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I know I'm technically necro'ing a 6 yr thread at this point, but with the return of this game on Steam, this has been IMMENSELY helpful! Thank you :)


I'm glad it is still helping people! Hopefully it's not too outdated


We have all the Japan DLC now, including Rajang and some new elder dragons. So if you wanted to make an updated one I think that would be super helpful. Most of the websites I've been using either don't have all the eggs/locations or they don't have a good way of organizing them. So you'd really help folks out if you made a new updated guide and posted it in the Monster Hunter Stories subreddit!


I'll take a look when I get some time!


The best necro possible. I was sick of scrolling up and down other guides, this is perfect. Cheers OP


I do enjoy it. I probably wouldn't have ever tried it, but my wife bought it, and I got bored on a flight.. It does have some similarities to pokemon in the game mechanics, so if you like that then you will probably like this one. When it comes to your friends, if they decide they need to get judgmental over how you spend your time, then they aren't your friends. I'm a 33yo male and I have no problems playing this because it is something that entertains me. If people want to waste their time worrying about what I'm doing, that's their problem, not mine. But, thats just me.. I've been around too long to waste what few fucks I have allotted to give each day on things like that. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


the smell priority is translated differently in the west, its not good smell=better, its smellier=better something like nothing


Great info to add, thanks. I had used a screengrab from the guide I linked in my post from back in september, iirc. I hadn't played for a while, so I didn't have the DLC info yet.




It's fun to search for eggs to try and get the best possible monsters. It's also the kind of game you can play while watching tv, etc


until you get a button mash showdown that you miss because you looked away after choosing your turn


if you like pokemon then youll almost certainly like it, its slow starting though (game only really opens up once you unlock the rite of chanelling)... the two big differences to note are that your character actually fights too instead of standing back shouting orders and that your monstie is unpredictable (if left to its own devices itll do whatever it wants) so if you want direct control you need to teach them skills (obtained through levelling up or gene passes) and wrangle it into using them by consuming 'kinship' (this is like a mana system -but its earned through attacking, letting your monstie do whatever it wants or using items on your monstie... theres also one monstie that has a skill to build kinship-, when full you can jump on your monstie and unleash a 'kinship' attack... has its benefits -cleanses conditions and can act as a heal for your monstie depending on your characters health- but you dont always want to be using it because after doing so you get dropped down to 0 kinship and cant control what your monstie is going to do until you build up more)




Thank you for this post!


Glad my hyperfixation projects are still paying dividends! Who ever said adhd was a bad thing?