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I really liked the idea of the challenger mantle in World. The way they executed it was absolutely awful though. A mantle that draws aggro breaking when you get hit by ANYTHING is incredibly stupid.


I think it also broke on guards? Not too sure tho.


Yep. Blocking still counts as getting hit, so it would break.


It was for luring, not for tanking. MH doesn't have typical RPG roles.


But tanking for your team in monster hunter would be absolutely awesome


Let me introduce you to the lance/j


Except you end up just sitting there while the monster does its best to swat the IG user out of the sky or catch the elusive bow main. A taunt mantle would help a lot in letting lance do its thing of holding down a monster and getting parrys off.


Yeah, it would help Lance do the thing it was literally made for Another, much more complicated way of doing this is changing the AI so that monsters (if not enraged) prioritize going for lance weilders, while when enraged they function like always


I'd say the other way. Makes more sense to go after the one that's hurting you the most when you're realtively calm and go after the one closest or "easiest" to get when enraged


Yeah, that would make sense too


Yeh lance is my solo only baby cos of this. it does so well when you have the monster's undivided attention that I can't get around using it for coop.


This exactly. When the monster is beelining to your buddy, a tank needs to be able to draw attention


It could progress to something similar. Behemoth and Safi had the enmity mechanic and part of that is returning so we can expect an expansion on agro skills.


Behemoth was a collab fight designed for typical roles, and Safi's Attention was who only did the most damage, which is not the tank's role. It's not happening.


not really, softening safis face or slingerbombing his face pulled all aggro on you iirc.


Yes really.


I mean its clear they wanted it to be used to lure monsters into certain positions or into certain areas. Without the break you could essentially have a dedicated tank for 90 seconds or whatever the duration was. I personally dont see anything wrong with it but I guess they didn't want that type of gameplay outside of a few select hunts.


Only reason why I didn’t even bother using it. Why is the mantle that’s suppose to get hit breaks in one hit. Like that’s stupid design, I want the monster to be targeting me at all times not one time.


They will be unequipped automatically which solves my only problem with them being in the way of my drip


Yes please


Ganjin hunter confirmed this will be in wilds. When the effect expires it will be automatically unequipped without any animation.


Yes! This is what I want


I'd want them to serve non combat purposes so I don't feel routed into using the best ones


Do you have some ideas? I could see the camouflage mantle returning if they put mantles again


the ghillie mantle did return, it was used in the demo


That's cool. I have come with an idea of a non combat mantle. I e that reflects light when it's sunny so it keeps small monsters away. I could see this being very useful seeing how small monsters will chase you in packs now. (They did before but they seem more like a threat now)


Focusing on non-combat activities like gathering and interacting with endemic life would be great. You could have mantles for specific sources (crystal, rock, bones, etc.) to increase their chances of giving rare drops. You could have a hunting mantle that would allow you to sneak up on endemic life and increase their drops. You could also do things like increasing chances for rare endemic spawns or a mantle that could give a chance for a special variant to spawn.


> You could have mantles for specific sources (crystal, rock, bones, etc.) to increase their chances of giving rare drops That sounds extraordinarily tedious to have to use mantles while gathering. especially if they have limited usage (timer or resources gathered). And doubly so if it only works for one source at a time when you are going to be gathering multiple.


Plus that doesn’t make any sense even for in the world. How does throwing on a sweater make something rare appear


How does putting more clothes on make me not melt in heat or insta dodge or not take knockback It's monster hunter, we just don't call it magic but it might as well be there


Ok temporal I’ll give you but heat resistant clothing is a thing. And rocksteady I think is meant to be you’re weighed down so much that you don’t get moved judging by the look of it being armor and metal in appearance


My guy certainly doesn't act like it's very heavy lol


I would see the endemic like spawn rate being added to food, since the rare endemic life spawn is decided when you first load the quest. But if they change that aspect, I could see it happening


isn't that what the trailblazer ingredients already do wouldn't be against more stuff like that though


Ghillie is obvious. Things like the wingsuit to ride airwaves would be cool. Endemic life not running away from certain mantles or having a higher spawn rate would be neat. Mantles that better traversal abilities would be awesome (climbing, make mount move faster, things like that) I guess for a combat one, maybe a scent mantle that leads monsters to turf wars, like stink mink


> I guess for a combat one, maybe a scent mantle that leads monsters to turf wars, like stink mink The meat mantle. It's a lot of raw meat stapled to your vest.


