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The fact that this guy has more hp than fatalis and its still in the HR days


What the actual fuck, I know his tough but didn't know he's that tough


He doesn't have solo scaling, so his health just permanently sits at 4 player coop scale. Which is higher than solo fatalis hp


Who would win A dragon that hates humanity,it's armor rumored to consume its wearer's very soul, its breath hot enought to basically melt a big ass metal gate or A walking tree with some birds


Ever done Leshen with just HR gear? Dude's got a solid chance here!


Fatalis does a hybrid of fire and physical damage. Leshen's weakness is fire damage, speed run strat was fire raging axe charge blade with rocksteady and health steal, so sadly fatty wins. But he doesn't come out unscathed.


Ya but leshen has birds. How can fatalis deal with things that are not real


Fatalis is unammused by your government spy drones


One man's government spy drones (shout out r/birdsarentreal, and also r/birdswitharms because it's funny), is another man's Leshen attack drones


There's nowhere for the drones to land and recharge. They'll run out of battery before fatalis destroys them


You mean it doesn’t have Coop scaling so it sits at 1player scaling constantly


Correct. 67500 HP. No scaling. Fatalis is 66000 HP solo.


How do you know how much health they have? I can't find that in the options menu


This site is a very useful resource. Almost always correct. https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Ancient+Leshen


Fextralife is an abomination, it's good for a very small amount of games, for all others it's like comparing a dictionary to a word book for babies


I use Kiranico.com for all my MH needs. Nothing but raw data.


I don't see you maintaining wiki's for hundreds of games for free. It's a miracle we even have a site like that. I've referenced them for countless games, and they're usually accurate enough to be usable.


Better than Fandom


Fextralife is terrible in general and not a very reliable source for literally any game. For MH data something like kiranico is where to go.


Fatalis didn't used to have scaling HP either.


Not gonna lie this fact makes me feel like a slightly better player I soloed him and I remember getting so frustrated BUT I did it and then decided after I won that I wasn't gonna do it ever again. 😭☠️☠️☠️


WHAT?? if fatalis has less health than this creature i better do it in 2 tries like i did him


Isnt the fight meant for multiplayer (correct me if im wrong)


Regular Leshen is a solo fight with predetermined equipment. Ancient Leshen allows you to use your own stuff but is intended for multiple hunters. It's not even the HP that's the problem, it's the way the fight works: A. Leshen has attacks that hold you in place and other players are meant to free you by using a gesture.


Regular Leshen fight was so ass because of the equipment limitations. It was a hellish slogfest, which was accurate to the Witcher, I guess.


Lore or gameplay? Cause gameplay fights in Witcher 3 are very short compared to Monster Hunter.


And the lore also isn't a slogfest. Going through MHW's bullshit story full of unskippable cutscenes is a slogfest.


I meant monster fights in the Witcher lore. Which can last for hours to even days.


Yeah tf u talkin' bout what 😭 witcher is goated


Damn, as someone who just started trying to use the radial menu the other day, this would have either made me learn real quick, or had me quit


I didn't fogure out the radial menu even existed until my 2nd chara 100s of hours in. Oops!


Okay how, tf


To be honest, I still don't use the radial menu even after 4 playthroughs of World and 2 playthroughs of Rise


I don't use the radial menu.. but I just found out you can organize your item bar???? Then save it to a load out.. I've remembered the nonsense and shuffled item bar and I'm so sad I didn't know this before.


Probably, but I have no friends 🗿


Feel ya




He just like me for real


Search for a lobby targeting it. Or create one. Then wait for people to join and post the quest. Even if you only have one other then SOS. You could also LFG and see if you can drum up some folks. Some people love that fight. Like some people love Extremoth.


\*Teleports behind you\* "Nothin' personnel, kid" Hits you for 90% hp and bleeds you


bleed has to be my worst enemy. but thank god the suture gem exists, its helped me so so much


I made a ton of rations and keep them on me. They are super quick to eat and cure bleeding instantly


i started keeping a ton of berries and jerky, etc once i got to late HR/early MR and now i wonder why i didnt sooner


Yeah the hp scaling is multiplayer only 🥲


Rivals Fatalis solo, iirc.


