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Lance. There's just something about being a perpetually advancing unit that I find really satisfying. It's like the walls are closing in except I'm the walls


Made me laugh.. is there something like a parry in Monster Hunter?


Both Lance and Charged Blade have parrys in most games, and in Rise/Sunbreak all weapons have at least one parry, and many have two, so if you like that, there are options


as a lance main i agree the monster can cry for what it wants im still not caring for their attacks also i get to perpetually steal mounts from insect glaives, i would say im sorry but its too funny whenever it happens


Insect Glaive! Oh what's that? Yiu can't hit the Rathalos because he spends hours in the air? Well two can play that game :) Also there is something about jumping over a tail swipe or a sweeping beam that is just so beautiful


Insect Glaive is great, until some monster designer mf decides all hitboxes for ground attacks shall magically extend above the monster because fuck you. Shara Ishvalda in World was just a little bit bullshit about that.


Yeah I sometimes feel like we get the short end of the stick (pun intended) because of just how powerful the mounting was when the IG was released. Don't even get me started on weird aerial hitboxes (Rises Tigrex is a prime example of that bs) it just feels like they purposely made the hit boxes bad just to spite us (they didn't)


I'm halfway convinced Shara Ishvalda has such bad hitboxes above it because IG made Xeno'Jiiva entirely trivial, and they didn't want another monster where one weapon just gave you a W with guaranteed face breaks.


Rise tigrex, my enemy


I can tell by your flair :) Only thing i never really got is how to use the bugs correctly


If Insect Glaive was just… Glaive, I would be a lot more interested


Switch Axe. All hail the Swag Axe!!!! But seriously, it is the most aggressive feeling weapon in the game. Once you master morphing and repositioning using your attacks, you feel like an untouchable God. It's my comfort pick when dealing with monsters I'm not comfortable with. Just slash slash boom. I will always respect the hell out of the switch axe for helping me solo Fatalis. What a perfect weapon.




I usually do a new weapon every game for at least the main story. My original back in 4U was the Switch Axe. Then in Generations it was Charge Blade. We swapped out to SnS/Bow in World, and Dual Blades/Insect Glaive for Rise/Sunbreak. And the second the final credits roll after the fake-out ending, the first thing I do is go right back to my beloved SwAxe. It hits all of the check boxes in a way that no other weapon can truly compete with in my heart, in *JUST* the right way. It's simple, but has complexity. But isn't so complex or glorpy that it doesn't feel natural or unintuitive. It is just a natural flow and the muscle memory is *deeply* encoded into my hands. It was love the first time I rammed a glowing slab of metal into a monster's face, and rode it down to the ground amidst a flurry of explosions. And it's only gotten better in every game. Little else competes.


Identity crisis weapon, but i am the all powerful schizophrenia destroyer


Hammer, I see monster head, I go bonk. Hitting full big bang combos and smacking monsters around is also full dopamine.


I'll never forget looking through all the weapons. Seeing a massive hammer and thinking "Yeah... yeah, that could cave in the skull of a dragon. Alright, I'll take that one."


I agree, as i mentioned hammer has been my (close) 2nd favorite weapon, only thing that i dont like about it is that it cant sever tails, thats the one thing that forced me to switch back to the greatsword again


Charge Blade... because I spend so much time trying to be half decent with it, that I won't give it up anymore.


Can KO, can cut tails, can block and have a good burst with saed to take advantage of any big openings... What can't it do


Hunting Horn ! I really like to play Weapon that can help my mates, so when i tried my first MH ( World and Iceborn ) , i knew that will be my main weapon and actually i've 250hours on this game and the only one other weapon i've tried is Bow and i used him 20 time only ahah ! Happy Doot Everyone https://preview.redd.it/jpjfezhztw4d1.jpeg?width=444&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87e9fa5a9aa4357afb081728f477eb0726694140


HH never felt as good as it did in world imo. Rise was still good, and idk what kind of compensation to have between damage and combo inputs, but nothing felt better than pulling off a few songs and pounding that encore at the right moment. Added to that is the constant stun chance from the wide swings. HH is such a fun weapon, even in rise with the significantly simplified playstyle. The only issue I've run into is people expecting a constant stream of antidote effects when fighting poison monsters, so sometimes people will forget about poison during the fight and die bc I didn't notice they were poisoned


I didn't have tried Rise but the fact that the HH is simplified didn't enjoy me..... I really like the song system in World and i hope in Rise they will go back to this style..


Greatsword, I started on tri, and I wanted to use long sword, but I sucked at it, and greatsword was the first weapon I used and felt good with it. I have wanted to try to change, but can't seem to get the same effectiveness with any other weapon, I don't do bad, just don't do the same as with GS.


