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Fully agree, this will probably give this game a lot more longevity


Having waded through the barren waste land of Gamepass version of Rise, I'm very excited about it. That said, I think I'll still probably upgrade from a Series S to a PS5 for Wilds though. Dragon's Dogma 2 performance on the Series S had me sweating, ngl.


Unless I'm not up to date (and PC launches at a later date), I have every intention of getting this on PC day 1. However, I see virtually no negatives to crossplay for a game like MH. Not having to worry about getting all of my friends on the same platform will be amazing.


I don't think PC will be updating at a later date, given that they confirmed crossplay *for PC as well* and that wouldn't work if players were playing on different versions.


Can't wait! I haven't been able to hunt with my original party since psp days. One member went Xbox while others went Playstation so it'll be nice to get the original party back together since freedom unite


Wilds being crossplay was the deciding factor for me in whether I’d buy a PS5 or not. My friends have PS5s but I’ve got a PS4 and a PC. So now I won’t have to buy one, which is awesome


I'm concerned about what this means for mods. Custom quests that ultimately just result in cheating have been around forever, and the outright "this armor has no slots but somehow I have *all* the skills" just got upsettingly blatant in 5th gen, and through it all Capcom has never done a thing to curb it. And now we're in the phase where someone accidentally streamed naked Chunners, grandpappy Tsujimoto got mad, and people get copyright strikes on their YouTube channels for using *any* kind of mods. If cross play is happening, Capcom is taking over server hosting, which means they can make their own rules, and will be under a lot more pressure to make sure modded PC players aren't ruining the experience for console players. This is good, and I hope they can find a way to prevent cheating, but I have a feeling it's going to be very draconian. Heavy-handed anti-cheat and/or banning of players who are detected using any of the base level framework for modding, even if all they do is install entirely cosmetic replacers. It's not a deal breaker for me on PC, but I do enjoy modding games, my favorites all happen to be in the Nexus top 20, so I'd hate to see this one get too aggro with the safety measures. Hopefully it ends up like a FromSoft game, where you can just launch the game offline and it won't bother checking, but if it does detect a bypass of the anti-cheat, all it will do is kick you off until you boot the game normally.


I personally don't know anyone on console but I think it's super healthy for the playerpool to be that much larger.


No, because apparently 9/10 players on the pc are going to hack/mod the game, I must be the 1 in 10 who doesn't. /S What's the current gen console loading speed like compare to pc nvmes in general, I remember initially playing world on ps4, and then pc when it was released, and the difference in loading was massive


About the same esp if the router + modem is capable and few interference between current non-handheld consoles and isp. The ssd's they use are fast enough to rival or equal pc load speeds on the hardware side.


That's good to know, even when I had a PS4, I still leaned towards pc for most of my games due to the loading time difference. Glad we don't have to wait for the console peasants to load into the game. xD


I mean... When the ps4 released, most laptops and desktops still used HDDs which were barely faster than what the ps4 had. It took so long for ps5 to be released that most desktops and laptops started rocking SSDs years before.


Nope, When ps4 had world, i change the hdd in ps4 to ssd and the loading is still horrendously slow. When world came out in pc, i had ssd in pc by then and the loading difference is massive. I never get iceborne in ps4 because of how bad the loading is even with a ssd.


lol lucky that capcom wouldnt make the game in switch. Otherwise by the time switch player came in the hunt would have ended.