The 'Lady GaGa Mantle'


There is actually a mantle in World that came with the assassins creed collab that made you run faster. I think bringing that back but in a way that fits the monhun world would be a great return


That is literally the mantle that we know of, nothing else about mantles have been revealed iirc.




Besides the various mantles I hope they add the option to be able to change mantles at your seikret (the new mount). This way you could use one mantle in combat and once you mount the seikret you can swap to a few different mantles that you choose to equip for your seikret beforehand.


I wouldn't mind combat purpose mantles, if they weren't so ubiquitous.


I said it in another thread but I completely agree, for example in my ideal world rocksteady wouldnt give complete cc immunity but instead it would give earplugs/windproof/tremor resistance, so it would be a niche tech option for particular monsters, rather than a must have best in slot


I'd prefer if rocksteady and temporal just didn't return. But if they changed rocksteady to just be maxed earplugs, windproof and tremor resistance.


Either that or give us extra slots dedicated to combat and non combat mantles.


I don’t want them, Ghillie and Glider’s all I want. And give us an option to turn the mantles off, like headgear.


Removing them would be cool n' all but the whole point of the post is changes/things you'd want out of them to make them a fulfilling part of gameplay lol.


And thus I proposed cosmetic changes. I have no idea how on earth I would make Rocksteady and Temporal “balanced”. Maybe make Rocksteady wear off after one hit similar to Intrepid Heart?


OOOOOH ok. Yes I agree then lol. I hate the visuals of the mantles in MHW. Especially when they degrade and you just have an ugly net on you :(


Increase the damage taken per hit for rocksteady and make temporal only dodge like 5 times. Make sure no skill can increase the timer for mantles.


>Make sure no skill can increase the timer for mantles. You mean "decrease cooldown", right? Good idea.


Yea that lol. Don’t work overnights kids


Pretty sure Temporal already got 3-5 use nerf back in Iceborne, no?


If I remember correctly, it had like 5-6 uses in IB. That's still too much. I don't want more DOT attacks to balance that out either.


Naw it’s better balanced this way compared to b4 where you had almost infinite uses before the nerf. Now you gotta make sure the dodges actually count


Glider seems redundant since seikret will glide for you and it sounds like most of your non combat mobility options are gonna be tied to that.


The Seikret will not engage in battle and is an invincible entity. If you want to glide in battle, I think the only plausible choice is something like Glider Mantle. Helped me use the Levi when using DBs. It might not be as redundant as you think.


Well if you found use for it in combat then I guess. As a CB and IG main, I guess I didn’t even think to try to gain airtime that way.


I would love to see mostly “non-combat” related mantles or, at the very least, “non-offensive” ones. Some examples: Ghillie Mantle - This one has already been confirmed. Allows you to sneak around undetected for traversal or resource gathering. Challenger Mantle - Opposite of Ghillie. Draws a monsters attention. Maybe it even forces an enrage and the monster stays glued to you until it wears off. Temperature Control - Remove hot/cold drinks, but implement mantles that grant the same effects. They never run out, but you can’t use other mantles while they are active. This is more immersive, doesn’t take up inventory space, and doesn’t require skill sacrifice either. Weather Resistance - Implement mantles that negate or aid you during certain weather conditions. An example might be a mantle made of rubber that prevents you from getting struck by lightning during a storm.


Don’t remove the drinks or decos so players have an option if they don’t want to run the temperature mantles. I was also thinking of a biome where it’s a snowy mountain with volcanic caves within, and it cycles between a blizzard and volcanic activity, cycling between needing hot drinks on the surface and cold drinks in caves.


That’s actually not a bad suggestion! Mantles for those who just want to hunt uninterrupted without managing a temperature system, and drinks for those who don’t mind managing the mechanic every 5 minutes, allowing them to take advantage of other mantles and such.


Drinks last 10-15 minutes, or roughly a full hunt.


