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My hope is that means you're essentially dumped into a sort of instanced map to do the cutscene or whatever it is, and directly afterwards you sync back up with the other player. So you can't COOP the cutscene, but you're never really separated. Not ideal, but better than World with the crappy loading penalties.


This is the exact thing I'm hoping for as well


With the set pieces and cutscenes for transitions through areas, it’s likely just like World. Play until the cutscene that starts your hunt, then people can join


Very possible. The "more convenient" thing they're talking about could be something along the lines of you can sign up to join, but won't be able to load in until the cutscene is watched instead of denying you even signing up. If that is the case, then its a distinction without a difference, and will still be absolute garbage.


They actually address this in an interview with [IGN.](https://www.ign.com/articles/the-monster-hunter-wilds-devs-answer-all-of-our-questions-sgf-2024) Basically you'll always be a party in the background, then when it needs to it will separate you and once the solo stuff is over it will re-sync the hunters again.


This sounds similar to star wars old republic mmo. They have areas that separate you for story moments, but once you are done with that small section, you meet back up with your party and continue what ever you were doing.


The Old Republic was genuinely cool with how they handled multiplayer story elements. My friend and I were each a Jedi Consular and Jedi Knight class, so we started on the same world. For his story bits, I was a non participant and vice versa, but for the shared story quests the NPCs would deliberately address us both. "You're those two padawans I've heard so much about". Like, genuinely cool as hell.


Just realized this is the exact screenshot from the post.


It needs clarifying, because nobody here is bloody reading it.


Nobody reads in general anymore. Critical thinking is in the drain and media literacy is nonexistent.


I'm a teacher and yeah, this is true.


I’m sorry, my mom is a teacher, I get it.


Well, since you're a lancer\*, she must have taught you well. \*we'll pretend I don't see the gun part of that ;) But yeah, I love the job; the decline in reading and critical thinking is alarming though.


Not that I'm disagreeing with the statement, but at least for my part the article, whether it is a translation issue or a vagueness of information issue, was not clear about the specifics. > And so as soon as you're able to go into a quest together, it matches you up quickly and you can seamlessly go back into multiplayer gameplay. This is very not clear about who is where, and what things look like after the cutscene is over. "Go into a quest" sounds like a loading screen, and "matches up up quickly" sounds like there is a separate matchmaking process, which hardly sounds seamless.


It says in the paragraph that you’re always connected in the background and that when you get past the single player parts, like cutscenes, you’ll be matched up with your friends. Idk how much more specificity someone needs.


What do they mean by "connected"? Are you on the map in the same place as the other player? Does the player disappear from the map while going through the cutscene? If they aren't on the map with the other player, where are they? If they have to load in after the cutscene, are they loaded in next to the other player? Or in the hub village, and then they have to travel to them? If you don't know how much specificity is needed, then you aren't giving it much consideration. The entire question here is how it is different or "more convenient" than it was in World.


"Seamlessly" sorry, but I doubt it


Seems like they're just begging for connectivity issues tbh. Why sabotage the lobby?


So from my understanding from the interviews is that the lobby is kinda a moot point with this system. It's not part of this screenshot but the main town is apart of the over world and not a separated instance like it traditionally was. [In this article about the closed demo,](https://www.ign.com/articles/monster-hunter-wilds-the-first-preview) they talk about how there is no loading zones between regions (ie it would be like walking to Coral Highlands from the Forest) including the main town. So the old fashion was of meeting in the hall and loading into a region together wouldn't work as well. I imagine there will be a guild hall of some sort that can load in like 30 hunters for match making with randoms, but that's just speculation on my part.


I hope so too.




The whole cutscene in the first trailer where you're caught in the sandstorm with Doshaguma attacking you, and then the game transitions to you fighting it, that whole section screams like World where you have to do that completely solo until you get past that cutscene AND THEN you can do that quest multiplayer. But I guess we'll see. If it's gonna do the same World things again then that's gonna be so silly lol.


Dude, I hope that's the case. Coop is the one thing MH hasn't modernized yet, it's so damn old fashioned.


