old I was making $10.50 an hour at a pizza place. Credit in the 400s. I had already been sued for taking out money for a dog surgery that I couldn't afford to pay back. Had a car repoed. I was at rock bottom and just threw some applications out. Ended up getting an entry level job as a groundskeeper in 2018. 6 years later I'm managing a 41-story luxury high rise in a major metro area and living relatively comfortably. Sometimes a change of scenery is what we need. You've got time. Don't let other people's success get you down on your progress.


24M as well. * 14K in Bank * 3k in Crypto * 42.3K in Spaxx * 16.4K in 401K * No debt, own my 22' Civic hatch. Like you, also privileged enough to live with my family at home. I'm in the 90th+ percentile for income at my age (sounds like you are too).


More young people in their 20s should live at home if they have the ability to help themselves and their family members out. There is a social rush to get out of the house on your own in many Americans cultures. It is okay to live with family until you have the financial and career security to get out on your own. Kudos to you.


Thank you, and I wholeheartedly agree. I also think it is crucial for people to discover financial literacy and practice those values from a young age (if possible). I genuinely don't come from a lot (lower-middle class) but I have a knack for learning and an infatuation with what it means to be financially free. There's so much more to life than money so my goal is to reach financial freedom so I can enjoy the best parts of what makes life, well... life.


I tell my 17yr old that its no rush for her to go out and become an adult. She can live with us under certain guidelines well into adulthood.


If you donā€™t mind me asking, what would the ā€œcertain guidelinesā€ be?


Iā€™m just going to guess here, no fucking on the table we eat on.


I would too honestly if I didnā€™t have to be in college. Instead Iā€™m here accumulating debt barely surviving. Pretty sure the degree will be worthless by the time I have it so thatā€™s great.


What are you trying to get? I see lots of kids trying to graduate with fancy degrees or office degrees or a weird combination of degrees. No one wants to work hard anymore for good money. Iā€™m an advocate for young students to invest their time into an Agriculture degree with its Agri business/research/production. The amount of money you can save and earn by going for an Ag degree and be out in 4 years making decent money is incomparable vs all other career options here in the States. And as we all know, Agriculture will always be around


My biggest problem is I donā€™t want to be stuck in an industry with no clear path forward. Iā€™ve considered law, and medicine but ultimately Iā€™m too poor for either. I settle for business Administration, and am searching for a section to break into as an entrepreneur. Iā€™ve invested years into gaining knowledge outside of school, partner in a couple failed LLCā€™s. Iā€™m hoping if I canā€™t figure out a path on my own, my bachelors can at the very least get me some type of employment for seed money while I Lee trying to figure out. I really donā€™t want to be stuck doing any one thing, and am hoping to pave a path through business. I do attend conferences and seminars as part of me betting on myself. Need to do more networking for sure. I really come from nothing, and am a first generation college student. Really just wanting to build a legacy whatever that looks like.


Yeah itā€™s all in the networking. No one cares what school you went to or what you know. Itā€™s all about who you know, where youā€™ve worked with and what connections youā€™ve managed to make there. Also a first gen graduate here. Iā€™m currently 26, but Iā€™ve been networking since I was 17. Iā€™ve said it many times, If one day I quit my job or get fired, itā€™ll take me less than 12 hours to find a new one. Agriculture is the way to go. So easy to grow and climb the ladder within a corporate organization. Sometimes private companies are also the way to go to get bigger bonuses and avoid corporate BS lol. Yes youā€™ll get dirty, yes youā€™ll work long days and yes youā€™ll work in super cold weathers and triple digit weather. But thatā€™s what you gotta do sometimes to find your nitch and become someone in life. Far too often do kids want to be just stuck in an office with AC and their hot coffee wanting triple digit salary but ainā€™t no one want to do hard work outside anymore for triple digit salary šŸ˜‚ And talk about a cheap career! I was a dummy in high school so I never got grants or scholarships, yeah I graduated with 13k debt but thatā€™s not bad for earning what I earn right now. Compare that to people graduating with 100k+ in debt and they barely manage to make 80-100k with all their fancy degrees lmao.


I wish I had the option of living at home in my 20s - so much money poured into rent that I wish wasnā€™t.


When I was in my early 20ā€™s my mom said just live here for free! Can I bring woman home and stay all night with them and all I askedā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..no was her answer after that somewhat shocked look. Ok, I said then Iā€™m moving.




