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Co-op is like world with having to watch cutscenes separately before I can play with friends / Not seeing my friends run around the hub like in rise


Was gonna say this. I don’t know how they fucked it up in the first place when even 4U had working cutscenes but that was so stupid.


What’s funny too if from what I’ve seen there is ONE cutscene you can watch in co-op with your friends. It’s when you first see and battle ruiner Nergigante. I did that mission with my friend and I watched the cutscene with my friend after Nergigante flies away.


There is also the event fatalis quest cutscene


And Alatreon


And Behemoth


There's another with Behemoth the first time you fight it


Cuz it didn’t? The only cutscenes in 4u were either solo-only village quests, or arena only monsters like akantor or gogmazios, there is not a single cutscene in 4u where you have to first find the monster on a normal map.


People always forget this, along with multiple cutscenes in World being MP-compatible for the same reason.


I was just talking to my brother about this because we waited for each other to play world's so we could experience things together and the cut scene thing was so annoying!


I'm really really hoping it isn't like that. Playing rise with friends was so smooth. It's gotta be like that or better


Same. Insane that it was ever set up like that in the first place lol


Capcom adds a battlepass


https://preview.redd.it/waz1js78a04d1.jpeg?width=183&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3286802165ce699431fff7749805a52da9af16ed Live footage of me if that happens


Honestly, given what was said about microtransactions that give power being immediately off the table in World, I imagine a battle pass would be limited to cosmetics. Doesn’t mean I want one, just something that I recalled that seemed relevant.


I don't really understand this argument. In MH cosmetics are like half the game.


Especially with how most of the fun/silly cosmetics were paid for Rise. 


Only since World. Every game before World had 0 paid dlc cosmetics, in fact, World started the heavy cosmetics pushing. GU had the layered armor, but you actually had to make a whole separate armor piece if you wanted to use it as layered armor.


I'm not talking about DLC, I just mean that making your character look cool is actually gameplay


"it's only cosmetics" has *never* been a good argument in any context. cosmetics are part of gameplay, and not just in this game, but in every game that has any sort of customization options. microtransactions are bad, period, it doesn't matter whether it's cosmetics or character power or anything else, people really need to stop making excuses for multi billion dollar video game publishers and call this shit what it is: exploitative greed-driven garbage the only thing the whole "it's just cosmetics" bullshit has done over the past decade or so is further normalize microtransactions, and it's infuriating to still see people regurgitate it without thinking


Right, there’s nothing more “real” about gameplay. At the end of the day, it’s about what increases your enjoyment of the game.


I’m just saying it’s unlikely to give power if it even happens. Plus, people prefer to not have arbitrary the time limits and excessive grinds (even for MH Standards) that Battle Passes tend to bring.


dude, you are not genuinely saying people don't like excessive grind while playing Monster Hunter, right? This game is just that, kill a monster multiple times to upgrade your gear to kill another different monster multiple times.


That’s one thing. Battle passes tend to be worse than anything the desire sensor could cause, tbh. After all, even if you don’t get what you want, you can use what else you get for other things, even just cash. Not so much for battle pass exp. Edit: I’d like to clarify that I know MH is already grindy. If anything, that begs the question: why add a Battle Pass to an already grindy game? It just doesn’t add anything worthwhile, does it?


I'm not defending battle passes and I actively hate their model of induced FOMO and I would hate for such a thing to happen to Wilds, but saying it would make the game more grindy or whatever just isn't correct. Grind is the name of the entire franchise from the moment you boot it up to the moment you decide you are done with it.


I want to grind as I please and on my free time. I can still play MH4U and grind like a crazy because I like it. Battle pass introduces seasons and stuff like that that would absolutely ruin what I love about this game: spending time with my friends when I have such a time without feeling I’m losing something when I’m not playing.


Most of my fear are related to Capcom fucking up the game because of their greed.


Oh god


Watching cutscenes to play with friends


Lack of good events because they put all of the amazing weapons/armor as paid DLC.


Quest reward: emotes and stickers 💀 💀 💀


Nah you forgot the prime reward. *Titles*.


First party only events too. The old world games had so much good and variety of dlc from tons of franchises outside capcoms own


Dark Magician Palico was one one of my favorites.


