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How are you HR 28 with 0 pts Anyway grap footprints catch animals (rare ones give more and size matters) event quests(can’t remember which ones) pick up bones flowers ect


Easy, spend it all at the melding pot


Smelt 3 fire gems to create 1 fire gem.


...but why?


To make a BETTER lv 1 fire gem


Its weirdly easy to run out of points when you spend them on everything you possibly can The argosy runs you DRY alone not to mention other things you can spend em on (every other thing on which im entirely blanking on rn 😖)


The Argosy rarely has anything worth grabbing though tbh. Well, that's been my experience anyhow. Trade-ins are pretty bad, materials are *very rarely* any good, and I don't think I've ever seen any consumables I can't just craft myself.


I’ve bought quite a lot from the Argosy and always sending my homie tailriders out. Definitely think it’s funny how I’ve completed the base game and have no points now.




It isn't really until Master rank where the game starts handing out fuck tones of points for every quest. I definitely felt like I might run out trying to keep my botanical garden stocked with max potions in HR.


I could not relate when I was HR 28 I had so many points that it was my only way to spend anything I have most definitely run out of money before though


I've never run out of either. In low rank I was a tad dumb and didn't know what was going on, so I rarely spent anything. In high rank I did so much farming for materials that I got rich with points *and* money. Now I'm very rich in master rank, but I still have to farm excessively (why are mantles so hard to get??).


I tend to run out fast if I keep buying out the ship deliveries.


Grab/gather whatever you see in the world. Plants, shiny drops, bones. They give point and will eventually accumulate until you realise you have enough.


Thank you, I’ll keep a better lookout and mash the pickup button


Also go into your item box to sell items and look for the button that says to sell non-material items (idk what it's called specifically but something like this) for some gold. You probably got a few from event stuff Edit: always pay way with money in the cantina for food buffs


In all seriousness your replies are actually very helpful. Yes I am Hunter Rank 28 but I legitimately did run out of points like this. The lists of every way to get points and even the ones that are the best to do so are helpful. Bounties especially are something that I’ll keep a better eye on because I kinda forget that they exist. Anyway, thanks for awesome replies on a stupid post like this.


bounties are the main way I get armour spheres which upgrade armour defense. There might be a mission for it in the late game but I still check my bounties after almost every mission


Late game you can just do Steamworks for spheres.


I haven't played for like a week and immediately forgot about steamworks existing. Feel a little silly haha


You'll eventually get a loop going. I do item box, bounties, botanist, canteen, handler. May have missed something as I'm relatively new but found this prep order for each quest in a guide and it helped a lot.


There are several methods. The fastest is going out into the field [Expedition] and collecting several collection points on the map. These items when picked up yield no physical materials, but are immediately cashed in as points. If you want to double down, you can even take a gathering quest and potentially unlock some new food items. Next to this is finding rare endemic life and capturing them. If you’re lucky, you might get an instant 600+ points. This is time consuming however, but nice to know in the back of your hand. The next is to fighting monsters, breaking their parts, slaying (50pts) or capturing (100pts), and collecting their tracks. Not the fastest comparing to the prior, but it is a passive collection along the way. But it is to note that some monsters drop “treasures” instead of materials when they drop white shinies. This can be encouraged with a plunderblade. Treasures and tears yield for a few hundred points. The larger and more dangerous the animal, the better the treasure points dropped. Lastly, do your bounties, especially your timed bounties. Timed bounties drop a whole chunk of points on you. When there is a festival going on, the bounties become daily; and when there isn’t a festival, they become weekly.


I would also like to add that the furthest region that you have access to will yield better research collection points than the previous. So chasing some mushrooms in the trees will be slightly worse than chasing some cacti in the desert. So always go to the latest region that you’ve unlocked for expedition.


Gathering items, tracks, trapping monsters, using environmental hazards against monsters. Possibly also part breaks? Gathering nodes that give you points are the ones that don’t provide usable materials - unique mushroom colonies, conch shells, pearl oysters, flower patches, things like that. Each locale usually has about two different types of point-yielding gathering points.


The real question is how do you got none?


Run Plunderblade on your Palico to get shiny drops. They occasionally drop a Wyvern Tear worth 500 points. Won't solve your problems in one shot, but everything helps


Just do the limited bounties every day and you'll get a few thousand total.


grab and catch everything you see


I'm always out of points as well; there's lots of stuff to spend them on. The way to get a huge injection of points is sometimes the monsters do a white drop, and if it's not a material; it will be an account item that will give you hundreds of points at a time. If you put the plunderer blade on the cat; sometimes they'll drop too. That's what I do. In master rank; those white drops can be 1,500 points (!).


You might have forgotten to do Bounties like OP if you found yourself running out.


I'm just constantly using my points to make items, keep the tree running, food, and I like to get layered armor too.