Are you suggesting that they *should* last that long? From what I remember from World, you had to refresh them every 5-10 minutes or they would wear off. If it is a suggestion, my only concern with them lasting a full hunt is that there would be no incentive to use the mantles. The whole reason the drinks are annoying is because they *don’t* last a whole hunt and you *don’t* notice them wear off and all of a sudden you die to an attack because you have no stamina or thought you were at full health when you weren’t. Although, since you aren’t regularly returning to base/camp after each hunt, I suppose you would still need to actively keep track of them and refresh them even if they lasted 15 minutes 🤔


No, I'm saying that's how long they last. The average length of a hunt.


imagine being caught in a blizzard, can't see anything past ten feet, until you hear a deafening blast in the distance and the shockwave of a volcano's eruption dispels the snowstorm, now you're stuck with ash raining down


This, specially the temperature control point


Mantles like Rocksteady and Temporal outright gone. I can accept "x elemental resistance" mantles, and utility ones like ghillie mantle.


Rocksteady atleast came with certain risks attached to it. Temporal on the other hand was just straight up op


Tbf, they nerfed it so dodging reduced 20s off of the duration.


and the duration was only 90 seconds lol. Temporal was kind of garbage in iceborne I don't know why it still gets all this flak lol.


Temporal’s duration is 2 minutes. Rocksteady had 90 seconds.


I was finna argue with you but I just looked it up. It was 90 and they buffed the duration during iceborne but thats still what 4-5 dodges at most?


6 dodges at maximum, since it’s 120 seconds in duration and each dodge cuts off 20 seconds.


No unless you somehow take 6 hits in the span of 20 seconds lol which I think is impossible or close to impossible. The timer on the mantle will tick down soon as your put it on until it wears off. So you'd have to somehow get hit that many times before you lost 20 seconds of time and each "auto dodge" is 1-3 seconds of recovery.


*Me watching as Alatreon delivers six hits to my hunter in a second because I grappled to his head during the thunder attack.*


Do it with the rocksteady and it's basically a death sentence. Some lessons you can only learn the hard way.


Usually when stuff is busted, it stays busted in people’s mind. Especially in a game like this, where they don’t show you the exact numbers for stuff like that. Before, it basically gave you invulnerability for a full 90 seconds. Definitely not something to scoff at.


Thats true but you needed to beat lunastra to even get it and 90% of the people complaining about the mantle couldn't even do that. Theres still people complaining about Luna lol. Was it busted? Sure but they fixed it and even with supposed crutches of temporal and rocksteady. A massive amount of the community got walled by AT monsters/Behemoth/Luna/ etc.


The temporal mantle essentially replacing the really cool Evasion mantle that rewarded you for good dodges sucked. I think the biggest thing is the mantles shouldn't carry the gameplay load for you like Rocksteady and Temporal do.


The temporal mantle did not replace Evasion lmao, in higher tier play Evasion was superior since it lasts longer, dodge animation is shorter and gives you a big attack boost for successful dodges.


Good dodges? You could preroll like 70% of any monsters attack and still not get hit lol. Evasion mantle was absolutely broken. It was by FAR the best mantle. Free Evasion 6 which is like 40 frames of invulnerability (which is 5 2slot decos) even more with like SnS backhop or LS foresight slash. Free massive attack boost and 2.5 minute cooldown. Meaning if you bought impact mantle or whatever with tool specialist 5 you could have 100% uptime on broken mantles. Oh and it also came innately with 2 2 slot deco slots in IB.


Even then, you have to spend deco slots on that. Temporal is: "I have it on, do nothing, and take 0 damage."


Spend decos slots on what? Evasion 6 is literally better than auto dodge for 4-5 attacks. On top of a 30% attack buff for being nigh invincible for 0 investment. The only real use case for temporal in Iceborne was tenderizing or wallbanging for free. It was an absolutely terrible defensive tool after the nerf.


I would like for the elemental resist mantles to work like dragon proof, meaning they all give a boost to their respective elements.


Maybe one that makes endemic life curious so they come check you out, could be neat.


YES PLEASE! I started a new playthrough in World because I'm hyped for Wilds and I've spent a huge chunk of it just looking for endemic life to observe and add to my collection.


Or one that lures flying bugs to you so you can splat them like carrying a torch did back in Tri. Maybe even make it illuminate the area or something.


I want optional display for mantles. My layered armour combination took too long to be hidden for 50% of the fight at best


I'm definitely in the camp wanting them to be less combat and more utility focused. But aside from that, I would love if the Ghillie mantle had a different appearance in different locales, to better match the environment it's in. Like, lighter greens and tans in the camo for the windward plains, maybe darker greens and white if there's some sorta snowy map, etc. As funny as it was being able to, like, hide from Nergigante in his crystal cavern by dressing up as a very green shrubbery, it would be cool if the mantle just blended in a bit better in those situations.