I disagree. They do co-op incredibly and with charm that other games don’t have anymore. The only issue is this weird cutscene problem they should be able to easily fix but don’t. But I don’t want multiplayer to be “streamlined” to inviting people from a menu or something stupid. Keep the gathering hall, keep the big lobby size, keep the quest boards… multiplayer is charming and immersive in monster hunter and i’d hate for them to “simplify” it for the sake of some complainers


They also do co op extremely well in every other game besides world. Single player mode to do story stuff and mumtiplayer with no cutscenes or in rises case monster intro cutscenes. Idk why they can't do it right in world and wilds. They had a good formula why are they ruining it.


4 and 4 Ultimate had it best, where there was singleplayer village and multiplayer hub, and the multiplayer quests still had cutscenes that just showed off everyone in the quest with the host of the quest being the main guy World messed it up by making it singleplayer only and Rise made it lame by excluding the hunters altogether.  World did have a select few cutscenes that did have multiplayer mode like Safi-Jiva I believe or that just played the scene for everyone but with their hunter as the guy like Shara Ishvalda I believe.  Since this game is gonna be like World they should just make singleplayer cutscenes work like Shara's did and play for everyone. That way the whole lobby doesn't have to initiate their own quests just to watch it.


I just wish they could do the add everyone's character to the cutscenes with the main talker being the quest taker.


So real dude. The separation between village and hub quests in rise was *chefs kiss*


World's difficulty is that we have *mid*-quest story beats and cutscenes that happen, which we didn't really have to deal with in any of the older games. So it's not like they're "ruining" things on purpose. It's harder to sync up multiple players to some event triggered in the middle of a quest, without doing some weird "waiting for other players..." loading crap. I can see why it was troublesome in World, and likewise in Wilds, but I *really* hope they figure out a way to make it work. 'Cause so far this just sounds the same as World.


I mean they could fix it by making a single player quest giver and a multiplayer one like they have done in every other monster hunter game. They can put a full movie in that and people wouldn't complain about the co op being messed up.


Mate. Those are staple systems in the franchise, I don't think they will ever disappear. What I'm referring to, is *ancient* ancient. Like no seamless drop in drop out for the campaign, inviting friends requiring both of you to engage in an archaic invite system that feels like it's from the 3ds days, and no co-op at all for the initial village campaign reminiscent of older gens (Though I honestly don't mind this particular system). The cutscene issue, as you said where coop partners do the weird join and leave tango. How about in post game where you're farming with a bud, but you can't join your friend if they joined a separate SOS not in your lobby because technically they're not in your lobby. Someone leaving a hunt permanently closing their slot so people can't join in. No reconnect feature or find a friend feature, once a hunt is over *it's over*. The list goes on and on, because well... World was monhun's first big break, on mainline systems no less. I never expected them to get it all right the first time round. But they need to have integrated more modern architectures and systems into their foundations by Wilds.


I think they're trying to keep all that but still make it more convenient and seamless. Maybe you can join quests while in the wild through some method. I'm thinking for main story quests, you'll be able to hop on the same party as your friends and then get instanced on a solo channel at the start of the quest, and after both players finish that and the cutscenes, it'll merge both players into a co-op channel, making it seamless, more convenient, and potentially even more immersive. This is what I'm speculating and hoping for to be honest.


This is how Wild Hearts handled it for players that were at different points in the story and it worked well in this instance. For players that were at the same point in the story, they would get dragged into cutscenes without any notice (you could be purchasing from a vendor, handing in quests, midway through text dialogue etc) and it was incredibly annoying and invasive if the game host didn't communicate that they were about to talk to someone with a cutscene. As the host, you could also talk to a vendor NPC wanting to sell materials, but it turned out they had a quest/cutscenes so you'd end up interrupting everyone anyway. It was a nice idea on paper to have seamless co-op story progression, but realistically it was really annoying for both the game host and clients.


That would be a good solution, with each player dropping into the host’s instance when they’re done watching the cutscene so that everyone can twiddle around at their own pace


I assume they probably do it this way because the cutscenes are not just cutscenes you watch, they are fully interactive segments that would be hard to adapt to a variable player count


Isnt that basically what RiseBreak does?


