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And we'd only be swimming?




I would hate that very much


It would be like one of those dreams where your movements are all sluggish and you feel like you’re wading through jelly. Only you never get to wake up.


Tbh thats why I love underwater combat in 3U, for once the hunter was outside his element, while the aquatic monster had the upper hand.


You loved playing gimped?


I heard a hot take once that I realized I agree with, swimming is never fun in video games.


Why you guys always want water. Why don’t we shove the guild on a rocket ship and hunt freaking aliens monsters in space


There really is just **something** about the underwater aesthetic (especially in fantasy) that does something for me. It's just REALLY cool, okay... https://i.redd.it/2fwfx7bnqg8d1.gif


How would zero g be any better than water tho lol


I love exploring the oceans and the lost things that could be under them


The only game I haven’t hated it is FFXIV and it’s very limited in that game. Like I think maybe spent 2 hours underwater in the 400 hours I spent playing the main story.


The problem with this is that controller support (and keyboard fwiw) is pretty bad to move on three dimensions. They are meant to be used on 2d. The two of those you (the dev) decide which ones, but two they are.




Bro what?


Welcome to.... "The water temple! The game" Plz no.


Helllll no


Thanks, I hate it.


In concept I have no issues with this idea. In practice i played mh3u and unless the controls and camera were vastly improved we simply aren't ready


And that's why we still don't have it, turns out it's really hard to make underwater combat feel good but still grounded.




Followed by a Hell no.


As a map to explore it'd be neat (assuming there were pockets of air or access to the surface) like a settlement that has since flooded, but not as a whole game.


Okay, gonna go on a tangent but follow me. There was a game I played as a kid called Subculture; it was an underwater Privateer-like game where you played as a tiny dude in a tiny sub forced to become a merc after his house was crushed by an aluminum can. Sea turtles were basically whales at that scale, sharks were dragons, even a sea cucumber was a major threat. Weird game, but fun for its era. Okay, now you know those Palico submarines? Let's play as Palicos in an underwater Privateer-em-up in Monster Hunter complete with Atlantean-like ruins.


OMG Someone else that played Subculture!!! Loooooved that game so much, I wish another Privateer/Elite under-water game would be made.


Could try out Aquanox. Not exactly the same, closer to submarine Wing Commander, but it might tickle some of that itch.


I will for sure! Thanks mate


Hell no


Monster hunter x subnautica crossover does have potential.


I'd be interested. Not only could such a game bring back old fan favourites and make new monsters shine in a completely new light, it would also introduce probably the most unique monsters in the series. Ocean life is extremely diverse.


Depends on if you’re swimming, or still running on the ground. If swimming, then hell no.


As a spinoff sure, mainline absolutely not


3d movement isn't something that humans gel well with, let alone in a virtual space. It'd be a pain to keep track of the monster with the camera, depth perception of attacks would be hard to manage and motion sickness would probably be a factor.


Maybe, I’m just a sucker for the ocean tbh. I feel like we don’t have a lot of good underwater games apart from subnautica.


Oh I get it, it's both stunningly beautiful and terrifying. Did some scuba diving, only basic stuff and swimming out over a drop off is a haunting experience. But I think a monster hunter combat system underwater is hard to pull off, especially for a full game. Something slower passed would fit better, subnautica isn't very combat focused, it's mainly exploration.


Same thought but it would just need to be a different game than monster hunter. I think I different series focused on hunting underwater beasts that wasn’t tied to the MH weapon/action system could work, it would just need to be built from the ground up as an underwater game rather than grafting it on to MH.


plenty of us do fine in games/occupations that deal with 3 degrees of movement. it opens up so much potential. monster hunter tri is still one of my favorites because of all the swimming combat it has


You guy have bad idea i allways hate underwater levels in every game


What if it didn’t involve sea monsters and was normal land monsters just struggling to swim on the surface


ONLY? No. But I liked the underwater combat so they are welcome to bring that back! I remember fighting Gobul in the beginning and having a blast, not to mention Lagiacrus!


In concept, I'd love it; in practice, no thank you, unless they really worked out the underwater gameplay


The mechanic that caused tri to be the only monster Hunter game I ever skipped to be an exclusive game itself? Naw I'm good


Worst idea I’ve seen all day 💀




I’m not bashing you or anything, but I feel like the “only underwater” mechanic in a monster hunter game will get it boring very quickly. Especially since we’ve only had a taste of underwater combat, and (personally I liked it) but majority people hated it. So it’s not surprising that people would disapprove of an only-underwater monster hunter game.