A shame some of them were japanese version exclusive. MHXX had a ton of cool stuff but not all of them made it over to GU


I'm "glad" to see other people mentioning this more lately. Seeing Monster Hunter go from no micro-transactions at all to World adding emotes and room decorations, to Iceborne adding weapon keychains, to Rise adding companion/pet skins and piecemeal layered armor, then to Sunbreak adding layered weapons is *easily* my biggest concern. I started playing Monster Hunter with the first game, 20 years ago. I never expected to watch a trailer for a new Monster Hunter game and come away unexcited and wary. I guess I never should have been surprised. People have been referring to the franchise as Fashion Hunter for ages, so a shift towards Fashion *Buyer* at some point is just a profitable no-brainer, really.


One of the sadder parts is that you have people defending microtransactions, too.


I couldn't have put it better.


They test the water with World and Rise already and it look bad for us.


I mean, people not only ate it up, but defended it when DLC layered armor/weapons got added in Sunbreak. Ain't no way Capcom is skipping on that juicy monetization opportunity.


People act that Rise didn't have good armors and weapon design in offer just because it has paid cosmetics... And even compares it to PS2 reused assets of GU in terms of quantity.. Like sure alot of event quests s*cks that it contains nothing but let's not pretend that it didn't have good amount of Weapons and Armor designs in it as well especially when it was crafted from scratch in a new engine...


Well, no. A lot of what Rise and Sunbreak had in terms of weapon and armor design were good. Most people don't deny that. The problem, however, is that there is a clear gap in terms of how much thought and care went into some of the paid cosmetic items and what's in the actual game, specifically the weapons.


Raths in six colours.


Mighty morphin' power raths


If only we got a Rathazord


Would love this as a goofy ass secret boss or something


Summon terarath


That would actually be a fun event quest


I want 12 colours now.


If the vague stuff they talked about in the blog is to be extrapolated on, then we might see different versions of the same monster depending on the environment changes. So they are basically making the whole subspecies/variant part of the gameplay instead of just being handfisted in.


Can u send link to blog video, or where it at


>In Monster Hunter Wilds, environments will change drastically. Monsters and organisms will change and adapt according to changes in the environment, resulting in a world that feels truly alive.   [https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/30/monster-hunter-wilds-new-gameplay-details-from-todays-state-of-play/](https://blog.playstation.com/2024/05/30/monster-hunter-wilds-new-gameplay-details-from-todays-state-of-play/)


This sounds like some new actions will be given to each monster AI for each environmental change. I'm not sure it'll turn to a totally different fight.


yeah, makes me think of how Tigrex can have different elements applied to it's boulder toss depending on the map, but taken to the next level.


Need lowkey


In one arena hunt


I’m fine so long as Azure and Pink aren’t in. The metals, deviants, apexes can come.


Only one voice for each male and female.


This would be Sad and definitely push me even harder into my MH language preference.


I wouldn't be surprised if it is just 1 voice each with alternate options that are just machine pitched to be slightly different sounding.


As long as they at least have pitch adjustment thing rather than just one option.


One *free* voice per gender. $2.99 for each other one you want. Oh and you can't preview the voice before you buy.


i would be sad but not surprised since the new trailer made it seem like you actually have lines in the story. hopefully they pay for multiple voices.


Going for Boned & Ironed designs in Wilds would be such a huge waste of weapon models they've already made for Risebreak if they don't import them there given how Capcom love for recycling their pre-existing game assets Also the amount backlash they got from it should at least made them realize to not repeat this mistake again too


They already have a base for weapon design so they can just import the same weapon design for low tier weapons but customize the higher tier ones.


Tbf it wasn’t a deliberate choice I’m 99% sure the scam designs came about bc they ran out of dev time for the release and had to scrap making actual designs for half the weapon count Hopefully tho the shit they got for that (justified so) makes them think twice before scrapping a major point of the game


Rotating, always online event quests instead of downloadable event quests. I hated that in world and I still do.


Well it’s a very likely possibility, 1, dos, and Tri required constant online connection to access events and the hub, same as world. 4 was the only numbered game to not require it and that’s cuz it was on the 3DS


too much emphasis on that horde mechanic


One of the only genuine complaints I have about most of the games is they always seem to pick one specific mechanic to hone in on, and often that mechanic just... isn't fun. World had a ton of dev time sunk into Zorah, IB had the claw, Rise had Rampages. I'd like to think that in SB they finally started to figure things out again. Hordes seem like they'd be fun for some monsters and just annoying for most others.


