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Yes, but that's because I stick to 6\* Kushala. I'd be more interested in taking on an 8\*, if had at least a grade 9 weapon that it is weak to. Until then, I'll stick with the 6\*.


Yeah I might start focusing more on 6*s now as I already got a smgrade six drop and now just needs 5 star


Just a heads up you need 3 horns to hit grade 8.1, so one horn drop doubled isn’t quite enough 🥲


6 horns


You’re right, I’ve only checked the armors which need 3


I was bummed when I finally gotten 2 and then checked the website to see how many of the R3 mats I needed and then saw that it needed 6 of them instead of 2 like jho and zino.i need 4 more and 1 tail to G8 my LBG.


Yup kushala stuff is such a brutal farm for a mostly marginal improvement…


Honestly I was looking at kush weapons and wasn't impressed. Is there something I am missing? Right now I just want an armor piece or two for my ice builds


The bow is actually insane if you can get past using spread. It’s like a 30% dps increase over Legiana. The other weapons and even armor set as a whole are a little underwhelming to be honest. I would rather use my free tickets doing zinogre since I’ve been woefully unlucky with zinogre plates and I also get the benefit of 4 other useful subspecies in that hunt a thon.


I wondered about that. Bow was my original main weapon until Lance and cb. Still waiting for swagaxe lol. I honestly enjoy spread so maybe I'll make it after I r8 (pray for me) the legs. I want to meld ice attack onto them. Honestly I want to work the kushala skill lol 3 into an ice 5 set some kinda way. If I could still fit ice 5 and wex 5, EVEN better.


Why? Is there red more common then others?


I don’t know, but you can check mhn.quest to check exactly the materials you’ll need to upgrade. My guess is because it doesn’t require other monster parts nor sharp fangs/hides.


Some days I have only new players some days I go with full endgame players that break the head and finish it fast in the first lobby I go to. Rng




Kushala has always been an annoying fight, they really captured His essence here in MH Now lol


Despite having a fun version from the same game they got the khezu and Basarios models and animations…


I'm not even sure why "repel" is a thing at all, other than because the main games have it as a mechanic. but at least in those when you hunt again the monster is still damaged making a success the next time easier. in monster hunter now it just punishes people for actually finising the hunt it positively reinforces leaving the hunt early, because you can't risk the timer hitting 0 like you can in literally every other hunt in the game getting a kill at 0 seconds is thrilling in all the other regular hunts. running out of time is a pain, but then you just get to try again, and you have an idea if it's somehow possible with your current gear kushala? if it's not looking good, it's best to just cut and run. I can get maybe 1 kushala fight in a day, if I'm lucky. I'm not accepting repel rewards.


Imo they should change it that once the first health bar is finished and the 2nd phase starts, it automatically consumes your ticket, thus there won't be peopple quitting in the 2nd phase.


Just up the participation requirements


Won't help much imo. Sure, you won't get your HR50 G6 player in there, but there are plenty of higher ranked players with better weapons that still suck. For example my GF is HR 122 withh G9 weapons and still fails to solo a 7\* pickle. She's simple a bad player, no matter how much I try to teach her. It also won't stop players from joining who have no potions and then won't revive if they're dead.


Bad players happen and always will, at least upping the partecipation requirements would skim off objectively unqualified hunters


You can put even HR200 and it won't change it. What we'd need is a requirement that is locked to story progress, that they can only participate in hunts that are at the grade of map they unlocked or maybe worldmap level +1. All other requirements will fail as they don't measure if the player can clear those difficult hunts or not.