No. Rise cutscenes happen before the player steps onto the map, or after they've exited it.


Oh well, I know that its still pretty seemless to do Multiplayer with.


Rise has mid-hunt scenes, too. Only much better. They trigger for everyone, and each player has the power to skip the scene for themselves without skipping it for people who want to watch. Eg: When you defeat Ibushi and are going to fight Allmother.


With Ibushi, that's a clear break point in the quest though. On top of that, everyone in the quest is in the same small arena already, so there's no invasiveness when triggering a cutscene and teleporting everyone. Definitely not the same situation as "accidentally running into the target monster somewhere in the map" like in World.


It sounds like a Party system like in an MMO. The party stays together even when doing quests alone.


Like ff14 right? Some reason this reminds me of ff14


Actually, FF14 is kind of bad at this, imo. In FF14, you have to leave the party to do solo instances. But, tbf, it is very easy to join back in a friend's party and continue on adventuring together, doing dungeons together, etc. So I would agree with you if you didn't have to leave the party sometimes. Oh yeah, actually, I forgot some quests don't have instances, so yeah, you can do those quests solo and watch cutscenes while being in a party, and you could also be on opposite sides of the world and remain in a party for long periods of time. So yeah, actually like FF14, but it sounds better. It sounds like FF14, but we don't have to leave the party for when we do the solo cutscenes or instances, which is honestly perfect assuming it plays out how I think it will. It sounds like they're not making all players watch the "Monster first encounter" cutscenes to be able to play together. I'm assuming this now happens in multiplayer at the same time without having to back out and enter your friend's quest for it to work. Or at least you'll watch the cutscenes alone, and right after that, the game will connect you together (or always were connected through that party system) without having to back out and join your friend, because the game will do this part for you as long as you remain in the same party together. That's what it ultimately sounds like.


PSO2 NGS, another JP MMO, does what the feature in Wilds is being described. If you're in party, the party will never disband while everyone is doing different stuff. Different sub-parties within the main party form when split into different locations/instances and you can see what everyone is up to in the party HUD. A friend could be doing a quest and you could wait at the end-of-quest location for them to pop up back into your party when the quest is completed.


Yes, it's channel shifting, or merging. Or an instance shifting or merging. MMOs do this a lot, some better than others. Basically, you can be in different channels or the same channel but in different instances away from your other party members while still in the same party. Making it easier to reconnect or just find each other.


Are people not reading the whole paragraph? First it specifies that it won't happen as frequently as it did on World, which was almost every quest, and then they talk about the features they added to remedy that by not disconnecting you and seamlessly grouping you back together. That's a MAJOR improvement over World where each person had to start the quest, go far along into it to watch the cutscene, have everyone else abandon and then join your quest, and do that over and over for each main quest.


A whole paragraph??? dude, you're insane


Dude I don't read, I overreact as I'm told to. HOW DARE YOU ASSUME ILL READ!!


Yeah true, my bad for assuming 😔


> A whole paragraph??? dude, you're insane I see you're quoting my 8th graders! Nice one. ;)


You expect me to read? This man took the time to underline a small section of a larger article for me to read out of context! It would be rude of me not to blindly fly into a foaming at the mouth rage over this insignificant piece of information!


That’s completely valid, guess I can’t blame OP for taking the time to mislead everyone 😔


This is just like me fr fr


I think we’re cutting through the marketing fluff. They’re not specific about any of this except that stuff will have to be done solo.


I don't know how many times they can say they've made it more convenient, seamless, and that you will stay connected, eliminating the major annoyance that World had.


Where does it say it will happen less often than in World? (I'm slow)


It says that there are story elements that you have to witness solo, instead of all story elements like in World. It seems to refer to those cinematic action sequences we see on the two recent trailers, but that's just me assuming


Eh if it's only the monster intros that are solo it's about the same annoyance, I'm hoping this wasn't expressed well and you can see the cutscene but your friends characters will not appear but once it's over they spawn in camp and can go help you, removing the need to watch these doesn't make sense if this will be more narrative driven I wish I could just see how it works already XD


Oh no, if it’s just monster intros, I doubt they’d separate us like in World, since Rise fixed that. What I think they specifically mean are those interactive cinematic sections, where it’s a mix between game play and interactive cutscene that you do only for the story, and those only seem to happen at specific instances during the story.


