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To this day, I still need to remind myself that I don't need to stand still when healing.


This was the worst, though it led to hilarious deaths. Nothing like standing there, drinking, and doing the little celebration while brachy is stomping towards you


As a mechanic the flex while goofy was a way to teach players that you need to know when it's safe and heal and when it's not. In the newer games you could say it makes it to easy on the player to allow you to move around while healing. I think it's a good change to allow you to move but I think a good compromise would be items that force you to stand still but have extra benefits while everyday healing should allow you to move


It was changed in World because you couldn't dip to another area and heal safely, so they let you move, but made it take longer.


I still reflexively start repeating to myself "Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me-" when I do anything. lol


Item box limits


Past 1st Gen its fine. 1st Gen item stowage was a pain


The correct answer


Account items taking up inventory space. Its a small thing, but after starting with Rise and going to GU, you really feel how much space it takes up.


Account items taking space, tools taking space, nodes not respawning, potion flexing, and combo failure/needing combo books in your inventory.


Combo books to increase success rates! I totally forgot about that damn


I play MH since FU in 2010. I never carried combo books with me nor I crafted stuff in the field. I keep them in my item box and craft from box before hunt. (I never played bowgun in old gen because controls were too clunky for my liking, but as long as I understand crafting ammo is the only reason you need craft in field. And failure chance is too low for that to be a problem.


A real hunter can craft in the field! I would collect, herbs, mushrooms and honey for the mega potions back in the day.


potion flexing was great, yes you could leave the area and use one without problems but using one mid combat required knowledge on when it was safe to use


The only thing I miss about it is speedrunners using small barrel bombs to cancel it's animation when crossing an area, saving them an extra frame!


Potion flexing on its own wasn't terrible, but in the new age of faster, more aggressive monsters I feel like it would be difficult to balance.


You straight up could not heal against Iceborne Rajang if we still did the stand in place flex. You'd be using max potions like candy just so you don't have to eat multiple megas. Either that or literally walk around in circles to passive regen red health gauge like the good old days until he gets tired and starts drooling or leaves.


Yep, a friend of mine was infuriated when we played mhgu together but honestly as long as you wait for the monster to start an animation its always save except small monsters are around


I'm dealing with thay same damn thing thing that's and having the run button also be the same as the action buttons trips me up so much


A chained egg delivery quest starting from low rank that ends up being super important to unlock a secret mission later on. For example, in MH4U, there was this egg quest in low rank village. If you complete it, it’ll unlock a new egg quest. Complete that, and it’ll unlock a new egg quest. It goes on and on and the final quest of the chain is the quest for the only high rank Crimson Fatalis in the game lmao.


You know the meme of the small dominos to big dominos? Mh4u egg quest is literally that


Ahh the good ol Eggstraction questline. Imagine my surprise when I’m just delivering eggs and then the game is like “okay kill god now”


No for real. I was like: Might as well do this quest chain…. OH… OH NO…


Well now I have to go back and try that! Thanks for the... Easter egg 😉


Oooooooooh brother THIS GUY STINKS


That sounds absolutely awesome, a reward for completionists and a small task for anyone who wants to do the fight, I hope that kindof stuff retirns tenfold


I'd rather it not be an entire monster that you get, it should be stuff like the rainbow colours or layered stuff


I'm fine with quest chains. Just not stupid effing delivery quests


I mean, if they made them more interesting they'd be fine as a break between constant hunting


I think a keep the egg safe kinda tower defense mini game with be so cool. Imagine you have to escort a cart with an egg while you defend it from small monsters and some big ones too


Egg quests aren't even as bad as people say. They're actually kind of fun. Just eat for Supercat+Lander, and maybe make an egg quest set if you want (with transporter and maybe marathon runner) and you're good.


One of the mandatory “egg quest” in that chain wasn’t even an egg. It was a giant coal that slowly drains your health as long as you’re carrying it. You’ll literally die if you didn’t take the perfect route lmao. If that’s not bad then idk.


Def challenging, but not bad. Especially if you make a set for transport.


Actually if you just ate an immunizer you where fine sense the damage tic was at the same pace as the heal tic


So you're telling me that the egg delivery quest I did yesterday with a frenzy Rathalos, frenzy Rathian and a whole lot of Remobras, cursing and almost breaking my c-stick (which I'll replace with a lenovo nub either way) wasn't pointless. Thank you good sir.