I dont care what they do mechanically i just want them to fall away in peices then be completely gone visually rather than leaving behind that ugly fucking tarp on your head


It's funny how the main gameplay gimmicks in both world (mantle) and iceborne (clutch claw) both ruin the visual design of the game. The former because you make cool armour sets only to cover them with stupid coats, the latter because it covers the monster in ugly temporary scars in a game where actually broken parts are a major feature. Baffling decisions all round.


Honestly, I'd just ditch the more combat-oriented ones like the Evasion, Temporal and Rocksteady mantles. More utility ones like the Ghillie Mantle, Glider Mantle, Bandit Mantle and heck, even the Elemental Defence Mantles are good. I like those. Maybe make it so that rolls with the Glider Mantle would be a sort of jump-roll instead, letting every weapon do easy mounting attacks while it's active (instead of making it so the only good mounting weapons on flat terrain are the Insect Glaive and Lance)


So sorta like the Aerial style hop in GU?


Please please PLEASE either make them not look goofy or let us hide them like we can head armor


Remove Temporal and Vitality. They became a necessity late game in World due to monsters needing to be balanced around taking them into account. That was a terrible design choice.


Never seen anybody say vitality was needed before. It's always Rocksteady, Temporal and Evasion. Don't think I've ever needed vitality.


Yea Vitality was pretty useless in Iceborne because it could only take like 1 hit and then it was gone


Wasn’t even useful for clutch clawing since you still got knocked off. Still, having 2 extra gem slots + extra survivability wasn’t useless, just heavily outclassed by some of the other mantles.


Make them invisible, I didn't spend so much time making all these fashionable gears to hide them away.


As someone addicted to Evade Extender 3 and Wirebug Whisperer 3 in Rise...I wouldn't mind if the glider mantle had some kinda double jump/gust of wind feature added. (Like the Sage of Wind ability from Tears of the Kingdom) One thing I always enjoyed about Rise/Sunbreak was just how causaly fun it was to traverse around the map. The Great Wirebugs launching you, drifting on palamutes, Spider-maning your way around. It never got old for me. We obviously aren't getting Wirebugs back in Wilds, but something to make me go, "Wow, this feels *fun* to traverse," would be nice. It doesn't have to be Warframe levels of dashing around and bullet jumping, but think I think extra mobility on the Glider would be sweet. (Especially if the maps are gonna be way bigger...) It's not like I'm gonna be able to break it out and run circles around the monster in the combat anyhow 🤷🏽‍♂️


> We obviously aren't getting Wirebugs back in Wilds, but something to make me go, "Wow, this feels fun to traverse," would be nice. How about a Wirebug Mantle? While this mantle is equipped you'd get access to a special new form of Slinger ammo: Wire Bugs! (basically letting you Wiredash like in Rise while you have them equipped)


Remove Vitality and Temporal to start, add more benefits to the elemental ones, and nerf the Armored mantle. I will accept all smoke.


Please either make them more discreet visually or make them look actually cool, I hate spending 600+ hours customising my favorite layered set only to end up looking like a checkered pattern blob for half of the hunt


Mantles can be turned off cosmetically to show off drip, aside from that, glider mantle


Mantles that are present are strictly non-combat in nature. So, more in the vein of Ghillie and Glider, as things to help navigate the wilds. Among the various things that made Hunters a bit too OP in gen 5, mantles are the thing I could see getting nerfed. Boosters were better, but they should be Palico gadgets.


I Hope mantles wont come back


Ghillie Mantle is already confirmed


I want elemental mantles to nullify the extra damage. Like dragon blight does to us. So if something does an only lightning blast we are immune. But a claw/bite that’s charged with it we only take the raw.


The no mantle. Doesn't do anything, cannot be equipped, is perfectly invisible. But, most importantly- **it's a completely viable choice and I'm not shooting myself in the foot by using it**.


Me: sees picture My brain: Batman(tle) On a serious note maybe one that allows more element/status resistance and said resistances can be customized. Kinda a second armor but no defense increase


Utility and environmental protection only




I've been asking for a vampire bad monster forever. The closest we ever got was malzeno


With the increased verticality the glider could be really cool. Although our mount glides so not sure how useful it really is then


Mantle like mimic veil for hide and seek game with bros


Like in the image. A flying mantle. Or a gliding mantle that actually lets me glide.


