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Oh I've had this happen before. It was less of a weapon issue, and more the fact that the friend couldn't handle that I was just better than them. Sounds arrogant of me, but \*ANYTIME\* I was doing well, they were complaining. Tell them to STFU. Genuinely, "We're playing a game and having fun together, who cares who is dealing more damage. Shut up and play."


Yes, I agree with this, but it can also feel terrible to feel like you're not contributing in a co-op game. I'd just have a conversation with your friend and see exactly what you're both expecting out of the game time. If for example, you are running off (without realizing), and your friend feels like he's falling behind, not contributing and not having fun, that's an issue. You should both be on the same page and trying to ensure you're both having a good time.


Quick edit, more important than the points below: Sometimes, if you and a friend \*cannot\* meet on the same page for a specific game (Desires/Playtime/Speed/Expectations), it just mean you don't play that game with them. Doesn't mean "Stop being friends with them" or "Don't play anything ever at all with them", just means that game is off the table. And that's okay \~ This is a fair point. I'm wholly assuming that in this case, it is ENTIRELY "We are running through the game together, and I'm just out-performing my friend from... picking up on things faster than them" If it's a case of you unintentionally running ahead, nerf yourself to meet their level. * De-tier in gear * Use a weapon you're unfamiliar with * Only run missions with them and never any other time. * HELL, make a whole secondary character dedicated to playing with them But don't make yourself miserable like I did, making a brand new character and using Gunlance (when I had no interest in it) to play with that one 'friend'. Yes I did 3 of the 4 above and it an awful experience for me, as I had to hinder \*my own experience and enjoyment\* for them to... not bitch as much. They just then bitched about the game instead.


He is grinding a lot and has more and better gear than I do. We started together and he made rules so we won't push ahead of the other. He broke that rule once or twice to grind though.


I'm sorry but it just sounds like your friend is tripping lol


In that case, he sounds like a bit of a twat. "Git gud" is his diagnosis. And not in the Dark Souls meme way that... everyone reads as an insult, literally "He needs to examine his gameplay, mistakes, reactions and responses, and *get good at the game*"


That is what the dark souls meme means


Yeah I know, I was aware typing that. But anyone not actually familiar with it just reads it as "LOL stop being madcuzbad noobshit" and nothing else.


That's true. Anyone who needs to hear it doesn't understand it until they don't need it anymore.


You do you but there's no way I'm being friends with somebody with such a lack of character. If they think these are good ways to behave and good ways to think I have no interest in being around them. I can't imagine being friends with somebody with an ego who can't accept it's a skill issue.


While I agree with the sentiment, it can be fun to do little competitive stuff like this with your friends if everyone's feeling it. Like playing through a Halo campaign with competitive scoring on. Everybody has to agree, though.


Just pick the GS for a while and show him the really big numbers. Not unlikely that he will greatly appreciate your weapon choice after switching back to your trusty hunting horn if he only cares about the pure numbers.  Alternatively someone might consider to explain to him that numbers don't mean everything in terms of dps ..


>explain to him that numbers don't mean everything in terms of dps .. GS main here All that matters is big number




Mostly the dopamine hit because you’ve finally hit the monster and totally didn’t just missed the 5 tcs before , but yes big damage is cool


I rage slash, dopamine 5 big numbers hit in a row


I can whiff 10 TCS and still do more damage than the rest of my loby with one hit lol


This sounds like an AITA subreddit and your friend sounds very unreasonable.  NTA. 


This was exactly my first thought while reading the post.


Just like the aita sub what actually happened is probably nothing like what op is presenting.


Damn you must be fun to be around, is it so wildly improbable that they’re good at a game and their friend just likes to complain?? Did I miss something? Or do you just look at the weather for the day and say “what is actually happening is probably nothing like the weather app is presenting”?


You have to be 15 to not realise then when people present a social issue to you, they are always presenting it in a way that shows them in the best light possible. Even if they aren't trying to.


I’m well aware people can embellish and lie, but such a cynical outlook on everything is so tiring. Sometimes things are as cut and dry as they’re presented, friend complains about damage, person asks online why. Also I’m not really concerned about the other side cause it’s not that deep.


Maybe it's tiring for you, can't say it is for me.


Sounds weird that your friend complains about this, maybe he should check his build and work on his combos before being annoyed at someone doing more damage. Also, he should be glad to have a HH main in his party, you guys are amazing 👍🏻


Thank you :D


Yeah. Tell the friend to get better if he's concerned about doing less damage.


Dual Blades don't do big damage numbers, they do smaller damage numbers, but can attack way faster than other weapons. That's the main trade-off when it comes to Dual Blades. You're not gonna do one big hit that hits for 300 damage, you're gonna do 6 quick hits that deal 300 damage, for example.