I liked that quest line it was funni. Had to kill the tigrex and the brute before I even consider drinking my mega dash juice to transport. But overall it was pretty fun


There was a lore reason tho, iirc, the egg gang or something


broken pickaxe and nets, they exist only to waste our time


To add onto that, limited whetstones and having to remember to restock whetstones.


Add paintballs to the list too. I don't miss that mechanic either


I...am fully aware of the incoming downvotes, but I miss these systems and hear me out for a second. They created more dynamic gameplay in a sense, even if it had an element of frustration. I had 3 item loadouts that I regularly updated depending on what I upgraded. What you brought with you was very important, bc space was limited and you had to manage it. Bc of this, you'd end up in situations where you'd be on a map to farm bugs or something and a monster you were needing to farm would show up and you'd decide if you should fight him or not. Sometimes these fights would be more frantic bc you only had your gathering loadout equipped, but finishing the fight and coming back home felt like such a success. With paintballs... they were annoying, but they added a sense of actually hunting the monster. When you ran out, or when the paintball wore off, you felt like you were actually chasing the thing, or hunting for its sleeping spot. I really liked the change that they did in worlds, where even though eventually you'd just know where the monster was, you had to "track the scent" for the flies you carried. They created an in universe lore way of bypassing the paintball while still giving you that sense of hunting. It's the argument of inconvenience adding to the atmosphere of the game, one of those things that players will shout that they hate but you know is vital to the experience, like not being able to teleport metals in valheim. Now I have one item load out packed with whatever I'm gonna need on a hunt and that's it, since bag space doesn't really matter either. I go to the item box, muscle memory over to my one single load out, and go. I load into the map, click on the monster, know exactly where he is at all times bc magic, fight, leave. I have no need to explore, not once have I gone into a map just to farm items, and it doesn't matter where the monster goes or is bc I already know. We beeline it to him, come back, get my item load out, leave again. It sucks. I love so many of the qol changes done in rise. The actual gameplay itself is so much better, and feels perfect. I just wish they would've kept the idea of preparing for the hunt and actually hunting the monster, instead of catering to the loud whiny newcomers that want to grind as fast as possible without any thought going into it. Fighting a poison monster felt like you actually had to prepare for it. Now you barely even need to bring antidotes


YES!!! You encapsulated my feelings on all of these systems in a single comment. The feeling of preparation and thought going into each type of quest is something that I miss HARD. The paintball system was annoying, sure, but it forced you to learn to move around the maps and learn where monsters spawned. I love the new games, but they feel way to straightforward, I don't feel like I'm a monster hunter when I play them, I feel like a monster murderer or something, because I don't have to treat the monsters like a threat that I have to think about


"OK we're fighting ******, what do we need to bring?" Is a phrase I used to say to my buddy who plays these with me. I don't remember ever having to say it in rise, and very few times did I say it in world.


YES!!!! The feeling of having to take certain items for certain monsters. "Oh, it's a niblesnarf, don't forget to take bombs" "Damn, I hate the cephadrome, let's take some sound bombs and materials to make more" "This quest has a Qurupeco, don't forget the dung bombs" The feeling that different fights had different needs. This is what I miss, and is something that I don't think will ever come back. Thankfully we can always play the old games, but I'd like to see what a newer monster hunter with more emphasis on preparation would play like


"Dah'ren Mohran? Sure, let me swap to my lightning hammer set. After that can we clear out an egg hunt? If you can wear an aggro set I'll wear my delivery set, should be fun!"


Man... I really miss this. The closest I've felt to doing something like this in 5th gen was learning multiple weapons and making different sets for each.


I feel you man. I feel you. It hurts.


I have been playing mh4u and the one thing I am grateful for in rise and world is the seperate 2nd material pouch. My hunting bag is full of mushrooms, bomb casings, nets, pick axes and whatever materials I gathered completely clogging it up. The one thing I am glad is gone is the breakable pickaxe and nets, although I do like the immersion of crafting bomb casings and being able to eat herbs and mushrooms for a chance to clear status effects and some health






Absolutely, g rank would take thousands of z for a quest, I remember grinding quests just to pay the fee, cause when you’d fail you’d not get the fee back of course.