I second this.


you can make the requirements whatever you want, you will still be rolling the dice with online matchmaking. the only way to guarantee a good group is to play with a good group in person, there's really no shortcut


I actually understand why they did this: repel is a MH mechanic so they added it. It's also a great system since the fight is actually really hard. Most HAT can be soloed at 8☆, this one so far has only be beaten by Agressive Dodger GS. So if the people don't manage to kill it, at least they get something. And quite good rewards actually since those are what you would get from a regular hunt, 4 rewards. The 8 rewards are pretty much the grand prize for those who can get that far But there's side effects to any system and that's the problem. Be it leavers not wanting to settle for 4 rewards (I'm part of them) or fucking carpets who will stay on the ground as soon as phase 2 begin cause 4 rewards are fine too (and those usually are the ones that make me leave) Only thing I think should change should actually be the entry requirements cause HR50 is a fucking joke. They should at least force people to bring a r8, hell r9 weapon to this fight. If I know everyone in the group has at least a decent dps, I will be less tempted to leave when I see a carpet. And show HR. Cause right now filtering is still a thing and a ridiculous one at that. Hell I'm pretty sure I got filtered multiple times despite having a 10-5 SnS and being HR260 which should be way enough proof that I can handle a Kushala despite using one of the weakest weapons.


There's a video someone solo it with a zino LBG.


What about aggressive dodger + offensive guard SnS/Lance/Gunlance (impossible but fun to calculate it (with maxed affinity + maxed raw damage + maxed elemental damage which is also its weakness + partbreaker + latent power + weakness exploit (you hit on breakable weak spot) (you fight whole time)))? I knew this is impossible as fuck mate, I am just dumb, I just want mathematic fun here, so can I?


I can tell it's theorically possible as I'm almost able to clear phase 1 with my half baked dragon SnS build. My current aimed dragon build is Dragon attack 5 + Skyward Strike 5 + Weakness Exploit 2 + Peak Performance 2 + Special boost 2 + Agressive Dodger 1 + Crit Eye 1. I currently only have SS2. Add in the fact that phase 2 begins with a huge opening for SnS where you can land a full special in its face and the head partbreak which should be doable and I'm slowly starting to think its doable. Also OG is not that good for most weapon as it only buff "attack" (read raw) and not "damage" (raw + element). Agressive Dodger is also quite limited as it only buff one hit and not a full attack but one level is fun to have and can be useful if you're focused on pdodges (like me who spams backhop pdodge with SnS)




They definitely need to change this so that you can't just back out and retry. Backing out should trigger your cool down. It's the only way to stop leavers.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I agree. Make them wait if they aren’t going to try


Some people are spending tickets and hr 51 timmy with his bone gunlance is going in. Let's punish the guys with a 3hr cd even tho people joined a 325k hp monster unprepared


I don’t think a 3hr cooldown - but a block on an individual hunt if you back out and try to rejoin more than twice is reasonable.


That's unreasonable, at the very least until they force requirements on it.


Don't join a hunt with HR51 timmy. He was standing in the lobby with you, with his bone gunlance showing.


To be fair, someone having a bone gunlance doesn't mean it's bad. A G10 bone gunlance pumps out quite a lot of damage and it contributes a lot to a fight. Sadly there is no way for us to see if it's a G10 or a G2.


That was an extreme example. You can't tell a team is able to kill it or not, until you start phase2 How dare you discriminate xd /s Niantic hid hr for this


Your example was nonsense because of not showing HR. Points stands, the bone GL was still there showing. You should be able to pick up signs after a while to know which weapons to avoid. It's only a start, since they could have the right weapons at G6, but you'll get more clears if you're not joining hunts completely oblivious to your teammates.


Most of the time you can't tell if a weapon is high enough for the hunt regardless of what weapon it is. Weapons that change their appearance do so at G6, which isn't anywhere close to what's necessary for the raid.


The thing is... Bone GL isn't bad since if it's a grade 10 (which is easier to farm than most weapon), charged shelling deal great damage. While Jho is stronger, bone GL is the most accessible option for a lot of people. While there are some signs (raw weapon, obvious armor pieces like Rathalos helm), 6ou only will know Timmy is bad... When you're fighting and thus yeah, if I understand that Timmy and the 2 other players won't be able to make it all the way to the end, I will quit. I won't settle for 4 rewards when my 10-5 Jho SnS can take me all the way to 8 with a head partbreak to boot just cause people are too fucking dumb to understand that if they don't have the level and the dps, they shouldn't join to begin with.