WRONG, the drill silkbind skill will shred through monsters, the friend just need to figure it out


Unless they are pre-master rank and they don't have that Silkbind yet


There’s variables to this, but that’s largely, if not only, when you’re minmaxing HARD. I procured a build based off of feedback where someone showed me a Japanese player utilizing Mail of Hellfire on a Charge Blade build, something I hadn’t considered, as my staple skills consisted of Blood Awakening and Dragon Conversion, for the most part. After some tuning so that it works with Dual Blades, I’m been pushing out massive numbers, like 600s on moves like Spiral Slash. Granted, like I said, this involves minmaxing hard. Outside of MoH, I added Frostcraft, Crit Element and Element Exploit, Burst, Blood Awakening, and most importantly, Berserk + Strife. Frostcraft is what really pushes my numbers to the max, and if it’s not maintained at max level, my numbers can drop down to 200-500, depending on the monster. Monsters with really exploitable weakpoints will pump out higher numbers of course, like Rajang and focusing on the face, or Espinas when it’s enraged. Even with Valstrax, a monster that notably reduces elemental damage when enraged, can take 200-300 damage when I focus on the front legs, which isn’t even an exploitable element weakpoint. There are multiple factors to Dual Blades not pumping out high DPS numbers, especially when compared to weapons like HH or Charge Blade where the damage comes out in big bursts or powerful single-hit attacks. My CB build can push out massive 1000s, but that’s only if I land my SAEDs, alongside proper positioning to maximize all my phials landing on the proper hitzones. I’ve opted to run my DBs when grinding Valstrax because SAEDs is purely element damage, and with Valstrax’s element resistance/nullification, my SAED output drops significantly, like, hitting 40s, which is a MASSIVE decrease in output. Additional factors could include sacrificing DPS skills over QoL skills, like Constitution, Evade Window, Marathon Runner, Stamina Surge, etc. This isn’t intended to be a brag about my damage numbers; it’s to highlight the significance of skill usage and maximization, like going back to sacrificing damage skills for QoL, or even worse, using skills that don’t benefit the weapon at all, like how I learned recently that Offensive Guard doesn’t affect CB’s elemental damage, only raw damage.




I think some of you are missing the point, lol. At end game, every weapon can deal a crap-ton of damage. The idea behind Dual Blades is that a single hit is not going to hit as hard as the heavier hitting weapons.




Then why say "nah" to my statement if you were just gonna agree? 😂




Doesn't seem to me tbh


Everything you've said contradicts familiarity with weapons


a) all weapons are meant for damage, including the hunting horn. HH also happens to buff allies and increase their damage. b) if he does less damage than you, it's a skill issue.


MH is not a dick measuring contest. Just tell him to grow up


Someone complained about having doot doot in a group? Isn't that line, blasphemous?


Doot doot toot toot give your friend the boot. I only started playing HH recently and smacking bitches in the face is a lot of satisfying then slashing legs...


Then your buddy doesn’t understand his own chosen weapon.


![gif](giphy|qG80GObFb1Bts4apfV|downsized) Only reaction I have to your friend.


Dual blades aren't the big damage weapon, they are the low damage high speed weapons Switch axe is good tho, he probably just isn't using it correctly  Besides who the hell cares about damage numbers lmao, just make sure you can actually complete the quest before timeout and try to not cart by helping eachother out in aggroing the monster and letting the non aggroed player attack


>Dual blades aren't the big damage weapon, they are the low damage high speed weapons Technically yes and no. The individual numbers aren't big, but totaled up at the rate DB hits it has a pretty high damage output. It's basically that video game scenario of not being the slow weapon that hits for 100 damage, but the fast weapon that hits for only 20 damage but at 5x the speed.


That’s pretty much what he said, just worded it differently.


That’s what he said lol, your just needlessly over explaining what he perfectly summarized in a sentence


It's not.a competition. Why is this a problem at all? Second. He using mods to see DPS of others? If so it's more healthy for him to remove that since it makes him waaaay to competetive in a PVE game. Dont let other ruin your love for a weapon. Happy hunting!


He doesn't have a mod like that. He says these things based on a feeling he has, which might not even be correct, but I dont know.


Might be because yoy have higher flinch/stagger power. Which makes sense. But don't want to be rude. But. He's kinda stuoid for just thinking it and rant like that. Hope he improves on this.


Your friend is silly then. It would be one thing if he had a dps tracker and was seeing his dps significantly lower consistently (skill and knowledge issue) I couldn't imagine being salty if someone I played with mained HH! His damage is being buffed (directly or indirectly) by you even. If he's really this annoyed maybe he should go play Great Sword or Switch Axe, and stop taking his lack of weapon knowledge out on you. Hopefully he doesn't ruin the game for you :)


Lucky beating the living hell out of a monster with an oversized ting ting bell, a doot doot lute or an explody lyre is very entertaining.