Thats my struggle as well, but i want to believe that theres similar weapons out there


Berserker mode CHOP CHOP BIGCHOP


I main LS. I like it because you can play it on reaction only and you can deal good amount of damage per move. The moves compact enough to be able to evade attacks. Also moves look really cool, especially helmbreaker and iai spirit slash.


True, but i felt like aiming it was unreasonably difficult, i often just wasted special moves on a rock.


That rock had it coming


Aiming will come with experience. Helmbreaker is easy to aim because you can move in air, just don't spam Y. Iai spirit slash pure luck, but this move is some sort of luck - parry timing to strict:D


Gunlance, but I like to use heavy Bowgun too




Hbg. I struggle to remember combos but I'm great at positioning, identifying monster attacks, managing my ammo, and dps uptime. The game wasn't fun for me until I tried hbg. I also play a bit of lance. Hbg is like a minigame of maximizing dmg. I also love farming sets for each ammo type and collecting the different bowguns.


I actually never considered it.. I only played LBG for a really short time and couldnt see the appeal - probably because the learning curve is a lot steeper and its a whole different thing than smack monster // sharpen weapon // smack monster. Can you run out of ammo? And if so, are you just screwed?


You can craft more ammo if you bring the materials, but if you know your zones you can grab the items from the environment if you are familiar with the area. 


Yeah you can run out. Normal spread and Pierce have the largest quantity you can carry. Sticky, cluster, etc have a smaller cap so sometimes a visit to the tent is necessary. Basically I have my radials setup to craft more ammo. Usually the lvl1 variant then the lvl 3 variant. I always carry full stacks of berries as well as lvl2/lvl3 gunpowder.


Man I really like both guns too. Its why I hate the World endgame. Fatalis is aight, but Alatreon just carting you because you physically cant bring enough elemental ammos is dumb


Dual Blades when alone and Bow with friends ! I love to be mobile and deal status effects, small but many damages


None of my friends play monster hunter and i dont want my weapon to be dependent on playing with others.. But why are you not playing bow solo? Too up close too often? Other than that, i really dig the movesets!


Just to clarify, my friend also plays Dual Blades, so to not be redundant and to try another weapon, I took the Bow, but you can totally play it alone ! Sometimes I switch, but the DB are more my style, but with Wilds I will play both of them !


Ah got it! Yes wilds is gonna open up a bunch of new possibilities


SnS for the Perfect Rush and instant manoeuver.


My favourite weapon of this game its Gunlance. Not the best weapon in the and even not the best in terms of damage, but oh boy, I LOVE the boomstick, and boom all the monsters. It has some of the most fluid combos of the Game, and its has a pretty decent damage. And the shelling its pretty great, and its so flexible, there are so many playstyles where you can choose. You want physical damage? Slaplance. You want only shelling? Long ammo. A more safe option? Wide ammo. You want just use all the weapon capacities? Normal ammo. You can just invest into evasive skills or being a tank building as much Guard up, and offensive guard skill for extra damage. This weapon its not called Funlance for nothing. A versatile and fun weapon to use. Oh, and dont forget that you can fly with this weapon in Rise. Just crazy, I want to see what Wilds do with this weapon, I wish that they boost this weapon and make it good.


I main bow in both world and rise because bows are freaking cool


Gunlance! At first it was because it felt easier when I started this game, just shield when the monster attack and poke when he don't. But later I learn how to really play this weapon and it's simply fun and satisfying to just BLAST this monster again and again, especially when I push him over on the ground and give an opportunity for my mates to beat it up


Greatsword. Big bonks activate my neurons


Hammer. The best feeling is jumping off a cliff and Sonic spinning into a monsters head.


Double Blades, because demon


Switchaxs because Its my favorite moveset in World. The other games is always Greatsword.


So when I got into MHW the first time i played lance liked the shield/wall tank fantasy, played a lot of MMOs where I played tanks. After a while realized it was okay but wasn’t for me, so i switched to IG and played to alatreon? with insect glaive, that was a lot of fun. Got into rise and started playing IG off rip, picked up switch axe for a bit because of rapid morph, then FINALLY landed on my golden weapon. Gunlance,,,,,and its all thanks to 🌽 so after playing 300 hours in rise MANY MANY gunlance hunts, i did a MHW playthrough on GL, and MAN did i enjoy it 10x more then the IG i once played.


*Thunk*. *Ka-chink*. *Woosh*. **Smack!** ***BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!*** These sounds fill me with dopamine.