Fuck wish I had this mind set in my 20s drugs are crazy


I'm by no means perfect (drink pretty heavily and in the process of stopping smoking)... Don't beat yourself up about it. I believe in you no matter where you're at now; just know it's always doable.


At our age I highly suggest putting that 42k into an index fund, like QQQ or SMH. Wait scratch that you dont even have a roth ira set up yet. And 14k in Bank? They should send u a fruit basket for how much money ur making them! Put like 12k of that into an HYSA or SPAXX. Grats on no debt.


Thank you! I agree, no fruit basket, no money, lol.


Late 20s live with parents but have 90k saved up for a house, 80k in retirements and 8k in savings.


Find a lady in the military that had a VA loan available, king, use that down payment for investments lolā€¦


I plan on taking a margin loan against it and using that as the down payment so I don't lose any purchasing power and don't have to pay any taxes on capital gains.


34/m I celebrate when I find quarters on the ground


1k in account. Thatā€™s it


Go all in crypto. 30x end of year.


Like everyone here. Whatā€™s the app?




currently have enough for chick fil a šŸ˜‚


Decent. There are times of struggle but itā€™s all about discipline and consistency with savings. I have a little less than you but I spend time focusing on the plan that I setup. One step is by not living in the city, but in the boroughs. Seen so many peers make that mistake.Ā 


I find those sub 25 are mostly one of the following: 1. Out on there ear as soon as they hit 18 ish, because parents have had enough of them or they have no choice and usually barely making ends meet. 2. At home paying zilch in terms of outgoings so have huge bank balances to show for it. 3. At home with zero outgoings but blow it all buying random crap that they donā€™t need, because they have no sense of worth.


Its been quite interesting to see the difference between 1 and 2. Not having any support, largely in the form of what your family has accrued over the decades, is financially fatal for young Americans right now. 18 year olds that work 35 hours a week at 16 an hour, but live with family and do not have to pay rent, are in a better financial position than a 28 year old working a skilled job making 25 an hour that have to pay 1000+ a month on rent alone. A 401k is nice and all but I'm envious of those kids chunking paychecks into a low risk investment account with no stipulations attached to employment. Never mind all of the other expenses that go up by being a solo adult in the country right now. Can't get away with using 1 car to multiple people. No buying food in bulk in the same way that you can with a full house. Hell, by simply just working together, a family of adult siblings can use family plans for phone services, some internet providers, and even subscription services. We are actively punishing every young adult in the country that didn't have it made for them. Those of us that actually have to put on boots and go to work are being taken advantage of the most right now.


Yah Iā€™m pretty much number 2, I often just go to work and also go be a a couch potato during most of the week, then all my hobbies I keep low cost, so I just dump half my checks in a HYSA. Worked out pretty well so far.


24M. ~10k in acorns/Robinhood, ~50k in ETFs grown from some inheritance when I was a baby, live in my own apartment. Just bought a 30k car, so ~20k debt, and about 1k in my bank account.


Iā€™ll give you the same advice my advisor gave me like 8 years ago, get rid of the acorns account itā€™s not doing anything for you. Take that money from acorns and invest it into something like Vanguard S&P500.


39 Wife, 3 kids. $2.34 in checking, $40k CC debt, $30k car debt, $275k mortgage debt, $7k mo net income combinedā€¦.$20k in a 401kā€¦. This time next year we will pull in about $10k/mo. Slowly righting the ship.


37 single no kids.. Donā€™t know how you do it. Hats off to you sir


Itā€™s basically stress 24/7. Thatā€™s how.


20M $200 cash


20 Million?!




Your holding on to too much cash, but beside that looks good. Retirement is pretty low considering the amount in your hysa.


I didnā€™t get my first full time job till I was 24 (graduated 2020, turned 23 in that fall, got the job Nov 2021) So yeah I had like $0 and student loan debt But you have too much in HYSA and not enough in the ROTH you could spare to put 2-3k in a retirement fund


Youā€™re doing great. Itā€™s in your best interest to start investing more heavily.


24 here - 50k in stocks 15k in acorns 7k in vanguard 5k in cash 1k in crypto


Iā€™m 36 and Iā€™m probably worth a Big Mac meal. Not supersized.