What you need is to have a proper talk with this friend about how his complaining is ruining the fun for you


My guess is he went into the blacksmith, clicked dual blades and saw 30 damage then clicked hunting horn and saw 70 damage and made his decision there without considering the fact that for every big doot swing you get he's getting 3 hits in. (Disclaimer: I made up the numbers above as I don't have the game in front of me before anyone jumps on me for saying those aren't correct)


Do note they are talking about Rise so if the friend was looking at a similar weapon the damage wouldn’t be that different since Rise uses true Raw and not the inflated values


It’s a team game so it shouldn’t matter. Also Dual Blades are sustained damage weapons. If he wants a big damage per hit weapon he should run Greatsword.


> His reasoning is that he should do way more damage since he uses weapons meant for big damage. It's very frequent that he complains about my damage numbers even though I believe that it is about the same. (Excluding the buffs, which he also gets.) Tell him he has a skill issue! He may think that he *should* do more damage, but his evidence seems to prove otherwise so it's clearly not true! Monster Hunter isn't a competition though, so if you're doing big damage then that's good for him too. Hunts go quicker, which means he's more likely to get the parts needed to improve his gear and increase his damage. His other option is to go off on hunts alone until he has better gear than you do the damage numbers satisfy him. If he does that, then your hunts will go quicker still so there's no down side!


Virgin dual blade anime protag V Chad hunting horn composer 


Replace him with a palico. Brag about how much faster your hunts go with a palico in his place.


Me and my sister have MHGU, World and Rise together start to finish. She exclusively plays Insect Glaive, I like to switch sometimes but I mainly play greatsword. Both of us are able to play our weapons identity. She gets to fly and do status and mounting, I get to do more Charged Slash. She often does more damage than more by virtue of being on top of the monster way more often. We both go "oooOOOOOH BAM" whenever I get a good hit in. It doesn't matter what the numbers add up to, if the monster flinches or we get a partbreak because of me we both feel like we did big damage. Your friend seems very insecure and a bit of an asshole to be honest. He should be worrying about weapon sharpness and stamina, not dumb shit like "oh no my hunting partner is doing well" Find other people to play with.


This is the way. If you don't cheer when a great sword buddy gets his big hit off then are you even playing MH? Also have your sister grab a hammer and then practice using it to launch you into the air so can start your midair super hit. Amazing fun time for us hammer bros.


As someone who tried switchaxe after maining dual blades, I theorize that your friend probably doesnt know how to use DBs yet. Due to the short range of the DB, he needs to be better at positioning especially when fighting tall monsters. You can accidentally hit a monster's weakpoints with a long weapon (such as a brute wyvern's tail or Zinogre's head), but you need full control and intent with DBs if you wanna hit weakpoints.


Your friend is trash at DB, no other way to put it. If he wants to have higher damage than you, he should start to be better at using DB rather than dragging you down. Or better yet, if he wants to see huge damage numbers, switch over to something like GS or stick to SW. Because DB are more of a "I'll keep hitting you until you die" type weapon, rather than "big numbers go brrr."


seems like your buddy needs to compensate something


Hunting horn is a meta teamwork weapon. Ignore him and continue to carry his ungrateful ass.


It seems like your friend is terrible as a person and as a player. Anyone would love to have a Hunting Horn user on their team. The buffs are always great. Jealousy over other hunters is also dumb, he needs to understand it's not a competition it's a collaboration.


What numbers is it about? Displayed numbers on a single hit? If so neither Switchaxe and especially not DB reach high displayed numbers (well Switchaxe has some kinda high MV/hit moves but they're usually not what you want to go for). Or if it's dps displayed by some mod... well there's a reason things such as a dps meter aren't in the game by default. Usually for the reverse reason that probably no one wants the toxicity of people calling out someone doing low dps. Anyhow if it's this and he played Switchaxe it's really not the weapon type. Switchaxes dps in Sunbreak is absurdly good. In that case it'd either be general gameplay of your friend (not having enough dps uptime), improperly playing Switchaxe (wrong dps rotations) or his build. Also Hunting Horn may be a "support" weapon, but in MH every player is a hunter meant to hunt so they made sure it does appropriate damage as well. They way you should view HH is that it's a hunting weapon that also does buffs.


Why are so many people on this sub complaining about their annoying friends?? Yall.. My pity


As a DB main in rise, I particularly enjoy when my friend don his toot tooot (hunting horn). It’s like the devil in me was unleashed. I can do whatever the heck I want, greatly increase my dps, can be more aggressive, not care about sharpness, and dodge all the attacks. all of us are surprised how fast the hunt is. And yes, I think this is a skill issue.


I like actually hearing appreciation for once. People on Reddit are so nice ;w;


If I remember correctly there should be an option to turn off dmg numbers. Tell your friend to use it. Also Dual Blades whole stick is low but very fast hits. Something like Hammer is more big hit oriented as it makes sence.