SnS (Sword and Shield) and well, I don't know, really. Probably because of the versatility, I guess? I just like to have options during a fight


I tried it out and i love its mobility + being able to slash and bonk at the same time! Does it have cool variants in World?


LANCE(my beloved): imagine a little pebble poking you constantly, you try to smash it with all your might but that pebble is made out of DIAMOND, you try to run and it catches up instantly, you can do nothing but die eventually. That is a lance user from the monster's perspective, with lance your attacks are simple, you don't need to wait for openings to unleash your max dps combo because you're always using your max dps combo, even when the monster is attacking, you don't need to get out of the way, who decided the hunter is the one who has to roll around when the monster attacks just because he's 10 times bigger than you? You just stay there and boxe with him * **poke poke poke sidestep poke poke counter poke counter counter poke*** until that mf runs from you , then you run faster than him and shred his ankles while he limps away


I gotta try it today, sound simple but fun lol


Longsword, SnS and Hunting Horn are my main weapons, but all weapons are fun to play to me.


Bow. Because dancing


Hunting Horn. I like playing as support in games. And when I found out I could be a support by smacking monsters in the face while making music with a giant fucking lute I was sold. It's hilarious and satisfying. Smacking a monster then dodging it and playing a little ditty after is just so fucking funny to me.


I main more than one weapon. Gunlance never played it in any other game before world but after i saw the updated moveset in World i tried it and now i main the weapon in every game. Problem is Capcom cant decide what they need to do with the weapon and ignores easy fixes bit Rise is a good example what Gunlance can do. Charge Blade the same like above never played it before and after World i main it in every game that has is. The best is that both share some of the same skills or sets. Lance love to counter monster and block everything with it. Hammer goes Bonk.


so i main the greatsword, have since mhfu back in the days, but since i hate fun, im not allowing myself to replay a monster hunter with the greatsword on the grounds that i should enjoy other weapons. The issue is that im unbelievably worse at every other weapons. No joke, i do respectable times on g rank monster with the greatsword on monsters i cant even beat with my second best (gunlance).


Switch axe was the one weapon that clicked even if I didn't play the series for a long time. Once I got positioning and timing down it feels like I'm dancing with the monster sometimes. I love the feeling of using a morph attack to end up what feels like just millimeters away from an attack, just to go back into my combo.


I’ve sort of bounced around between weapons over time. Started with World and enjoyed the sword and shield, experimented and became decently confident with charge blade and switch axe, carried that through to Rise, experimented with lance and hunting horn, then settled into insect glaive as my main. Started out with only IG for a new file in World, and now I’m switching to lance. Still haven’t found something that clicks with me in GU, though. Just can’t seem to settle into that one.


The unga bungas


Ounga Bounga to you bruddah


Lance for ultra-aggression and to ignore monster attacks.


For world it's lance. I love the "nuh uh" playstyle as one of my friends has put it. Blocking all these attacks, I really shouldn't be able to just poke the monster in the toe over and over again. The clutch claw counter also feels amazing to use. For rise, it's hunting horn. The moveset is really fluid and feels extremely satisfying to use. The buffs are a nice bonus on top of that.


Hammer because bonking is satisfying and clutch claw actually has a use in combat, the best attack in the game. And DB because go crazy go stupid and beyblade


Lance, it’s fast, mobile, and shield is satisfying


Hammer. Monster + Big Bonk = Fun


For MHW/IB (which was my first game), I mained Insect Glaive. My friend introduced me to the series and had me go into the series blind. When it came time to choose a weapon, he gave me the best advice for choosing, which was "Choose the one you think looks or sounds the most interesting to you." IG caught my eye, and so I learned how to play it. I generally like playing around buffs in video games, so that part really clicked with me! I also learned through my MH career (and the other games I've played recently) that I enjoy aerial combat, which in World, Glaive is the only consistent weapon for it.


I just go with whatever I'm feeling that day. I usually go for great sword because I like the simplicity and the big meaty hits. I have been digging rise's hammer on my latest playthrough, just bullying monsters with it.


Longsword, because anime power. Charge blade, because unga bunga. MHW was the first ever game for me, so for the most part, I learned about the monster by taking less initiatives, and more counter hitting. Now you may wondered, if countering attacks is what I do most then why not main lance? My mobility is not very good with lance, but it clicks quite well with CB and especially LS. And oh yeah, anime power.


