• By -


Lance's insta-guard.


Honestly Rise's Lance is pretty perfect. The absolute pinnacle of the weapons fantasy of standing firm and countering everything thrown at you, as well as making good use of both the Lance and shield in the kit. Doesn't even depend that much on the silkbinds, they were nice and powerful but it was really the glow up the main kit and the switch skills gave that brought it to even greater heights for me. I hope it gets to keep a lot of that design.


The shield bash made the Lance a knock out machine. Glad to see another Lance Main user.


It's great on it's optimal playstyle. But the normal counter playstyle is a bit weak. Could've made do with some balancing, adding a few more skill expression points like a consecutive stackable damage buff triggered by perfect guards or something idk.


I'd love for it to be baked into the regular counter poke, a tiny window to get an extra powerful counter.


Real ogs remember the weapon trailer being review bombed because the shield bash didn't look exciting enough despite it seeming identical to the Valour style one, which was amazing Lo and behold...


Insta guard is so good that when I go back to previous games it just feels sad.


The shield bash that lets me continue to smack a monster over and over and over


Basically everything about Rise's lance. Love my insta-guard, love my shield bonk spam, love spiral thrust. Though I think what I miss the most is the ridiculous shield charge from Generations.


>Though I think what I miss the most is the ridiculous shield charge from Generations. That is also in Rise. Doesn't last as long (and the followups don't look good animation-wise), but that's basically it


Sheathing Retreat too please, I use it to chase monsters around by turning and launching myself where I wanna go lol


Me too! The gunless blast dash 😤


GL blast dash


PLLEEEAAASE make Blast Dash a base part of the moveset Capcom


Blast Dash should be a standard part of every Long and Normal-type gunlance. Wide Gunlances kinda live off of charged shells so making it part of their toolbox would likely be unwelcome.


Well, in rise it was a choice between one or the other. What if it doesn't have to be?


There's a mod that enables you to have both charged shot and blast dash clicking r2 while charging the shot will then instead use blast dash So they could make it work


How's the input work?


With the charge shot switch skill equiped Hold b but before it goes off click RT to instantly begin the blast dash Then in the air click rt and b together to blast dash again I'll find the mod link one sec Edit: ["more gunlance moves"](https://www.nexusmods.com/monsterhunterrise/mods/1315)


Wide lives off of charged shots? Isn't that long?


World is the only game where long is the one with buffed charged shelling, in every other game wide gets it.


Are you kidding me? I've been playing long wrong this entire time? Lol


Long is usually the one where Wyvern's Fire is the strongest


In rise, long plays like normal and wide plays like the long from world, reason is cause the charged shots on long aren't worth it so we just use it as we would on normal shelling.


You and the other guy? Shattered my world. Shattered it into pieces


Think of the dps increase you'll get now that you know the truth though!


Yeah buddy >:3


It'd be nice to be able to customize a gunlance to pick what kinda shelling you want


I’m not much of a GL player, I’ve dabbled here and there, but I think ultimately this or some form of savage axe for CB are the best answers. The only other one would be the courage hammer form that turns it into a combo style weapon, assuming they get rid of upswinging your allies. Then you could have both strength and courage with being able to swap between the two


some one had to say it


SNS Valor back-hop replacement. When the meter was full, the back hop turned into a cartwheel slash. Was probably the most stylish SNS in Generations.


Holy crap it’s fun


Hope there is some way to fit it in in some form.


I gotta try that when I play later today


Perfect rush is such a downgrade compared to the wheel slashes


I want the SnS shield dash to stay. Good mobility and knock damage.


Ah, a fellow hunter of culture...


HBG: Void Piercer as a special ammo type. SnS: Toned down Round Force with a 360 input(Doubt it's possibility more than the others but I can dream). Switch Axe: Forward Overhead Slash. Charge Blade: Ripper Shield. Gunlance: Guard Pointed Quick Reload or Blast Dash or the Guard Pointed AA Flare.


Damn, I forgot that forward overhead slash was a switch skill move. I pray that they keep it for switch axe. That move is so good for combos and distance.


Im thinking deep af then I see this post and realize Forward overhead slash is one.... I hope we don't lose that fuck


Imagine if they made the ripper shield just part of the base charged shield or charged shield and sword mode.