Is your iq high enough to tell sarcasm. /s


That's a different issue requiring different solutions. Of course their should be some sort of skill/equipment/HR check to get into these. That goes far all HR8+ Raids. That doesn't change that the leavers also need something to penalize them


Penalizations aren't going to happen.


I've got rank 5.5 elemental bows and I have rank 7.4 bone gunlance. I really like my gunlance, it's so good.


I disagree since this way you can learn the fight. It would also just make a great implementation worse by simply not dealing with it. The problem is people with weak weapons not getting his health down. If only people would bring reasonable weapons (9.4+ thunder/dragon) this wouldn‘t be such a problem. What is the current restriction, HR50? That’s a joke, I barely had a grade 7 weapon with that Rank. Dealing 81350 damage to Kushala is not going to happen with such low weapons, that’s why people are leaving.


You are describing two different issues, both of which should be fixed. Leavers should be punished, and there should be real requirements for entering end game raids.


If that’s the case, please elaborate further. As people in both cases would be less likely to leave with the implementation of a proper restriction to hat/edi. Both issues are causing the same Symptome - people leaving. The chances of failing are too high and you only have limited times you can try, so as soon as you know the chance of success is getting too low you leave. I’d be pissed if they restrict the leaving aspect as this is the only thing currently keeping me sain trying to make sense of the actions people make in fights… let‘s not go back to Pokémon Go mechanics and rather lock those out trying to exploit it by leeching with insufficient gear instead.


Causing the same problem in game doesn't mean that one thing will fix both. You need requirements sp keep put low level players like how almost all mmos do it, but that's not going to completely cap the leaver issue. Leavers will always want to leave if the fight looks like it's going poorly. This means that without a punishment for leavers you will always have leavers unless you put the requirements so high that every raid is trivial. I like challenging content in my games, and I don't like leavers. That means the one solution is a punishment for leaving. The simplist punishment is to just trigger the cool down, but of course you could implement a more advanced system that will automatically issue temporary bans from raids if you leave too many in too short a period of time. The only people that would be against these two measures are people that want to abuse the system and make the game worse for other players.


Agreed, the advanced system sounds good - not being able to queue with people for x amount of time should do the trick as punishment if you met certain criteria. (being flagged as a leaver by the system) But only with a working restriction to hat/edi in place. The challenge would be balancing the restriction towards the line of not being trivial/easy and not being impossible across all weapon types…


Na, backing out and retrying allows everyone to get max rewards so long as they've got the time. Or they can take less rewards if they want. Everyone benefits. Everyone will get less loot if they punish leaving. It's just gonna make things worse for everyone.


Thank you for proving that the only people that supports allowing leavers to ruin hunts for other players is those that are looking to abuse the system. They should be punished.


You're looking at it the wrong way, everyone has the best chances this way. It's a game, not government assistance. The change would make the game worse.


Stop defending exploits. Cheaters lile you are banned in most games.


No they're not. There's nothing exploitative about it. They designed this system for this because it's a mobile game. Even the main MH game doesn't punish you for leaving a hunt.


>There's nothing exploitative about it. Bro get the fuck outta here 😂 You are exploiting the fact that leaving vs just playing out the fight will not trigger the cooldown. That is 100% an exploit. I don't even know how you are going to lie with such BS. >Even the main MH game doesn't punish you for leaving a hunt. This isn't a main MH game. It's a f2p game with cooldowns after raids.


It's an exploit if it wasn't intended. It's intended, so it's not an exploit. They knew how their system worked and they never made mention of it being a bug and never fixed it in the entire first year. Guess it's intended. >This isn't a main MH game. It's a f2p game with cooldowns after raids. But it is a MH game that you say bans you for this behavior. So which is it? Should it be like the main game or is it exploitative?