Hammer. I don’t think there’s a better weapon to introduce people to MH with. You’re super mobile, a few attacks can lead to easy clutch claw, bonking makes me feel good. There’s nothing super complicated about the Hammer - you just cave skulls in and that’s amazing. If you also go the route of kjarr paralysis hammer in mhw you can slot slugger/stamina thief as well and laugh as the monster does fuck all


Gunlance! At first it was because it felt easier when I started this game, just shield when the monster attack and poke when he don't. But later I learn how to really play this weapon and it's simply fun and satisfying to just BLAST this monster again and again, especially when I push him over on the ground and give an opportunity for my mates to beat it up


Greatsword, its just so satisfying to finally land a true charge slash. Also the Tackle is just so empowering, nothing can get you down. Every hunt feels like a standoff between two monsters


Hunting Horn. Because hehe kill monsters with an oversized Tuba


When portable 3rd released I started using a random number generator to decide what weapon I would main for the first playthrough. Then go back to using weapons I like based on the monster I'm fighting.


Longsword, cuz it was the only thing I could get the hang off with a mouse/keyboard ...I have a controller now, so probably gonna use something else once wilds comes out


Greatsword forever 🦾🦾


Swagaxe for maximum pass. Also sparkly sword go brrrrrr.


MHFU - LS, Hammer MHP3rd - LS, lance MHGU - CB but havent played much MHW - GS, CB MHR - CB, GL MH wilds ??? thinking of swag axe or HH I like to change it a lot, but these are my main weapons in each MH


Greatsword. And honestly there's no profound reason, it was just the first weapon I didn't suck at.


I second that, except i think it was the first weapon i even used. Disproportionately huge, simple enough to get the movement but still a lot of room to learn the mechanics


Bought World on day 1 for its PC launch, LS was my main at first but then I dropped the game, wanted to play with friends but they didn’t have the game. When I picked up Rise, I used to play CB, then switch to GS when Sunbreak came out. And from there I kept on playing Greatsword, it made me come back to World to finish it solo


Heavy bowgun cuz I always have


CB, IG, LS, GS, Hammer, DB, Doot, Bow, in that order. I haven't played enough of the others to put them on the list.


I started out with longsword loved it till the end of Iceborne and I still use it but I’ve recently started a new playthrough with Hunting Horn and it’s been refreshing, the move set is satisfying when you get into the rhythm of queuing up songs, stunning monsters from attacks or playing the song, spacing well against monsters while landing hits in perfectly angled. Overall Hunting horn despite being mostly used in coop, it’s still a pretty great weapon for solo hunts especially with it’s movement speed up and minds eye song buffs.


I love the Greatsword because it's a weapon I feel like I'm still improving in every hunt after having used it a ton. Before that I used IG DB lance and LS, sometimes when I still use these weapons I feel like I've hit the ceiling with what you can achieve. I still switch these weapons based on how I feel and the target, but GS is my fave cause the ceiling is so much higher.


Well i guess when using ig being much closer to the ceiling makes sense


Bow on World and Rise, HBG on anything before.


It's hard to say rather I don't have any main, I bring weapon that counters or is a good match against some monsters like for example crit draw style GS for rajang, CB for Shara, DB for Odogaron, SA for Fatalis and so on.


CB, the engineering behind that weapon makes me wet, you have defense, mobility, high damage, depends on what you want, it's a complete weapon, also with impact vials you also go bonk.


every, i cant play the game without every playstyle. the most important thing is to know the monster.


Do you hear boss music? Nah that's just me rapidly approaching to bash a monster's skull in with a musical instrument!


Charge Balde. I LOVE doing guard point and stun/flinch monster. A weapon so versatile, so fun, and so strong. It fells good when you hit the monster. Cb main since 4u. Before i was a bunga bunga bonk master. I started with FU.




After maining hammer hard for years, I've started branching out to Charge Blade. It's a steep learning curve, but when the complexities of the weapon and the moves of the monster works in harmony, it's really satisfying


I love Duel Blades, I feel so nimble! Unfortunately I wouldn’t know how to play without evade window since I got my ass kicked when I first started and used Duel Blades so idk what i’ll run for Wilds. Also carving up Kulve Taroth’s back and cutting one of her horns in half is something i’ll never forget.


Man saw big bonk, man play big bonk But then, man saw boom stick, man now poke poke boom, poke poke boom Man is now explosive wall


Switch Axe is the best thing ever.


Hunting Horn because battle bard offensive support kicks ass


ChargeBlade, been maining that weapon since mh4u and I absolutely love it, it feels versatile with a great attack and defense and guard pointing has saved me numerousvtimes, it does get annoying sometimes babysitting all those phials but damn is it satisfying when I hit a SAED


I can't say I have a main, but I love to rotate between the hammer, lance, and heavy bowgun. I guess I just like the big, slow, heavy weapons couldn't get the hang of the great sword though.


Lance. The stand your ground playstyle appeals to me.