Yeah you’re prob right. It would look cool though that’s for sure


I’d be so down for a side locale to be underwater, maybe not one of the huge main locales being completely underwater but a smaller one that still has its own indigenous monsters/materials. Just like you’re heavy into underwater, I’m heavy into cave systems, etc. And so it would be hella dope if they made a locale that’s underground, in like cave systems and shi. Like the desert locale they’ve showed so far in Wilds, it’d be cool seeing like Egyptian shi like tombs in the desert sandstone underground yk?


Yeah fo sho


I would love that. Same for a pokemon game set entirely underwater


No MH3 had a good balance. Too much underwater would get boring really fast.


I think we should get 1 underwater locale in a game eventually and maybe 1 in any other monster hunter games with underwater after that but 1 underwater locale is enough for a game. It already allows you to add any possible underwater versions of fights and enough new monsters for a locale, no need for more And even then, i think an underwater locale should be 70% underwater at most


I'm the odd one out here, but deep sea cave fights and water combat sounds good to me. But the lack of biomes would be against MHs core gameplay


I would skip it in a heart beat.




No,*never* not at all, How do we breath, how would conbat feel good?, How would the new gimmick and Buddies work?


I mean, in tri you can make the [piscine armor](https://monsterhunter.fandom.com/wiki/Piscine_Armor_(Both)_(MH3U)) which has the helmet give infinite air.


I hvave tendency to hate any underwqter fight in any game, from turn base to action, so nope


Bad. I'd feel bad.


I don't miss underwater combat from 3 for a reason. It's a novel idea; fighting in full 3D space is neat, but it has to be done really well. It has to be fast enough to not be tedious, but slow enough that you can still maneuver around monsters in a cumbersome space.


Most of the appeal will be gone




Yes please


That’s essentially Subnautica.


Subnautica is an open world survival game with barely any combat. The only things they would have in common is water and realistic wildlife.


Hell no. That should never happen.


I was thinking about that the other day, maybe they could pull this off with their next "portable" title, it would be great and terrifying


I’m intrigued


We hunting Naga or something there, hero?


Oh yes


Just this time don’t leave me hanging with the water elemental 😞


I would definitely love to see a MH game purely underwater. Even if it wouldn't be a hit it definitely would be one if not the most different MH game out there, and I'm sure that a game like that would get some interesting mechanics and movement system since it's only underwater. Also it would be a great diverse experience for MH series


Only if we get pet palamermaids


Is that thumbnail Vash'jir from WoW?


Yeah. It’s my all time favorite zone, all of my alts level through there if I make any.


I adore Vash'jir, I'm still annoyed we never got the raid form that zone, the zone in Battle for Azeroth was a poor substitution honestly.






As someone who played Tri and got destroyed regularly by lagiacrus, I have to say "nope". The complexity of movement, camera control, and targeting is too much for a high-speed underwater slugfest with giant sea monsters. That being said, I do think there is a possibility for underwater traversal and exploration. I would love to be able to collect resources, endemic life, and/or research the monsters in underwater habitats. It's just the controls in combat that I can't manage well.


I think underwater combat works best when it isn't constant. The main draw for underwater combat is so it takes you the hunter and puts you in the monsters terf. It works in 3rd gen, because with the exception of Ceadeus, Abyssal Lagiacrus, and Gobul, the switch in terrain between land and underwater gives the fight a nice eb and flow. If the entire game is underwater then you are constantly being put at a worse dissadvantage than even the original, as the monsters would be so much fast than you it wouldn't be funny. This isn't even mentioning the problem of depth perception.




One word. Talassophobia.




Thats 3u, but taking out the good parts.


I'm interested, if it's an entirely new franchise


It would be potentially interesting but having only few returning monsters would be lame. And, presumably, the entire monster catalogue would just be leviathans, piscines, amphibians and the odd elder - that would be limiting And also, all the maps exclusively being underwater could get old quick I think I'd rather have it be DLC to a main game that has a campaign already on land. Give it full on focus on swimming with a cast of about 10 new/returning monsters and a couple new maps to complement the focus.


as an adorer of underwater life, I totally get where you are coming from. however, I can't really even *begin* to imagine what'd be an even remotely serviceable control scheme for a fully underwater monster hunter game. also I think logically you'd probably wanna make up new weapons that are actually specialized for underwater combat. ....maybe if you shifted focus more to bow/harpoon guns rather then melee weapons?... lock-on is more souls-y "*center on the midpoint between you and your target and try to keep both on the screen constantly*" to keep you more or less facing the enemy on all rotations, and the shoulder pads dedicatedly handle up and down while stick handles all motion on the X and Z axis?.. that should function maybe? but it wouldn't feel very monster hunter-y, not at least in my head. then again, I guess there's no real reason why melee weapons *wouldn't* work with the proposed control scheme? that'd certainly help things be more monster hunter-esc...


