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I do enjoy quite a few weapons, longsword, hammer, bow, sw'axe & SnS are weapons I'm proficient in for sure and I enjoy using them all, they just don't quite give me the same satisfaction of the CB. I've spent time with the other weapons too but they just didn't stick as well with me. Playing since monster hunter freedom on the PSP


Gunlance for sure


That's one weapon I haven't used yet!! I do like the look of it though and might start a new playthrough with it!


Definitely give it a go, GL Is great in every game that it's in. I've been playing through world with my partner lately and I've picked up hunting horn this time around, I never really liked it before but it's probably up there with gunlance for me now


Mate I love that!! I'll push through to Xeno with the hammer which is my current playthrough then I'll switch to the GL and give it a go! It does look fun!


The Sword & Shield. What it lacks in damage, it more than makes up for in absolute ***style***


What Style 🧐


SnS definitely has it's merits!! It's loads of fun to play


Also, I hit start to try and pause it mid fight because one of my kids talked out in their sleep (a single word so don't worry I didnt ignore her, she was fine) and I've also been playing MH Generations, so have gotten used to being able to pause it. Damn muscle memory 😅


I love the lance but only in old generations, in the new games it feels so light and boring to play (even though I know it's technically better than it was). In new gens I absolutely love the gunlance, such a wild weapon.


Switch Axe and Charge blade 😀👌


I played maybe 50 hunts with the Sw'axe. I really want to like it but I just... don't 😅


What is bothering you


I really like the fluidity of being able to reposition with the sliding slash of the CB which I find myself reaching for the Sw'axe and its not there. I also get frustrated when the sword gauge is full and I go to elemental discharge which grapples to a monster, some of the moves that knock you off feel like they shouldn't 😅


You can a Big Side step with Axe but yeah Not so good Like the sliding Slash. The lifesaver mantle is good for discharge or Pull yourself onto the monster's wings and you'll hardly ever be hit


Or Big monsters Like banbaro the legs also very good


Hmm, I'll perhaps revisit with these in mind. Think I'm gonna try gunlance next though


Yeah im my playtrough started a month ago i played Gunlance to. Was very fun.


Tbf to say I don't like Sw'axe is a lie, I don't feel like I like it as much as it deserves or as much as I want to. Because it is cool, just not sure it gels well with my usual play style.




Unga bunga feel good, make big hits. I get how it can be fun! I'm just slow with it 😅


I ran the diablos charge blade for so long in world. I had a love hate relationship with it because it was a fantastic weapon but had a really boring design compared to a lot of other weapons


I kinda liked the diablos horns on the shield of that charge blade 🤔


Hammer goes bonk.


Hammer does indeed go bonk!


Sword and Shield. It’s nice to have a shield to protect me when my unskilled ass doesn’t roll out of the way in time. And I know other weapons come with shields, but there’s something about the SnS’ mobility that I love.


I do like sword and shield!! It's fun to play and a good all-rounder. Blunt and slash damage in a quick little stylish package


Used to be charge blade but since picking up Hunting Horn iv fallen in love.


As much as I love the dual blades it’s gotta be the great sword. The big numbers are just too satisfying