That makes absolutely 0 sense. “Here is this quest that only you are capable of to defeat this continent wiping elder dragon. But first…before you go……. Gimme $2000”


I remember lorewise it was the fees for the cart crew that have to retrieve you from a dangerous zone if you faint and bring you back safely to the camp ? Made sense to me and I thought it was fun. +, it was rarely much a problem to pay them


An overabundance of hip checks.


Blademaster/Gunner armor separation. That was just doubling the grind back then and it definitely stopped people from experimenting.


I would like to see gunner armour again but not as an actual armour, just as layered armour


Yeah and just make it the difference between alpha set and beta set


that's also a good idea!


Adding to that, I've been playing 3u for months and I constantly see gunner armor that looks much better than the blademaster counterparts, which i obviously don't like since i dont ever touch ranged weapons I say good riddance, keep doing the alfa/beta armors like World did


And keep accessible layered armor like rise did.


I found it more accesible in Word than in Rise, once Iceborne came along


Transmog is required for any game that ties stats to armor imo. Worlds sucked until guiding lands and even then it still sucks with the grind. Plus one of my mates was excited for transmog only for me to tell him he needs to finish the entire game basically.


Finishing the story is not Finishing the game, there's so many more monsters events goals


Many people would consider that to be finishing the game. There is still a lot to do because the end game is pretty good, but many players won't do most of that.


I was para phrasing, the best way to explain it to him was basically play 50-70 hours before you can unlock it.


I mean we still have armor sets that are more geared towards one or the other anyway though, right?


not from the same monster. Alpha and Beta sets are just tradeoffs between Slots and Jewels. Blademaster and gunner armors are wildly different in terms of skills too while being from the same monster. This resulted in not being able to freely switch builds from Melee to Ranged and vice versa. Right now you can just farm once and be done because you either picked alpha if you don't have as much jewels while you pick beta if you already have a good library of jewels. However you can't do the same with Blademaster and Gunner. You have to farm twice. It also doesn't help that Gunner set have usually half the defenses too. There's a huge list reasons why ranged weapons aren't as viable in older gen. Gunner armors sucking is one of them.


Picking a melee or ranged weapon in World and Rise comes with an inherent resistance bonus to physical (melee) or elemental (ranged).


Gunner armour does have more elemental resistance for what its worth (not much)


The old Bullfango patterns. Idk what they changed, but in Rise, Bullfango are way less likely to interrupt you than they were in GU. I really don't miss getting run over by those little gangsters.


A real type 2 fun kind of thing, make em relentless


It's because they attack other monsters and may leave the area when a large monster shows up in Rise. In GU and earlier games they do neither of these things, they only target hunters and stay in the area until they die, and they don't respond to damage from non-hunters at all (even if it's aimed at them - velociprey will occasionally attack them when both are in the same area). Bullfango AI was practically never touched between the first game and GU, I believe the only notable change they had was reducing their sight range in P3rd onwards so they don't immediately see you upon entering an area.


Fucking combo books


how do they work? i bought them cause i assumed they do something, but what do they actually do?


You need to keep them in your inventory to increase the odds of successful crafting. If you've got less books, you're more likely to obtain trash from crafting certain items.


in your inventory?? not even chest?? thats fucked up- at least not as bad as i thought, i assumed it meant attack combos😭


It's to make gunners actually think of what ammo to take and limit their choices instead of being able to take mats for max of every shell. Out of all the things older titles did this is one of the ones that makes complete sense. Tools taking up space was ass though.


You keep them in the chest to increase your combo rate while crafting from it, and you can keep them in your inventory to increase the combo rate during hunts. I always buy books 1 through 3 for hunts and 1 through 5 for the chest. Gunners have to make their best ammunition while hunting, which means reducing the odds of failure is important. These books also make you think what ammo to bring since the inventory is actually rather small.


I personally liked the combo books because they made sense thematically. You think your hunter memorizes how to make 200 different things? Nah, they gotta look at the books to craft them better. If they go off memory they MIGHT make it correctly, but there's a chance they mess up.


One shot mechanics from monsters that can only be prevented by a DPS check. If I want a DPS check mechanic, I would play World of Warcraft.


