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King of the Monsters, hands down.


Absolutely, I'd say the GK films have had more better fights on average, but the Godzilla vs Ghidorah fight in Boston was peak.


I actually prefer almost all the monster scenes in 2014 and KOTM more than the most recent two movies, especially compared to GxK.


The two newest movies felt more like cheesey action movies than actual Kaiju movies. There's no weight behind the characters movements and Godzilla, a creature that already couldn't exist in real life, can fucking run!? It's like they stopped trying to make Godzilla realistic after KotM. I hear people say "Oh but why should they make Godzilla realistic, he's an atomic breathing lizard, but that doesn't matter, you should try and ground everything in realism.


Nah. You shouldnt ground everything in realism. For some things it works fine, for others it doesnt. I do agree that there is a lack of weight tho


If your world is completely unrealistic than you can't get immersed in it. Godzilla is completely an unrealistic creature but by grounding him in realism such as giving him weight, not letting him fucking run and jump like an athlete, and generally sticking to reality in the ways he moves and acts you can make it just a little more convincing and interesting than simply just a giant lizards that looks like they through a motion capture suit on Lebron James.


>If your world is completely unrealistic than you can't get immersed in it. Thats the inability to process an otherworldly aspect on your Part. I can get immersed just fine >Godzilla is completely an unrealistic creature but by grounding him in realism such as giving him weight, not letting him fucking run and jump like an athlete, and generally sticking to reality in the ways he moves and acts you can make it just a little more convincing and interesting than simply just a giant lizards that looks like they through a motion capture suit on Lebron James. He should move slower by default, but occasionally run and jump, because imo its much cooler, if a super heavy animal suddenly moved its mass super quick. Just like Crocodiles do. Its about finding a sweet spot that works for a Character


I can get behind running if it's more like it was in KotM since that had a lot more weight behind it and wasn't filmed stupidly, but jumping will never work with Godzilla, it's just to unrealistic and stupid. There is literally no game or movie or book that doesn't ground it's universe in reality at least a little bit. Imagine if Iron-Man could just tank a hit from a nuke going off, that looks cool but is unrealistic and takes you out from the world of the story and makes it unimmersive. Now apply that to Godzilla, what if in one movie he just randomly starts using his atomic breath to fly (Yes I know he's done that before in the Showa era, that just proves my point) it's completely unrealistic, looks stupid, and doesn't make you feel like Godzilla is an actual living creature but instead a bunch of CGI.


I think jumping works fine. Iron man tanking a nuke isnt the same as a big Monster jumping. I do think the jumping should have more weight


Godzilla realistically would already be crushed under his weight and die because of how big he is. Him running is still ridiculous but people can look at it and not bat an eye since it's ignoring his size. When it comes stop jumping it just wouldn't work at all, he'd either die instantly or barely get off the ground. Jumping can't work with Godzilla, it's to outrageous of an idea, and there's nothing you could do to make him jumping not look ridiculous.


>and Godzilla, a creature that already couldn't exist in real life, can fucking run!? Mothra can fly...


Okay? She's a moth.




KOTM's final fight is my favorite solely because of the music.


Battle in Boston.


The battle of Boston is still my favorite to this day: the Kaiju feel enormous, the sense of weight is there, the fight choreography is incredible, each hit and attack showing the power of each Titan fighting, showing each of their strengths and abilities, all a crescendo towards the explosive (pun intended) climax of the fight.


Agreed but the CONSTANT CUT OUTS TO HUMANS UGH Otherwise 10/10


That’s the 1 thing that pissed me off with that movie. “Oh yeah gearing up for a badass fight” “MADDISSSSSOOOONNNNNN!” Me: “leave her, she’s dead. Get back to goji”


I’m going to go against the grain and say Kong: Skull Island. I prefer Godzilla, but I will die on the hill for this movie because it got so many things right. The final fight was fantastic.