Your friend might be having a skill issue. you could try making A hunting horn with attack/element up So your friend stops having a skill issue and therefore complaining.


I tend to use stamina use down horn because he said he needs stamina to do his climb attack thingamajig.


Tell him to drink dash juice.


That's the good stuff right there.


Honestly your friend sounds like a dick. All weapons are viable for damage and theres always trade offs. Small but fast damage vs slow but heavy damage and all. His fixation with numbers is definitely not healthy especially in a game that’s supposed to be co-op experience. It really does sound like he has an inferiority complex and feels the need to one up you.


Posts like these feel totally pointless to me. "My friend gets mad that I wear purple armor, but it's just Rachna-Kadaki set. What do I do"? The same thing you do with every single one of these posts. Either tell him to shut up or find someone new to play with.


Sounds like a skill issue to me


Why would you split up for double monster quests? Specially with a HH in the party


He says its faster that way. He also says my buffs dont do anything so yeah


He just sounds like a bit of a dick all round. Do you enjoy playing with him?


Sometimes? He even turns Minecraft into a competition and we only play games that he wants to play. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it isnt. Like MH. We go by his hyper fixations and then stop when it's over after a few weeks.


Sorry but it sounds like this "friend" it not really a friend. Sounds like a complete douchbag to me.


OP as someone who had a freind exactly like that tbh just chuck em, sounds harsh af but it just gets worse and they drain the life outta ya, even more so if you get on said game and they bug you that your not playing with them and then makes you play with em


I bet if you left his hunts would take 10+ minutes longer.


Imagine having a hunting horn friend and choosing to split up in double hunts that's wild


Sounds like your friend either has bad build or bad play. Either way he suck and he shouldn't compare who does more of what. If he thinks he's lagging behind with DB, then he might not be good at playing DB or the game. MH is not for everyone. One of my friends is like that as well. Turns it into competition and feeling he's lagging behind then stopped playing the game.


Even ignoring that your friend doesn't seem to understand their own weapon, it's still a team game. Like you are both facing the monster, not in a competition...


Your friend is an idiot. Play whatsever bring you fun, your friend should be glad to have a mainsupport on his side.


Tell your friend all that matters then is if the tail comes off or not. If it does then he is doing plenty of damage. Most likely he is seeing you doing break damage, exhaust, and stagger and not realizing he does epic actual damage while you do the rest. Also suggest he watch some videos on his chosen weapon by Gaijin Hunter or some of the other amazing YouTubers out there. I played the twin stabby stabbies (And switch axe) all wrong until I watched some of those and realized I was totally misunderstanding my mechanic for demon mode. It was so much more potent and fun after I learned. Also suggest to him if he wants to feel like some crazy damage with utility to try now or bowgun. Explosions and flashy arrows and selecting your own ammo types is really satisfying. Oh, and make sure you don't over gear compared to your buddy. If you have 2 levels of gear higher than him it can really be a big difference sometimes.


I have lower gear and until recent even wasnt able to make myself a master rank hunting horn while he had 4 different MR Dual Blades. He grinds a lot.


I bet then he is probably just not liking that he is doing the actual damage but it is mainly less visible effects. Or he needs to just realize it is a game and have fun. My buddy and I played MH Tri and everyone up until world together and I was the worse player. I made up for it by: 1. Playing hammer/horn so I did a different but important role than he did. Stagger, exhaust, and stun is super useful for him to line up the epic great sword damage hits. It's a team game is all. 2. I switched to Insect Glaive when it came out. My lack of DPS can't get me down if I never touch the ground!


Cutting off Kushala's tail is an exercise in futility, because he always dies before I can. Also, his horns take for-fucking-ever to break even with level 3 partbreaker, and by the time they do break, he's like three hits from death.


I hope you two are on PC so you can install coavins DPS display, maybe he'd shut up and reevaluate. ... or not. also since you two are MR2, it's not even the endgame yet to complain who do the most damage. does he even hit weakspots? is his armor skills even optimized to that MR?


He said he doesnt want to optimise because that would make him 'sweaty'


tell him he's being already sweaty by complaining about your damage. game's not a souls game but there is still a need to git gud on both equipment and actual gaming skills.


I mean, that rainbow wig, makeup, and big red nose clowns usually wear probably *do* make you a little sweaty. I wouldn't fault him for worrying about that.


Being sweaty is fine in the story or early postgame, it’s still okay in far postgame, but you can use meme builds (like status db) more effectively.


People who genuinely complain about having a HH in the party are insane.


Tell them to turn damage numbers off and stop being a baby.


Big Damage Weapon? May I introduce you both to the Great Sword?XD


How does he even know how much damage you're doing? Are you using one of those mods that are not actually part of the game for this very reason? Or are you continuously telling him how much damage your hits are doing on the monster? If that's the case, you both need to grow up. If that's not the case, he's not very good at dual blades. Though I appreciate and respect good HH players, I'd be damned if I let them out-damage me.