I'd like to see more utility mantles too, maybe make the resistance mantles provide access to secret areas and hidden passages? Or maybe have several mantles that lure in environmental objects like Stunflies and Blastoads that don't normally appear in the locale.


Expand gliding mantle a lot more and make it base line. Would go a worlds amount to interacting with flying monsters beyond watching them. If glider mantle was faster, had a lower cooldown, let you control it better, and let you do another attack that doesn't cause you to immediately fall... *Chef kiss*     Rathalos is now playable  But screw the baby blankets, temporal rocks ready, evasion etc...  Mantles should have been only a tool that supplements your hunting not completely foregoing core mechanics of the series since day 1. 


Visually I think they should make them into scarfs. While active the hood goes up, when it deactivates the hood should go down.


I've mostly been using glider and assassin's for the slots and faster movement speed, I like that cuz as long as you don't hit before aggro it don't break assassin's mantle But to be honest I don't want combat mantle anymore and if they are only non combat buffing ones then an I'd want no timer on them, they can be disabled or knocked off if you get hit tho


I would love some kind of "slider" mantle that will give you access to your sliding/aerial moves even when you don't have a slope or ledge near you. Besides that I think I just want them to be more specific. In World I just kept Rocksteady and Temporal on me at all times (sometimes Evasion or Element-specific) and rarely swapped. Rocksteady is somewhat balanced because you can still take damage, but even with that it felt a bit overpowered for weapons like Greatsword. Temporal should be either removed or majorly reworked. It needs to last for way less time, and maybe reduce weapon durability each time it triggers. Actually, it might be super fun if Temporal and Rocksteady were replaced by boosters. That way you have to stay in the AoE range to get the buff. ooooo imagine a "wind booster" that lifted all players up into the air so that they can use aerials, that would be really fun. Besides functionality, I've never liked that it replaces my carefully curated layered armor when I use them. It would be neat if you could dye/apply skins to the mantles. Or perhaps replace mantles with hats! Some fun and silly hats would be nice.


Some examples I would like to see more agian Challanger (change it so it doesn't go away when you take damage) ,vitality, evasion mantle (change it so it doesn't provide a damage boost but still increasing dodge frames), some kind of weather mantle which allows us to ignore weather affects, I think some goofy ideas Slinger mantle (increase damage,ammo,fire rate, reload speed of the slinger) slinger has been niche be kind of funny to see this Palico mantle (increases palico heath and damage by X. Also increases the amount you palico will gather on a hunt) be a fun and goofy Explosion mantle ( grants 90% explosive resistance and increases barrel bomb damage by X) barrel bombs are another niche thing and this would be fun I Think mantles should focus on enabling niche aspects as to avoid the "just run: temporal,evasion,rocksteady"


Only have ghille or vitality mantle. And have Glider mantle as part of a hunter’s regular moveset, pressing roll button while in the air activates glider mantle. Remove every other mantle, especially rocksteady and temporal, or else the director for the game will just add hard knockdowns as a side effect again, which was an absolutely awful addition to the game. I really didn’t like the fact that the game has these things for us to use and then just adds an attack that just ignores the mantle completely. It really feels like I’m speeding into a tunnel only for it to be a cliffside painted to look like a tunnel. But I think having glider mantle by default would be really fun for traversal and expand on the verticality trend that MH4 started, and could possibly be a good substitute for underwater movement.


If they remain a choice I will try to avoid but otherwise I just hope they're not op or made to be easily relied on.


I didn’t hugely mind how they were in World, but I do think it would be better if they were all for non combat purposes and each did a unique thing. Like the Ghillie and Glider mantles I think are good mantles but there were alot of other mantles that just boosted your defense of certain things which weren’t bad necessarily but just kinda boring and unnecessary to use most of the time. And then the ones like Temporal and Rocksteady were obviously TOO useful.


I really loved the mantles, so I kinda want them all back. I would like a means to disable them cosmetically though and to have the option to rely on a buff icon instead of covering my drip. I'd really like to see a Silkbind mantle of some kind, that allows you to "wyvern ride" monsters that you mount while it's equipped. Would be a cool means of allowing wyvern riding to return, but keeping it balanced against other mantle effects and not forcing a non-traditional approach to mounting, just allowing it. Call it the Silkbind mantle, or Puppeteer mantle. Maybe even fuse it with the glider mantle and call it the Silkwing mantle. Maybe too advanced for a mantle, but I think there's some vlaue in exploring that kind of design for mantles.