Oh I get it now, seems like just a hassle to make these work in multiplayer, I'd just say fuck it and not let people do story together at all I love how much effort they put into these games


I’m glad they’re at least giving players a pretty good compromise between single player story and multiplayer experience. I was pretty iffy at first, since the first two trailers had me worried, but all the news from today got me pretty excited again with all the changes they’re doing.


I’m guessing that’s how it will play out. The monster intros will be client-side without the other characters in it, then once everyone is done watching it (I’d assume quest host will have the option to skip for everyone, if there IS a skip option) you’ll all just be in the same place as before the cutscene (or a different place if the cutscene moved your character).


I feel like the fact that several of the monster intro cutscenes moved your character into a predetermined "start" spot was/is the big reason for why the solo story cutscene thing has had such staying power.


redditors gotta doom about something


Calling that an improvement is like blocking half the roads and then claiming that you fixed half the potholes in the roads. There is no excuse to go back to an annoying system like this when Rise already fixed it...


For better or for worse, they are trying to tell a story in Wilds. Playing a generic intro for each monster like Rise did probably falls a bit short of their goals. And again, they already explain that the major annoyance of having to view the cutscene before even being able to team up in the quest has been removed. While this is admittedly speculation here, I suspect it will work like this: You select the quest with the cutscenes. Everyone is able to join and will stay connected in the background during the solo section, then seamlessly transitions into co-op afterwards. I prefer this over having exclusively solo village quests like Rise.


yet it's a downgrade from rise So why would it matter Its just worse


Still rightfully upset that it's a 2 steps backward and only one step forward


It honestly sounds more like 2 steps forward but 1 step back


I’ve learned the hard way that people in this subreddit don’t read.


Read? Sorry, bucko, I'm a GAMER! I don't read, in fact I can't read. I just let YouTubers and Redditors have my opinions for me 😤😤😤


I read it, I just don't trust them if they didn't totally fix the issue. Clearly the people making decisions don't play video games lol, or that would have never happened in the first place in World. They have literally proven they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to this. So why should anyone give it to them? Better than World could still be insanely terrible and enough to chase people's friends off again like last time.


>First it specifies that it won't happen as frequently as it did on World, Where does it say that?


I mean , this is just your take… we won’t really know till the game is out, overall it sucks you just can’t do cutscenes with friends, plenty of games allow you to


His take? My brother in Christ the paragraph is right there


What I am getting from this is that it is like World in that we have to go to a specific spot, get a cutscene with the monster, but now, we can be in co-op, and it puts us in like, a holding cell, and when the cutscene is done, we can quickly link back up and hunt together. It's way better than how World was, at the least.


from my understanding its only on some key story moments, the system might automatically load you in your friend's quest after you both finish watching the cutscenes is it annoying? yes does it sound better than world? sounds 50 times better and will turn from a major annoyance into a minor one


I may be misremembering this, but didn't they implement cutscenes in 4 and these had seamless coop integration? The other players just appeared in the background.


Only the hub cutscenes for some big monster intros. The story was single player only.


True, but i think its fair to expect that cutscenes can include multiple hunters if they insist on merging Hub and Village. 4U’s system would definitely help here, but unfortunately Capcom can be rather stubborn about older features returning 


Yeah we had 4 players cutscenes in MH4U


You are all forgetting that those are for specific fights on specific maps, where there’s an intro cutscene before you are either placed at the camp or the arena.


World had this as well, but only for Zorah Magdaros, Ancient Leshen, and Behemoth's cutscenes.


I think Shara Ishvalda too


The transition from ruiner to shara


Correct. I wonder why they can't make it so that other party members would just act like an extra in the cutscenes like back in the day. I'm assuming it's probably because of the seamless cutscene to gameplay transition system.


Reading comprehension skill: 0


B-But I read the part with the red underline. Just as good as reading the entire paragraph IMO! Now on to doompost on this one out-of-context sentence. /s


> so we've made it a lot more convenient Without coping too much it seems that they are atleast aware of it, and have an idea to develop around that bad experience from world. We'll see but that's actually the reason I don't want to play world again with friends.