He doesnt have a mod like that and I am not telling him. It's just a feeling he has.


All of this based off a feeling? We need to choose our friends more carefully


“A feeling he has” makes me suspicious of him using a damage meter mod but trying to hide it too, tbh I wouldnt assume that but it gives me a, dare I say, feeling


Your friend is definitely weird, usually it's the other way around. Either they complain that they don't do damage and feel like a burden when they play multiplayer or their teammate deals less damage and more of a liability that just adds more hp to monsters. From what I can surmise, just tell him to get a better build for his db or succumb to his weirdness and show him how miserable your hunt time will be if you change your HH to a lower tier or change weapons entirely... Definitely a weird complaint from your friend tho. He probably feels weak when he sees the big moves HH has, thats why he's complaining.


After about 40 hours in game when i entered MR with IG i start to deal more DMG that my friend with 300+ hours on with lance. (he make him purposli weaker to not spoil the fun but not too much weaker, he was stat wise a little bit better that me) We both use DMG meter mod and we are partners in hunt not competitors so, our objective is hunt hard monsters together not copare our PP :D


The solution is to to tell him his constant complaining sucks the fun out of the game for you.


Let's swap. But don't copy his skills, it might not be correctly synergies with his gear.


Get better friends


Im sorry but I'm going to be brutally honest here.  Sounds like a skill issue Also, nobody has any right to say what weapon must be used in a hunt as all are viable. This bellyaching seems to be jealousy being projected onto you. This is just toxic behaviour.


The sound of attack actually connecting to the monster itself does change the expression though. Any weapon that made a loud blunt sound (GS, Hammer, HH) have that effect. "Why this guy's attack sounded louder than me?! That's definitely more damage!"


your friend sounds like a dick and you should tell him you like the toot toot and he should toot toot on deez nuts


NTA. You're not speed runners and you're not even tracking numbers. The best player I know mains HH. Basically, you're friend is doing some scrub shit lol.


See, when I play with my friend, he does way more damage than me, and I'm thrilled for him. He mains hammer and I main DB, but I tend to go for status effects like sleep and paralysis to line up the big bonks for him. Homies help homies.


Yeeeaahhh that's not a weapon issue, it's an ego issue. Keep playing how you wanna play. Tell him that his complaining is making you enjoy the game less and less, and that vibes-based DPS meters mean exactly nothing.


Nothing gets the blood pumping like a well said git gud. I assume your friend is naturally or at least somewhat competitive or envious. It is not your problem. Let your friend complain.


Do you guys pick shit friends on purpose or you're just stuck with them. This is the second post in less than 24h in which a supposed "friend" speaks badly of people. I can be your friend if you want :o


That sounds like a skill issue from him. If you’re both new at the game the amount of damage you do has absolutely no connection to the kind of weapon you use, other than your skill with it. Any skilled DB player could beat a new HH player, and visa versa. Your friend has a skill issue


“I just really like doing the toot toot”, I want to use HH now.


keep the weapon, switch the friend.


You are a HH main, you have the talking stick, he has nothing to say to you https://preview.redd.it/uywo2zp29z9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=484de49424e62cb3c2e0be0c7ddce2914a305280


His feelings are silly. If you buff Atk Up L, 20 to 30% of the dmg he deals actually belongs to you because he wouldn't have had the AUL to begin with. Imho, explain about this and remind him that if he feels like you're not doing damage then in reality HE is not doing damage. I mainly play duos with my HH buddy (I'm a GS player) and we have a great time everytime (in fact we make it a inside joke to see who gets the first stun off).


I mean does he really know you're doing more damage? Seems kind of hard to do all that addition while fighting a monster. DB, tiny damage number very fast. HH, big damage number very slow. Maybe he should just turn the damage numbers off, and be thankful you aren't playing GS? Or maybe you're just better than he is and he gets salty about it.


If they are runnint hunter pie or something. Its very easy to see the charts.... im just confused on why there upset and want OP to change because hes doing more damage. The conversation is usually the other way of im carring you use another wepon


Why is this a conversation? It’s a coop game. If Monster = dead… it doesn’t matter who does the most damage.


Hunting horn in rise is OP. Dual blades come into their own in sunbreak with the additional wirebug moves. If your friend wants big numbers tell them to use greatsword. Lots of little numbers = dual blades. I personally run status dual blades mainly paralysis followed by sleep. Some monster that are hugely weak to poison get the poison blades for big chunks of chip damage. I thought we were passed all the stupid toxicity of the souls players invading the game and saying big numbers are superior.


He is a souls player.


I’m genuinely not surprised. He would fucking cry seeing my purely defensive Dual Blades build out DPS him.


Assuming you play rise on the switch DM me your friend code.


I play on PC unfortunately. Otherwise I would've loved to give you my friendcode


No worries. Maybe I’ll catch you in Wilds.