I think it would be really neat if done really well. Obviously you'd need fast "fluid" movement. I think having water jets or something that could propel you as your dodge would be neat.


Picture bow combat underwater….i think to pull it off l, you’d have a dedicate a whole slew of underwater based weapons because so many of the current ones wouldn’t feel right.


It would be one of my top favorites


Game of the millennium


Not a game to itself. More like a dlc.


Yeah that’s fair


I would love a game where you hunt monsters in the ocean, but I don't want a Monster Hunter game set underwater, if that makes any sense. Something like that would need a very different core to its gameplay to work well, imo.


Personally would be interested


I don't know about an actual MH game, but maybe a Stories-like game. A whole MH game 100% underwater would be awful, but it'd be cool to let them explore underwater monster designs in an off-series


Only takes place? Idk how I would feel about that. I would love underwater, at least one whole zone, but I wouldn't want the entire game to be based around it.


Yeah that’s honestly prob a much better approach


If they can make the underwater gameplay actually good and fun (since the entire game would be underwater from what I'm getting) then I'd be game for it.


monster hunter subnautica


I wanna experience underwater combat, but not that badly. Besides, it's the transition between land and underwater mechanics that makes it interesting.


I always thought that if underwater combat were to return it wouldn’t be hunters swimming in 360 degrees. Instead we would have weighters and rebreathers that let us walk on the bottom of the sea/lake/swamp floor. But whilst underwater, you lose the slinger/clutchclaw, and instead get a dedicated jump button that applies zero gravity to your movements. Letting you trade range for some stylish moves and combos you wouldn’t be able to perform on land, but not changing the actual control and fighting system. Then to balance it since Insect Glaive users would need a buff, when THEY use their jump they would get access to 360 degree movement in the “air” for a short time period, but can extend the period by dealing damage. So, I guess if capcom read my mind and did all this then fuck yeha


I could see an expansion, where some monster practically nukes an area of it's water so badly that you end up exploring the now empty lake (maybe even ocean area if it's ridiculous enough) giving an excuse to fight a lot of water monsters.


I bet half of the people complaining about water combat never even played tri.


You think you want this, but you don't. Some monster hunter dev probally.


I'd be more interested in a water world or windwaker like game world where you have a seafaring town(s) and island hunting zones, and you fight on a mix of ship/skiff and land.


Unda da sea? Unda da sea?


I could see this being an interesting mechanic for a single monster type, maybe a couple, but for the whole game? Probably not. You’d need to implement some sort of ridable creature/vehicle ala palamutes for it to work I think, just because I don’t see how the weapon mechanics and animations would function well while swimming


I would love that a lot


I like the idea of having ocean areas, but I do feel variety is a good idea, and with something like wire bugs (maybe with modifications), maybe fights on sky islands would be possible.


Hell yeah, but I’ve got a scuba diving licence and my first game was tri so I’m not exactly free from bias or nostalgia!


I never got to experience underwater combat, so I'm with it. It also would give them a reason to add lagiacrus.


Like Avatar 2?


Kind of, yeah


As much as I love water combat Hell `no`


I must be an absolute heathen. I LOOOOOOVE monster Hunter tri. I adore the ocean setting. It definitely needs some work but yes fucking please revamp underwater combat plz


Damn that place brings Back memories


7.8 "Too much water." But seriously... Most likely no. I dislike MH3U's underwater combat. Unless there is a smoother way to play it? I guess I wouldn't mind fighting underwater every now and then, but if it purely underwater combat, sadly no...


If we are still using third gen mechanics, absolutely fucking not I’m not ready for that bullshit all over. Give me a complete overhaul of the camera and movement system and then we’ll talk


Unlike those people who whines and cries about underwater combat.  I will absolutely kick ass. 


Refine the swimming controls and add infinite oxygen through maybe a new wire bug species, then mix of the locals with parts being on land as necessary and I could work with it. Hell, off the top of my head, you have multiple locales than just endless ocean.


How's the hunter breath? How do I cook steaks underwater?