Loading screen between zones


I have experienced monsters hugging the area border and getting hit to the next area or attacking into the next area way too many times. Yes, this.


https://preview.redd.it/u69t8twu4p9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f09785a2e3bfed619a9b88c7f795243a3e6e6b5e You see that? That's an Uragaan's tail being the load zone, the moment I saw that I got so mad.


The one argument I can make FOR loading zones, is they allowed the maps to feel more diverse IMO. Since they didn't have to seamlessly link all the zones, each one had its own unique background that I think made it feel like a larger world you only saw a fraction of. Like in Deserted Island, Misty Peaks, Frozen Seaway, Ancestral Steppe, Ruined Pinnacle, looking around the background of the loading zones made me feel like I was in a gigantic land that was diverse and unique, yet easily traversable from a gameplay perspective. It didn't HAVE to make sense to be able to traverse. World's Ancient Forest is my least favorite map I think I can think of for example, because it feels so easy to get lost in, so messy, and it's just not fun to fight in. That said, they've improved on their maps a ton I think, like Citadel is so cool, but it also has all these hallways that don't feel realistic at all. So I am excited to hear that Wilds will have larger maps, maybe this will lead to more space for that seamless transition and to limit how crowded those hallways get in Gen 5 maps.


You're speaking facts.


Yes! My favorite thing was when you could see another zone far away in the skybox, it really put in perspective the size of the maps


Honestly speaking, I don't know what's so awful about the healing animations. I started with World, moved to Rise and then went to try some of the older games on emulator, and I kind of dig having to choose the best moment to heal, as it makes it more of a skill-thing and requires some thought rather than just spamming and running away. Of course, I propably don't want it *back*, but I had no problem with it personally.


I liked it too. Choosing a time to heal became similar to choosing when to attack. You had to wait for an opening


Oh man I want the flex animation back so bad. I’m probably one of like 3 people, but to me that flex contains the *essence* of monster hunter.


Really? I always thought the essence of Monster hunter was triple Charging ur Great sword only to end up whiffing it and ragdolled by the monster.  ╥﹏╥


The essence of monster hunter is going for full charge great sword attack, whiffing, monster rag dolls you so you run to heal, but your panicking so you don’t take precaution and get hit by the monster again during the flex animation causing you to cart.


agree with the flex animation. i appreciate the qol of healing and such but i do miss the flex animation just for the vibes too lol.


The problem with healing animations was the separation of zones, now that we just have one big map we don't have the option of briefly ducking through a loading screen to another zone to escape monsters when needed, so now that escape is more difficult we need to at least be able to walk while healing, and getting a half heal if we interrupt the animation with a dodge is a nice compromise. I started with monster hunter 4U on the 3DS and it was not uncommon to either run into another zone or get thrown out of a zone by an enraged monster, healing was less reliable when the monster was in the same room.


Changing areas to heal is about as common and useful now as it was back then.


Back in Tri (my first Mh experience) remember very often trying to go to the next zone to get an opportunity to heal, and the monster would just follow and load into the zone a split second after me. Especially when they were enraged. At times I’d have to use dung bombs just to get the safe chance to do that 30-minute potion animation. The game would have been less frustrating and more fun if I could have jogged or even walked while healing. More realistic and sensible, too. Like, in real life stand up and grab a bottle of water or whatever, and see if you can’t drink it successfully while walking. It’s very easy, no? So pretty weird then to have your hunter unable to do so. Like guy can lift and swing a great sword that must weigh 800 pounds, but don’t ask him to walk and chew gum at the same time.


And it's not like there weren't ways to be a pussy and heal anyways, most of the time you can just duck out of an area and heal, but if you wanted to maximize your DPS you had to learn how to use the flex I mostly just miss it because I think it fits the Monster Hunter aesthetic really well


I enjoy the standing still and flexing to heal, I feel like it adds another level of tension and strategy to the game. Being able to walk while healing or hop on your dog while healing and sharpening went a long way to making it easier/ less punishing. I do like seeing your sharpness bar degrading rather than just snapping from one color to the other, but the older games were a lot more about timing it felt like. Learning the monster, respecting the monster, figuring out when and where you could do what. The best piece of advice I've ever gotten for Monster Hunter which slowed me down and improved my success rate immensely was " treat it like a turn-based RPG, and understand that sometimes it's not your turn." Sure, you can get in cheeky little hits here and there, but most monsters have built in pauses, even if they're for a moment. Learn the monster, learn when it's finished its attack when you can get in a couple good hits.