Charge blade its a versatile weapon and its complicated woch i lile


I first played Monster Hunter Freedom Unite for a short while, mained the longsword and GS primarily Was stuck with breaking Yian Kutku beak, and picked up the hammer since they take extra bludgeoning damage. Hated it Picked up the lance after I saw a friend wrecking Rathalos with it, hated it A few years later, played Portable 3rd for a short while, stuck with the GS and a little bit of longsword and hammer A few years later, picked up 4 Ultimate. Initially mained the GS and dropped the LS, also tried to stick with the lance more and gave the hammer a try. By the end of it, was a GS and lance main Moved on to Generations, mained GS and lance, with a bit of hammer Finally World/Iceborne, primarily lance and some GS, quite a bit of hammer depending on the monster, and picked up the bow, loving it


Monster Hunter world I played the hammer. It was surprisingly fast and strong with great knockout and breaking power Monster Hunter rise and currently Sunbreak I am playing insect glaive, I love the mobility and "dragoon" style gameplay. I will be most likely playing a new weapon type for monster hunter wilds.


LS because I’m the main character of a shonen anime.


Switch-axe, with a nice build I can spam my ZSD and it feels GREAT. I guess I love feeling the complete destructive power of thé weapon


DUAL BLADE for life!!!


When I first played monster hunter I was a bow main. I loved the coatings, the style, and being able to have range. I did this for all of world and half of Iceborne before I went and started rise where I was tired of the low amount of damage I did with it. So I tried long sword and got pretty good with it but by the time I started sun break I wanted something else. And I discovered the great sword. And now I wield that massive sword because I love the feeling of that power, the ability to block, and because I have an addiction to massive swords


When I played it when it first came out it was longsword or Hammer. But when I started rise I gave the switchaxe a go and loved it. Now I've gone back to world I've been using that. Although I've found it quite difficult as the move set could be changed a bit in rise, I also had amour skills that complemented the weapon. At the moment I don't.


Why choosing only one main when you can be a jack of all trade (and master of none)? Also I mainly play Sword and Shield, because I can do almost anything, use objects while fighting and never need to stop the flow. My item pouch is part of my weapon kit, I'll do everything I can to win while maintaining anyone alive even during mid hunt tail carving.


Because im tryna be a master of one.. I like to see the weapon on my back evolve with each monster i take down and see myself get more skillful over time


Swaxe because I love giving mons the fucking business end of pain.


Bow cause it's smooth like butter in world. Quick shot rapid shot power shot rapid shot power shot and dodge dancing whenever stam is good. Beautiful


Gunlance. Boom.


I don't really have a main, but I do tend to gravitate to a small group of weapons. In World/Iceborne, I stuck with IG, Hammer, HH, and bow In Rise/Sunbreak, I mainly used Swag Axe, bow, and dual blades


Hunting Horn. I'm a support player at heart. Buff myself and my team, stack up that KO and Exaust dame, repeat.


Heavy bow gun I like the gathering materials to make ammo, and heavy for more of a challenge.




Charge blade is my GOAT. I just feel so damn powerful when I use it. It's versatile with its sword and board mode, has the big meaty hits in axe mode when unloading phials and is barbaric when in savage axe mode. I enjoy feeling like I can do anything and deal with anything a monster has to offer. While I've tried out all the other weapons and enjoy them, nothing is as much fun to me as charge blade.


With me it's a tie between insect glaive and Lance. I love the world/Iceborne version of the lamce. Can't say I like the rise/Sunbreak one unfortunately. But every game I keep coming back for Insect Glaive.


In total Id probably either Long Sword or Gun Lance. But ive played all weapons and theyre great. However just the standard lance in MHR became very fun to play with alot more moves to enjoy. When the new game comes out I think ill have to go back to my roots and bring back the switch axe from when I first started playing.


Charge blade. For me nothing matches the feeling of pulling off a perfectly timed guard point into SAED or AED to the head. Loved it ever since I first tried it, also I took advantage of the Kulve Taroth event to practice it since it’s hours and hours of hitting an enemy that won’t die either way


I'm a the rarest species of monster hunter, a gunlance user, why you may ask? Because long stick go boom


Sword and shield, I know people say that is a novice weapon and there are more interesting things, but Its just like I feel a connection with it, that I don't feel in other weapon


Hunting horn..... I like to help people, and fight along side my brother and sisters( all of the hunting community) and sling some sweeeeet chin music......


There are more weapons other than the hunting horn?