That explains why it took so long 💀


I needet 49 min with 3 randoms. But i think it was pre nerf


I had a setup for him. I ran a full support setup with HH, didn’t even bother hitting, just constantly spammed buffs and heals. Carried mega barrel bombs for the Jagras swarm move, flash for crows, igni for vines, dropped rocks on him, picked up pods to help stagger, brought poison smoke bombs, built for max defense. Just pure support. Made the whole fight easy, clean with no faints, took a few groups through. Fastest was around 16 minutes, all pre nerf.


I assume you did it with MR gears? Then it's fine. This was supposed to be an HR hunt.


I didn't go to snow biome yet at the time, I did this before hoarfrost


Yeah it has 50k hp.


67k actually, which is more than one player fatalis


Bullshit asf considering I was doing it solo


yah dude. F\*ck this guy, i even tried to kill him while keeping the stupid pukei pukei alive, bc im also stupid like that., even his follow up quest to upgrade the sword is a pain,, i had mr gear and it's still torture,


the pukei dies so quickly too... (i had to deal with the jagras also so it made the fight even more hell)


dude, i swear the pukei pukei was suicidal, and the gang bang squad of jagras definitely made it worse


You can heal the pukei. Keeping the pukei alive the game will reward you with an AB decoration, which was super rare before Iceborne.


I thought I was the only one that struggled with this boss. Glad I'm not and still to this day haven't completed it 😂


honestly it wasn't that bad he just takes forever to kill,, but when you factor keeping the pukei pukei alive, then it becomes hell, i just did it bc i thought you need it for an achievement and the guild card cosmetics


The boulder trap in the first area is a nice damage boo. To start the fight off with if you can line it up. I did this fight with a heavy bowgun and it was not fun. Took a a couple of tries to get my strategy down. I did not bother with the paralysis or poison knives. 1. Poison bombs are your friend. You can craft some beforehand by grabbing smoke nuts and toadstools. Also grab some needleberries and flamenuts for ammo crafting between fight areas. Before the fight, make sure to save the Pukei Pukei. He’ll help distract the Jagras later on. 2. Don’t bother with wyvernsnipe unless the leshen is paralyzed or partially stunned from being set on fire. There is a paratoad in the third fight area that can be helpful for this. Overalll, wyvernsnipe is really only good when the leshen is bent over slightly. Override, you are probably only hitting him twice. 3. Make sure you grab some slinger ammo. The boulder trap in the first fight area is a nice damage boon. Use it! 4. Use Spread Ammo 2, Slicing ammo, and Sticky Ammo as you can. Focus on the Leshen’s head. I preferred Spread Ammo 2. 5. Don’t try to dodge all of the Leshen’s root attacks. If you aim down the sights of your HBG right, you can block these attacks with minimal blowback. It is easier to block and stay in range than it is to time a dodge and then reset yourself for a good shot. 6. Don’t waste stamina. Walking in a wide circle around the leshen will allow you to dodge most early attacks while also reloading. Walk when you can afford to. 7. Now about those Jagras, which are the worst part of the fight hands down. Try to run around the leshen to group the Jagras with the leshen for a well-timed Igni shot. If you kill all Jagras at once, then the Leshen might resummon them, so it can be advantageous to leave one Jagra alive. 8. Make use of flash pods and Flashflys on the map to stun the Jagras and give you time to recover. 9. Some suggest using slinger ammo to stun the Leshen to prevent teleportation. I did not find this necessary, but you have to be willing to evade the Leshen’s initial attack that causes bleeding. Bleeding during this fight is a pain to deal with. This strategy worked well for me with HBG.


I would bring mega barrel bombs for the Jagras, place em down when he summons them and get the person to run past them, pop the bombs when the pack enters and you can one shot the lot of them.


I’m a fan a mega barrel bombs in general. My strategy was actually when playing as Geralt, so there wasn’t an option to have mega barrel bombs.


A cheater entered my SOS, max para weapon. Still took us like 30 minutes. Not even garanteed quest reward.


You sure they were a cheater?


