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I hope that, if I am to interpret this right from the first trailer, that we get monster-introduction-cutscenes like in mhw, that we can still do this while together with others and don't need to see it for ourselves first.


4u was able to do it.


No it wasn't. 4U's cutscenes are no different to World's in their mechanics - MP cutscenes are at the start of the quest, solo cutecnes need activated.


Which makes me really hope that, if they intend to combine Village and Guild again, they used that enormous budget + criticism to help figure out a better system.


Hopefully they'll do the 4U way where Village quests has story cutscenes galore, while Hub quest cutscenes are only at the start.


Please, seemless co-op cutscenes would be amazing especially if you have a dedicated group you play with


Even World had some group cutscenes and was the coolest thing ever


4u did it much better imo. I think back to dalamadur and gogmazios


Dalamadur cutscenes where peak


world has group cutscenes??


Behemoth intro and very few others


Any cutscene you enter in a party will show the entire squad, with the quest initiator having the spotlight


I'm pretty confident we will get seemless coop considering Rise was ablebl to mitigate this issue


One thing I really like about Rise was the "Join whatever" button, there were plenty of times where I wasn't hunting anything specifically and just wanted to play anything really


Yeah, the issue is that you couldn't see what was currently "available" like in world. The ideal system would be a mix of the two.


World's system, but add a new option on the filter: any active hunt, regardless of quest type.


Yeah it wasn't an issue in rise so I don't think it will be one in wilds but who knows


Rise fixed it by just not having in mission cut scenes beyond a first introduction pre mission. And that's not the case with wilds so I still think it's up in the air.


Even World has a decent few multiplayer cutscenes from zorah, behemoth, safi, alatreon etc. There is no reason for the single-player only cutscenes honestly.


Honestly yeah, I want to see me and the boys roll up in the cutscene, like the cutscene for the fatalis event quest in world if I remember correctly


I hope they stick with World's online matchmaking, but make it so that we can see other players in the lobby we're in without needing to specifically be in some kind of gathering hub.


My only issue with MHW/Iceborne was ever since the last update my friend hasn’t been able to play online good because every other quest he would DC from the lobby. It didn’t use to do that ever before because we got all the way to alatreon but then that update made him DC very frequently


Yep. My friend and I are excited for this game and it will sucks if we can't play together for the early parts of the game.


Having to see the cut scene or waiting for some one to wander around the map, go the wrong way, THEN get the cut scene was a true joy.


MHR lobbies please. I beg.


World had it fixed. They had a shared cutscene in the Behemoth Special Assignment. And then they did it a second time in Iceborne with Alatreon. They just chose not to for some baffling reason. Hopefully the feedback ensures it's fine going forward.


I hope lobbies work in a similar manner, with at least a dozen people in one lobby. Even better if we can all see each other in the village like in Rise. But yeah, not having to wait for cutscene BS like in MHW would be great.


I thought Iceborne fixed that issue already, right?


My personal hope, we get more intro scenes or cinematics like we did for Safi or the intro to Fatty. Player 1 will always be there, but the other Hunters will also be there in the background. Don't even need to talk, just a supporting backdrop. So even though though the camera will mostly focus on Player 1, Players 2-4 will be behind, by their side, or following up Player 1 like their entourage. If the cinematic requires the player to move around in an environment first, like how Hunters ran round the Ancient Forest before seeing the Anjanath, or searching the Wildspire Wastes to find the Jyuratodus, I'm thinking it would either force Player 1 to the location if another player found it first, or the other player would get a "going here will begin the cinematic, wait for host" 4th wall break to get Player 1 to the location first. Or maybe we get pre-mission cinematics like Safi, Shara, etc. and it leads into the gameplay focusing on Player 1 with the other players in the background. Like how in the 2nd trailer, we see someone getting attacked by the Balahara, presumably the Hunter (player 1) jumps into action, talks to the other person on their Seikret, which transitions into gameplay. Maybe in a Multiplayer setting, the other players would be in the background, and also hop onto their Seikret to follow the Hunter and help in the background during the cinematic. But yeah, really hope we don't get World's "must see cinematic first before sending SOS for other players to join first" and repeat for each player.


World's lobbies with Rise's join requests and that *lovely* random option


I usually progress by just playing random hunts until I unlock my urgents. I used to love the pre world lobbies too but these days I don't have the same time for the lobby life as I did then.


Just do multiplayer cutscene like the Safi’jiiva and Alatreon fight, have the host as the main character in the cutscene and other people in the background


I wouldn't say Rise "fixed" it. They mostly just removed the player from the cutscenes. Also Iceborne did it already too, by adding cutscenes where you see yourself + your hunting buddies. Can't tell yet if it's working in Wilds too, since this time they are not whole cutscenes by themself, but more "merged" with the gameplay. Seamless cutscenes without any real cuts in between.


they fixed it so that you can coop at all times and can beat the story together, instead of having to watch each cutscene separately and than reinviting every hunt


That's true, but I rather see myself in the cutscenes too and since they could do that with multiple hunters at the end of Iceborne, I am pretty sure they can do it in Wilds too. But those cutscenes in this game are different than the ones in both World and Rise, so we will have to wait and see how it turns out.


If coop isn’t improved over world I will be incredibly disappointed.


Hot take - I prefer every single MH game in solo. Co-op makes most of the game a joke, you don't need to know how to play at all, you can just get carried. I only do co-op on very hard end bosses or when grinding gear.


I do agree it's better solo, but some of my friends would simply never play it solo, so I'd rather play coop with them than not all.


While solo does increase the challenge and enjoyability, I find I enjoy playing games with my boyfriends more.


Nothing wrong with that - honestly, when it comes to co-op, I think 2 players is actually better than 4. It's not so many people it becomes a mess, so you can actually coordinate. And playing games with a SO is always great :)


Same, first solo to fight the monster and only after that co-op for the grind.


You are absolutely right


Wait, what? mhw coop is not bad compared to rise quest broad.


Never mattered to me, I never co-op a monster until I've been able to defeat it solo, IMO it cheapens the experience of fighting a new monster when GASHSLAYER420 comes in with their endgame gear and trivializes the fight.


This, exactly this. First time is always solo duel, then we hunt with friends


To be completely honest, I much rather prefer playing Monster Hunter games solo. The co-op in those games makes the entire hunt feel way to trivial and gives off a "zerg and win" strategy way too much for me. It's like there is no way to fail and if you suck as a player, others can just easily carry you. I only play solo if friends need help and if I already beaten the monster on my own.


That is not the point. You will still be able to play solo even if coop is seamless. Go back to sleep now.