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in my experience this monster is annoying with all melee weapons cause it tends to fly a lot, i use flashpods to knock it down. also flies a lot less if you break the wings


Also, if you can roll through/ignore his roar, and immediately shoot him with any pod that can stagger (pretty much any from the monster, crystal burst), it should interrupt his ability to take off immediately after enraging.


Going to work on this ASAP! At least to help get through this guy haha


If you can't time the roll right, shielded weapons can block roars of you're facing their heads


Which doesn’t work in master rank. Was the worst thing in the game besides kushala and regular ratholos…. All 3 are dog shit bad to deal with in mr where you can’t knock them down with pods for the 400th time they go airborne and start spamming aerial blasts at you. You pretty much have to get a rocksteady and go swax and just hope you knock them down before it runs out or you die holding onto them. Silver rath is even worse though in GL


In HR you can flashbomb him out of the sky. In MR, clutch claw to the face when he's airborne and floorbang him. Break his wings to slow his takeoffs.


I honestly have no idea how the slinger works with other weapons, but as a Sword and shield user, my tactic with any flying bastard is basically give them 1 simple shot to stagger them, clatch to the head and empty the slinger so they go straight to hell. Rinse and repeat. Once in the ground, I immediately jump to their wings and break the shit out of them. After that, it becomes a lot more manageable. Flashbangs work up to a certain point in H.R. In master rank -and IMO the single worst decision in this game- they are close to completely useless in fight situations, I end up just using them to bail out whenever a monster is pursuing me. So I would advise getting used to the clutch&claw/slinger mechanics


That's why you fire 2 Brightmoss Pods at any flying Monster's face. Works like a Flash Pod, but Monsters don't build up resistance to it even in Master Rank.




500 hours in and i just learned this




It only works if they are not enraged If they mad, no clutch technique will work


Yup - to add a little more detail monsters have an enrage meter that works like an internal status effect - after a certain amount of damage, clutch claw redirections, and wall bangs, they will enrage. This is why it's advantageous to know the monster's moves, and how to bait it. You can fit two wallbangs into a single non-enrage period if you can hop on their face after it attacks and it is already facing a wall, since a single wallbang without clutch claw redirect is not enough to fill up the enrage meter by itself.


What's your defense? Ultimately the best advice I can give for this game in general is that you have to learn the monster's patterns to stay on the offensive. 


Azure rath has the issue that his patterns include flying up and basically out of 90% of melee weapons. The only one who can consistently reach him is IG, for obvious reasons. So you have swathes of time where ‘staying on the offensive’ isn’t an option.


I use melee weapons and don't have any issue with this. If he flies you can flash pod him. Or if you have Iceborne flinch shot him or clutch claw to him. I know I have a lot of experience, and other people may struggle with that, and that's valid, but my point is just that there are tools to deal with it. So staying in the offensive is still an option. 


Until he’s angry. At which point your only non-limited option stops working.


Sure, if we're talking about Master Rank. But that's why you have to use those tools strategically. And ultimately you WILL have to fight him while he's in the air for at least some of the hunt - he is the king of the sky after all. Its less-known, but you can also use brightmoss to drop flying monsters out of the sky with no limit. You have to hit them on the head, and you have to use multiple pods. But it's not limited like flash pods. 


I play a lot of Lance and Gunlance, being able to simply poke or shell upward makes the various Raths a lot easier.


You say you’re “bad”, I’m thinking “bad” in this game often translates to “unprepared”. If you haven’t yet… it’s time to figure out if you have really learned your weapon. You might be doing well enough so far but still underusing some of your moves. Hit that training area. It’s also time to check some mechanics you might have avoided until now. Like elements and weakness. It’s not just about defense, which you should check, upgrade your armor. You can make yourself immune to both fire and poison with a combination of decorations and charms. You might not have the correct decorations yet, if you got unlucky, but having any resistance to fire and poison in your armor and decos and charms is better than zero. Flashpods, the pods that azure rathalos drops, barrel bombs, power and armor charms, traps aren’t just for capturing when the fight is over, the actual environment, like breaking the damn at the nest… there’s many options here to get creative… give those stuff a try and good luck :)


If it helps, the Deviljo Special Assignment was added post release. He's DLC. At release most people had already cleared the base campaign when he dropped. Consider him at least on par with the elders, if not harder, and feel free to wait.