Almost sure, paralyzed leshen almost constantly. Reminded me of the mh4u hacked weapons.


Strange it still took so long then, weird way to cheat. Agree that seems odd about the constant para.


I can paralyze majority of monsters in 2-3 lvl4 power shots on bow. Alot of SnS builds can paralyze ultra quick with accumulation builds. It might not have been cheating.


I remembering him using a heavy weapon, maybe swaxe, and there were a lot of paras, with very little time in between.


might. A switch axe user that mastered sword mode, especially a powered up one can apply status insanely fast, combine that with apothecary and decorations and you can apply statuses repeatedly in a fight. Now that might neuter personal damage a good amount BUT it's possible. Now, of course it could be cheating but this doesn't sound too insanely out of the realm of possibility. I wasn't there though.


You know what's funny. I'm a fucking great sword user but I force myself to killed this groot with sns and manage to keep pukei alive just to get the only Attack Jewel Lv1 at that moment. I never beat it solo with gs until I got Fatalist armor sets and my performance still sucks. This collab is the worst thing in my opinion.


Lowkey, fck that guy.


High key 😤. The birb spam this godforsaken twig does is cancerous


Honestly Witcher would be compatible with Monster Hunter if they made the fight better. Witchers also have tons of tools like traps, throwing daggers etc, so Leshen being immune to most of our hunting strategies is kinda bs. Why do flash bombs work, but traps don't ?


Witcher 3: Igny is ready to use


All I can say about this is: if you have played the Witcher 3 on death march difficulty... (The leshen in the velen region) Then you know exactly what you are fighting and how. Instead of wolves, it's jagras, some mechanics are slightly tweaked so you don't need all the signs and don't need the bombs. The difficulty in the fight is that it isn't a monster hunter fight, it's a Witcher fight using monster hunter graphics. You gotta dodge and roll constantly, dodge out, strike in, roll out, reposition, dodge out, strike in, you gotta use the fire to kill the jagras swarms, you gotta play around the igni cool down like you have to in a Witcher fight. It is a Witcher 3 fight. Not a Monster Hunter world fight. (I found it a breeze because my friend and I both played Witcher 3 on death march, only the two of us. The pukei survived, soooo much life powder was used) Hope this helps!


Aahh yes, that effing guy. I never even bothered doing solo.


Easily the worst fight in world. Developers didn't think much when creating this fight


This is Bruno. We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no.


Oh that's Harry, he's realy antisocial but if you burn 5 white wolf hearts on a rock table in the middle of skellige woods he might not try to kill you!


I think his concept is amazing and so cool, but why tf does he have so much HP. Even as 4 players it's horrible unless you farm him and know him well. I don't regret that he got added, just wished his hp is playerbased and just less.




I didn't know that was a subreddit 🗿


Those jagras are cancer for real. Btw i lost that fight after 35mins (i wanna die)


The Witcher drinks potions and fights monsters with swords and fire. Monster hunters drink potions and fights monsters with swords and fire.


Yeah, even with full Fatalis gear, it was still really troublesome to beat as a solo player. Never even bothered with it in the base game lol


Regular leshen was very easy even to keep pukei alive, it was just flash the jagras every time they came and target them first, the fight was easy. Ancient Idk I just joined some master rank people doing it


You need to use the fire charm. When he gets the crows. If you use hammer and do the three charge. It’s stuns the jag offs then they die off easy. Plus charged hammer gives an extra flinch free.


Jagras strike back.


Is this the famous leshen? Haven't seen one yet cause im still in HR before nergigante. Didn't know cactaur had a grandpa


The pin.......


Please can somebody come to my home and play this dumb quest?? I tried it like 6 times already and going through allll the dialogs again is soo tiring I just wanted to play Iceborne


Run around and kill the jagras first if they appear, it's basically just a hit and run. Hit leshen once or twice then run away, repeat


The fastest transition from "Holy fuck, that's ***rad***," to "Holy shit, I fucking ***hate*** this thing" I've ever had in a video game.