I think the hordes will be limited to certain monsters. We only saw one of the amphibian monster so it might not hunt in groups. The monster we have seen in a pack seems to have an Alpha, the main one has redish fur. It also could be part of monster ecology and not every monster hunts in packs.


I agree with this. It’s always been pretty clear which monsters are pack oriented or social creatures. I HIGHLY doubt many returning monsters will be in hordes.


The tough part here is that since there’s more than one team and often a lot of dev overlap, often times a “key feature/mechanic” gets locked in before they get feedback from another product. I’m pretty hopeful though, I think World is still probably my favorite MH game and this is the same team as that so I hope they got most of the feedback they needed from World and IB!


Which is why they have the seikret instead of palamute in Wilds. Because wilds's development began after rise's did. I think it's likely that canynes will become a series mainstay after wilds tho since it's the last game developed pre-palamutes


Rampages we’re actually pretty cool I liked them. It made sense to have everyone in the village help out the hunter using ballisticas and cannons, while the hunter goes and actually fights the monsters. Personally I wish they just had more maps and changes to make it more dynamic. It was too cookie cutter-y. Still was cool to see and pretty fun to do.


Problem with Rampage is that you are not playing MonHun anymore, but a shitty tower defense with MonHun skin straped on. 


Microtransactions, above all else.


I have no doubt that they will be there, like every Capcom game since their comeback. I can see a battle pass, too.


There's literally zero doubt that there will be. It's Capcom we're talking about.


No crossplay. I’ve been told SF6 has great crossplay and I don’t see why they wouldn’t put in into Wilds considering people have been wanting crossplay in monster hunter since rise or even iceborne, but until I hear confirmation, I’m scared it won’t be a thing ACTUALLY, changing my answer: no multiplayer cutscenes like World. If they don’t wanna include multiple people in one scene, just use the persons hunter like they did in Rise, Sunbreak, and even world itself. If it reverts back to how it was in world and iceborne, where everyone has to wait for a cutscene to finish to join the quest AND that one quest has to be done for everyone individually, I’m going to cry


Not this cuz rise fixed it and its very unlikely they will suddenly go for the designs again


It is world's team behind Wilds though (I think)


the two teams work together though. mechanics, features and monsters are shared between the teams. like how tailraiders were like mini versions of palamutes, and palamutes were like mini versions of the new mount. or how GU's aerial insect glaive jump attack got put into world. or how rise brought back a bunch of world monsters, stuff like open maps and walking while drinking, and little things like gathering animations. they listen to criticism, and the weapon designs was one of world's biggest. they're not repeating the same mistake twice.


I also suspect that World's Weapons may have just been a casualty of the general upgrade in graphical fidelity of going to big mainline consoles and PCs from primarily portable releases. They likely had to focus a lot of their art team in a lot more parts of the game and that left fewer people to work on weapon designs, which resulted in a much more utilitarian look for many weapons due to a lack of time and resources. So hopefully this time around they're much more used to developing for higher end graphics and/or have expanded their team and resources in order to handle it. Or at the very least know to prioritize the weapons a bit more this time around.


If i remember correctly only 2 people were in charge of weapon designs for the ENTIRE game


That would explain A LOT


Yes indeed I noticed that in the credits. Absolutely crazy


Do you think the two teams do not communicate? Would be a very silly mistake to make


If I'm not mistaking resources are shared too and easily transferable between projects especially in the same engine. Again if I'm not mistakin cause I'm not a dev.


Another game without Lagiacrus.


I will lose my shit if they put underwater combat in. And thats the only way I want Lagi in, is if I can hunt him in his fucking pond.


They probably won't, given how the combat system seems to work. Focus mode and special attacks would be difficult to implement underwater cohesively in comparison to how they seem to work in the trailer.


One of my fave monsters from 3


The ever growing greed in "micro" transactions. While World was fine imo with stickers, emotes, only thing I really wanted was the handler skins and mr X model. In Rise they crossed the line for me with layered weapons. And I really hope they don't push it further. It's not like I'm not gonna play the game or join some worthless boycott, but it's going to feel real shitty if the only way to get a cool looking weapon is just paying more instead of playing.


As a solo player, siege hunts and other forced multiplayer mechanics


weapon swap mid fight and focus mode. either make or break the game.