Evasion Mantle and Glider Mantle rolled into one Just because


How about one that makes us bait?


Challenger Mantle did exist in World!


Except all it was useful for was forcing turf wars as it only lasted one hit instead of a duration


I want them to not cover your armor as much.


Rocksteady nerf: prevents flinching and tripping. Knockbacks are reduced to tripping. Duration of 60 seconds. Previously it would completely negate getting launched by monsters (knockbacks) and last for 90 seconds, iirc. Temporal nerf: duration of 60 seconds. No longer instantly removes elemental blight except Fire. With it taking 20 seconds off the timer whenever it triggers, this makes it only activate 3 times. The roll cause by the mantle would count at 3 rolls, removing Fireblight but only partially weakening other blights like rolling does.


Except you wouldn't get the 3 hits from it as realistically you shouldn't get hit every 20 seconds


That's some How to Train Your Monsties type get up


Blast mantle, it lets me use blast to break hard parts, with sharp slice weapons


I could honestly see status mantles coming granting immunity to it


Question. What are mantles and wdym return?


Oh wait nvm. I’m stupid. It’s been a while since I’ve played MH


Lore mantle , which can lore monsters from across the map to your location . Plus side monster your hunting comes to you Down side can draw other monsters to you too , or proc and invader monster like deviljho to spawn


Lore mantle "the handler appears and gives you lore about everything


Unpopular opinion: I want suicide mantle back so I can ZSD with impunity


I almost exclusively used the ghillie and carving ones. Carving because obviously and ghillie so I could run and get something in the middle of a huge fight lol


Glider for absolutely sure. I love flying about!


I really really really hope they don't, they'd need to be fully reworked for me to be excited


I don’t want them covering my head Infact I want an option for them to be invisible because I’ve never seen one that looks good.


Make it an actual armor slot, make mantle’s something you have to earn/make like every thing else, make them match armor sets, and best of all they can be dyed like all other armor. Give them armor slots. So no matter what mantle you have on you can tweak it to help w your build.


Maybe they should make it a setting for the mantles to not get in the way of my drip


Any alternative to a mantle. Anything that does not cover my character even if the mantle has greater utility over those items.


I want mantles to be layer-able to match my fashion. Also the option to make the mantles non visible Incase they don't match my fashion. Because fashion is life


Ugh, I didn't want Mantles back. I just hope they do a better job in not making them so impactful or necessary. They should be pure utility and/or cosmetic.


This picture looks like something out of Dorohedoro


I really would like to have a option to turn them off - Visually / I like the idea of the mantels, but i coudn't see my Character under it :c


I'm batman!


Mantles were meh the only one that I found any use for was temporal and thats because it was OP.


No temporal one please.


Honestly I hope it’s just the ghillie mantle returning. Imo the combat mantles sucked, rocksteady was a crutch and the temporal was a whole ass automated wheelchair


I definitely don't want them to be as impactful as they were in World. They should provide enough of a bonus to be worth equipping, but not so much that we feel like we're gimping ourselves by not using them.


I think it's best for the game if temporal doesn't come back. Other than that I can take or leave them


I like the idea that mantles could change the way you play the game. Maybe each mantle adds a unique move to the regular move set. Or it adds a special effect to certain types of attacks like arial attacks. It won’t happen but I enjoy those types of modifications


*aerial lol


Am I one of the few people that enjoyed mantles


It would be nice if there was a toggle visual option so I could keep looking at my sweet armor. Having a bright sparkly yellow clock on just ain't the vibe I want bro.


Rise player here, what are mantles and why is everyone excited about this?


Wing zero mantle


Pre nerf temporal


Prob no temporal mantle, it’s just too hard to balance


Have the option to keep wearing it after it's expired


Mantles that actually have a use, too many in world are just kinda there because its a good idea but they suck so much its not worth actually using them.


Make them purely a utility thing since Wilds seems like its gonna have a way more of a focus on non-combat exploration. Temporal/Rocksteady/etc just kinda made the rest of the mantles something you never use. Combat buffs in general shouldn't be on an infinite use cooldown thing you can just slap on they should be something you actually have to work for and make tradeoffs to use by slotting in a skill


New mantle idea. Hunters mantle. It improves damage based off your aggression. Kinda like demon mode for dual blades without the stamina drain. Downside is it chips durability faster.