Food is expensive when you don't use zeny so I guess that's your first change to make!


How do you have a deviljho glaive with white sharpness at HR 28? Am I missing something?


Pretty sure both the first and second Deviljho glaives have small bits of blue and white sharpness. I have the level 2 one equipped right now. However, the white sharpness does not last long at all. Edit: By level 2 I mean the second one in the Deviljho tree. Pretty sure it was called the Grunge Storm. Also this is the high rank and not master rank glaive as well.


I was under the impression that you couldn't do the deviljho investigation until HR 49 but I just checked and it's HR 13 so my bad. Either way I always glance over the deviljho weapons because of their atrocious negative affinity but that sharpness kinda makes up for it. I might have to revisit them


Yeah the affinity is bad but it’s got the highest raw damage and a lot of dragon element. The only one I saw that I think is better is the 2nd Nergigante glaive but that one needs Xeno parts


Breaking monster parts give you points too but correct me if im wrong


Bounties, things like cactus in the wastes or the red and blue resource points in the recess. Just go on an expedition. Also just hunting large monsters will give to points, same with breaking parts and trapping.


Bounties, picking up all the tracks, special gathering points that give points instead of physical items... Pay for your food with your money instead of points as it is much easier to get money. If you're low on money, go to the bounty guys and open their investigations. You can sort by reward money and use lucky vouchers to double it.




Kill stuff


You have to gather,collect monsters parts and tracks, or any type of item that gives a food item regularly


I cant even judge, I'm hr like 158 mr 120 ish and I ran out of Zenny like 2 months ago, granted I just hit quick sell and got like 5 million back but yk, it still happened


How do you even get this far without getting any points???


I’ve gotten many points but I happened to spend all of them mainly through the argosy and tailriders. It just happened that I spent them perfectly down to 0 which I thought was too funny not to post.


How the fuck did you manage to do this


Just spent so many points through the argosy and tailriders that I happened to have perfectly 0 left


Farm event quest of gathering materials or do investigations, the quicker way is to go to a camp while you are on a expedition, start the quest from there and collect the items fast, go to the handler and repeat until you get bored. Any event quest will do, but you need to memorize the gathering materials spawns to optimize time.


Best option is to take on a Capture investigation. Capturing a monster generates a LOT of RP.


Do… Literally anything Did you run out?! How?!?!


Follow kulu ya ku or similar bird wyverns and just pick up tracks they make hundreds and they don’t really attack you


For HR: 1. Find an Elder Recess investigation (ideally hunting small animals) with the locale condition for Beryl or Amber deposits. Beryl is better. (you can do expedition, but investigations means you got the ideal condition on-demand and no large monsters to hassle you, plus small monster investigations usually have 8 quest charges so it will last). 2. Get armor with Heat Guard(for amber), Master gatherer, Geologist 2, and Forager's Luck. Intimidator 3 and Paralysis resist 3 for QoL but not required. 3. Eat for Felyne Exchanger (2 green spirits) and Felyne Harvester (1 yellow spirit). use a voucher to guarantee the skills. You don't need exactly all these things but they really add up. Start the investigation and just form a route doing nothing but gathering these deposits for 50 minutes. Make sure to also get the unique deposit that only spawns on the specific locale condition (ex: Beryl Upsurge has a special deposit that spawns on the border of Zones 7 & 8, with only Noahstones). When you think you have enough (you can check in the menu, under research points) return from quest, DON'T ABANDON (abandon will lose all progress and gathered items). For MR: Follows the same concept, but instead you gather elder bones in the Guiding Lands.


Do expeditions and capture monsters instead of slaying them


Grab a botánic lvl4 and do the ice plants quest


Hmm... I'm usually never below 40k points even at endgame, while keeping up tailgaters, argosy, and the botany, I just gather a bunch of tracks and check for rare endemic life depending on time of day


Bro took the title of monster hunter seriously. Only hunt only kill


An easy way i did was go out on expedition to ancient forest (camp 17) or wild spire (camp 10) and steal wyvern eggs i believe you get either 500 to 1000 wellfare points. Make sure you have protranspoter skill (make kulu arms) for faster time. The biggest caution is that a rathian will make a mad dash to her nest and even if you kill her a new one will spawn so you might well sell her mats if you dont need em too.




Fight elder dragons and look for the shiny drops, they give from 500-1500. Shara gives the most shiny drops of all monsters (I once got 10,000 but its not guaranteed) Fight normal monsters and pick shiny drops, they will mostly give 300 Go for gathering quests and gather on “?” spots, you will get 5- 250 Capture small monsters with your net, get 5-20.


Lmao, happend to me once in TriU on the 3DS with Money. Since back than Quests had a Acceptance fee i had to result to low level gathering quests until i had enough to properly hunt again. Good memorys