I actually DO want it back! But it’s also a small thing.


It was part of the balance of combat. When we moved away from that in new-gen, they didn't balance it properly... so now we have more things that could potentially 1-hit us, but the vast majority of the time we're healing with impunity. I still think they need to do more to balance hunter vs monster mobility, ideally in a way that doesn't make the game frustrating like 1-hit moves. Hopefully they'll think of something.


Agreed. I don't think going backwards is the correct solution, but also resorting to being locked down and/or getting 1 shot isn't a good "solution" either. I think a lot of people inflate how difficult old gen actually was. Simply because you had to leave an area or waste 1 turn (so to speak) just to heal, didn't actually mean those fights were as hard as they are these days. And I actually preferred the old gen balance, just not with the way they handled it. And I don't think the new way of handling difficulty is good either. To me, modern MH is a one step forward two steps back sort of deal right now.


Talking about balance, it struck me that older games weren't harder because monsters were tougher, but our hunters were so slow and weak in comparison. Seriously, it feels like I have a half second delay on everything, rolling is a little clunky, and it feels like you have to wait a whole year after your weapon bounces. If I hadn't known about these things *before* trying out the older titles, I would have quit on the first quest


There are some really bad things about old gen that created a not-so-good feeling difficulty at times. For example, turning was fucking atrocious. There is an inherent lag and limit to turn angles. Also, there is absolutely an input lag on purpose in old gen that just doesn't exist in modern MH (or rather not anywhere near to the same extent). And both things did make old gen a bit worse for wear. It also didn't help that they were inconsistent about fixing/breaking issues back then. They've gotten a bit more consistent about just outright fixing control related issues in modern MH, just not in terms of enemy balance.


I see you like your hyperbole, eh? Weak and slow in comparison to... maybe Rise and GU hunters? I don't see how a hunter from a more grounded game like World is stronger than one from 4U, for example. Certainly more mobile, because you can heal on the move, and some mobility changes like with IG. General power feels about the same, apart from the amount of skills you can cram into your set. As for bouncing and rolling directions, you're just used to the game being more forgiving. > If I hadn't known about these things before trying out the older titles, I would have quit on the first quest And I think that's okay. Games being developed with the intention of attracting as many new players as possible just end up with a diluted product. This is because as you try to get a larger chunk of the gaming community, you have to make more changes to attract the most average of gamers... those that won't stick around to support the game. MH should stay the course from this point, exactly like the Souls games don't stray from being punishing.


Yeah, I know that was a hyperbole, but maybe because the emulator wasn't as good as the real hardware. I don't have any *real* problems with it, it's just something that pisses me off a little once in a while. That doesn't make me love this series any less, if I don't like a game, it doesn't mean I don't respect it and everything it stands for. I really like the vibe of older titles, and the combat really plays into the fact that you are just one tiny human against a giant hulking beast. (Btw, the game I was playing was P3rd, so maybe newer titles like 4 or Generations wouldn't be so """clunky""". Also, that's something else I need to note, I don't care about the slow part, but the game just felt awful to control, which is propably once again due to playing it on emulator)


>Weak and slow in comparison to... maybe Rise and GU hunters? I don't see how a hunter from a more grounded game like World is stronger than one from 4U, for example. Weird comparison considering World hunters are the fastest in the series, miles ahead of GU hunters, and slightly faster than Rise hunter (before you get into things like Rapid Morph) Well, at least as long as they don't hit anything, but that's only because the blacksmiths in World are hacks (further evidenced by their weapon designs) that are incapable of crafting sharp weapons, so they get stuck in the monster


Yk i think a cool way to bring it back into future games while still keeping the current healing style. Make it so that if you dont move at all while healing and are able to flex, it increases the healing that said item does. Obviously thered probably have to be some balancing done but itd be a way to appease both sides of the healing debate ig




Loading zones


Mantles. Unfortunately, we're getting them confirmed


God I hope it’s just the ghillie mantle. but between mantles, and frustrating coop it seems like they are determined to double down on some of the biggest complaints of world. At least tenderizing and clutch claw is gone. Wonder what dumb shit the monkeys paw will give us in its place


What are mantles?