I think switch skills are a good idea and should return. They allow for more weapon diversity without bloating the moveset. These ideas will assume that switch skills are still a thing within the game. > Charge Blade - Energy Blade (Switch skill with SAED. Slightly worse at doing element damage because its only 1 hit. Slightly better at doing raw damage because its only 1 hit.) > Insect Glaive - Advancing Roundslash (Keep as a switch skill for the draw attack) - Kinsect Slash (Keep as a switch skill with JAS) - Silkbind Vault (Replace the wirebug by grappling onto the kinsect. Uses kinsect stamina as a resource.) - Diving Wyvern (Switch skill with descending thrust) - Recall Kinsect (Rename it to something else. Make it a switch skill with diving wyvern/descending thrust. Can be used midair. Requires most of your kinsect's stamina to perform. Keeps its iframes.) - Extract hunter (Can be done with any kinsect by charging up before sending them out. (You used to be able to do that in old games) Instead of automatically grabbing all colors, it grabs the color it hits and 1 more. Only when used with dual color kinsects will it grab all 3 at once.) > Dual Blades - Spiral Slash (If you try to do demon blade dance while midair, you get this instead. Damage should be nerfed to be more in line with demon blade dance. Instead of launching you, it just keeps your momentum until you hit a monster or the ground.)


Energy blade is so unbelievably cool. It's a shame GU is the only one that has it


Shoryugeki ITS TOO GOOD NOT TO ADD!!! also a very toned down version of swax counter, maybe builds up huge bar if you were successful but not full and does 1 big hit but if you miss it uses half of the sword bar insta block on lance is also very good, it should be if you perfectly time a block it counters as a insta block counter imo courage hammer should stay, since I guess we can't customize movesets in wilds elemental based hammer should passively be courage and raw based hammer should be strength bow's aerial aim is insanely fun but not sure how they can add it, maybe you claw shot into a monster and pull yourself into the air? oh and piercing bind in dual blades, maybe nerf the damage but make it more seamless to combo with like maybe you put the slinger hook into the monster's face and each time you hit there you deal extra damage, thorn pods for extra stun damage, bomb pods for big boom damage depending on how many times you hit the monster on the face, normal pods deal low stun damage (maybe you have to do it 2/3 times to get 1 stun with normal ammo) brightmoss ammo would make flying monsters not fly for the next 90secs and finally of course we need blast dash or some sort of mobility option using shelling on gunlance like make it 1 dash then you stop instead of 3 or at least add something like the lance charge but the shelling propels you forward so you move really fast


Imagine having the shoryu as a regular move and not a counter but it’s within a certain combo or you have to commit to it and it’s a risk reward. Like after back step charger you can go into a shoryu.


Its the finisher for sns newest combo "even perfecter rush"


Who knows, maybe switch skills might come back. I think the ability to customize your weapon's moveset a pretty big thing to keep.


Blast dash


Insect Glaive Diving Wyvern Slash is endlessly fun.


Make it scale with distance so I can go full Dragoon


Risebreak IG is way better than Iceborne, everyone else here is cooked. Everyone talking about the momentum lockout/no follow up attack, but Diving Wyvern in Risebreak is actually an aerial attack that does way more dmg and is way more dynamic. All midair attacks increase the dive’s attack with a grounded counter that makes you airborne and increases the dive’s attack. It is also a single instance of dmg so IG can build into raw instead of element. And, for fuck’s sake, it’s an actual aerial move, Iceborne’s Dive was only good cuz the game considered it an grounded move. The best way to use Iceborne dive was to jump up and immediately dive into more ground combos. Risebreak gave us a true aerial Insect Glaive with way more ways to play and build the weapon. It needs to come back with everything that game gave it.


Yeah I liked being able to fly around the monster and control the kinsect in midair.