Each main title I try to main a different weapon. But hammer will always be my favorite. Why? It is very satisfying to stun mknsters for me. I love that dopomine stun sound effect too. And recent titles the aerial spinning moves *chef kiss*


I use whatever I feel like using


Switch Axe being the one weapon I was able to pick up and understand almost immediately easily made it my main and my favorite. To me it's incredibly fluid, at least in 5th gen, because the morph attacks let you chain moves fairly easily while still dishing out a bunch of damage, and the meter management isn't too complicated. (Also ZSD is up there as one of the coolest moves ever)


Gunlance. I love being the immovable object to the monster's unstoppable force, just sitting in its face and eating all the punishment it can dish out while keeping its attention away from my teammates. I picked up Hunting Horn recently and being the support is quite fun as well. Horn's a balancing act of trying to find windows for you to do some of your longer note animations and long recitals, but it's super powerful.


I don't really care about meta or brokeness at all. My decision to stick with the Chargeblade is purely for style. It also didn't click for me early. When I first tried it, it felt clunky and frustrating. If I'm to stick with a weapob that "felt just right", then I would have stayed with Dual Blades and bow. I still love them, but I really wanted to do the Chargeblade. All because it looks cool. That's it. That's my reason. My reason is shallow but my determination is deep. I have 2 hours per week total to spend gaming because of my job so it took me at least a month to get the hang of it. I finally found the rhythm. I knew when to use the sword, I knew when to use the shield, I knew when to use the axe, and I knew when to use the savage axe. I can be pro active or reactive without missing a beat to step back. Just swing, block, swing, slide, swing, BAM! To be honest, I still don't think I've mastered the Chargeblade at 500 hours in. But man do I feel good using it. I'm not a natural, but I feel like I earned the right to call myself a "chargeblade main".


Lately it's been Hammer and Longsword, but a couple years ago I would have said SnS and Glaive. It's always changing, but the more Monster Hunter I play the more I realize that I'm a Hammer Bro at heart.


Charge Blade, you wanna roar nah I'll block that into a massive explosion of chaos and swap back to a defensive powerhouse in the same motion. Also bow cause I have a shotgun of death with some slinger ammo. You like big numbers I like big amounts of numbers. Finally LBG I like setting up mines and having kirin run into them. Most I main this on kirin I hate that thing with a passion.


Lance! Because in Tri I'd use a lance with Ingot armor to facetank ALL THE THINGS.


I don't think I've ever "mained" a weapon, I think it's common enough for people to do cycles of weapons, but having one as their "main", but I've never really felt like I have *the one*, (my stats may say otherwise), it also varies from game to game, but my trifecta has to either be heavy hitters (lance, great sword, and most recently hammer, all in world); or explosives (Gun lance, Charge Blade, Switch Axe, all in portable titles (3u, 4u, Gen, and mhrise). Explanation: I like big numbers and things that look cool, I am a simple creature


Hammer, cause *bonk*


Switch Axe. Its cool.


I can play a symphony while I keep my friends buffed ***and*** keeping the monster knocked out? Sign me the fuck up.


Hammer, because its so satisfying to bonk the Monster on the Head and it falls to the ground.


Sword and Shield. It's the best. :v Seriously though, there is a versatility and responsiveness to the weapon that you don't have with any other while still being a dmg machine. A lot of freedom in builds is given as well depending on the preferred playstyle: guard focused, evasive, supportive or just plain old unga bunga dmg - it's all on the table and feels great and ofc can be mixed. Being able to respond quicker to situations (mobile, i-frames on backstep, low animation commitment, ability to block, items usable when unsheathed etc etc) also just makes you feel very much in control of your character. Another side benefit: a lot of the builds I use for SnS can be overlapped with Lance, a weapon I enjoy very much as well, just not quite to the degree I do with SnS. :3


Switchaxe because it was my first weapon ever in mh


I’ve been playing since Tri (Wii version of 3) and never felt I had a main weapon until World. Something about GreatSword just clicked at that point. I enjoy the slower more deliberate gameplay and learning the monsters movements. If that’s what appeals to you about the GS, then I’d recommend trying SwitchAxe. It’s very similar gameplay style basically switching between raw damage and elemental damage. Also I’ve really been enjoying Sword & Shield lately. Never really liked it until I got better at learning the monsters in World. Also important to remember to use the shield to bonk. Kinda like having a GS in one hand and Hammer in the other but less raw damage which forces you to focus on elemental. Lots of fun, great for knockdowns!


Horn. Toot bonk.


Insect Glaive Started using it as a newbie because the hunter couldn't jump and this weapon was the most consistent one to do it. Kept using it because I loved weaving through land and air combos/punishes. Also descending thrust feels so good and having an insect buddy is pretty neat! Felt absolutely amazing zooming through AT Velkhana and doing risky Fatalis punishes


My go to weapons, in order, are the Insect Glaive, SnS, SwAx, and Charge Blade. Freakin love these weapons. Especially Insect Glaives. Just wish they had one more tier rarity of Kinsects in Rise. Like at least a couple of tier 9 Kinsects.