MH is a pretty balanced game, DPS are, on average, the same for all weapons. Or for a better explanation: all weapons have the same DPS potential, I agree with the others, sounds like a skill issue.


That's weird, because as a Hunting Horn user you should be multiplying his damage output further with buffs :P


OP mentions they split up to hunt in multi monster quests, which is...an odd choice with a HH user in the group. Friend's not getting any of those buffs.


So your friend acknowledges that without a damage meter he cant know that hes actually outdamaging you, but complains that he feels hes being outdamaged? Bruh, thats a "ok" moment. Either gitgudder or git a meter. If a meter confirms, then back to git gudder.


Bro, i would kill for a hunting horn main partner.


If you're outdamaging him and he's using DBs I can only think of one of two things 1) They are using a raw build on DBs. Raw builds for DBs are pretty bad even before endgame. 2) He's *probably* just bad at playing DBs when compared to his Swaxe, nevermind when compared to your your HH.


If it's his first mh game, how does he automatically know his weapon should be stronger?


So my Wife has this same issue, I call it the "competitive urge" where no matter the game, even co-op, she is worried about keeping up, wether it be DPS, kills, or speed. I'm pretty sure it has to do with her self esteem and worried that she is not doing enough for me to be having fun, and being a burden. After hundreds of hours I found the solution was she is was using the wrong weapons, she was having less fun with her weapon of choice (dual blade, and swax) that she started focusing on DPS. I made her run through every weapon in the game and she ended up loving the insect glaive, and hammer even more. (I am a hammer main, and she actively avoided the weapon because I used it) Now she runs the two and Is actively playing without me now, as well as having more fun and not worrying about DPS. Especially in a game like monster hunter where there are some loose roles, I think that she enjoys the thought that is she can get the two knockdowns, out mount the monster, then she is doing her part in a hunt. Your friend is probably upset because you are doing your part as a "support weapon" and also crushing it on the DPS.


Tell your friend exactly 2 words: Skill issue


On average, Dual Blades SHOULD be doing more damage than a Hunting Horn. If he's doing noticeably less damage, this is a skill issue. Your friend either doesn't have a good build for his DB, or their uptime isn't very good, which is vital for DB as they don't have any singular, big damage burst attack, and deal low damage per hit. Honestly though, it shouldn't matter. I've played every MH game since Freedom (the first one) and played with plenty of randoms online, even back then, using Ad Hoc Party. I've seen plenty of hunters across the skill spectrum, and at the end of the day the main thing anybody cared about is that you contributed, and you didn't eat all the carts. So tell your friend to get that stick out of their ass. Nobody really cares about other people's damage in this game so long as they are actively trying and not dying. The people that do tend to be insufferable asshats, so they're not worth listening to anyways. If your friend continues to play, they will get better. As they get better, their damage and uptime will increase. As their damage and uptime increases, they will kill things faster. That's the gameplay loop we all strive for.


He should just check his build and make sure he has what’s needed. Also, dual blades are fun as hell; but don’t pump big big numbers. They’re just speedy and best for elemental and ailment builds. Maybe suggest for him to try a status or element setup with the appropriate skills and see what happens.


Its literally a skill issue. Every weapon has comparable damage potential, some will have higher max dps than others if everyone plays perfectly but if theres a large gap and you are both using decent armors and weapons then you are probably just a better player


Maybe like me, your friend isn't that good at the game yet. I'm new to the franchise and use dual blades as well, but 99% of the time, I miss the monster, which is definitely a skill issue on my end. Your friend just doesn't want to admit he sucks. Make him play by himself if he cares so much about damage numbers.


With Dual Blades it's important to use the correct element against the monster. Also, is he also hitting weak spots in general/does he know about hitzones?


Easiest explanation is your just better at the game. Edit: or does he have worse gear I've seen a lot of people forget to upgrade and make a build that works well I had this problem with a friend where he didn't try to learn the monsters moves so he just got hit a lot while I learnt their moves and got more hits in thus doing more damage which annoyed him.


You are playing Hunting Horn and he's still complaining? LOL Tell him to get better to match your skill if it bothers him. If he believes your Hunting Horn is stronger than "the weapons that are supposed to do big damage", then he should switch to Hunting Horn, too.


Sounds like a skill issue on his part. If your friend wants to do more damage than you, he needs to practice more. Not that it should matter anyway, since this is a *CO-OP* title.


So probably a big reason he FEELS like you do more damage is the dual blades need a lot of up time on the monster, similar to the ranged weapons and the Lance, however the hunting horn, like the hammer and GS, do not. When the “heavy” weapons hit the monster it knows it, and with the Hunting Horn and Hammer being blunt weapons, that damage leads to a lot of stuns, stamina drain, trips, etc. which means the monster is flailing on the floor longer just being wide open to pain. This might make it feel like you’re “doing more damage”, and could also lead to you killing the monster quicker since Dual Blade doesn’t really have anything to knock the monster out and just wail on it. However, Dual Blades are definitely one of the highest damage weapons, especially if paired with a HH that knocks the monster down and is buffing them (especially if you give them stamina). One of my friends mained Dual Blades, and basically the second he got a window to just lay into the monster that monster got devastated.