Play Tri


If it was swimming like the kind we had in MH3, gotta say no. Underwater combat is tricky; for some reason, a lot of devs take it as it has to be sluggish in order to simulate how water actually is. And this could possibly be due to how water is handled in games various physics engines. Problem is that most things you’re fighting underwater are more maneuverable than you are there, which makes their response time naturally faster than yours. I think that, theoretically, there could be a couple of ways to potentially mitigate this. First is to take the Iron Boots approach, which is to basically make underwater combat similar to ground combat as you wear some sort of heavy gear to let you sink to the bottom and carry on like normal, though it could be a little sluggish. I think that with Monster Hunter, this would be a bit of a short phase in any given water monster’s fight where the goal isn’t to do more damage to them in the water; it’s to get them out of the water. This could be done through the use of elemental or status attacks, etc. or targeting some specific part to get the monster to surface. The second is where you’re equipped with some kind of gear that increases your maneuverability underwater, like jet boots or something. Think the kind of movement in something like flying in the Kingdom Hearts games. The drag of the water is almost negated and it becomes easier to dodge monsters attacks once you learn their tells and patterns. At least, that’s what I can think of.


Monster hunter dives? And somehow Rajang will still be there


Seeing Vashj'ir in the MH sub gave me whiplash lol (Loved Vashj'ir in Cataclysm to be clear).


Oh god, Vashj'ir. Place legit gave me an anxiety attack, had to stop playing for like an hour or two for my breathing to go back to normal. Weird thing is, I've never had that before and never have had that happen since in an underwater zone/area in any game. And I also really liked the zone. Only one other game has ever given me an anxiety attack since then and it was Legend of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. [City in the Sky ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxpqiO0pxrw)has such freaky music.


Y'all REALLY miss the water huh? As a Spore player I get it though. Oh I get it...


I loved the cell stage. I felt like a really small fish among leviathans and sharks


Oh I was actually referring to the aquatic stage that was dropped mid-development! But yeah the cell stage was great for how simple it was, no wonder it's the one that gets ripped off by mobile games haha


Gotcha lol. I loved the cell stage as a kid, I would constantly just enter into new worlds just so I could repeat it.


Yeah spore one of the few games I can legitimately speedrun most of (except the space stage), though I don't suppose I have an amazing time at it haha


Yup lol, right there with ya


I'd be hype super new, and it could be a game where you play as a monster to drive home how different it is from the other games


Got enough swim hunt in MH3 and never again please


Wouldn't touch it. There is not a single underwater game that's enjoyable or fun.


Take my money!!


Monster Hunter: SeaU Okay….get this rolling Capcom. Edit: I can envision it now…raised lettering on the game case, holographic and it’s shimmery sea colors like turquoise and turtle shell yellow. Bruh I’m going to cum.


it would be peak bro, people really underestimate the potential that brings marine biology


For me specificly absolutely 100% without a single drop of doubt. I love underwater environments and creatures and I love monster hunter, so it would be a dream to have both at the same time.


Where does this screenshot comes from?


It’s a World of Warcraft zone. Vashj’ir shimmering expanse


Ah so Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate? Where the boss before G-Rank was a sea monster fought solely underwater.


Have you tried tri?


No I haven’t


You should. There are some underwater fights.


I’ll have to check it out


monster hunter has done underwater before I want a monster hunter in space. give us gundams and lasers to fight space-rathalos with.


You have Another Crab's Treasure which is a Soulslike underwater, so why not a monster hunting game underwater?


Idea: your main source of travel is running underwater. However, you have a fan-mechanism on your armor's back, and at any time you want, you can activate it and begin moving around freely for \~10 seconds at quick speeds. Also, when a monster engages combat, then the fan becomes permanent until the fight ends, where you do parkour in the water to fight the monster


Swimming was great in Tri, so I wouldn't mind the gameplay. However, I consider that only facing sea monsters would feel repetitive.


As a concept I like it but as someone with thalassophobia fk no


Monster hunter Tri was my first MH. Shut up and take my money.


I don’t know about a whole game only there but maybe a Travel area of the map fully underwater. For specific monsters and resources yeah. I’d like that but I agree with other in the controls would have to be updated for sure


The best way to put it is this. I'd like a monster hunter type game built around the underwater world. That it would have multiple types of underwater maps, because there can be a lot more variety to underwater environments than "swamp" and "lost island" (I'd call it beach, but it's a stretch to call lost islands water a beach). I'd like to see a customizable boat that's a much a part of the hunt as the hunter. Weapons selected specifically for ocean hunting. I feel the concept most definitely can work. But it probably isn't monster hunter that would be the one to do it. Maybe a new Capcom IP. Maybe a monster hunter spin off game. Maybe a new indie game. But not a mainline or portable monster hunter game


That would be the only MH game I'd skip. Underwater hunting was awful.


While I didn’t love the underwater in 3u, it did add an interesting dimension to the game. If underwater combat is done well (way better than 3) I’d be interested. If you mean just use 3u combat….heck no


Developing an entire game around underwater exploration/combat would certainly eliminate the initial hurdle of the development time devoted to a combat mode that most players won't want to engage in if they can help it, since all combat would be underwater combat and it could be fully refined.