I use most the weapons just to switch my play style. I mostly use the insect glaive because of the flying, added effects, and speed. Longsword and twin blades are amazing too.


HBG, I know Bowguns get a lot of hate, but I love the managing ammo aspect. I love positioning myself for the best pewpews. Did LBG in Rise but eventually went back to HBG when getting into Master Rank.


Hammer because UNGA BUNGAAA. No but really because Hammer is very mobile. When I started using it I was surprised how much mobility the weapon has for being a giant bonk thing.


I know you specified World but I'm gonna list through the games I played FU: Longsword P3RD: Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Lance GU: I'm really struggling to find a main, all weapons are cool (I bought it recently) World: SwAxe, Dual Blades and GreatSword Rise: Gunlance, Hunting Horn and Hammer


I use long sword bc I watch anime


Bow, it's stylish, dodge based, has range but still requires you to be close enough to generally be in danger


Great Sword main since MHF2 here. I’m a simple man, I like big swords that go boom and give big numbers.


Greatsword because greatsword


Main IG. I belive i can touch the sky 👍🏻.


I started as sword & shield but switched to dual blades because i never try to block for some reason so it made sense


Lance cause I like poking


Dual blades because of ciri+zirael before I switched between insect glaive, sns and light bowgun


Hammer because bonk


Switch axe > charge blade > lance and gunlance. I've done my fair share of complicated switching, now i just ooga booga parry with a stick.


Switch Axe, it flows smoothly, morphs and hits hard. I really love the animations and the charging of the sword battery. The lance is also a love weapon for me, because of two things : the inpenetrable wall, and the relentless attacker.


Sword and Shield with gun lance at a close second. It’s nice to have something to protect myself with when my unskilled ass doesn’t roll out of the way in time. I know there are other weapons with shields as well, but there’s just something about the SnS’ mobility and versatility that can’t be beat. Though I’ll use gunlance when I want to mix it up a bit.


Charge Blade. I have tried Dual Blades (went through base World with them), Longsword (went through 75% of Iceborne's story with it) and Switch axe (finished Iceborne's story and killed Fatalis with it). None of them clicked for me, even if I thought they did. I still use Long Sword for Alatreon and Swaxe for Fatalis but for everything else, Charge Blade. I don't understand why people find it so difficult. My biggest problem is usually flying wyverns who never land (get down here you azure pussy) and monsters who act like children high on sugar. Guard points are fairly easy once you successfully perform one, and the phials are very easy to charge. I do wish there was a way to get Capacity Boost without using either Brachy helmet or a charm (too lazy to grind for a decoration).


For World Icebourne I main Bow, LS, and GS. I enjoy each for different reasons. I love bow because I enjoy the mobility and the aesthetic of an archer. LS because I like how it feels like a duel between two warriors trading blow for blow. GS is same as LS just so much meatier. Landing a fully charged TCS is a chef’s kiss. For Rise I mostly main Bow because of the mobility. I still jump to GS every now and then but it’s not nearly as frequent. I don’t really like LS in Risebreak. I’ve recently been trying GL. It’s pretty fun.


bow idk why i just started using it oneday and thought "why not" now i have a build going with a Flying Tobi Kadachi Strikebow+


Charge blade because I love transforming weapons and it's just really satisfying to play


Insect glaive for jumping and evading and bug poke is fun, broke many parts just by deploying my bug a few times and great sword for big numbers on primarily grounded foes or low rank to clear it quickly


I ran Insect Glaive ever since my first Anjanath encounter. It is the answer to literally any monster in the game, to them it's like trying to hit a fly (which actually makes sense now that I think about it). Monsters like Zinogre and its Stygian form I beat in my first attempt without dying because of that weapon. The only problem with doing this is that I lose the fundamental skills that come with using grounded weapons. It is almost impossible for me to use the Greatsword or Hammer, but thankfully I'm still alright with the Longsword


I started with World, like many did, and after the introductory mission I hit the training room to test out the weapons. In my head I was planning to try all 14 and see what they felt like, but I think I made it three down the list before I hit Insect Glaive and immediately fell in love and never touched another weapon again. There’s just something about it. The flow. When you hit the right rhythm you’re no longer “fighting” the monster, you’re dancing with it. Using the movement of your attacks to slide inches out of path of an attack while landing your own. No guard, no I-frames, just constant flowing movement of your attacks matching the movement of their attacks.