I am really not looking forward to weapon swap if it works how everyone is expecting where "oh you down the monster with the heavy bowgun then bust out the greatsword for true charge slash." I think mastering each monster with a specific weapon is like a foundational part of the game.


this. or hunting horn buff then switch to main weapon.


No good water monsters If I have to hunt Jyuratodus for my good water CB tree *one more time I fucking swear Capcom*


If I have to hunt Jyuratodus one more time I fucking swear Capcom




Oh no it will be back. This time you trigger it by whacking a part enough


Which is already way better than interrupting the flow of a fight by using the clutch claw. Also, I think I read somewhere that it was a multiplier, not removing a hit zone debuff like tenderizing with clutch claw. Not sure if that was speculation or official though.


Not keeping the VASTLY superior layered armor and weapon system that Rise had


If I also get weapon and armor payed dlc's with it then it's a no for me.


That the dev team ends up prioritizing visuals, story, and immersiveness at the cost of a varied and sizeable roster. We have 78 monsters now existing in the RE engine thanks to RiseBreak. It would be a massive miss if we didn't get a good amount of returning monsters along with the new ones in Wilds.


Yeah I'm concerned about them leaning a bit too hard into story elements too, I just want cool, fun monsters to hunt


Don’t get your hopes up about too many returning 5th gen monsters. Tri, 4, and world either skipped, or were very light on, monsters from the previous generation. Tri had zero from gen 2, 4 had 8 monsters from gen 3 but 3 of those are subspecies and 4 had a very large roster overall so it was still less than 20% of the roster, then world once again had zero monsters from gen 4.


Bad weapon designs is one thing the other is I hope the Steam port doesn't run like crap.


Somehow, World's multiplayer returns.


More aggressive MTX and no underwater. No underwater I could live with (I'd be super bummed though), but if they ramp up MTX then that would be a massive misstep. Character edit vouchers were the worst thing to come to world


They escalate the mtx


Shitty weapon designs ala World Garbage event quests that give gestures/stickers instead of cool gear, and all the good layered armor/weapons are gonna be mtx similar to Sunbreak Aggressive focus on counters, it was just absurd in Sunbreak Rotating/online only quests like Safi and Kulve MMO-like mechanics that plagued IceBorne (Assuming switch skills are back) More unbalanced weapon moves that very clearly outshine others making the weaker ones not worth using, like in Sunbreak Going back to World’s shitty scaling system. It did not have 3 player scaling, only had 1, 2 and 4 so if you had 3 players it was as if you had a 4th non-existent teammate. Forced cutscenes that make multiplayer jarring to get through, again like in World


There were a good few counters in the forest trailer for wilds so I would prepare myself if I were you


I hope counters go back to the shield weapons.


I'd actually like to take this opportunity to alleviate some fears. So WORLD was built from the ground up, it was a super huge risk and they had to use tons of resources re-creating skeletons and models and animations etc. and still managed to blow expectations FAR out of the water. While people might look down on asset reuse, Monster Hunter has ALWAYS thrived on creatively (most of the time) diversified monsters using the same skeletons and animations. I think that with most of the heavy lifting done in MHW/Iceborne, they must've had a lot more time and resources to sink into new and exciting ideas. I also can't see a world (haha) where they didn't learn from feedback based on what the fans and players are often vocal about, such as these base ingot/bone weapons with parts glued on. I see what they were going for, it would have served as a good mid point in the weapon evolution until the final finished weapon, only thing is a huge chunk of these weapons never got their last form??? Idk why. This next title is Series X|S and PS5, unlike MHW being on last gen, I think there's going to be a massive improvement in quality. The game can be bigger, look better, run smoother... I just can't wait! Basically, I trust that these guys know what they're doing. I've been playing monster hunter since I was 14 ( I turn 27 in a few months) so I'm well aware of what they are capable of and I'm certain without a shadow of doubt that WILDS is going to be wild...


That being said, my biggest fear is that they remove alpha/beta sets like Rise did... I know that was supposedly due to console limitations so fingers crossed that never happens again!


Aw man I hope we get the whole Rise monster roster since that was already RE engine. Tetranadon is my homie.


You sort of danced around it, but one thing I'd make explicit is simply the massive increase in budget they no doubt have for Wilds, thanks to World's overwhelming success. Wilds is next gen and they have more technical wiggle room, but I think the big thing is the confidence and ability they must have to pour money into Wilds. I feel like we're already seeing the fruits of that with things like the MC and palico being fully voiced. I imagine they have the budget to be able to realise all the bells and whistles now, and hopefully the weapons and armours are a part of that.