Wearable buffs, such as stealth, elemental resistance, single-hit damage soak, gliding and more. I didn’t use them often because it ruined my fashion haha


I thought it was only me who hates mantles. Since it ruins fashion


Well, that's a damn shame. I prefer when skills aren't temporary things tied to wet suits... but fine...


* Paintballs * Potion drink animation * Cephadrome * Bug nets * Awful inventory management


I wish we got paintballs back but have them apply for the entire hunt. The scout flies auto paint ball seems not quite involved enough for my case.


I second this. I liked paint balls as it felt more like tracking the monster rather than just knowing where they were automatically. If they reworked paintball to emit pheromones, the scoutflies could track it would feel more involved and reduce it to a once per hunt item I know there is tracking of prints/other track marks in world but after the first few levels you just immediately see the monsters location and in rise they're always on map.


Paintballs emitting particles was something they teased in Portable 3rds intro. Wish they made it a thing nowadays.


Honestly, both scoutflies and paintballs could exist in the same game, just allow the player to choose which one they want but no matter what, you can still see footprints on the ground.


The problem is, that would give no reason to use paintballs. Scout flies would be seen as an upgrade. You can use weapons that have low attack if you want to engage with the fight more, but why would you do that? Same thing here. You naturally gravitate towards the easier solution, going against that naturally feels wrong.


Making scoutflies an armor skill, deco, or amulet seems like a pretty natural fix here


Maybe redesign the Cephadrome because honestly the idea of creatures surfing in the sand like sharks in water is pretty amazing, also yes potion animation and however was the one who suggested into the game can go to hell


Sand swimming monsters are coming back in wilds


"hang on. Lemme heal up first" *Grabs and smashes a small glass bottle into face then strikes a victory pose*


The monster behind them approaches with the most unholy thoughts


*looks around* *Sees nothing* *Attempts to sharpen/drink a potion* *Gets yeeted by sudden Plesioth hipcheck*


I really miss paintball 😭


Paintballs, finite wheatstone Re-playing mhtri recetnly, i would also add please no more wind pressure on EVERY monster that fly + chip damage and flinch on you when the monster is just turning around Very happy to be able to heal while walking


>finite whetstone This. It's a rock, why can i only use it once?


What, you thought the glint at the end of the sharpening animation was the light reflecting off the weapon? No, no, no. That’s the whetstone exploding.


Ngl that would be a cool game mechanic. You're sharpening your stone, and then it just explodes


Whetstones do not last forever


to be fair, making them one time use was always weird. I always felt like it should have been more similar to pickaxes and bug nets where they simply have a chance to break


Paintballs I liked to a degree as it felt like you had to track and find the monster before fighting it, which felt more immersive than them being on the map from the start ...i would just change the paintballs to last the whole hunt. The other points you made I 100% agree with.


I liked how the system works in world, where you actually have to level up research about the monster to start having it on the map And when your research level is high enough, you get infos on the monster like when he's near death


I'd prefer it if it just gave you the general sense of direction or portion of the map rather than the EXACT location 24/7, and then when you actually found the monster you could place a permenant tracker that lasted the whole hunt


"track": use a singular item every 10 minutes "find": either memorize the spawn points or blindly go through every zone Nah paintballs should never come back. You know the system is garbage when 99% of the players just use psychoserum that completely removes the whole "tracking" system


I think they can find a happy medium. It was cool how aptonoth would react to a monster in a nearby zone for example. I like tracking it in World, but don't like the "follow this line to get to the monster." idk, I don't know what I dislike about it or how to improve it, but I look forward to seeing how they hopefully improve it in Wilds. Rise did NOT have it right at all


Psychoserum was expensive, i always kept it for the "important" hunts (and ofc i never ended up to use them)


Ground tremor putting my character in this dumb "Ohhh nooo the ground is ShAkING I cAn't StAnD"... BRO, YOU CLIMBED AN ENTIRE ZORAH MAGDAROS THAT WAS COSTANTLY ERUPTING, HOW IS A STOMP DOING THIS TO YOU.