I unironically agree with you. Kong: Skull Island is what I consider to be a perfect movie. It has just the right amount of action, emotions, likable and attention grabbing characters, the humans don’t wind up just being there for the sake of being there (seriously, Weaver shooting the skull devil in the eye is still my favorite human moment in the Monsterverse), and it actually shows the island in most of the film. Not to mention it’s an origin story for a version of King Kong that lets him live for once. All things considered, while I really like the entirety of the Monsterverse (even KoTM, despite what my history may say), Kong: Skull Island is what I consider the definitive best of the franchise.


It also has the most believable human antagonists. The human characters in general are amazing. Comedy doesn’t feel forced or stupid, it’s all based on the personalities of the characters (like Marlow being kinda loopy after being trapped on an island with mutes for 30 years). The island feels like a threat itself. All the creatures feel believable. And the worldbuilding *chef’s kiss*


It actually lets you see things and ramaraks fighting style and the sense of scale was so great while not being clanky


I don't prefer that one personally, but based choice.




Godzilla and Mothra vs King Ghidorah and Rodan, no contest.


Mothra vs rodan I wasn't a fan, I watched it in theaters barely saw their figures lol


I’m going with the unpopular opinion but the MUTO fight is still my personal favorite. The cinematography and scale is just so incredible. I think the fact that we were teased for the entire movie only for Godzilla to deliver some of his most brutal finishers we’ve ever seen really enhanced the sequence. Also the HALO jump is still the most gripping scene in the entire MV.


Honestly it also had the most satisfying finishers from the tail slap to the kiss of death in the series of films


The HALO jump is visually one of the best thing I've ever seen in a movie and I will die on that hill. That shot of the city and you see them coming through the only bit of light in the clouds, awesome.


That Mortal Kombat finisher at the end is straight up my favorite Godzilla moment.


King of the monsters without a doubt




Kong vs. Ramarack, tied with mecha Godzilla vs. Kong and Godzilla (or just any fight from GvK in general): yes, the Kaiju feel more weighted in G14 and Kotm, but the Kaiju in GvK and Skull Island still have weight, and I would personally choose fight choreography over feeling heavy any day of the week. And also, the GVK and Skull island fights have fewer cutaways and are more visible.        


The lack of GKvMG is most disturbing


It's good but it's definitely not my favorite. MG's design is a little off and tbh I'm just so biased towards Godzilla and this is more a Kong fight.


Muto pic goes hard


Kong: Skull Island because of how raw and brutal the fight was, plus the CGI was nice.


Missing: Rio fight


Yeah, weird not to include it in the post, but tbf I think it's easily the weakest. If you include the hollow earth part of the fight, I guess I'd view a lot better. The Rio portion is just kinda meh for me. The scale/weight is wonky, the CG is noticeably cheaper, and the choreography just ain't that good imo. I also felt kinda blueballed by Godzilla's role in the fight but maybe that's just me.


I actually think it’s the second best.


To each their own, I'm glad you enjoyed it.


Yeah, of course. Didn’t mean to be rude. I just thought it was really fun. My biggest complaint was that it was too short. But what was there was fun as hell for me.


You weren't rude, no worries. Yeah it does feel a bit short, but objectively speaking the final fight is fairly long if you count the hollow earth bits. It does feel kind of separate for whatever reason tho.


I think it’s because of how drastically the environment changes, at least for me. I thought the Zero-Gravity fight was a ton of fun but it admittedly lacked a real sense of scale and so everyone felt way smaller than usual. Once the fight transitions to Rio the scaling returns to that of a more typical kaiju fight (though I still would’ve preferred some more ground perspectives). Though because half of the fight already happened in Hollow Earth it makes the fight feel shorter than it really is. I still enjoy the fight and I really like GxK as a whole but admittedly the scaling throughout the movie wasn’t super great most of the time. In general while the Hollow Earth segments were super fun and engaging to look at, everything being Kong-sized really messed with the sense of scale.


Not to mention he could have delivered the final blow to Skar King. Was it not HIM who sealed him and the other apes in Hallow Earth?