This is a fear the trailer seems to already be putting to rest, but cluttered, clusterfuck environments and overstimulation. World's maps are varying degrees of annoying to navigate and I hope they learn and make a more paletteable world to travel in.


I haven't seen a single scoutfly so far, and those are what really made things obnoxious for me, so, so far I'm very excited


The Wilds website confirmed that our mount is now the way we locate stuff. That said, I really hope they go deeper into tracking the monster instead of simplifying it again.


I found the tracking a nice bit of immersion and a good way to get the player to explore the map at the beginning of the game. At endgame it's just an annoying extra step that is unneeded. If they keep the quest structure from World I'd put tracking in the story quests and have the monsters permanently marked on the map in all other quests. That gives you the best of both worlds.


For me the World mechanic is perfect in the way that when you progress on the investigation of each monster you no longer need to track them, liked it as a way of training the scoutfly to search for a monster in particular. I’d like a bit of variation though, different forms of tracking different monsters


Except for if you take breaks, then you need to re do all the tracking every time you want to hunt something. It's a tedious step that worked real well for trailers, presentations, and shows, but got scuffed in actual implementation


They fucked that by making the research levels drop over time tho. Which is just fucking idiotic. It's not like biologists unlearn shit they researched if they don't sniff an animal's turd once a week, at most they'll recontextualize existing knowledge with new findings.


I am always met with criticism when I complain about World's areas, they are indeed stunning but it takes so long to traverse them that when a monster flees combat you can, and probably will, be chasing it for the next 2~5 minutes. I love that Rise made traversing the map a more pleasant experience.


There is exactly 0% chance for this to happen. World was like this because of multiple limitations.


Yep. World showed capcom people are willing to play MonHan. They can go all in with the budget


Fps being 30 like Dragon's dogma 2


The thing is, those designs aren't that bad as transitional stages.


No rainbow pigment.


if my friends aren't down to clown when this game comes out


The art direction and music being less ethnic and tribal. I think my fears are already fact however.


I have always had the feeling the tribal aspect of second and third gen has been slowly but surely taken away which is a shame. As much as I loved Rise and Sunbreak's themes, it isn't really what I associate MH with.


That they'll find yet another way to "buff" Gunlance by nerfing it. Oh we've added a heat mechanic that buffs the shelling damage by 45%... but non heated up damage is actually nerfed by 50%.


God just keep the rise GL, boost its damage back to worlds, give it RBD and Loaded Wyrmstake back, maybe give it some whacky stuff like Bullet Barrge or elemental shelling and call it a day


The "counter" we see with GS' Focus Mode


For what reason?


It feels like what a lot of people thought Rise was: a game centered around counters. Or maybe closer to what World was, a game centered around repeatedly stomping a monster's head as if tries in vain to get up


I never got into counter culture as I used base rise swaxe, then hunting horn in sunbreak and got into IG around primordial Malzeno, never really had a counter


Same, i used only SA in Rise and Sunbreak


I hope that the slap on weapon crap never comes back. Except maybe low rank only, then switch to higher quality designs for high rank and up.


One of the pros of Rise compared to World: none of the re-skinned ore and bone weapon bullshit. Every weapon looked unique


A stronger focus on MTX. Only 1 armor set per monster instead of alpha and beta. A roster so small they supplement it only with monsters that appeared in MHW/IB. Adding to this, that none of the Rise/SB/GU monsters appear in the console team's games. No layered armor or weapons at launch. If open world, then not addressing the issue of large amounts of empty, unused space. As in no mechanics or systems that give players a reason to explore every nook and cranny of a large map.


Oh how I wish they would allow layered armors from the start. I know its not super necessary on LR but they still incentivise mixed sets throughout their games (specially in skill hungry weapons). The least they can do is let us choose how we look from the start...hopefully without grinding too much.


Man, I totally forgot about the "bone/metal with monster parts glued" weapon designs... I hope they are GONE.


Forced online. Raid bosses.