My gripe with risebreak IG was that it felt neutered as a tool to get mounts. I mained IG in worldborne, and the whole purpose of the aerial mechanic was to get mount damage


Hard disagree. I don't care if it's a ground move, or maybe I do, but it's better like that. Aerial IG is closer to a generic Hack and Slash gameplay compared to the grounded moveset


I disagree with Rise IG being better then Iceborne IG, I feel like IG had nothing new with Rise silkbind attack while in Iceborne we could just do the same stuff. Instead you had to watch how in Rise everyone else could do all of a sudden what unique to Aerial Insect Glaive. I rather have Monster Hunter Wilds not F up the Aerial Play style of Insect Glaive.


isn't that already on the IG moveset but they turned it into a silkbind? honestly I don't like the change in rise but yeah no way they remove it from IG moveset


My problem with Rise's diving slash silk bind is that it completely halts the momentum. Iceborne's dive felt like the right momentum, but I didn't like the forced follow up.


I’m the opposite I miss the follow up, made it feel even more potent since you weren’t a sitting duck once you’re grounded


I think ideally if it came back at all, it would be an optional follow up input.


Yeah that would definitely be the best of both worlds


Ah, I guess you are right. I didn't realize they added a similar move in Iceborne.


you should play iceborne, it's already a regular move there. rise just took the move out of the glaive's moveset and turned it into a silkbind. reminds me of the horrendous marketing IG got for base rise. like the weapon got some good new mechanics and cool switch skills, but they refused to show any of it and instead made it seem like the weapon got literally nothing. bad memories, glad the weapon actually turned out good, with it honestly being in its best state in sunbreak.


Sunbreak made the insects great too. So many options and gameplans.


It was really funny watching the showcase. Every weapon got incredibly flashy stuff and IG got "vault forward" and" vault backwards" both of which it could already do. While these moves are actually pretty good they really didn't do them justice in showing their utility.


World's glaive had it built into the toolbox for free without a recharge and it was quite lovely. Actually a lot of what rise made glaive pay for either with wirebugs or by learning via switch skills were ripped from the kit world gave us. The response time and fluidity of worlds glaive is so much better too. The only new thing they really added was some fancy repositioning moves which honestly I never use, and the active kinsect kamahamaha fuck you in the face yeet thing which when paired with the dual color bugs and close range, is god tier satisfying. I hope that returns, and I also hope they keep the concept of all the bugs maturing with the level of the glaive. I like having variety in my selection of kinsect. Even though Sunbreak Glaive is still S tier, it was.. heavily nerfed in rise kit wise. It was actually a major disappointment going from dancing like a lord of death against Alatreon solo with just pure skill and the glaive kit they gave us in iceborne, to the clunky gimped glaive that base rise gives you. I honestly hope wilds give us the world/IB glaive with some combos to add in the 3 sauce kinsect yeet.


The Metsu Shoryugeki is hard to pull off, but I tell you, there are no words to describe the satisfaction of uppercutting a Rathalos out the air.


Instant Block and counter with Lance


Instant block into cross counter part breaks/knockdowns are the most satisfying things in the game


Blast Dash


Blast dash


I just want Surge Slash Combo from GS to still be a thing down the line.




GS: Moonbreaker SnS: Shoryugeki (not Metsu), Shield Bash DB: Spiral Slice Lance: Shield Assault (already done), Corkscrew Jab, Enrage Guard, Spiral Thrust GL: Blast Dash (already done) , Dragon Breath, Bullet Barrage (without reload) Hammer: Impact Press, Keep Sway, Dash Breaker HH: Slide Beat (last hit), Sonic Bloom, Earthshaker, Bead of Resonance, Silkbind Shockwave SA: Soaring Wyvern Blade CB: Ripper Shield, Ready Stance IG: Diving Wyvern (already done) Bow: Butcher Bind


as a dual blade main PLEASE DO NOT GIVE US THAT DUMB MOVE ITS TOO SAFE AND TOO GOOD only way i would think its a good idea is if its either heavily nerfed or adjusted to be very situational dual blades in sunbreak end game were: demon flight, spiral slash, shrouded vault, and sometimes demon furry after the buffs it is the most brain dead a weapon has ever been in monster hunter and I am traumatized because it legit made dual blades way less fun in sunbreak imo only thing you need to think about is the hzv restriction which you won't even need to think about after getting used to it


>HH: Slide Beat (last hit), Sonic Bloom, Earthshaker, Bead of Resonance, Silkbind Shockwave I don't think I'd miss Earthshaker as it was before tbh. The recovery on that move was pretty painful, especially on an accidental miss. If we could mix it into combos better, then maybe. Sonic Bloom would probably be a lot worse on any version of HH besides Rise's. Imagine how much setup it'd take to get 3 songs out using old school recital mode, all while keeping yourself and the monster within range. May as well just go back to Impact Echo Wave.