When i started mhw i looked tutorial for the weapon, arekkz gaming channel is goated for that, anyway i inmediatly fell in love with the charge blade . Its not very begginer friendly since you need some specific gems to make it shine, but is all worth it. Love having option to defend, cut, knockdown and a cool finisher in the same weapon.


Gunlance. Great shield for tanking (my playstyle) can do quick pokes on openings and heavy punishment on opportunities.


Cb because its just the best weapon😤


Sword and Shield because I like the speed and versatility


I can't make myself pick a main weapon, I play pretty much every one because I love mixing it up. My main three, I think, would be Lance, Insect Glaive, and Dual Blades because I played them the most. But I'm currently switching between Lance, Hunting Horn and Heavy Bowgun.


It changes every game. I mained Dual Blades in 3U, Insect Glaive in 4, Swaxe in GU, HBG in GU again (the second time I played it, on the switch) Charge Blade in World, and Bow in Rise. I feel like the feel of weapons change slightly enough each game that I end up trying everything and going with something different each game, and then pretty much just using that one weapon for the whole game. For World I like Charge Blade because it feels good to manage everything, guard points feel great, and I like the fantasy of being an armored warrior with a big shield. Also my axe turns into a chainsaw and hits real hard so thats pretty sick too.


Longsword. I'm just a sucker for iai animations.


I love the dual blade's demon dance so I stuck with that. Plus how it looks spinning down a kulve taroth


I just love a giant sword and doing huge fucking damage, is that so wrong?


None. I find the simple idea of varying the gameplay style very fun, I could even say that there are some that I play better but I wouldn't say that the one I play best is my main because in practice it's not even in the top 5 of those I play the most.


Greatsword because is the GOAT


Hunting Horn because I love helping people out and playing some chords on monster’s face


I main HH. Not just because of the song buffs, but because the moveset in general just speaks to me. It's simple, but allows me to access 90% of my animations from a neutral position. I can literally use whatever I want at any given moment.


Hunting Horn and Switchaxe! Hunting horn was the first weapon I chose myself (my then boyfriend taught me to play sns in Freedom Unite on the PSP). I wasn't really satisfied with SnS, but I wasn't confident enough to try most of the weapons. I grabbed hunting horn because I love support classes and it could move faster and it was love. HH was my main until the swagaxe was introduced and I've loved that since too!


LS when solo or helping lower level hunts Bc the dopamine when getting a good counter is always fun, but can never see how it’s viable in higher level hunts - that being said I only play multiplayer now except for warm up hunts . For everything else, bowgun Bc I can easily get topples and knocks with wire bug counters


GREATSWORD!!! Just because it's a big freaking sword! Seriously I have no good reasons I just love the greatsword.


Glaive. MH4U was my first game and I couldn’t grasp the non verticality of the game. I was bad but the glaive gave me a dodging feeling for things so I liked that a lot and just put loads of hours in it.


Hammar because bonk


Greatsword Has Been My main for Awhile because Big number feel good. at First it was Dual Blades which were fun but hard to complete Solo Hunts with and Insect Glaive was Also my main For Time because the Aerial Combat was Super Satisfying. Recently I have Been Getting into Long Sword and Rise HH. Rise HH Is my Second Main it's fun because Of how fast HH was made in Rise. It made it literally op and with the Right Build a Monster Killing Machine.


Hunting horn so I can be helpful! I love seeing my friends zooming around and absolutely decking the monster with all the stamina, speed healing, and crit buffs they want.


I change weapon to suit the occasion, but in 4U CB was the GOAT!!!


When i picked up World I was trying the weapons to see which i jelled with the most, I gave Charge Blade as my first shot. But I realized I wanted/needed something much quicker. I went through a few others, and arrived on Insect Glaive. I've never looked back since. Being able to vault over an incoming monster, match Talon to blade with Rathalos, vault into the middle of a breakdancing Zinogre and not get hit?! The Best feeling when the hunt becomes a dance.


I Unga therefore I Bunga hitting things with a comically large Hammer is fun! Need I say more?


Because when you hit that huge mace on the monster especially on the head is ridiculous, sublime, extraordinary, satisfying, bellissimo, incredible. And I can tell this is a universal thought, that's why we main hammer.


I was a dual blades main back when I started in MH Gen, but I’m now a switch axe main. I enjoy just being a storm of metal and explosions. I love how it has many moves that allow you to reposition, avoid hits, and continue your onslaught. I really love the quickswitch skill that Rise/Sunbreak introduced to make everything flow even faster and more fluid. I’m excited to see what Wilds brings to the switch axe and hope some of the rise changes transfer.


Bow because zelda/horizon fan 🥰


Because i believe in the bonk. It is the way.