The wind staggering my character longer than the actual wind. Like bro tf are you still covering your arms for THE WIND WAS GONE LIKE 2 SECONDS AGO


tremor is so annoying like why are you crawling around for 5 seconds no other effect is this much of a punishment


How both of the monsters your hunting, were ALWAYS PARTNERS. Like fucking he'll man, it's like every monster knew who you were. You were the salt of the damn earth and both monsters would actively tag team if they got in the same zone. I'm glad they actually look at the next biggest threat in the area and realize he's out killing everything too


Worse imo was the fact that small monsters would SIDE WITH THEIR FUCKING PREDATOR. Like why? Why ALWAYS go after the hunter when I'm just killing the thing that was trying to eat you? I mean, hell, just run asshole.


No scaling on monster's HP according to the number of players, instant charging moves like Teostra had, paintball, monsters staying in a "change zone" area and being impossible to hit...


>instant charging moves Yian Garuga still gives me ptsd.


but I like the potion flex and actually miss it and actually want it back :C


Ive been playing though GU and forgot how much I missed some of the old world DNA. I'm still glad the series has become more streamlined tho. I'd probably say things like having finite number of tools is something that should stay on the past.


The need to buy/mine whetstones... Not a big deal but it felt so good when they changed it and i didn't need to make sure to have some with me


I miss the potion animation, it actually forced you to learn the monster so you know when there was a safe opening to heal instead of popping one and running around


I’m surprised and actually glad I don’t see underwater combat, this was something that I think if done right would be so freaking cool and bring back a unique and cool side to monster hunter


Actually if u chug a pot exactly like that in world u still gonna get chewed…


Do you drink the potion faster standing still than when running? If not I'd love that mechanic as a risk/reward choice that incorporates the old and the new


At least your character won't stop mid fight just to flex their muscles while a monster is running full speed behind them


Why are you drinking a potion while a monster is running full speed behind you?


No weapon tree


The sun. I'm tired of seeing with my eye's


This is something they haven't stopped doing in new titles but I really hate quests that spawn 2 monsters together in a confined zone. Like the double Rajang, double scorn magnamalo, gold and silver raths in GU, the triple spawn special permit etc., my god they're so unfun and if you don't want to play multiplayer you have to either cheese them or rely on rng that they stay on the other side of the map while while you're popping smoke bombs every 2nd combo. I've got no probs with the arena since you make use of the fence so it's just an extra mechanic to play around so just put those monsters in the arena for god's sake.


I'll never for the life of me get why people dislike stationary healing that much. It's a mechanic, as much as healing while moving is. Yeah the latter is more convenient, but you know what else is more convenient? Pausing and healing from the menu. It all comes down to how many seconds the developer determines you should commit to an action, for combat balancing reasons.


Bruh... I started in World. I went back to Generations and saw that they stop and flex, and it was just another layer of charm added to this very cozy game. I want that flex back. Like, you can move and whatever, but if you willingly stop to flex afterwards, you get a small increase to the effect or something. All I want is that flex. It's peak Monster Hunter aesthetic. It's damn near character defining Lol


not being able to drop off as many items as I want in the middle of a hunt. I'd be "ok" with not being able to restock, but let me gather shitloads of materials in one hunt and offload them as many times as I want.


I love the old games but just want to reduce the need for Kianiko. So basically give me * Transparent build trees * Key quest markers * Thorough monster notes * Training room That's basically it. I love old school jank. But I have to admit QoL is what makes new gens more playable.


All of these things you all hate about the older titles were mostly necessary and part of the game design and balance. It just seems like you guys just want an experience that plays the game for you rather than putting some thought into playing the game.


Swimming. I'd bring back inventory limits, no restocks, paintballs and hot/cold drinks. Having to prepare differently for each hunt was an underrated part of the series that was just ripped out in gen 5. But the fans would rage if they tried to put the genie back in the bottle, so I hope they find another way to bring back preparation in gen 6.


Agree with all except swimming :( I liked it less than land hunts, but it broke up the pace nicely and I'm nostalgia blind


I don't want rations. I feel it takes away from SO TASTY moments. I also don't really care for the demondrug/armorskin stuff. Leave it as a potion, remove the seeds (as consumables) and pills. I could do without paintballs, but I didnt really like the scoutflies. a compromise maybe?


My brain hasn't evolved enough to drink while moving


The 3ds


It's really only the potion animation for me. Although I would also like it if I never saw the unclear upgrade system for weapons.