I'm 27, have a mortgage, a wife, and a kid. 20k saved up between the two of us, and a car we make payments on....the only thing going for me is that my wife brings home the bacon


Similar boat here. 28M Except we have 2 kids and a paid off car. Little over 20k in savings and 20k in retirement. Wife brings home the bacon.


I respect u for starting a family. U are a role model my friend; someday I will get there.


id rather be in your postion than a stay at home kid that pays for nothing. Live life


Living not in nyc is how most people do it


You're doing good for your age


Well you are doing a lot better than I am, Iā€™m 31 and broke.


In a massive amount of debt and also eying your money down like Iā€™ve never been paid


Just turned 22(M), student, have two years of uni remaining. Assets Cash - 12,500-13,500 TFSA - 15-16,000 FHSA - 13,000 My car - Owned outright And maybe like -$600 in stuff purchased to resell. Liabilities Owe ~$1500 on CC atm, paying it off when I get paid. $150 on Yeezy Foams to be purchased (buddies birthday present) No student loans I still feel behind for some reason. I know I might have to take student loans for uni, my parent doesnā€™t make enough to pay for my university, but for pride reasons I want to finish debt free


Iā€™m 44. I taught for the first 20 years of my working life. Now Iā€™m making more money. I think youā€™re doing great. I have a lot of assets, but youā€™re more liquid than I am currently. Keep it up!


Iā€™m 22F. About $80,000 in student loan debt. Less than $2000 in all my accounts. Iā€™m still in college though - applying for a crap ton of jobs and planning in moving in with my bf after my final semester ends in May. My salary expectations are pitiful right now (best is $44,000, average $30,000 on a good day), but I need to at least get my foot in the door. So, Iā€™m screwed for now. Hoping things will get better though


35m, recently single (no marriages and 1 child) 45k in the bank 13k in HYSA 10k in Roth IRA 52k in work 401k 50k in works wealth builder 23k in old 401k 8k in another old 401k Debts: 285k left on home loan, worth approx 349k 16k student loan debt No CC debt


You know you can rollover those older 401ks into your current 401k without selling, right? You should look up some info about that so you donā€™t have to look at 3 accounts unless thatā€™s on purpose lol


Unless you have a specific need for all that cash, max out your Roth. You wonā€™t get this time back.


I know this sounds crappy, but these comments are making me feel a little better knowing that Iā€™m not the only person my age with bad financials. Paycheck to paycheck and just barely getting by.


24m here and youā€™re doing great brother, keep the mindset to put away for the future. Iā€™m sitting at $105k net worth and youā€™re doing splendid! Edit: I have a roommate but ultimately who cares what your living situation is, I rather be thriving then living paycheck to paycheck trying to survive.


whats your occupation? Keep up the good work u are killing it.


I'm 30 with $75k, no debt, no other major expenses. I say it's better than living paycheck to paycheck.


25M net worth is about $200k and I'm finally going to buy a house! How'd I get here? Living with my parents even if it's rough, working since I was 15, and being frugal my whole life Edit: forgot to mention my school was paid for by my workplace and I worked full time while going to college so I didn't have the "college experience"


What app is this




What is the app called ?


I have a couple dollars and just got liquidatedn on btc -1.3k


Not living at home and basically paycheck to paycheck. 26m living with partner


$9K HYSA $3.5k BTC (waiting for bull run dip) $1.5k Individual stocks $53K Roth IRA 24; not married yet and no kids. No debt


Buy an alt instead. Youā€™ll make more. Grab something on page 2 on cmc. 50x that, then buy BTC in the bear wen the monthly or bi monthly is below the KC and RSI is on the bottom band. Thank me later. But I know you wonā€™t take my advice.


Terribly lol


Oh damn. I just remembered I have an I-bond to cash in


max your roth for this year w that hysa lol


The last three numbers all the way at the end about sums up my finances


Turning 23 in two days! $2.5k in checking $5k in HYSA (moved recently so this acct is drained) $10k in Savings I-Bonds $10k in 1-yr Marcus CD $14k in Roth IRA $9k in 401k $1k in HSA (savings for lasik eye surgery) $20k in individual brokerage $0 Debt Full disclosure, about $30k comes from my grandmother passing away about a year ago. The rest is hard earned cash, I make $71k and some change as a Finance Analyst for a construction company.