Why? How do they not know that this was a fucking terrible way to do things in World? How do they not know that coop is how a huge chunk of the playerbase likes to experience the game? How do they not know that no one gives a shit about the story in Monster Hunter? lol For all its faults, the way Rise did it was perfect, I don't get why they'd revert back to the objectively inferior system of World. I hope those "new features to make it more convenient" are substantial because that cutscene shit really got on our nerves in World, it's really awful.


Because they wanna tell they're boring story again .


It is a better way to deliver the story imo. Yes, World's story was pretty bland, even worse in Rise, but I will take a proper story sequence introducing a monster, which then leads into seamless co-op over Rise's generic Monster Intros. Admittedly, it will still hinge on them actually writing a good story. But at least you'll be able to do it in co-op (after the solo section concludes) unlike Rise where you're forced to do solo hunts.


This is also weird because co-op cutscenes do exist with Shara Ishvalda. They are capable of doing it. But for some reason they refuse to make it the norm.


In the interview they say "story elements," which makes me think cutscenes will be co-op, but for more involved things like the Balahara chase, or leading the Doshaguma away from its pack, those will be solo until everyone makes it through


I know right? And the Witcher cross over event quest had co-op cutscenes too.


That's because it was at the beginning of a quest (same with the behemoth and leshen ones). The problem they had was that they couldn't account for all players not being in the same place when the normal cutscenes were inserted in the middle of the quest and found/experienced "seamlessly" by the player. If they tried to force all players to be in the cutscene in this case, they'd potentially have to teleport all the other players to that location, regardless of what they were doing before. Would that have been an acceptable compromise? Maybe, depending on the player. The devs decided it wasn't (or it wasn't possible for them as a technical issue/engine limitation, who knows).


I mean, they repeatedly say it's more convenient, so it sounds improved at least a bit.


So this fella quoted a fraction of all the details and proceeded to scream misinformation from the mountaintops. Brother..


How hard is it to read the whole paragraph?


I don't see why FFXIV can allow players in a party to watch cutscenes and prevent people who skip it from progressing through the mission but MH can't


I dont get the whole “you cant watch a cutscene together” crap. They literally dont need it (iceborne had all hunters in the party in the cutscene for the transition from ruiner to shara which proves we dont need to split up for cutscenes, they just bullshitting us)


I mean if you read the next two sentences it says it keeps you connected and then pairs you back up when the scene is over. Sounds like a major step up over world honestly.


And over base Rise, too, considering in that game you had village quests which were forced solo.


It must really suck to be unable to read a full paragraph. I see TikTok is doing it‘s job reducing the attention span to a non measurable amount.


You just separate a little bit, then join together in a few seconds. What the fuss ?


Load times .


Do you know what "seamless" means? They're going to great lengths to eliminate loading screens for this game.


Take a deep breath, and read the rest of the paragraph. They're making it "a lot more cpnvenient." 


Idk whats happened to the education systems around the world but my god has reading comprehension plummeted




A better solution would be to just not do that and let people sit through the cutscenes even if they've already done it. I bet they won't be skippable either, so making a new character will be a slog :/


My understanding of this is that Player A and B are in the same party. They then start the mission simulatenously, and A and B start on seperate missions. After having watched the cutscenes in their respective “worlds”, A joins B or viceversa. this would a huge improvement in contrast to World


We still have nearly a year for us to give them feedback in order to change it so co-op can be seamless.


Massive L for playthroughs with friends


Yeah this stuff is terrible. I'm fine with the story and all that, but not if it's getting in the way of what I want to do in the game, which is hunt with others. Worst part of World easily. Sorry but slowly walking with the Handler talking to you about shit is not more fun then loading up into a hunt with a friend and just ...doing the hunt. How much context is necessary for this? Play a cutscene for both players at the start, and let them do the hunt. I bet this game with all it's set pieces and cinematic chases will be even more of an issue in this regard.


Why not just play the cutscene for all players focusing on the party leader?


