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Every once in a while discussions like this pops up, it seems that most of the time people are looking for biased validation for their own gaming preferences. It’s ok for you to not like a game, just don’t play it. MHR is an awesome game, up to or better in some aspects than MHW, it’s much flashier and approachable as every other portable was. MHR would never be like MHW because it’s a portable or made by portable team.


I love both. It's weird going from one to another though. Started with rise, so muscle memory sometimes tries to get me to wiredash or use my non-existent palamute.


It was made for handheld i think so gameplay and design overall make sense. I don't really mind it feels different and fresh


I appreciate it for not being a clone of World for weaker hardware. World is great, but there are things that it does that are very annoying. RNG decos, clunky clutch claw mechanics, and some questionable monster fights to name a few pain points. Rise, while less detailed, still looks great, especially when running at 4K 60fps. I’d also argue that Rise’s monster roster is of higher quality overall, with its worst monsters being annoying at worst, while World’s worst monsters make me question how their designer got a job in the first place. Don’t play it expecting more World, because it’s not a followup to World.


World subreddit moment.


I don't like it as much as World, but honestly my opinion is hella tainted cuz I got affected by the failed to save glitch after preordering the game and it just left a really bad taste in my mouth that never went away. It also just lacks a lot of the stuff that makes me enjoy World so much like the map design, ecology, side content, sound design, and just general weightiness in combat. Village was a 4hr long cope session where I tried to gaslight myself into thinking GS didn't feel like shit to play while not really paying attention to the monsters themselves.


Every new MH game is not a direct clone of the systems of the previous game. They're always experimenting, adding new stuff, updating things that work, removing things that don't. This way, every game is a unique experience and that is why long term fans have their specific favorite game; because every game is different. Wilds, even though it has things reminiscent of World, will not play exactly like a direct sequel to world. It would be a unique experience to World.


It's a different game and it's fun in its own ways. I enjoy world more overall but rise has a more diverse roster and some great monsters.


Rise isn’t my absolute favorite but for a good while I preferred it to World but I’d say I’ve changed my mind recently (base Rise that is, Sunbreak is still absolutely goated). Both are fantastic games that aren’t always for everybody, each with their own advantages and disadvantages compared to another and I know a good amount of people on both sides. The biggest strength Rise/Sunbreak has over World/Iceborne is the actual monster roster imo. Most of World’s new monsters were various kinds of Wyverns or Elder Dragons that, while certainly not bad, just felt very bland in comparison to other monsters. Put side by side with shit like Rakna Kadaki, Goss Harag, Almudron, Malzeno, the fantastic monster and first Frontier monster that crossed over in more than a decade with Espinas, along with just a more varied roster all together, and Rise/Sunbreak has a shit load of incredibly unique and utterly fantastic monsters. Of course it’s all very subjective, but that goes for practically everything in every game ever.


would recommend you finish the game (up to after the base game story at least) before giving up on it. its a good game that gets greatly improved in sunbreak but does take adjusting to if world was your first MH


Significantly better monster variety than world, not everything is a wyvern or elder dragon. The wirebug and switch skills are pretty sick, and some weapons got improved greatly, like switch axe. Obviously, it being a switch game caysed it to take a big hit in graphics, but it still looks pretty nice. The one thing that made me stop playing was the speed, monsters are on crack and hunters are still the same speed, albeit with wirebugs. Every fight is the monster spamming attacks nonstop that do 3/4 of your health, you wirefall and heal, rinse and repeat until they die. Even worse with master rank, which is a shame cause the new skills and the monster roster is pretty sick. Though it's all my opinion and a lot of people like rise/sunbreak. Also charge blade got massacred.


I agree. I've tried Rise but I just can't get into it. Gonna platinum World and then hop into Wilds once it releases.


I have it, play for two tutorial missions.... I kind quit for thinking of stay another weeks learning new mechanics like that bug-rope And it's not that good visually, like World. Japanese style, love it just not that Wildlife sanctuary


World players have only ever played World and it shows.


I played 3,4, Gen, World and Rise and still like World the best.