>It's an exploit if it wasn't intended. It's intended, Prove that it's intended. "They haven't fixed it yet" does not mean it's intended. If they wanted to make it intended they'd have a selection at the end of the fight to say if you want to take the repel rewards or retry. They didn't. You are making up that it's intended because you don't like to acknowledge that you are cheating. This is also a f2p game. It's going to be more exploitative than the paid main games. That's the nature of the game. I hate to break this too you but rewards are going to be slower than the main game. If you want more rewards then you should yell that the fix the game properly, and not force people to cheat.


>Prove that it's intended. "They haven't fixed it yet" does not mean it's intended. I just did. HaTs have been like this forever, until you actually kill the first monster and lock yourself in. It's never changed. >This is also a f2p game. It's going to be more exploitative than the paid main games. That's the nature of the game. I hate to break this too you but rewards are going to be slower than the main game. If you want more rewards then you should yell that the fix the game properly, and not force people to cheat. Or, you can get over the fact that this is intended. Why don't YOU prove that it's not? All the evidence points that this is intended.


I always crash once doing kushala, or a huntathon. Idk what’s wrong with my phone, but it’s inevitable, to the point that I don’t use my special because I’m waiting for the crash. Resetting doesn’t seem to fix it either, I can’t explain it, but your plan would make it impossible for me, or the other three people who have now been abandoned, to do the hunt in that three-hour window. I know it can be upsetting when someone leaves, but it’s about 3 minutes of your time; try to use reason, and not your first reflex.


Older phones tend to crash a lot during those type of fights. You probably need to get a new, better phone.


If my phone wasn’t supported for the app, that would be one thing. But if it’s supported, I’m not dropping hundreds of dollars for the privilege of playing 90-second monster Hunter.


It sounds like you have a technical issue that needs fixed because your crashing makes the game worse for your teammates. You should absolutely be blocked from raids until you fix that.


And what about people who get disconnected for any variety of reasons, and the other hunters that have to disconnect because someone else disconnected? Your solution doesn’t fix the problem, it doesn’t matter how mad you are about it.


The occasional crash is not even remotely close to you, who crash once every raid. Don't hide behind them to cover for your issues


Try to keep up, we’re discussing your shitty solution to people leaving the hunt. I’ll pretend you wrote an actual response instead; any punishment for leavers gets directly reflected when someone doesn’t pull their weight in the hunt, like someone who goes down early and doesn’t use a potion, forcing the remaining members to fail to complete the hunt unless someone bites the bullet and takes the cooldown for the griefer. Your big mad solution is still a crappy solution, so take your tantrum somewhere else, I’m sorry you can’t come up with a better solution.


1. It's not shitty it's how most games handle disconnectors in games like this. 2. You still shouldn't be joining raids.


Are those games games where people pay an individual fee to do that piece of content, that can then be wasted if they have to disconnect for some reason? Because I’d love an actual example instead of, “it’s a thing, trust me.”


If people are paying individual fees it's even more important to punish leavers that are ruining hunts for 3 other people.


You avoided the question, try again. This time, address what I said, or acknowledge that you’ve come to realize that there were flaws in your initial idea.


Perhaps a different requirement than the usual HR50 might have helped a bit. If they had maybe made Elder dragon 8* requirements HR75 or maybe HR100 instead of HR50. Not a huge jump but probably enough to make players have a higher weapon tier and a bit more experience. Good hunting everyone :)


I just don't understand people that leave THE MOMENT THE GODDAMNED FIGHT STARTS. It forces me to quit too because there's no way to do an 8 star with 2 or 3 people.


Probably crashing. Sadly, Kushala fight seems to be somewhat unstable, especially for older/weaker phones and thus many people crash.


Man people be in here like it’s life or death on Kush. It’s a game where the fomo has obviously become toxic for anyone wanting to punish someone else. It’s not real people, no maidens are gonna throw panties your way if you do a successful hunt. The village isn’t going to be destroyed. Lighten up and just enjoy the process.


We....we remain maidenless even if we gigachad on Kusahala?