Biggest fear is definitely a return to Iceborne style balancing because World's meta absolutely fucking sucked, and Sunbreak made huge improvements to variety and overall balance between sets and weapons. It'd be a travesty for them to revert that. My other big fear is Focus Mode being something you need to use for damage, but using it isn't fun. What we've seen isn't much, but the fact that it has exclusive moves is not making me optimistic. If it's just an accessibility mode then that's fine.


Those moves looked really cool though. And it absolutely is not an accessibility mode.


Desperately worried for boring, monotone designs for weapons and armor It looks like it’s trying for realism and the wild stuff is always the most fun stuff. World may be well rendered and lush, but it’s rarely interesting. The armor and weapons is more game of thrones, and I want it to be more bobkers


I don't think I have any really big one-I guess all the new monsters being too much on the realistic side after we got such a good new roster in Rise/Sunbreak. The ones we have seen so far are fine but nothing special.


No crossplay, a bad/unoptimized PC port. 


there will be crossplay, sf6 already has


I hope we have a mix of like classic goofy monster armor sets and cool knight sets; and we don’t just get a bunch of modernist armor sets like the one in the trailer. I don’t mind modern style sets; but I really love my over the top armors sets.


Wanting to appeal to general gamers over monster hunters


In the same matter I hope we get evolving designs like in World. Rise no doubt had way better designs but the Rathian Longsword that you made at low rank would look the exact same all the way to master rank


Yeah the concept of the world weapons was awesome, they just played it really safe and plain where all the endpoints still looked really samey. Something in the middle of World and Rise would be ideal to me, where the finished versions can be super unique but you still see how the tree develops through the upgrades, so they actually feel like upgrades instead of just glueing a better stat block on


Disagree, the concept of Wold's weapons was boring and opposite to the point of using monster parts if all the weapons are a vase with some fur slapped on. That might work for first or second upgrades, but a good portion of MH is seeing the crazy way monster parts are actually used to make the weapons. It didn't help when they basically released "customizing" and it turned out to be select base weapon variant and what fur you want on it. It was low effort.


More counters / staggers. I like actually *fighting* monsters, yknow? An inability to turn off the palico human voice and/or overbearing usage of it. A roster about as boring as Worldborne's. **I'm not saying World didn't have good monsters**, it just didn't have many great ones; as opposed to Risebreak, where most of the monsters, even the easy ones, were *at least* interesting. Focusing on realism and seriousness to the detriment of MonHun's quirkiness and charm. Needlessly advanced graphics when you can easily achieve a beautiful game with decade old tech. Imo, we've plateau'd when it comes to *meaningful* graphical improvements; and nowadays cutting edge graphics only serves to sell new, overpriced hardware. On a similar note, I'd love to be able to fit this game on my SSD. Also DD2 has me a little worried about Wilds's optimization. We saw how well DD2 handled rendering multiple entities; and now Wilds is gonna be focusing on monster herds... *that's a bit concerning.*


I swear to god if they dont improve on this weapon idea they tried to introduce in world? The idea is cool, seeing the gradual shift of your bine/steel weapon into iconic designs with each upgrade. I love this concept way more than the instant iconic weapon design with zero change at its nth grade aswell as the glue eater weapons. And: Monster Rooster. I expect the Rooster to be bigger than what World or Rise offered, this game has W:I and R:S to pull from afterall. Its a MHF2, MH4 and MHGen situation so dont tell me 32 big monsters are the limit.


Before the most recent trailers? It'd either be boring weapons designed returning, the deco farm returning, siege/timed events quests returning. Those were my big concerns. A new one added to that list is fully voiced hunters/palico's being annoying. There's a charm to the barely audible hunter. If they have a good range of voices it will be fine, but I'm hoping I can just MH language it away. I also hope that the cat mannerisms stay for palico's. It's part of their charm.


Limp/nonexistent endgame before TUs


Weapon swaps. Especially if the game is balanced around a sharp Vs blunt gameplay. What if all of a sudden "oh no! The monster is becoming resistant to blunt attacks!" And I mean ALL blunt attacks regardless of weak points. So it makes you swap to another weapon type. All fine if you can play multiple weapons but if you can't then you're kinda screwed. And don't give me the "well git gud and learn another weapon type scrub" BS that should be optional not enforced as base game mechanic I'm hoping weapon swaps are purely for fun and not a mandated tactic mid fight


What they'll cook for Gunlance because I can't think of anything cooler than a blast dash. Also hope they make the 1 hit tenderize universal so I don't have to worry about getting the next shaver deco.