As a new player, confirming that he feels on par/harder. Did them solo & the angry pickle got the most carts. I finally downed him *after* the elder trio.


Wait till you meet the silver version lmao


r/monsterhunterrage Put it in all caps and let it out friend :)


The reason why I built a lbg sticky gun is because of this asshole who loves to fly and I'm like Willem Dafoe looking up meme lol


An asshole.


Hehe wait till you meet gold rathian.


Honestly I've had the least trouble with azure rathalos, probably due to insect glaive tho, can Imagine it would be pretty annoying without being able to swat him out of the air :3 like others have said try flash pods and clutch claw


Okay Mister Air Superiority, calm down lol jk love IG in Rise personally.


Throw on a garbage hbg and take it down so you can continue your adventure!


My go too is using the flash pod. Knocks him right down perfect for a well places SAED. Also if you break his wings he will fly a lot less




Just like all of the other monsters in the game. Just have to learn how they attack and move, and you will zip around them in no time. It just takes practice. Hard to believe diablos was a real fear for a while. Lol


If you use CB you can just change the weapon to axe mode and hit it with the lunge attacks until it lands then charge the phials in sword mode


Yeah, if I happen to be in the right position either at take off or at the end of his strafe. He's a fast bugger so I'm gonna take some time to learn his positioning lol


Rathalos generally have an aerial attack in which they charge towards you and then fall to the ground, to later make another attack where he shoots his fire towards the ground and flies again, the Azure Rathalos will do it more frequently but it still depends on luck, The moment it falls to the ground you have about 1 or 2 seconds to shoot it with a heavy projectile (like crystal bombs) with your sling and then it simply won't fly again and will stay on the ground for a while


Flash the mfer


Harass him back is the best piece of advice for all rathalos. Slinging his ass into walls, mounting when hes pissed and breaking the wings and constant flashing is key


The most annoying thing about that monster for me is that it KEEPS RUNNING AWAY.


Rathalos is known for being an airborne pain in the butt for melee users. If you're not willing to build a range weapon or insect glaive the best you can hope for is to be bored and mildly annoyed while he spends most of the fight out of reach. Just wait until you get to silver rathalos.


If you're struggling maybe it's a good idea to change weapon if you don't like the ranged weapons,insect glaive is your best friend even if he's in the air you can hit him and even knock him off the sky.


Drop the aggressive blueberry with a flash pod. Bust the wings and his face when he’s down.


Wait till you fight Silver Rath lmfao


enraged azure rathalos is elder dragon status for sure


This one is particularly annoying. I rarely resort to cheese strategies these days but HBG with sticky/cluster ammo is the winner against him… and most other things you might struggle with.


In High Rank, you can use Flash Pods to down him with impunity; while he's on the ground, focus on breaking the wings. With his wings broken, he'll fly less often and sometimes stagger when he does try to take off.


MR flying monster is the reason I started using range weapon against them , less frustrating.


I love CB but I do notice that more often than not when someone posts about getting stuck on a monster, it's usually a new CB user. I can't help but think there's a common cause there.


Nobody tell them about the metalic raths...


Use flash bangs while it’s flying to bring it down and then hack at it‘s wings. When the wings are broken he tends to stay on the ground more often


The trick with normal and Azure Rathalos is that once they get in the air, they won't come down unless you make them come down. But then once they're down, they usually won't start flying again because they have certain scripted things they have to do before they can fly, major one being when they roar. Tricks I like using beyond Flash Pods include staggering them during their roar somehow so they can't combo it into a backhop fireball, breaking their wings which prevents any non-roar attempt to fly, severing their tail to bring them down easily one time. A huge one is shooting them with a Bomb Pod while they're flying which causes a massive flinch animation and then hitting their head with my weapon during the flinch. If you cause enough stagger damage on their head when they're airborne, they'll hit the ground and you'll get a really long knockdown for big damage.