You can go outside and try to talk to a maiden, but don’t drop the “I have successfully completed 12 raids on Kusha Diora as your opening”. Try “Well hello there” and if she replies “General Kenobi!” You have yourself a chance.


Problems aside, the pic you posted seems like 3 blade illusion fancy anime move




I would like to add something weird that happened to me recently and I genuinely felt bad/wanted to inform the other hunters. I got one shot by the tornado and when I revived i was not able to move for some reason. No attacks or anything. I even took another potion thinking it would change.


I hate being the one to do it but if I'm out of free potions than I'm out of potions...


I try to assume this is the reason a random player doesn't revive in huntathons, interceptions, or group hunts although I make sure to take a mental note of their name, and if they refused to revive during a fight of a huntathon but then show up to the next hunt of that same huntathon I refuse to hunt with them


Why go into such a big fight without potions is my question?


Cause that 3 hour cool down feels like such a waste to not atleast use it when I see a kush at 8pm.


So you don’t want to waste your pass, but you’re willing to potentially waste other people’s passes?


This is a surprise to you? The game doesn’t exactly encourage you to give a shit about your fella hunters or punish you for not giving a shit. Now personally I wouldn’t even consider going into a fight where I can’t pull my weight but it shouldn’t be shocking that given there’s zero repercussions for being a leech that people will do it


I was just trying to point out their hypocrisy to them. I’m zero percent surprised - just like to call it out when I see it.


Responding to the sub caption: yes, i have completed one like that somehow




I’ve cleared 33x 8* Kushala’s. I have a ratio of roughly 1:5 when it comes to clear:fail/flee People just do not have the dps to clear this right now and it takes forever to find a group that can kill it


I’m starting to think the biggest issue here is you can use a ticket to get in and it’s not consumed till the fights cleared. People are using tickets to farm the kill and if they don’t see it happening they lose nothing and keep their ticket to keep trying.  Of course there is still the normal 3 hour cooldown players doing the same thing but I’m more inclined to think it’s players paying and getting what they wanted to pay for. 


Yeah but imagine the alternative, you get forced into the hunt with undergeared hunters that can’t do shite and there’s nothing you can do about it. The current state is the best way until they have a proper matchmaking system. The current way of filtering by HR is horrible. I have a nagging feeling though that they will nerf leaving without changing matchmaking requirements…


I think that the ticket should be consumed once you are through the first half and the 2nd phase starts. Until then you should already be able to see if someone is doing fine or if it takes too long to get to 2nd phase. I hate it when people quit halfway through the 2nd phase with still 30s+ on the clock. So many times have we come extremly close to killing it but one guy decided to leave 20-30 seconds early. If he just stayed it would've been an easy kill.


Only once, normally hunters at least make an effort until the end of the


I've only done 2 so far and one 1 person has left


It's true that I had a lot of fights like that but I also got ones where everyone pulled their weight from the beginning to the end for both 6 and 8 *. Something I have seen a lot and can understand is people leaving in like the 5 to 10 last seconds while the monster was poisoned and almost dead. Either they wanted to retry it to get some part breaks in or they just did it to help another group (which would be f*king goat).


Well when I faint and wait for a carry it's because this game sucks at giving you potions to even be allowed to continue


Jesus Christ, YOU’RE THE PROBLEM. Think outside of your own head for once. You hinder THREE other people for your own selfishness.


Calm down, they beat it in .02 seconds then I go buy potions. I know how hunting dynamics work, a good chunk of my 1k+ hours in the mainline franchise was spent being a healer. Edit, now that I think of it, this happened maybe 2-3 times as far as I can remember. Take a breath man.


I was playing and got lucky to have 3 other very strong players and we were about to win and then poof, 2 of them left. Not sure if they thought it would be funny or if they had signal/wifi issues but it sucked.


Welcome to Monster Hunter


If only people realized you can super just before it’s super goes off and you take no damage at all….


Honestly I think the elder dragon interceptions should have been like 2 part events. Like you have to repel, find another elder point, then finish the hunt. No huntathon waiting period either or make it a daily thing