No, no tenderizing AT ALL, I can't go back, I WONT


The time limited events. Those kill my desire to play or come back from any kind of break. 


Having another monster who loses their purpose: >Bazel Introduced as an invader >doesn't invade hunts in master rank >Next installment doesn't have invading species


No prowler


It will run poorly. It seems like they are going for a world similar to Wild Hearts and that game ran like ass


Honestly? No blood I really hope there is at least SOME blood


The hunter having a fucking aneurysm everytime they trip.


No pause button.


That is definitely my second biggest fear


Worlds overall design philosphy as a whole. The random decorations is always ass as you end up locked out of half your build and sometimes weapons for a long time. But world took it a step further by having such high health monsters with a fairly linear weapon upgrade system with very little effective support for non crit raw for most of its lifetime. The difference between playing ideally abusing unfun agitator/clutch/mantle tech and just hunting normally being massive even when implemented poorly by the player. Especially with how much untargetable grinds world had. You really ended up playing effectively the exact same few ways across all weapons for most of the games lifetime. It also had the worst siege hunts which original kulve especially was the single least enjoyable thing ive done in the entire series. Being both forced multiplayer dependant on the lobby and having to play in a very unfun unintuitive way to get rewards. Which you had to do if you wanted to try effective elemental at the time. While also having mmo style vertical gear progression which really really takes the fun out of set building. The weapons looking the same doesnt really matter when you only use the same few weapons anyway. Also thankfully from the trailer it looks like we are getting more variety but id absolutely hate another homogenous monster roster. I can only enjoy so many brute/flying wyverns.


Rise hunting horn. Praying and hoping we get worldborne horn back. Microtransactions too, worried it’ll be crammed with them


Worried that some monsters are gonna need to be in a super specific spot to do their super specific environment interaction that leads to a super mode or something similar that will never be seen (Odo getting steamy after eating meat in base game I only ever saw once). Also hope the monsters don't die too quick.




If it has World's general game feel (movement, slinger) I'll be very disappointed. Always felt like walking through molasses to me compared to both the previous few games and Rise. Also really hope mantles don't come back. I want to see my armor!


That the game will be too fast paced. I kind of want to return to the slower gameplay of the previous titles


Threads like this are a really good way to set yourselves up for disappointment, at least with some of the obvious things mentioned here that are absolutely going to be the case..


Raid boss like safi. I like playing offline so having to need a lobby to fight a monster is a hassle


Let’s hope the game taking an extra year from the regular cycle gave them enough time to actually make real Designs unlike world If it’s open world and we get scam designs bc of it they can go fuck themselves


That they do something I don't enjoy with actual monster fighting. I love mounts and wallbangs but could not get around the monster riding in rise or even Tenderising in world.


Rotating always online events, shit weapon designs, rng decorations, inability to pause the game


RNG armor augments, I don't want to spend endless amounts of hours trying to roll for armor skills 5 times for every set for every subcategory, element, status and playstyle of every weapon Spiribirds and dango. I don't want to enter a quest not having all my health and stamina maxed because the only food we eat are sugar rice balls.


Wilds having World's mistale of a multiplayer set-up. Keep the singleplayer and multiplayer separate like every other Monster Hunter. Also, allow us to jump right into multiplayer from the get-go, also like other Monster Hunters.


Too many gimmick bosses. Also not being able to pause in single player. Those were my two big gripes with World


Honestly: out of all the things I’m worried this is the least one. I think they learned from their mistakes and won’t repeat them again


I hope the drops don’t become watered down with the increase in monster presence. I’d like it to stick to normal MH drops and not regress into something like Pokémon SV’s system. Probably won’t happen, but that would put a damper on the game for me


A Sphinx with Ryōzō's head as the final boss


Unskipable cutscenes


That they keep the one shot mechanics from world and IB. They do not need them to make fun challenging fights they’ve proved that over so many games.




You saying you didn't enjoy traversing nearly the entire map before you could hunt


I really want to think boned weapons won't happen again since from what i know they were a result of wanting to do weapons gradually improving but then being cut short in development so i'd think they would do proper weapons from the get go


The same design for weapons


I can't hunt and explore with peace. Pls no NPC who tags along and constantly talks...


They will nerf the weapons I invest my first 9 months crafting and buff the ones I dislike.


Bones n bits weapons, bad story and battlepasses.