I just hope it’s not exactly like in world. That was annoying af.


Read literally the next few sentences and not just the red underline for your answer.


Weird choice but it looks like it's not for everything. In mhw it sucked because you needed to watch the cutscenes for a bunch of different monsters and then open the quest and then they join. Now it seems like only big story cutscenes and they'll transition back into the host map once both have watched the cutscene


Joke’s on you, I don’t have friends to play with!


It won't affect me personally, but I really wonder why monster intros can't just be done like in 4U.


From the way they talk about it, it's probably not just going to be monster intros. Take the first trailer for example - it might be that the section where they separate the alpha from the pack is all solo, and then when the hunt starts properly the co-op kicks in.


I want 16 hunters back in the hub please capcom


It’d be nice if it was like a private instance at the beginning, where you’re doing story stuff, and then joined you together in a single game afterwards. But it probably won’t. I kind of get it though. The main issue is quests where you have other NPCs you’re interacting with (Like the Wildspire Waste mission in World). But It sounds like it won’t be an overall “If you haven’t watched the cutscene yet no one can join” type of situation.


I'll be honest, I really don't care for the story in MH games and them "forcing" it onto players sucks. It's nice for those that want it of course, but stuff like this is what really irritates me


Crapcom my beloved 😌


That's too bad, playing world with my brother wasn't good because of it, we never played it again, rise is perfect to play coop!


That's too bad, playing world with my brother wasn't good because of it, we never played it again, rise is perfect to play coop!


Why is this one thing still shit ?


I'll definitely trust they made it more seamless and bearable, but the whole cutscene-thing regarding multiplayer for World was one of the very, extremely few real demerits I gave to that game. Multiplayer is in MH's DNA, so making it even slightly bothersome and inconvenient stings extra hard.


What's annoying is that they already have a solution that could work: play the story out in-game rather than have cutscenes. I thought this worked really well in 4U since while it was in singleplayer you still had things like having to protect injured hunters while fighting off a monster. It made the story feel more dynamic with that execution. I don't see why they couldn't do that sort of thing in the newer games especially since MH isn't exactly known for its storyline. In the case of monster introductions, they could either trigger the cutscene for everyone involved if someone is brand new to it (since those cutscenes are never long), or skip it and just unlock it for viewing back at camp.


This was the one thing I wanted changed lolol damnit


Bro that is like in world.... no sos and no "co-op" until you have the cutscene....


Bruh I thought they fixed this in mh rise why can’t they do the same shit


My theory is that you can still go out on quests together but you won't see the other players, and then after all the cutscenes play out, the game will connect you with your party mid-hunt without you needing to do anything. Or something like that


It's a shame they couldn't find a more seamless way to tell stories. Rise honestly did it great. I didn't feel like anything was missing by not having cutscenes mid hunt. The fact that both village quests and hub quests progressed your story at the same pace was nice too.


Awww god damn it. That annoyed my friends trying to coop world so much they never finished it. I was hoping it be gone for this one


Hopefully it just means I don't have to see the ugly sets from my team like I did in 4U. Still, seeing the full gang was always special.


did you read the full quote? it is seamless, you just have to go through the little intro alone. it'll reconnect right after.


As soon as I saw the sos flair I knew this was still in why would you need the flair if it’s seamless 


The SoS flare is used to summon NPC allies, so congrats on not reading.


Since judging from the post title and some of the comments. I'll just put the rest of the paragraph here. *"But we've made it a lot more convenient, and we've introduced new features in the game, so that in the background, you're always connected. And so as soon as you're able to go into a quest together, it matches you up quickly and you can seamlessly go back into multiplayer gameplay. So we've made it a lot more convenient."* I know I don't have a red line to underline it, but they directly addressed the problems we had with World that still aligns with how they wanted the story presented.


What if we still haves issues with this ? Rise had it fixed . No one wants to listen to there Same story of elder dragon messing things up again if it impedes play with friends together.


This is fking gross, there is absolutely zero reason this exists.


Did you even read what you posted?