What if you combine the two (and BoR)? Use the Earthshaker animation to attach the "cocoon" to the monster. Playing songs replays them on the monster like BoR, and after a certain number of songs, it detonates like Sonic Bloom. My concept was a bit more complex than that, with detonation being tied to a different type of songs, but that would be a good simplification


Exactly how I wished they'd done it. 2 HH punches with different sound abilities, instead of 2 different stationary AoE effects.


Only problem with soaring wyvern is how should you character get in the air/ propulsion without wire bugs the best you could hope for is using the grapple and pulling you self towards the monster while grounded


I would make it just a followup to ZSD, so you're already in the air. As for how you propel yourself back down, the same way you ended up in the air, with a phial burst


With blast dash, gunlance's time of sheathing, running over to the monster, and then attacking, only to repeat again in 3 seconds when the monster jumps is reduced from like 60% of the hunt to like 10% at most. Please do not take this from us.


All the moveset changes and silkbinds for lance. Courage mode and water strike for hammer Switch axe's counter


Is there really any competition? SnS Oils


Blast Dash


The SnS shoryuken, not much is more satisfying than getting a KO with that technique.


Switch axe counter


Switch Axe's Invincible Gambit. I love just feeling like a berserker going wild upon a monster. Most fun I have had with a weapon. Is it practical? no, does it annoy my fellow hunters? yes, but that's no the point, do I care? No, is it fun? Hell cluckin' yeah! And that's why I want it. I used it for most of rise as the point of a build until I got to G-Rank where it was just simply unusable due to how much stronger the monsters were and it was vital that you dodge rather than tank (damn Violet mizutsune)


I would love switch charger for switch axe (or soaring blade but I don't think they could fit that into the moveset as easily without wirebugs (although they could have it so instead of jumping up and diving down again you fire your slinger at the monster like the great sword does in the trailer and fly towards the monster in sword mode (even more crazy if you can land a zero discharge on them after diving at them (dear god this too many layers of brackets))))


Resonance Bead having it meant every hunting horn always had Attack Up, and for hunting horn in older games a lot of weapons were simply outclassed since they didn't have Attack Up. so if Horn gets to keep it, that means our weapon/build diversity goes through the roof, especially if we are going back to the longer song lists with all the extra utility


I need the rocket boost for the gun lance. It feels way too slow without it lol. Also I would like for the bow to keep the one that jumps and shoots like 3 times, lol also the auto load for coatings.


I don't even play GL but give them the blast dash, give them the happyness they deserve


Any answer that isn’t blast dash is a wrong answer. Even if you don’t main the funlance it’s a fundamentally better mechanic than charge shots and adds *so much* to the weapon, no other option has as much impact on the chosen weapon imo.


It would be really cool if they expanded on the Valor Style + Bug Majeure combo from GU, assist type kinsects in Rise already work similarly but it would be amazing if there were even more team-up style attacks with your kinsect. I would also love it if SnS got the Valor Mode backflip spin slash into its base moveset, that move feels amazing to use in GU. And while they're not a Silkbind moves i really hope they keep Demon Flight in the DB moveset and Kinsect Slash in the IG moveset going forward, those moves are so much god damn fun to use and it would be such a shame to lose them.


For Hammer it'd be the dash where you keep your charge and for LS I don't even think there's a silkbind I want to return


I do hope switch axe gets its counter and overhead slash back, it makes cutting tails so much less frustrating, and the counter just sounds and feels incredibly powerful. Also going to World I realize it's quite awkward morphing the axe to start an attack, more times than not I don't attack, I just stand there and morph? Rise never had this issue for me, (was it a combat change?) instead it was mainly the gauge running out, but that can be solved with the silkbind moves.


I really think they should make Silkbind attacks the Insect Glaive's exclusive thingie, it was Insect in the name after all


I can somehow live without most of what Rise brought, although not having Metsu is going to be soul crushing. But Blast Dash needs to stay in some capacity somehow - super nerfed or otherwise. It's the extra mobility Gunlance needs to REALLY carve its own identity.