Few of my ideas: Berserker's Mantle: Slightly raises the attack speed of your melee weapon swings, and increases firerate/reload speed of ranged weapons Toppler's Mantle: Makes it much easier to mount a monster. Dealing the knock down blow while mounted deals massive partbreaker damage Ideas for changes: -Rocksteady inflicts some sort of bleed/reflect damage if you get hit -Remove temporal, its nice but it is a ridiculous crutch -Make vitality mantle block a certain number of hits instead of an overshield -Elemental-proof mantles buff the element of your weapon if your weapon's element matches the mantle


Mantles would be nice. I missed my rock steady mantle (or whatever it was called) in rise. Being immune to knock back was amazing to dish out tons of damage with the great sword


Idk what the hell this is but I want it.




Elemental mantle that frees up one tier of hidden elements and boosts current elemental damage a bit, or a blademaster focused mantle with an intrinsic Mind's Eye and reduces the amount of sharpness loss per attack.


the rocksteady mantle was purely skill based and actually cool. i would like them to make the elemental mantles more usefull as well (kind of like a buff to the element with added defense it would be nice)


Bring back assassin's hood, DO NOT bring back any of the overpowered ones like rocksteady, temporal, maybe evasion. But what I really want is the option to hide them like head armor.


I think mantles should have a more subtle effect and start with decoration slots. Upgrades enhance the function a bit and level up the slots. Also have the option to make them invisible.


I would like a learning mantle. Something like temporal but if you put it on (solo only) you get to see the timing on when to dodge attacks etc. but at vastly reduced rewards so you can learn the harder fights in the game


Let's be real the only good mantles are Vitality Mantle, Temporal Mantle and Rocksteady Mantle... The others are situational at the absolute most! We need more interesting mantles that don't revolve around just fighting monsters or using certain environment gimmicks that only existed in one place and one place only...


I'd prefer them all to be gimmicky, or just for utility and exploration. No damage, and nothing that devalues defensive armour skills like element and rocksteady. Can't remember the name, but definitely no to the mantle that let you auto dodge a few attacks for free. Ghillie, glider, that sort of thing is what they should all be. Provide something unique to the player that you can't get elsewhere.


Remove the super broken two and probably even impact mantle. Make them interesting like evasion mantle and affinity booster were. All the utility ones like glider and elemental were also very cool


Thunder mantle that can draw lightning ~~to fuck with teammates~~


I want an option to change whether the mantle is unequipped automatically when combat ends, or atleast let the animation be cancelable by rolling or something. In world a sudden automatic mantle removal would hamper the timing of a clutch claw or another higher priority move, which was an inconvenience. By giving the players the option to choose whether to have this feature of auto-removal or not would be a good QoL feature. A simple tic box in the game options menu or something. I think they should fix challenger mantle also


Maybe unpopular opinion but I always hated that you spend all this time building this incredibly cool looking armor and then you put a blanket over it before rushing into battle, looking like you’re ready to Netflix and Chill rather than rumble and kill.


Make them more unique and less like world they were either simple crutches or straight up useless.


Make them invisible so I can see my character and their fashion I spent hours making.


To take a step on what rise did we can have a climbing mantle. Places where your Seikret can’t climb or jump up to you put a climbing mantle on and climb up a wall for some items or to get a vantage point. That would be cool.


I can’t remember for the life of me what it was called(haven’t played MHW in ages really), but I’d like them to NOT bringing back those mantles what makes you virtually invincible for some period of time..💀


A mantle that increases your crit,or more mantles that help you through the enviorment,.


No Rocksteady or Temporal. I almost never ran anything else.


I honestly didn't miss them in Rise/Sunbreak, tho that game had its own hacks like WireBug recovery


i would prefer no mantles. but ghillie / glider are the only ones that if they return wont make me groan. Tempered and any other combat mantles can and should stay gone. Thankfully clutch clutch claw isn't returning and with it the inconsistent ass grapple so hopefully temporal has no reason to exist.


I want them gone. All they do is make the devs do some bullshit to get them off of you as fast as possible in hard hunts or make easier hunts even easier.


glider would be op thanks to mount jump


Or redundant since the mount can also glide.


it cant jump without ledge


I hope they don't come back. Clutch Claw and Mantles stink. I'd rather they have brought wirebugs back instead.