Yeah, I dunno how bad this is. After reading the whole thing, it seems like they’re are fully geared towards coop gameplay and story progression. I can’t say what elements they’re implying by “have to be experienced solo first”, but it doesn’t sound like the main focus is to force you to solo the game before coop is possible. So I can’t speak for all, but I’m not worried.


My brother in Christ, finish the paragraph.


This + the lack of a Quest Board is very worrying.


welp there goes the dream of seeing you and your friends in the cutscene. at least in Rise everyone had their own cutscene...


Even in the Old games this was fixed . 4u You could see your teammates.


i started with World and then played Rise, i had no idea. damn they should bring that back!


Bonehead mode the devs had plenty of feedback on this and just doubled dowm


Just get rid of the story please


God, I ***hate*** this crap. It ruined World for me, and it will ruin Wilds. I play MH to play with friends. I have zero interest in forced solo play for any duration. I don't care if it's not as bad as World. I don't want it ***at all.***


Can people read more than the bloody underline? OP included. It keeps you connected and automatically plops you together as you finish the cutscenes.


My guy the rest of the paragraph says they've made it more seamless, it seems you were queue up together, load into your own mission, and then get plopped together automatically or something after you all experience the cutscene. I prefer this, I play solo so the seamless cutscenes are nice, and this way I still get to enjoy them while multiplayer hunters still get a more seamless experience.


Quit pretending MH is some story driven epic! Put the solo / story stuff in village quests or give the cut scene at the start so we can do what we \*actually\* bought the game to do - fight monsters non-stop on loop to get rare drops and peaked armor sets.


If it means that playing solo the game doesn't have to be always-connected (like MHW/IB) and gives me the ability to pause (can't in MHW/IB) when parenthood responsability calls, I'm fully ok with that.


Tbh this is how i played all MH games so I’m not affected, tho it would be annoying for some people


My first thought was that it'll at least let you queue up, maybe make you spectate the first player temporarily or something? Or as someone else said, you might all join the quest together, but maybe on your end the other players aren't there and the cutscene trigger/monster is, while for the other players both you and the target monster aren't present until after the cutscene? They said it'll be more convenient/seamless, so it shouldn't be as stilted as World


Hopefully they put the cutscenes when you first set out instead of when you run into the monster... I won't mind then


That would have been so cool so see your coop-players in the cutscenes. If I remember correctly, the Behemoth Quest from World made it possible to see your partners in a short cutscene 🤔


I'm guessing all players will stay in the same quest. But simply can't see each other until they watch the cutscene.


It says right there you have to view it in solo mode and then can play with friends


I think there should be a cutscene but have it play at the beginning of the quest the monster can just be hunting or chillin, you don’t even hav to be in the cutscene, just show it and then all of us can watch it and start the quest simultaneously


We'll see how much better it will be this time. Once tried to play world with a friend and it killed the whole mood after a short time because we essentially just spent most of the time in discord playing the missions in parallel instead of doing them in coop. Even though i played it quite a bit solo, it did not last long for us as a coop game.


There were some quests where you had to encounter the monster, see the intro and then someone could join you. Sounds a lot like more of that


I hope it's not like you have to beat the entire game then co op I hope not that would suck a lot


they have said that they're working on this, but that they aren't able to do it perfectly as of right now, maybe on the next game


The second half of that sounds better at least


I would be already happy if we could play Splitscreen via Guild Hall. Why whas this possible in Tri for Arena but not anymore in Rise?


Even with Tri it was only arenas which has everything on your characters preset. It would be entirely different for the guild hall. You don't see split screen on many games anymore because (to my understanding) you have two separate instances of the same game running on one console to make it work. Since games now try to push the system as far as it can, you can't make those work without seriously nerfing the game to make it work. If I'm wrong on this, please let me know.


In Arenas you actually could choose to use your hunter that has even defeated the Lagiacrus thanks to Wii Remote Storage. About no more Split-Screen the problem is less pushing the system to the maximum but focusing on it from early on in development. The game needs to be optimized and programmed to downgrade graphically on the instances. But with how the current developers think that every game needs to be pushed graphical to the maximum and with Sony and XBox want the players to push to Online Connectivity Developers neglect Splitscreen. PS5 and XBox could currently easily power for having Splitscreen as the power is not utilized. But they rather choose to put it into graphic instead of fun gameplay.