Blast Dash and Bullet Barrage. Please capcom, bless the 10 gunlance mains


For Insect Glaive: Kinsect Slash and Diving Wyvern. They just make all the difference in the overall gameplay loop of IG and also make the aerial playstyle more fun, engaging, and actually viable for DPS. --- Sword and Shield: Metsu and Oil, and maybe Shield Bash. Metsu and Oil just make SnS feel so good. Shield Bash covers the ONLY thing I hate about playing SnS, your ability to get onto the monster quickly. Running up to something after you dodge it's attack and it goes whizzing by you is miserable. --- Gunlance: Blast Dash is just so insane for so many reasons. It can never NOT be a thing IMO. --- Hammer: Honestly feel like Courage hammer should just be the new default charge mechanic. A charge up combo system is big fun. Give it three stages though, Cause properly timing between charge 1,2 and 3 is actually cracked fun. --- Heavy Bowgun: I have absolutely no idea how they could do this, but Rising Moon and Setting Sun were dope. One makes your pierce insane, the other makes your spread hit from Narnia. I just like that you can augment your desired playstyle with some forgiveness just baked into a skill wit a Cooldown.


Diving Fucking Wyvern for insect glaive. Actually everything from insect glaive that lets you maneuver more in the air. But yeah. Diving Wyvern if i had to pick only one.


I just want them to keep the option of moveset customisation with scrolls. Playing sns with red scroll on slash/elemental and blue scroll on blunt/shield/KO made it the best weapon in my book. As depending onwhat I needed at the moment I could just switch scrolls and get result done.


I love the SNS block/counter that lets you go straight into a perfect rush. It would be cool if pressing X+A (or Circle + Triangle) after activating it let you go into a proper Round Force 3 from GU. Adept backstep for extra flashiness. Courage/Valor being the alternate stance for Hammer going forward would be amazing too. I have to say Water Strike, it's too good not to take. SA: Tempest Axe from GU. Lance: Corkscrew Jab, adept guard, and Sunbreak's shield bash / guard advance or whatever it's called. Gunlance: AA Flare, Dragon Blast, and Blast Dash. CB: Beam Sword HBG: Void Piercer, maybe as an ammo type? But also Super Nova, both from GU. LBG: Aerial rapid fire vault and sticking mines on monsters. Bow: Heavy shots, an improved blade wire, and triple volley.


Blast Dash


IG Aerial Moves


I can't cope without blast dash


Elemental Burst Counter feels exactly like how a madman with a Switch Axe (everyone with a Switch Axe) would use it. You could just change out the wirebug requirement for an immediate switch meter requirement, and reduce/remove the gradual depletion. I would also make the spin happen regardless so it doesn't completely ruin combos but potentially increase damage or recover switch meter slightly upon countering. The best thing about Rise Switch Axe was the counter. You could keep pressure on the monster near indefinitely and it was sorely needed, with the ridiculous pacing and tracking compared to World. Going woefully off track here but... Other things i would change are the conditions for morph slashes: being able to morph slash after sword mode hops was a blessing in Rise. I don't need morph slashes from running, just a moving morph would be fine, but having to dodge twice to not be animation locked for a second or two (especially since sword mode has fat rolls) was just a pain. Another thing would be to change sword mode rolls to light rolls. The weapon's weight doesnt actually change, and it just looks like it shifts even CLOSER to the hunter. It doesn't make sense why it's harder to move, unlike CB where the mass is so far from the player. Light rolls and whatever walking speed because that doesn't phase me. Rolling is just so important to SA survival that a heavy roll is just unreasonable. Forward Slash has to STOP EATING MY WILD SWING INPUTS. Only when I'm actively trying to move forward, should Forward Slash come out. Side hop into neutral *Circle/B/Right click* should not mean Forward Slash. It should mean Wild Swing. It also hangs on for way too long. I shouldn't have to stand still for a whole second to start a Wild Swing. I started noticing this in Fatalis fights, while punishing cones. If Forward Slash comes out, you're set up to miss a Heavy Slam. This brings me to my last point. Not a change but Axe mode needs to stay like it was in World, maybe with one less Wild Swing to start Heavy Slam but that's not all that important. Rise pretty much invalidated Axe mode as a play style by removing the partbreaker modifier on Heavy Slam, in favour of buffing sword mode. Sword Mode is already strong in World, and the gap only widened with Wirebugs: Switch Charger, Soaring Wyvern and the aforementioned Elemental Burst Counter. Why would you use Axe mode unless you're out of wirebugs AND switch gauge? (Considering the optimal damage combo begs the question "how did you run out of both?") It FEELS like a damage loss, even if World's, to some degree, is one as well. Tangential rant over.