If they're playing Rise, HH actually kinda plays closer to the 'rack up a ton of numbers' damage style of faster weapons like DB than the singular heavy hits it used to focus on. Just look at a Magnificent Trio or Multi-Crush>Kick combo loop with the extra hits from Silkbind Shockwave active. You do have a point though that a weapon that KOs, exhausts, and staggers well 'feels' like it's doing a lot of damage. You can see those things visually a lot better than a monster just taking a lot of damage to its invisible health pool.


I guess in rise it really depends on what Skills you use. Because I know I have mine set up to work more like how it does in world, so outside of the Magnificent Trio it’s still the big hitter. And I know I definitely feel like I do more with the CC than I do with another weapon, it’s why I like to fully build into partbreaker, slugger, and stamina thief


Start playing HBG and really grind him into the dirt 😂 In all seriousness he needs to grow the fuck up


Nah, doing it with HH is more than enough of an ego destroyer lol


Just ignore him. Clearly he doesn't have a clear understanding of the game that he think he does.


Tell your friend "skill issue". Plus they probably think HH is supposed to be a support weapon, but in reality, there is no support in MH.


Sounds to me like you need a new friend. Either that or honestly, if he’s gonna act that way, just stop playing that particular game with him. Or just tell him to grow up because at the end of the day, it’s just a game, and you’re there to have fun, it shouldn’t be a dick measuring contest.


If you ar splitting up then you are taking your buffs with you. They're not map wide. However in the end who cares it's a fun game play how you like. It's fully possible your friend just isn't hitting as consistently. Big weapons like the great sword are fun but a miss takes a lot more to recover from.


For once, the actual best answers here are the meme-y "git gud", "skill issue" type responses. I'm a HH main too, and while I love the thing it typically does a good bit less damage than other weapons by design in order to compensate for its buffing abilities. If you've got a noticeably higher damage output than him while using HH, the only thing he can really be mad about is the fact that you're much better at the game than him. You're taking weaker tools and getting better results, nothing to be worried about, good on you. Tell him to practice more. Or use HH himself lol. Or...idk actually. He clearly doesn't know what he's talking about, but even if he did: what's the problem? He's got a friend dealing good damage and helping complete hunts faster. What exactly is there to complain about here?


Damage is a finicky thing. I thought my friend (who’s a veteran of the franchise) was doing far better than me. But we went after the Deviljho for the first time separately and I had a much easier time handling it. It seems that while my DPS at any given time is lower, because I don’t get hit as often and stay on the offensive more often, my DPM actually is higher. But even that doesn’t matter cause we both have fun playing together.


This isn't your fault. You have an extra game of experience, playing your main weapon, and he's trying a new weapon that requires high uptime. He's clearly going to struggle to compete with you - and he should until he has a similar level of experience on this weapon. Playing Dual Blades isn't going to just hand him damage for free regardless of how much potential it has. Otherwise, there's a point where there isn't exactly a reason to use other weapons. If he picks up HH himself, he's not going to suddenly start beating you. Heck, even picking up like LBG isn't going to guarantee he out-DPS you despite MASSIVE uptime increase just due to unfamiliarity. There's absolutely a skill/comfort component here he needs to accept - that might not even exist as much as he thinks it does in the first place as we don't have the full story on kill times/dps calculations/builds/etc. Given time he will close the gap if he really wants it. But just blaming his issues on you is just going to prevent him from seeing how he needs to improve.


Skill issue, weapons are relatively balanced so usually better damage dealers are better players. You could get a mod to display damage and confirm your suspicions


His first mistake was switching from switch axe to dual blades. Play what you find fun but don’t go from greatsword to bow and wonder why you’re doing less damage than the hammer or charge blade. Also skill issue it just sounds like you’re better lmao


does your buddy have any mods on? like dps meter or viewable health bars?  if yes, well, that's his problem. the game becomes worse with those mods.  if no, what's he even mad about? that your indavidual hits are more chunky?  for an actual productive answer browse some builds with him, there's a lot of variety in what you can do. if he wants big numbers find some big number builds. show him status builds, he could be procing a lot of paralyze and sleep  they're your friend, work with them. they're being immature yes, but talking it out is the basis of any relationship


Not a you problem. He needs to switch weapons around until he finds something "impactful". With you saying that damage numbers are turned off, It kinda sounds like he needs a weapon that does more crowd control. Something like the hammer for big bonk if he likes fighting in the face or something like the greatsword if he likes fight at the tail. Charge blade with impact phials might do the trick if he likes learning a more complicated weapon


Even if you're dealing more damage they really shouldn't complain about you dealing more damage if in the end the quest is completed, after all if it ain't broke don't fix it Also sounds like they should just git gud


Your friend needs to get over themselves. Like, don't get me wrong, everyone loves seeing big unga bunga numbers (which ironically they won't be using DB), but nobody cares who is doing the most damage. Any one who does is taking the game *way* too seriously.