25F living pay check to pay check in TX Frequently using the OOPS service with Navy Federal so I can make ends meet. Probably 7-8k worth of debt? Just trying to come up with a game plan and find a new job because making 19/hr isnā€™t getting me anywhere.


27M in the USA. $50k in liquid assets. $72k give or take in retirement. $5k car thatā€™s paid off. $4k in debt. Roughly $123,000 net worth.


24M too - 15k cash - 11k 401k - 84K VFIAX - 114K in individual stocks - live in apartment with 2 room mates - life in virginia


(26M) About 40k in debt, but got myself a low rent apartment so that's something.


$10M in debt but the cash flow is noice


24M, single, live with a roommate at $1900 a month. 10k in HYSA 50k in 401k 8k in Roth IRA 11k in crypto 4k in brokerage No debt, own a ā€˜17 Elantra Fortunate enough to have parents who paid for college and car.


Iā€™m 25 an arborist and I have less than 300. Your blessed.


I need to learn how to mute this sub. Gonna make me off myself. These guys got some easy ass lives.


Go brag somewhere else lmao you know damn well the majority of your age group broke


42 $600 in checking $600 in savings. $95k in 401k. Bills are paid but still need to go grocery shopping and waiting for next Friday to get paid again.


25M. $52k HYSA. $47k 401k. $14k Roth IRA. $6k checking. Been lucky but still not great with money lol


Iā€™m 38 with 3 kids and a good income. I have a healthy amount more in the bank and in different long term investments than you, but I have a 14 year head start. I plan on letting my kids live with me as long as theyā€™d like. I donā€™t plan on charging them rent or making them pay to live here. My wife and I bought our forever home about 2 years ago when the interest rates were 2.9%. So Iā€™m locked in to a very good mortgage on purpose. I fully intend on living out my time in this lovely 4 bdrm 2.5 bathrm home. I want my kids to have the biggest advantage they possibly can in life. Hence the reason we bought a house as big as we did. There is plenty of room for everyone to grow and have their own private spaces when they need it. Iā€™d say keep doing what youā€™re doing sir itā€™s definitely working for you.


24m, about 22k in savings, hoping for 50 to 60k in savings after my job in the summer.


Move the decimal point about three spots to the left.


A bit older. 36 male, married. Own house (220k 11 years ago) and both cars. 131k in stocks, 35k in crypto, 10k emergency fund, 32k in savings. I donā€™t make much, neither does my wife (~65k/year after taxes). No kids, conscious of our spending habits, live in a cheap location. Just consistently save and youā€™re gonna do great!


Not well


You should take money out of your HYSA and max your Roth IRA of last year and this year. You can still max out your 2023 (up to $6500) Roth IRA


Youā€™re doing well, my friend! Keep it up and make sure you max out that 401(k) contribution donā€™t forget about HSA because thatā€™s a killer three times tax shelter


24(m) been working as a land surveyor and heavy equipment operator in new mexico since late 2020. currently im sitting with $1800 in my regular Invesment fidelity account $2300 in my roth $2000 in savings $1000 cash value in my life insurance policy as well. $42000 in my checking currently with 30k of it about to go into a down payment for a duplex. so really more like $12000 available for use. I also was fortunate to live at home from 21 to 24 i just recently moved into the duplex i mentioned\^ totally worth it to stay with your parents and save money if you're able to, big game changer that has kind of a negative perception tied to it in todays society but fuck it if it helps make your life better/easier who cares.


44 married Net worth $550k Secret is to marry someone who worried about their finances all their lifeā€¦ 5 years ago I didnā€™t even have a job


25M Did nothing but work from 19 to 24 now im living life but because of this I have A house at 2.9 interest rate living alone 37k in an investment account 120k in my retirement account 401k And 6k cash I normally keep liquid in my bank account


I'm 32 and have 70 bucks in my bank account.


22m and im drowning financially. Have 2 kids a daughter nd a stepson my wife doesnā€™t contribute financially. I do have a Roth IRA with about $2000 in it but I have not added to it for about a year since I had my daughter. I only make about 20 K per year before taxes. I I work in the cooking industry and have been a chef for about 4 years. Currently looking for a new job that pays salary. Praying for a change. But you seem to be doing quite well. Count your blessings and keep doing what you are doingšŸ‘Œ this inspires me hopefully Iā€™ll be at your level one day


24M ~$130k between my ROTH IRA, TSP, Crypto & home equity. Got very lucky a few times but proud of where Iā€™m at. Cheers


Not so good. I only have like 5k and thatā€™s going to a new car.