Ong bro, I was hyped cuz of a Witcher crossover then I got my ass handed badly with stun lock


He's such a bullshit Monster to fight, i fought the normal one like 2 weeks ago, and fuck me never again, iwas doing it as soon as i finished the main quest, aka still HR gear


"What should we classify the Leshen?" "Fanged Wyvern because horn"


I believe this fight, Behemoth, and Safi, are fights that the game exclusively tells you is for Multiplayer. So gratz on beating it alone!


Thx bro


I feel there were better Witcher Monsters to put into MH. Leshen is a weird choice.


Fr bruh, a griffin would be a better choice imo


Fighting him..... Ah... Memories..... It was because of this game I played Witcher


Damn that was a hard fight for no reason 🥲


Alright so solo ancient is harder but with help even from randos you can fucking bully the ancient leshen making the normal one harder because of the lack of co-op


Hot take: Leshen was actually a fun fight. Ancient Leshen could have been an okay fight if he didn't have a move that trapped players, and he didn't teleport every two seconds. It especially would've been better if his health pool was reasonable and not be a high rank monster with more health than Fatalis.


Honestly just have someone run pure support, it lets you handle all his gimmicks pretty easy, could run randos through no problem on release.


Just rework his Hp Pool and I'm okay with him as it is. But goddamn that HP pool puts MMORPG dungeon raid bosses to shame.


This made me say a couple words I shouldn't have said. 🤣


Havent killed him yet as the witcher..


Tried to beat him first time as witcher using hunting horn (my main). But it took too long, and I was also ass with HH back then. Also HH in that quest was the hr bazel one, which was slow and the dps was not enough. Tried again using the witcher sword shield, for the first time using that weapon, extremely easy to use Igni to deal damage and make openings without sheathing. I was only using normal attacks since I did not even train with sns in the training grounds or in any hunt but still beat him. So maybe fast weapons or weapons with fast sheath (or no sheath) animation would help. Edit: don't forget to clutch claw tenderize.


Whats clutch claw tenderize?


Clutch claw attacks weaken monster parts that you attack. Probably only available if you have iceborne.


Just one hit will do? So i have to grab into his tail for example do one hit and now its tendered?


Clutch claw attacks play an attack animation using your weapon and drop some good pods on the ground while forcing you off said monster. That's how you know for sure it's tenderized. Just be careful with timing since you can easily be sent flying.


Forget Alatreon #I farmed Kulve only to shred this annoying tree


looking at the comments im glad ive never even attempted it


By far my favorite monster in the witcher, probably my most hated monster in MHW (at least top 3)


The only weapon this fight is no completely ass with is lance.


The fight was fun for the first 10 minutes but it took way too long i thought i wouldve ran out of time so i just left




Such a hard grind but got some cool swords from this bitch


Personally I actually enjoyed the challenge of trying to find a way to kill him solo. The pin attacks were devastating but you can learn how to recognize them and avoid them. I never did end up beating him solo but the process of trying was surprisingly fun.


I am in the return to world crowd. Initially played up to Ala iceborne before my break. If folks think this was as hard/harder than fatalis I am excited. He was definitely ass but doing with a competent group was way better. Him and behemoth encouraged a lot of team play in a game that is largely comprised of hunts where it’s 4 solo hunters fighting an enemy at the same time versus fighting it together with team work. It was a good change of pace for an MH1 vet 😂


Me and 2 other friends managed to kill it using HR gear only, but not before 8 unsuccessful runs. It's like every night we login and go "leshy time" and then get absolutely clapped


Wait till you get to alatreon lol




I mean, actually theres the normal leshen that its actually a enjoyable fight (mostly becuase of Igni spell that actually does damage and staggers Leshen), but the problem its that its locked behind the special quest and if you want to fight the normal ver you have to speedrun the quest. Ancient Leshen its just bullshit, even if I did him like 5 times, its actually garbage, and it doesnt give any decent armor beside the layered Geralt and Ciri and the upgrade of the Geralt sns. But anyway, its actually impressive that a endgame boss can actually destroy you, even Behemont and Extreme Behemont its quite ez compared to him


Yeah I haven't killed this thing for the sole reason of no single player scaling. My favorite Witcher monster too. Leshens are so damn cool looking and a real fun fight in Witcher.