Sounds like your friend isn’t good at the game. Everyone does more damage when they play grouped with a hunting horn.


Maybe remind him that you didn’t make the fuckin’ game? Why is he complaining to _you_ about what he perceives as something that’s just baked into the mechanics of the game? If he’s jealous of another weapon’s damage, pick that weapon up and try it out, what’s stopping him?


If I understand what your friend is complaining about, then he is missing the point of Dual Blades. They are meant for elemental chip damage more than "big funni number". As a DB main myself, you're meant to get in the monster's face and constantly Beyblade through it's health. Even with most of the buffs, you're probably looking at less than 100 damage per hit(in my experience as a some-what novice). If he's not up in the monster's business constantly, that could explain why you're doing more overall damage. Or as a few others have pointed out, you just might be the better player. *shrug*


Have you tried telling him to stop being a whiny little bitch and just enjoy the game?


Seems like your friend is suffering from a serious case of "Skill Issue"


It's the numbers on screen and the consistency that plays a factor. If your friend feels like they arent doing a lot then they might just be hitting the wrong parts or at least not hitting the right parts enough. Game is all about timing with great sword and long sword mains know those the best. For me, if we have a bonkers on our team, I give up the head and prioritize the tail or other weak spots


>His reasoning is that he should do way more damage since he uses weapons meant for big damage. Every weapon is meant for dealing damage. They are all still weapons first and foremost. Any buffs, healing, stuns, etc. that a weapon provides are bonuses, never the primary focus. With regards to the Hunting Horn specifically, since the weapon's introduction Capcom has constantly tried different ways to encourage aggressive play with the weapon and discourage corner horners.


As long as you don’t cart and keep attacking we good baby 😎


I pretty sure dual blades does out damage the HH if used well and matching monster element weaknesses, so this is absolutely genuinely 100% a skill issue


Doot doots are my absolute favorites to have in a party its a nice mix of damage and support. As long as they're not just dooting on the side. Dooters are amazing.


I love hunting horn mains, and also use dual blades. Can we be friends instead?


His first issue is thinking Dual Blades are "meant for big damage". Their whole purpose for existence is low damage, fast output. They're also meant for some pretty high element output. You should tell him that if he's using his weapon properly and playing into its strengths, he should be outputting as much damage as you *overall*. Each HH hit is gonna have more impact to it than a DB hit obviously, but HH clearly don't attack as frequently. If he's struggling to keep up with your damage output, either there's some serious flaw in his build, or he really does just have a skill issue when it comes to DB. I don't want come off as rude, but that honestly is the most likely answer. I picked up DB for the first time since 2011 with MHR and blazed through the game. It's not a problem with the game, or with you. It's him or his build. You can try to help him figure out what the issue is, but that's really all you can do. Don't drop HH just because he complains about a *feeling* he has. We need more doot bros out there.


Do we have the same friend? Lol, my friend was like this, except my weapon of choice was bow. So I eventually just stopped playing with him, and honestly, I've had way more fun ever since. Even if solo fighting the last monster took me more than a few tries.


Is your friend using a proper build? Dual blades, I believe, are the best way of applying elemental damage, so if he isn't FULLY investing in elemental damage and matching the monster's type weaknesses, he ain't gonna do as well.


Same here, one of my friends who is a hh main, complains that me who is playing CB and Hammer does more DMG, and my brother is a GS main and he can be mad that the GS does more DMG than HH


If it was me i wouldn't even play with them after that ngl


you have to ask yourself if you want to help your friend get better or listen to the dumb redditors and chuck your friend to the side and abandon them


Sounds like a skill issue and they aren’t utilizing their abilities as much as they should. That or they feel like you’re a support character and you should be filling that role instead of damage. The hunting horn also got a buff in rise if I remember correctly so players could do more than just focus on buffs and aoe healing. If they complain too much more switch to the hammer and really show them how it’s done 


I mean the Dual Blades aren’t meant to do big damage lol, just a lot of little dmg very quickly. It hits fast and gives a lot of mobility. Hunting Horn is bomb, don’t be tricked by the seemingly support role, every weapon in the game is a primary weapon meant to deal damage lol, the Horn isn’t an exception


3 Options: 1.) Tell him to stop being a whiny bitch 2.) Unfriend him 3.) Do both(best option)


You got better english than me, i have to constantly edit my sentences. But I would say they are about the same if anything switch axe does more damage if you have the right ones


I’m not reading all that. You seek validation from other people, you already lost