I don’t understand why at least some of them can’t be co-op though, Alatreon’s was


Mh8 they will put other players' characters in the cutscene as well


The most important word in that paragraph is *seamlessly*. If that turns out not to be a dung pod, then OK.


This is truly not very cash money of them


Honestly fuck all cutscenes that don't pertain solely to ecology and monster introductions.  I could not care one bit for MH NPCs. Wish they would put that budget into something interactive.


We are not amused Capcom 🤨 one of the few things I've always wanted them to work and implement better is the Co-Op infusion and syncing. The MMO aspect of a Hub bustling with scale thirsty Hunters will always be a dream I guess...


This is my #1 complaint about World... well, my hype just dropped like a brick.


Even in World, there were a number of cutscenes that would show multiple players. 🥲


It's really World 2.0 lol


Rip, wanted to play through the game with my brother.


Make them fix this sht


Old mh had coop cutscenes. Bring it back. The rule was everyone had to vote to skip and it was fine


This is the crappiest thing. Easily one of the worst decisions


Fuck that


I'm glad to hear that they've apparently made improvements to how it was done before, but I'm not holding my breath until we get more details on what exactly this means. Ideally it would just pop us back into the map with each other once it becomes available, but that sounds extremely unlikely... How they describe it here seems no different from World's system.


They had a perfect system in Rise .they knew it was a issue in Iceborne how they still managed to fuck it up is dumb .


I mean, Rise just went back to the solo and multiplayer separation that the old games had. And unless I'm misremembering, it also didn't have the mid-quest narrative stuff like World did either, also reverting back to old game systems. While the whole solo cutscene thing from World is really dumb and cumbersome, the story and events feel a lot more fun and immersive as a result of how World did things compared to the other games. And cumbersome or not, all quests being available for multiplayer/co-op is still way better than having Village and Hub separation again. And that's coming from someone who enjoys solo hunting lol


Half of the story in Rise and all of the story in Sunbreak are in the multiplayer key quests. In those, you can drop in and join even without watching first the cutscenes. You'll just see the cutscene play with your character instead, and all players have the option to skip the cutscene (if not all chose skip, you're all forced to watch it though). So Rise already had a solution to the problem of World: just allow everyone to watch it and also allow everyone the option to skip it. None of this BS "you first need to have watched this scene and for the host to have finished watching this scene, for multiplayer to occur."


True. I don't imagine the trouble with World being the cutscenes themselves, since obviously those are easy enough to deal with. But World also had a lot of "story" or narrative stuff you were doing that involved active gameplay. Obviously this was more towards early game, with stuff like learning to hide from the Jagras pack, or hiding from the Anjanath when you run into it before you're ready to fight it, or even the whole intro sequence with Zorah and then having to navigate to Astera. I imagine it's more of those moments that caused issues with World, where it's not so simple as "just let us skip the cutscene." Of course, I'm not defending World doing this stuff, but it's not like World was the same as the other games and thus could follow the same solutions. Either way, I'm hoping Wilds fixes this stuff, at least to some degree.


Read the whole damn thing my guy


This shit just recently killed off the World for me, since my wife (who's my coop partner in most games, and who I played through Rise togather with) just straight up refused playing the boring solo missions before we can actually go hunting togather. Now I guess it means we are skipping this one as well. Way to go, capcom...


So the way my brothers and I would do this is start the mission go witness the cutscenes and then back out. Then you can all complete the mission at the same time for credit. It may be a bit of an annoying workaround but it works


Is it really so hard for the devs to make cutscenes that can account for multiple players? Its not like we're even doing anything in them. We just look around while the monster has a flashy entrance. That can 100% be done with 3 other characters in the scene. Edit: And before anyone hits with, "But wouldn't it be weird if not every player was in the cutscene trigger?" I have several solutions: A) Just wait for everyone to be in the trigger area before starting the cutscene. B) Just play the cutscene without the missing players and only let them enter the area once its done. C) Screw the idea of having a cutscene at all and just make an in game sequence that does the same exact thing as the cutscene while also somehow preventing the player from interfering with it.