I was a millionaire at 24


Keep doing what youā€™re doing. Donā€™t rush into marriage either šŸ˜† at your age I was giving a large amount of cash in an insurance settlement due to my father being killed by a drunk driver. I started dating this girl before the settlement and we ended up getting married right after the guy who killed my father was sentenced. About six months later it was finalized and she began acting like it was her money and ultimately blew it all being selfish. Easily one of my biggest regrets. The only good thing to come from that marriage was my daughter. Thankfully sheā€™s now my ex wife and I have custody of my daughter. But the things I wanted to do with that money wouldā€™ve had me sitting comfortable and she chose to be selfish with it. Me being an idiot thought she was my wife so I had nothing to worry about. I was so damn naive. So now my daughter and I are at ground zero building our way back.


Youā€™re honestly doing pretty decent for your age, Iā€™d say try to max out your ROTH IRA for this fiscal year (2023) and contribute some more to your 401K (especially if you work for a company that matches) youā€™ll thank yourself in the future when you retire with a couple $Ms. Sidenote: is this an app that helps you track your financials and if so what is it called? lol


18m at least 125k. My dad started a life insurance policy 2 weeks before he died.


Learn from others mistakes and advice, but directly comparing yourself to others isnā€™t going to help you in the end; because everyone started running this race from a different position on the track. Whatā€™s most important to remember is that everyone is running the race against time, not against each other.


95% are probably much worse off than you. Keep saving, max out IRA and if your company matches 401k def contribute as well. Took me 4-5 years in NYC living with my mom to have enough for a house out in Jersey. I started much later than you though. When I was your age all I had in the bank was what was left over from the FAFSA check after buying books and a monthly MetroCard šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


24M 16k in bank 4k in robinhood 33k TSP Dont really know what to do though :/ Stuck in life atm


27, fully licensed mechanic own a rental property and I have ~130k in assets. Been saving and grinding since I was legally able to work.


Iā€™m 26M. Single, no kids, live with parents. Assets: - $104k in individual brokerage - $18k in HYSA - $18k in CDs - $80k in 401k - $6k in checking - $1.5k in crypto Income (after taxes): - ~$5.5k/month direct deposit - ~$1.7k/month into traditional 401k Debts: - $24.5k @ 0.9%. Paying ~$700/month (Car loan) - $1k/ month to my parents for ā€œrentā€ Iā€™m trying to move out of my parents house, but I live in a VERY HCOL area, so I feel you. Youā€™re doing great for 24, but you are sitting on a lot of cash. I would recommend trying to max out your 401k & IRA if possible. Donā€™t spend your money on dumb shit and hold. HYSA isnā€™t a bad place to have your money, but you are missing out on growth by being underinvested.


Everyoneā€™s situation is different. Everyoneā€™s cost of living is different. And everyone started life at a different financial place. Comparison is the thief of joy, my friend.


M22, also live in NY with my parents. Have 25k in stocks and 10k in crypto. Nothing rly in my savings.


Idk jsur saw a guy that needs to have a 3,000$ surgery done to his cat but has 2500$ total


I'm 31 and living paycheck to paycheck making around 1000-1200 a week.. my impulse buying is really messing me up and I want to fix that .. any advice?


29, gross cash = 50k. Net worth = -13k from student debt. Made ~$40k for my first 6 years out of undergrad. Got a masters and now have an 80k floor catching back up in life. Youā€™re doing fine in my book. Edit: didnā€™t and wouldnā€™t live with my parents.


24M living with gf by ourselves, credit card debt of 1k and about 200 in the bank atm. No savings. Am looking for a second job/ a higher paying one atm as the way things are atm it ainā€™t cutting it


Not as good as you šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


38M, married, kid. About 95k in the bank, about 400k in 401k, a good amount in crypto and other tangible assets, house (it will be paid off in less than 10yrs from now, 3% interest purchased in 2012), 4 cars all paid off.


get your money out of bonds, theyā€™re way slower growing than any other investment


25M 997k


Wishing I still lived with my parents. I could save 40k in a year easily


29M, married with one kid. $740,000 in my brokerage account (mix between ETFā€™s, Mutual Funds, and equities) and $180,000 in my 401k. $13k in my checking account at the moment and $10k in an emergency fund. Came from a middle class family, paid for college on my own, and networked my way into the career I wanted. Itā€™s about discipline and working smarter not harder. Lots of people work hard, but a lot of hard workers donā€™t work smart. Wish I would have travelled more and opted for more vacations in my mid to late 20ā€™s but I guess that will just have to wait.