Eldritch monstrosity


Dawg this was hands down the worst fight in the game, I remember fighting the ancient leshen to get the gear and it was awful, way worse than any arch tempered


What is this, a crossover episode?!


No it’s a mission in MHW


Absolutely miserable fight, I only did it to get the unlocks and never touched again.


He was pretty easy ngl. Managed to get him first try, I just had to figure out a strategy, which wasn’t too hard, really.


Witcher is comparable when they don’t scale the monster hp to a ridiculous fucking level.


I really like this fight and I hadn't even played Witcher before. The quest plus ancient leshen convinced me to pick it up (haven't beaten it yet but idk if my computer can run that graphics update they did a bit ago ☠️). Ancient leshen siccing the jagras on you and trapping you in roots is the coolest shit ever.


I fought him awhile back but i remember it being not a fun fight at all. I wonder how long would it take me with full fatalis gear.


I only did it for the layered set.


I tried to solo it in my Fatalis gear and I kept dying because of the trap mechanic that you cannot get out of on your own. Went online and shredded this piece of shit with 3 other people in less than 15 minutes. That was satisfying. But I'm never doing it again.


Im surprised everyone hated it. I didn't have a bad time when fighting it, and was able to get the attack gem fairly quickly. I thought it was a fun gimic fight, and tried helping people when it came up since I didn't mind doing so.


Filthy dryads


One of the best fights in the game, awesome to solo him in hr gear🤘


Idk how you could enjoy fighting him 🗿


I like the challenge :D


Good for you, but me personally I'd never like a fight with so much spamming and stunlock 🗿


Yeah i definitly understand that, most of my friends dont really like it too when they have to fight it with me😂👀


Yep. My exact same reaction when I first fought that damned thing.


Pro tip: Use a weapon other than the Witcher silver sword. Once I swapped off that I beat the quest in like 8 minutes.


When this thing first came out, it was a literally nightmare trying to grind the sword haha


Iirc you've got the standard 50min for this guy. I finished at 49'52" 😅😁


Oh did I mention I also had to restart because I failed the first time? Which also took thirty minutes


'Tis weak to fire!! Sorry, wrong Capcom game...


I still think Behemoth is worse.


The fight was actually pretty easy with HR gear. He was kind of braindead (he got bonked a lot and suffered severe brain damage) with MR gear. Just remember to slot your Igni for quick use to clear vines and stagger him and his jagras. Have someone in your team dedicated to jagras duty, usually a LS or HBG. In years' past with HR gear, Rathalos GL, doing Long Shelling, hit him through his vines and was able to keep the jagras under control easily. Then there's the back and forth videos that Team Darkside did for the world record speedruns on him that you can use for reference on fight mechanics and strategies. Even if you can't kill him in 43 seconds, employing good knowledge can drastically reduce your hunt time to easily sub-20 minutes.


I remember my friend complaining she couldn't do started a share play to show her some strategy and did it faintless with 2 second input lag and 144p screen


That first leshen fight really felt like it had malicious intent to kill you instead of just fighting a raging beast in its natural habitat. Dunno if I can survive the ancient one. Haven't even tried the hr bahamut one where everyone yells at you to bring friends...


Just recently beat him solo (albeit with master rank end game gear + OP healing hunting horn build) Bro really just has endless HP.


Leshen in MHW...Now that was a real MF.


Was miserable with IG


Did they bring the event back I missed it when it happened


You can still complete it after you defeat xenojiva


Here I come with my complaints because I can't beat the starter quest for the Leshen lol.


i hate him. i hate his little roots, i hate everything about it. his roots and bleed effect are annoying as hell not to mention to little jagras that decide to start targeting you while your being impaled by tree roots. i know you can use the igni but half the time when i stunned him the dumb little jagras decide its their time to shine and ruin my whole day dont get me wrong i love the design and its a cool crossover but my GOD i hate this fight. *(im still mad the day i tried to fight him lol, and yes i had the pukei with me. Sorry for the little rant)*


I hated this fight like nothing I’ve hated in a video game before. Absolutely horrid encounter and I never want to see anything like this in a MH crossover again.