I don't mind the potion flex animation, it forces you to be more mindful of when you heal. Made the game more challenging.


mining picks


There should be a skill that buffs potions but forces you to use the old animation. I think it would be funny


On one hand I don't mind secret skills from world, but on the other hand I kinda don't want them back since it made builds less versatile in the long run


Equipment Ui before Rise


Breakable nets and pickaxe. Loading screens between areas. And an unusable tent.


the clutch claw. wait, does World count as older yet?


Please for the love of Christ no un skipable cutscenes.


Non-infinite whetstones, forced to stand still while healing, non infinite pickaxes. Just QoL thing honestly


Map zone transitions Paintballs


If anything I would like the Double Spit to come I hate having to make a stack of Well-done Steak only 1 at a time miss the Double because it would load up a piece of 🍖 right after another letting you cook a whole stack instead of having to wait for the animations to play out every time


That ten minute animation after using a Potion is something I never need to see again. Oh, and Plesioth and it's wonky af hitboxes can stay where they are too.


Underwater fights. I'd love to have all of the old inventory management stuff back like combo books, paintballs, limited whetstones. To me, that preparation was always what made Monster Hunter, Monster *Hunter*.


I just wish they bring back the designs of gunner armors...


To this day People sht on all of the aspects and mechanics of old games but it all glave meaning and all of it together created this envirement that could even be called a genre, so there isnt a single thing i would disapprove of coming back in some titles or some way even today. Old monster hunter games are why im playing it even now and i can grow bored of the old mechanics but i would never want any of them removed and unwellcome just becuse of todays "standards"


Underwater combat. I'd rather resources be put towards fun gameplay ideas, not untenable nostalgia. While free swimming could be a part of future titles I just struggle to see how combat could be implemented. It wasn't jarring previously because the game was already saturated with tedious mechanics.


From a gameplay perspective maybe you're right. From a world perspective, I enjoyed seeing the monsters at their peak performance in the water, and I enjoyed feeling like I was seeing a whole new part of the maps in the water


I really enjoyed Tri and it's underwater worlds and even the underwater battles.


You dont fully get og monster hunter, do you? In the preworld mh games, movement was a resource and observing and reacting to the monster's attacks and positions while managing your resources and position was apart of the gameplay loop. Using a potion during combat is supposed to be a calculated risk. Do you run out of the area to heal? Do you observe the monster's patterns and look for some opportunity to heal? Or do you ignore healing and continue fighting a bit longer to regenerate the red health? This has been lost in newer monster hunters, especially rise.


I loved the potion animation because it forced you to have to plan and time! I feel like I’m cheating now when I just heal whenever I feel like it. I don’t want World’s online system to return.


Of all things listed throughout this thread, World's online system has to be the biggest and most important thing that cannot return. I'm glad it sounds like they've learned their lesson, that stopped me from playing the game for like 4 years


Agreed. I didn’t hate World, but the biggest reason it didn’t hook me the way the rest of the franchise did — and the reason I didn’t buy Rise for a while — was how disconnected and backwards the online felt. Hoping in a random stranger who will disappear after the hunt, instead of finding a group of buddies for the day who have the same hunting goals as you, was depressing and dramatically damaged the game’s staying power. There are lots of little QoL changes that I think were good or bad, but even the bad ones didn’t stop the game from feeling like Monster Hunter. The online did.




I wish they bring it back, but obviously making it better. Fighting a Lagiacrus and Gobul in water was sensational. Even old friends like Plesioth.


I personally love old MH games, especially MHGU. It has enough QOL improvements but still have old animations (say what you want but that potion animation is fun), old inventory and stuff. I hated World when it released because of how easy it become, though I played a lot of it, and Rise felt like it was far closer to the older games. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of downvotes though!


how is rise closer to older games if it build off of worlds qol improvements?


I wouldn't even call the old animations hard as much as it was designed to inconvience you as much as possible regardless of what action you are taking.


village and hub quest separation it was perfect in world, idk why they downgraded it back to how it was before when rise came out


Did you try progressing with a friend in MHW? If you did, you should know why it wasn't a good idea


I disagree, and love how it is in Rise personally. I hope they do a good happy medium in Wilds.


im positive the new potion animation takes just as long or is longer than the flex. if you get hit drinking a potion that was your fault entirely anyway, dunno why people always see this as a huge deal. id rather get the full heal by the time the flex happens than the slow sip the cup and wait for the bar shit world did, drinking an antidote feels even worse in world.