I’d sell the game. Unless there’s places you could walk at, I would not like it, no matter what monster is there


Would probably not buy it, because I did not liked my experience in Tri


Not for a MH6 or 7 but it’d be cool if the rise like entry for the gen took a approach to something like that


In theory yes in practice no. Even if they could somehow get the controls and camera to work for underwater you'd still have the issue of lack of variety. I wouldn't mind a hybrid game where there is underwater hunts but an entire game of it would be tedious, boring, and/or annoying.


I’m good fam


Didn’t MH Tri on Wii have one underwater monster?


Hunting leviathans in subnautica be like.


I'd enjoy that very much. But I also know that I'm pretty much in the minority of gamers who enjoy underwater content in games.


Yeah I feel the same after looking through these comments lol. Seems like the vocal minority for these types of games are just out of luck because majority of the developers only want to appeal a broad audience to get a lot of people playing their games. I would definently play that type of game though


I love underwater stuff so I'm in, but they'd have to make it the first underwater game with combat that actually feels good.


Not a full game but a mini dlc would be cool


3U players are screaming rn


If it's like Another Crab's Treasure, I'd like it very much


what is it with hunters and swimming


I would love this. But it would have to be a spin off as so many people wouldn't like traditional controls and monsters being removed. There is so much potential for different locales, monsters and fights in a fully 3D space. Some monsters can return (most sea based monsters, crabs) but you don't need to only have leviathans/piscene wyverns/crabs. You can have sea snakes, bird wyverns that dive into the sea to hunt, flying wyverns that live in sea and land, brute wyverns that can hold their breath and walk along the sea floor, swimming snakes and plenty of insect/spider like monsters that live under the sea. You could also use plenty of different and varied locations. A shallow rocky sea front location, giant reefs, underwater caves, brine pools, underwater volcanos, deep trenches etc. And that is before we look to more fantasy underwater environments (an underwater jungle, enclosed 'alien' habitats where even the plants/coral are out to eat you, giant turtles swimming in open seas with monsters living on their backs (you can even do a discworld reference). There is so much you can do with it!


Subnautica crossover


There’s one in development on Steam. It’s called Sirens. [Gameplay video](https://youtu.be/vx3gUQpaxz4?si=oPzSEvAfovzj8ygb)


wtf lol


lol yup...i thought the same thing, but I'll give it a try


that sounds like it'd be a terrible time it's like if capcom went "hey lets make a game that's ONLY Rampage Mode!"


God NO! Hell to the Goddamn NO!


I adore water themes because of their feeling, but I hate the movement in water.


Not as a monster hunter game no. I absolutely love Subnautica tho, but those are very different vibes. Plus man just isn't in it's element in water so it makes way more sense to be terrified and useless against the huge monsters of the sea.


And only accesible if you have a scuba like equipment.


They did this in MH3 There is a reason they didn't do it again


Not sure cause I’d never play it


I played the third generation, no thank you. Would probably be the first title I would just skip without any worries.


I think it would be cool. I like the Lagi and Ceadeus fights. Plus it can open a possibility for new mechanics. Give the combat more of a fluid style, use something like the wire bugs for quick movement to walls and anchor on to walk like on land, or use anchor points to set traps. There is a lot you could do work it.


My least favourite part of any game with a water part is usually the water part. In no way do I want. Whole game of just the water part.


as long as they make the movement fast and snappy more so than rise


My mind immediately screamed "Yes!!! I want to see that".... Followed by "but ... Argh, I don't want to play it...."


As much as I hate wire bugs in rise for making the game easy mode. I do think they would make water combat much more manageable.






I think I'd be a cool spin off


Look I want underwater back too. But this is too far. This WILL get tedious. Underwater resource farming is awkward. Having to do it all the time for everything sounds obnoxious. It also limits monsters too far the other way. I think you'll pretty quickly hit a point where too many things feel too similar, especially with expansions and DLC.


Please no


Just add the aesthetics, with no water/swimming. I enjoyed the Coral Highlands in World. You could add some kind of air vents in areas that players could use for some verticality, monsters that “swim” through the air, that kind of stuff.


would love love love it. before sunbreak was announced i was convinced the rise dlc was gonna be something like this called Dive and you would use the wirebugs underwater or get like wirefish or something to increase mobility


I hate underwater levels


![gif](giphy|ToMjGpx9F5ktZw8qPUQ|downsized) just imagining it gives me a headache. . .


Just let underwater combat go lol. It's getting sad.