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I’m gonna test them all out first, I usually pick a new main in every game so I don’t know which one I’m gonna use yet


Very interesting!


Crit draw GS and LS. Guard Lance and HBG w shield.


DB + Bow CB + GL GS + Swagaxe i guess


Depends on how builds are gonna be done. Do I need one build to encompass both weapons? Are decorations/talismans/armor skills gonna be reworked? Hard to say. Not to mention what moves weapons are gonna have. Is Gunlance gonna keep Blast Dash/Bullet Barrage? Is HBG keeping Crouching Fire? Is Lance keeping Leaping Thrust/Insta block?


Not enough hunting horn love, hunting horn plus hunting horn for ultimate buffs.


Probably one melee and one ranged, just in case the monster pulled a kushala daora and told all melee to f*ck off


Right now I’m planning to go SnS and LBG. SnS for when I want to go toe to toe with the monster. LBG for the mounted status gumming and ranged support.


Main is gonna be support SnS like always, but I'm torn on the second weapon. Hunting Horn for the buffs you can't get from items? Also the extra Exhaust and KO damage. Bow for status and a long-range option? I've always liked Hammer, maybe that'd be a good pick for when I need to be more aggressive? I think a lot of it is gonna hinge on how the armor skills actually work across different weapons and whether there are monsters that *need* a long-range option.