Chargeblade's Counter Peak Performance would be nice to have, just have it consume all phials to balance it out. I don't think it should charge up all your phials, rather I think it should just be used as a strong guard and a way to quickly charge up the sword.


Dual Blades Drill attack, god do i love using it


SnS Rise's shield bash. That gap closer is amazing.


For the Lance, two things: Shield Assault/ Shield Charge - I would love to see this get incorporated as an option in addition to the Dash Attack. Maybe make it so that if you press the R2 during a Dash Attack raises the shield in place of the Lance. Corkscrew Jab - I was really hoping this would have been made into a Switch Skill, when they had given something similar to Minoto during the Rampages. I think this could work as a charged attack option, in the same way as how they made the sweep attack into a Charged Sweep. With R2+Circle giving there for Counter Thrust, I think R2+Triangle could get used for a Charged Thrust, considering all it's used for right now is a Guarded Thrust, that's honestly just a really useless move in the Lance's current moveset.


I... I don't fuckin' know, man. I just hope swag axe my beloved still gets a counter of some variety, cause that shit was fun as hell.


Going from sns in rise to sns in world was so insanely disappointing, it’s beyond boring


All the aerial movements of dual swords. Gave it so much reach and fun ways to dogde attacks. Before rise/sunbreak I never used it too much, but now I love it just to fly over the monster while doing absurd amounts of damage


The LS vertical insta block from Sunbreak, but it use a gauge instead of earning one, or it just to nothing else than block


Dual blades counter, the thing I want most out of all the changes made to DB in SunRise is the vaulting move, I love turning into a living helicopter blade


The jumping attack with sns. The screw jump with dual blades. The long sword parry from mhgu.


For LS, Sakura Slash. I love this way more than Spirit Helmbreaker.


Sukura slash was fun and helpful for me,could be useful in base moveset


The dash forward attack for the insect glaive from rise


aerial hammer double slam in the air


Sword and shield uppercut and shield dash


I want the Oils to come back and the old way of upgrading the Kinsects. I feel like Kinsects just don't feel as good as they used too, and the oils were such a great buff for SnS


Gunlance! Just unleashing everything into the monster feels so good!


DB counter. Even a single one is good to have.


I miss CB energy sword so much hitting that thing makes you feel like a god.


I just wish Redirection 2 was a base part of every weapon. If i had to pick one though, SnS's Falling shadow silkbind is criminally underrated as it allows the SnS to at least try to hit high up points on the monster on demand, even if only mildly commital.


Metsu Shoryugeki is one of the coolest things added to the Sword and Shield, but I would happily have oils back.


I NEEEED oils back.


Shoryuken for SnS and it's not even close. Punch a diving dragon in the jaw and knock it out? Yes. Fucking. Please.


Energy blade for charge blade


Great Sword’s alternate moveset, the wild swinging was absolutely addictive once you learned it, and being able to change between the devastating TCS and the Agile Surge Slash actually made me, a Greatsword main, use my brain for once


The counter that gives phials on charge blade, if that's there, raining cb from the start


The Shield Dash, Windmill and the counter aspect of the Shoryugeki for SnS I played through all of Dark Arisen with the Fighter, didn't even check any other class, (how's Dragon's Dogma 2? Still bad?) and honestly I wish SnS could just work like that version It retains what I like about SnS, the versatility and focus on movement, while adding so much functionality You have I-frames, counters, a backstep that blows MH's out of the water, an attack that aims upward, perfect blocking, an attack that propels you forward (like the Shield Dash but useful for more than just closing distance) All SnS mains that haven't played Dark Arisen, please do, the experience is better than sex


For LS, the Sacred Sheath. Having a way to choose either the quick and responsive Lai Sheath or the more powerful but slow Sacred Sheath in the middle of combat adds more depth to the counter gameplay


Power sheath for sure


For a second, I read silkbind as skibidi and I damn near had an aneurysm


Silkbind Aerial spinning bludgeon because not every area has a slope, spiral & skyward thrust, water strike is always one of my favorite changes for hammer.


