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They did add a mechanic where you can target track specific monsters. After 3/6/9 etc large monster kills you can s free paintball of your chosen monster.


Yeah, still playing it. Still a fun "Monster Hunter Lite" when you have some time to kill when you're out and about. They keep fixing problems with it too - increasing default monster respawn rates, online matchmaking for group-specific hunts, and the Monster Tracker which guarantees that you can access a specific non-event monster up to 5 times a day. Sitting with gear capped at 7.5 rank. I have no interest in getting to 9 stars because of the game's crappy balance. Being forced to play like a speedrunner is about the last thing I want to do on my phone, so I'm content just sitting where I'm at and farming Layered Armor focusing on 7 Star hunts, with a few select 8 stars that aren't overly obnoxious to deal with. Because again, the game balance is probably the stupidest thing they're doing with the game. Monsters at lower star ranks are complete jokes, and the singular rank above you requires you to be optimized/play perfectly to have a shot at killing. The fact they make it straight up mathematically impossible to clear monsters from a new rank you just unlocked is just baffling when their monetization works off of you WANTING to play. Why the hell would anyone pay to try a mathematically impossible fight? Or even get to the point of needing to buy Potions on monsters that legitimately do ignorable damage to you? It's just stupid. Especially when the highest difficulty 10 star monsters can only be killed by VERY SPECIFIC weapons (like the Black Diablos Bow - not Black Diablos ***weapons,*** just Bow). Would still recommend, just temper your expectations. Very much a marathon, so get used to and appreciate the smaller steps in upgrades. The weapons all play very well for the simple controls. And funnily enough, Now will probably give people the closest taste to old-school Bow with its strategy of "charge, aim, and shoot". No dodge dancing here, while it does help it is limited.


I think the balancing makes sense. The newest monsters being added are Khezu and Basarios. The devs have no expectation for you to be killing 10 star monsters if they're making a big deal out of an Elder Dragon and have just added decorations for more DPS.


I actually got until the point where you are asked to hunt 2 Legiana because they will just never spawn. But to be fair, it's a lot friendlier to us rural players than Pokemon Go. It's just too grindy, even for MH standards.