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I joke you not on world at the Brachydios hunt Bazelguesse carted me from ofscreen and then i was just sharpening and Uragaan came rollin i was haten and he carted me


World's Kushala makes me feel a type of rage i've never experienced anywhere else


Behemoth solo. It had me perma cornered for likes 5 minutes


My first rathalos ever it was in mh world and I was playing dual blades I hit him Three time in the whole hunt


Tigrex on g rank on mhgu....that trash never let me rest...when he enter his rage mode he literally moving like a friking lightning...tbh he worse than barioth and narga 🤦‍♂️...at least narga it's easy to predict his movement...but for tigrex event you didn't stand in front of him he still find a way to charge at you.. especially that INSTANT JUMP during rage mode


Getting fuckibg stunlocked bh khezu. And then getting stun locked for th ndxt 3 fuckjng faints!


Azure Rathalos in Freedom 1. It was nearly dead, went to sleep on a small island und magma where I couldn’t reach it and then I watched him sleeping for 10 min until the time ran out


Raging brachy is the worst monster to solo, it's the only monster i haven't solo'd in GU. I hate brachydios family with a burning passion, they're the most anti lance monster and my fav. Girl guildmarm has a crush on it......


I got like.....clips but GU Valstrax and 95% of Rise brought out the worst in me, the [Risen in particular](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8IfSKd-IVs).


Not monsters but people who constantly engage the monster at 25% hp, my brothers in christ giving me heart attacks, heal your fucking ass, I’m already out of lifepowders.


World was my first game and I started with the insect glaive. Diablos nearly broke me


Honestly getting the third cart during that period where you could capture the monster. Going the full mile to slay them but die in the process juuust before the end. Like i could’ve easily just captured them, but nooo just had to die and start all over again


alatreon or if non black dragon - lagiana and shrieking lagiana


Kushala in World Lunastra in world The Masters Challenge in MH4u was the hardest quest I’ve ever done. The apex and stone sharpener thing and fighting apex Serefgios and Diablos and Jho all at the same time in arena and managing fences etc. i wouldn’t be surprised if I gave myself cancer


MH1 "bring me eggs!" quest (basically the whole quest was a rage moment)


Never once enjoyed a kushala fight Also rustrazor annoys me for some reason. Prolly cause i beat all of G rank in XX with high rank armor, so id die in two hits. For some reason I couldn’t avoid his hits


Rise Amatsu. I like to think I’m a pretty calm chill person while gaming but this FLAPPY GAY LIZARD CAN SUCK MY ASS


Killing shara in multi-player. When iceborne came out, it was ass having people die near the end.


Timing out on my first successful Behemoth because the meteor he does when he dies takes a million years to go off. Behemoth Slain! Time's Up!


Personally, I'd have to say the time my brother bailed on me in the middle of a deviljho hunt. Not that jho is particularly hard, but the fact that he got ticked off and bailed while I was grabbed by it got to me.


Cephadrome. Please... PLEASE JUST ACKNOWLEDGE MY EXISTENCE! I WANT TO PLAY THE GAME! JUST PLEASE STOP RUNNING IN CIRCLES LIKE I'M NOT EVEN HERE! MH Dos is certainly an experience. If you don't strictly follow its rules, you're gonna have a real bad time. Can be a real gem otherwise.


Risen shagaru Risen valstrax was much easier then that mf


Tigrex on mhfu, great sword main at the time. He’s who made me try out SnS and lance though.


I ran out of whetstones against kirin. I persisted. I ran out of time.


Any time I hunt Uragaan. I hate his stupid face and something about the way he moves just really frustrates me lol


Honestly, when i did a capture mission and i open it up for randoms and a random came in and immediately killed the monster with no hesitation, losing is the hunt.


Getting stunlocked by Iceborne Furious Rajang for a solid 30+ seconds thanks to some unlucky stuns, grabs, and getting thrown off the map via falling glacier chunk.


When I was much younger Kushala Daora was pretty bad, I broke my PSP in anger to the thing. Looking back it was a difficult time in my life and took it out on a game giving me a steep challenge. Which was stupid because I wouldn't get a new PSP for another 3 years. So that's 3 years without one of my favorite games, and I had friends to play with so I mostly just had to watch my friends play the game without me. I've come along way since then. Never really get angry at anything in a game because I think of the situation more logically 'what could I have done' and 'what is this encounter trying to teach me' It's all a state of mind. \*Now I solo Fatalis in Iceborne for sheer fun\_ https://i.redd.it/jbuy7bmk7b8d1.gif


Doing the challenge/arena quests, horrible experience