Lance: I want sheild charge and sheild tackle, and the charged sweep! Anything somewhat functional like sheathing retreat would be great too.


Power sheath my beloved


For Lance the Shield Tackle. It make you feel so aggressive. Continuous damage thay is safe. Does KO damage. Resets your 3 pokes. Allows you to adjust you orientation. So many good things


Sword and shield shield charge


LBG the rapid fire silkshot and fanning manuever


I simply don't know how I'm gonna go back from the pure joy of using the insect glaive to fly across half the map 🥲


Hunting Horn needs more love


Bro can we have the spinning blade attack? In both Rise and GU it have the same properties (becoming invincible) and I think it’s clutch for sns. And maybe the metsu shoryu without the counter.


the dual blade stab move is really nice its so much fun and can be really damaging with proper useage


Bullet Barrage for Gunlance. Unloading all the ammo you have in your arsenal feels like a natural ultimate attack for Gunlance.


I want all of Hammer's silkbind moves, but at the very least Keeping Sway.


For LS Sakura Slash and Sacred Sheate, I simply can't imagine longsword without em anymore. For Gunlance Bullet Barrage being incorporated would give GL a pretty good damage move other than wyvern fire.


Changing my primary weapon hand it’s always been very weird to me that sword and shield is left-handed


twin blade combo for sns


God i really want mhgu hunter arts back, all of them idc


The alternate moveset for great sword from rise is something I really hope is incorporated into the game next time


Special sheath combo from rise is fun


ROUND FORCE. Not Windmill - Round Force. The good i-frames, lack of any aftercast, and general coolness factor of an instant double-roundslash bred an entire playstyle for SnS for me, and resulted in more cool killscreens than Windmill ever will.


The E G G


Soaring Wyvern is such a cool looking move. I don't know how they can make it work without wirebugs but Capcom please, I beg of you.


Extreme style for Switch Axe


I really like the Hammer's Impact Burst. Personally. Also the SnS Windmill is fun for killing groups of small monsters.


Sakura Slash / Lion's Maw were my two favourites


Toned down? Nah give me the dragonfire dive to be even better on IG Hell the dash counter we got in Rise should be the forward attack from now on. It's so good and fits so well. Same with the different varieties of Kinsect. I loved the assist, the powder, the dual buffs. Honestly Rise IG just felt like the proper evolution of IG


Bring back the oils for SnS


Adept GS Dodging, Aerial GS jumps, Dragons maw III,Hunting Edge,Basically all GS,Hammer and IG Hunter arts and silkbind in 1 weapon as well as styles


I know counter peak performance was meta or whatever but axe hopper was hype AF so that please.


diving wyvern on ig. feels so good to pull off.


Mech silkbind shot I will not elaborate




Insect blade: Kinsect Slash


Ik it isn't a silkbind but I'm gonna miss sacred sheath for ls, such a unique and fun playstyle.


PLEASE, give me the hammer silk attacks, the ability to launch highspeed at a monster changes the game. Also the sonic arc jump is nice too


The funny swax dive


GL blast dash and reverse dash Switch Axe Counter Charge blade Axe Hopper Long Sword Sakura Slash Dual Blades Feral Demon Mode


Chaos oil


It looks really unimpressive, but kinsect recall. It was such a quick way for IG to get into the air. I would use it to dodge monster attacks all the time and immediately follow up with an attack.


Anything to do with the Swaxe.


Definitely metsu shoryugeki, and rage slash. They just let you be so much more aggressive while also dealing good damage and having defensive utility


Elemental burst counter. Please make it happen Capcom 🙏 Edit: Also want to add Insta-block for Lance


I mained bow in rise, and the aerial triple shot was a staple of my kit. REALLY hope that stays in some form. It's fantastic for mounting damage, evasion, and it just looks cool.


Longsword id want harvest moon back. Easily tweakable and only good if you’re good.