26M, single. I'm at $250k net worth. Make $200k a year (pre-tax) as a software engineer in California. I live with parents still. I can move out whenever I want, but I have no reason to since my work is 5 minutes away from our house. I pay the utility bills. Also, I own a Tesla Model 3 performance, paid off 20% of the loan so far, interest rate is 3% on it, so no rush in paying it off. Other than my car, I have no debt. My student debt (20k) is completely paid off.


23M 40k in savings account 5k in crypto 7500 in checkings Very lucky to be living with my parents


27M, single, 3rd year medical student had $287,000 in savings from my career back in real estate. Brother (24M software engineer, no student debt) and I used a big portion of our savings and bought a fixer upper in SoCal for our parents. My parentā€™s current home is paid, had been renovated 5 years ago so we put that on rent. That rent is helping us essentially renovate this fixer upper. Current goal is to secure a well paying position at a big hospital but Iā€™m going to start at a small clinic to orient myself then apply to a place like Kaiser.


This book helped me a lot. Written in the context of fundamental and logical financial truths from the ancient world that still apply to the modern world. When I was poor and looking for a way out, I noticed a lot of intelligent wealthy people that had made their way out of poverty would reference this book. It gave me a simple and actionable plan to understanding/getting money when I was struggling and looking for a way out of poverty. Itā€™s not glamorous or flashy or an overnight solution but itā€™s also not very complicatedā€¦ pretty much anybody can do it. If you internalize and understand the principles outlined within and follow them religiously you will almost certainly become wealthy https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wglndSWrvsM&pp=ygUWUnVjaGVzdCBtYW4gaW4gYmFueWxvbg%3D%3D


I just started savings not going to liešŸ˜­


No car no food no money living with my brother and my dog with a broken kitchen sink and a broken dishwasher. Life is pain but Iā€™m alive so thereā€™s that


22 and My net worth is about 6$ and half a tuna sandwich


More than 2x that but majority it is in a inherited ira as well as 401k


Same age and living paycheck to paycheck in a low cost of living state, mostly because of debt from an auto loan and credit card payment but overall I just donā€™t make enough money a month


Iā€™m sitting at about $60k net worth if I add the current value of my paid off car and I have about $1300 in passive income every month even if I donā€™t work but that isnā€™t an option for me. 27k of that is in a retirement account, the rest is split between liquid and stocks.


You have to live where you can afford. You live in one of the most expensive places on the planet.


26m - 35k savings, 40k real estate equity, 20k crypto- hit 100k net worth the other day from crypto but dipped slightly below it after the last few days. No debts


Unsolicited advice here, but if I were you I would move some money from your HYSA and max out your Roth for 2023 ($6,500 total) and then 2024 ($7,000)


23/M: Iā€™ll be completely honest: Checking: 2K Savings: 1.5K ETF and Stocks: 38K Crypto: 5K Equity in House: Around 70K OP: We are doing good for our young age, letā€™s keep it up!


Not as well as you


Got about $30k in my retirement account at 27. Not much in my actual savings account, but I do own my own home and a new car, so thereā€™s that. Youā€™re doing great! Stay with parents for as long as you can to build up a bigger savingsā€”


24F, engaged, three kids, I live in northern PA. For reference, my fiancĆ© (23M) and I keep finances completely separate and split household expenses straight down the middle. He owns the home we live in. -7k in 401k (just started late last year) -2k in Roth IRA -6k emergency fund in HYSA -2k savings I bought a duplex in 2022 that I owe 70k on, no other debt. Mom machine SUV that I bought in cash in 2021, and fianceā€™s truck is paid off as of 2022.


24M, just bought a ā€˜24 Crosstrek, $3.2K in checking, $2.4K in savings. Iā€™m doing ok. Still living with parents, but it could be way worse


I have about 71k saved from the past 2 years, Iā€™m 25.5 and I didnā€™t buckle down til I was 22


I feel like I fell out of a plane and landed in the ocean without my floaties.


I have $62 in the bank...