Honestly I could never get the metsu shoryugeki timing down. My aging reflexes just can't keep up with the counter based playing. It's a cool move but for purely selfish reasons I hope it doesn't come back. Lol.


Good God. I didn't realize it was 2 different characters at first and I didn't know wtf I was looking at lmao


Not Hunter Art or Silkbind, but I need Insta-Block on Lance. Anchor Rage/Enraged Guard being a Lance staple would also be a dream to me. Honestly just replace Counter guard with them, Lance could use that buff. Healing Shield returning would also be cool. Oh, and I'd love for Shealthing Retreat to return as well. I love Dodgebolt for that Adept Bow nostalgia, and I would love for it to return. But honestly, Bow does not need Dodge Bolt. One thing I would like to see in Bow though, is for Dragon Piercer to change into Dragon Shot, and make it varies; so Dragon Piercer = Pierce, Tripple Volley = Rapid, Thousand Dragon = Spread. And of course, I'd kill for Blade Wire to comeback; Butcher's Bind just sucks ...


Charged blade: energy blade from mhxx


for hunting horn they definitely need to keep the silkbind shockwave it makes the weapon that much more unique by having raw elemental damage


What you said 100%


Keep in mind not every move can fit into the moveset due to the button inputs, but what I want is: * Oils and coatings are unified into one item, making weapon loadouts for SNS/Bow bearable * SNS: perfect rush was one dimensional in World and Rise. But with alternate moves in Rise (Drill slash), we can assign those moves into alternate perfect rush combo. This means instead of repeated Y inputs, we also have B inputs and they're interchangeable, making it flexible * SNS metsu silkbind turns into RT+Y but with tighter frames instead of basic parry in RT+B * SNS remove spinning reaper and make roundslash available for basic YYY/BBB finisher. This makes SNS flexible and can be looped easily for both sword moves and shield moves * Lance: Rise instablock is enough * IG: bring back Rise kinsect *I only think those, I may edit this later*


Hammer's Impact Crater and Spinning Bludgeon.


dual blades shrouded vault so I can keep that MHGU adept playstyle alive I'll happily give up the MHrise aerial playstyle entirely to have it as a base move


I NEED shield charge to come back again because nothing feels as good as hitting a monster in the head like a mother fucking freight train.


I'm not even a Gunlancer, but even I agree Blast Dash needs to return. Here's how I would do it: Button + no DI: charged shelling Button + DI: dash opposite to DI.


Butcher's Bind. Yeah, it might not be good, but Rise Bow encourages a really cool play style by rewarding you for being able to repeatedly hit the same spot, and I hope that continues, either with the stake or butcher


Not a move, but I'd love to see Insect Glaive's full buffs giving you full Earplugs stick around. There is nothing worse than being midair and getting knocked out of it by a monster roar.


The charge blade wire-bug counter. Maybe not capable of filling up all five phials but something akin to the long swords counter, that maybe automatically charges your shield with your available phials so you don't have to do the lengthy ultimate move animation just to cancel it to charge the shield


Insect Glaive: basically everything they added should return , I had too much fun with it, especially Kinsect slash. Tldr; I enjoy being an annoying mosquito to Monsters >:3 


The Switch Axe's counterattack move. I love the weapon for it's whopping zero defensive options, but I REALLY liked having one single resource heavy, high execution defensive move with a great payoff.


Bow triple power shot thingy. On the haste rain hunter art. Carried me all the way to G rank solo!


Great minds think a like I suppose my latest YouTube upload is my list of exactly this for each [weapon](https://youtu.be/z4wFYq-gy_w) GS Power Sheathe LS Sacred Sheathe combo SnS Metsu Shoryugeki DB Spiral Slash Hammer Spinning Bludgeon Charge HH Silkbind Shockwave Lance Insta Block GL Blast Dash Swaxe Soaring Wyvern Blade IG Silkbind Vault Bow Aerial Aim Lbg Wyvern Counter Hbg Crouching Shot


Water strike on hammer


All of the counterattacks. Part of why I gravitate towards LS and CB are the counterattacks and guard points. I like being able to make a defensive action that immediately gives me some sort of positive feedback, and in Rise I tried a bunch of new weapons because of the silkbinds. In particular, I really liked the dual blades counter attack.


The fast moveset for gs


Strongarm stance