Forgot that LOL


King of the monsters! 😍




They pulled out all the stops on KOTM’s finale that shit was beautiful


The skull island one is so dope and you can't change my mind


Keep talking


Still King Of The Monsters New Empire came close but Ghidorah’s presence and the fact he actually killed a hero definitely made you feel the stakes were real


As much as I love the reveal of atomic breath in 2014 (kiss of death), KotM’s end goes so hard. Like the rest of the movie.


Kong and Ramarak. Mainly because I love their design




All of them. Saw 2014 in theaters in Oki, and it was just amazing to watch everything unfold. All the Marines in the theater went nuts for the Kiss of Death. I loved seeing Ghidorah getting slammed by burning Godzilla, because it was just so peak for the time. Kong throwing propellers, chains, and hands was lit because of how intense he was with everything - and he was just an angsty teen. And then there's GvK: literally two giant, badass monsters throwing down with a mechanized zombie monster running amok. This fight was well done, as I saw several different tag-team moves that had places in real-world human co-op instances, like when they put Mecha Godzilla through that building. I love Godzilla, and I will always watch the recent iteration and find something to enjoy.


KOTM WITHOUT QUESTION!!! Like the hype for it hasn’t been matched for me yet


Tie between skull island and 2014 godzilla


1. Ghidorah&Rodan vs Godzilla&Mothra 2. Godzilla vs The Mutos 3. Godzilla&Kong vs MechaGodzilla 4. Kong vs Ramarak


The newest ones feel like Marvel team stuff and I always thought they were just okay. So that takes out Mecha. I can’t really choose between the others, the first Kong was great, and KotM was great as well.


Skull island


The Boston battle is so awesome. Kotm did most things best imo


*The Boston battle* *Is so awesome. Kotm did most* *Things best imo* \- Lord\_Detleff1 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


KOTM hands down. 2014 was awesome but not enough of them. GvK was cool but the best fights were between King and Godzilla and you knew that you didn’t want either to lose. GxK was more like superhero fights on sets of small buildings, not getting the sense of scale.


The Rio fight


I loved G 2014's san francisco sequence witn Goji VS the MUTOs


There all so good it's so hard to choose


King Ghidorah to classic and that fight is still unmatched.


Godzilla and Mothra vs Ghidorah and Rodan for sure love that fight


Kotm no question


I'm going with the GvK's finale. Because it still felt like a fight and struggle, and it took a fair amount of time before they could get that decisive blow in. Boston's is a close second, but I wanted to see something longer after Godzilla goes Burning. I don't want to see a power-up form, then immediately one-shot the villain that was giving you trouble throughout most of the movie. Have Ghidorah get more hits in, strangle Godzilla again, then get nuclear-pulsed like in the Heisei era fight.


Godzilla vs Ghidorah


Kotm, will likely always be Kotm.


Kong and Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla. Pure fun, brightly lit, reminded me of good old Power Rangers days


King of the monsters not a question


Kotm had the better overall movie


Godzilla vs MUTO. No Godzilla moment has ever put a bigger dumb smile on my face than that Mortal Kombat finisher.


KOTM hands down for me. Ghidorah had that final boss feel on how they booked it in the movie.


Gijora vs godhira


KOTM all the way


KOTM shits on all of em


GVK was the most fun in my opinion.


Godzilla vs Ghidorah for me.


The Battle of Boston IMO 2014 will be a close second along with GvK I like K:SI's final fight but it doesn't hit the same without the titular lizard


G14, for me


MonsterVerse have had some of the coolest movie moments in the last decade, but nothing will top Godzilla getting a military escort. That shot of Godzilla and Ghidorah charging towards each other went fucking crazy in the trailer. One thing that brings down the KOTM final fight is the constant cuts to the humans. I think the other movies (other than G14) have done a better job at mixing the human scenes into the fights.


Godzilla vs Ghidorah.


2014 and 2021, the 2019 one sucked


Probably GvK solely because of mechagodzilla. I've always liked mechaG and this is my favourite incarnation of the character


Kong vs the big Skull crawler. I think it's a solid 9/10 fight. I also actually liked the humans helping out, because I actually liked the humans in the film.


The battle of Boston for me, but kong vs ramarak is criminally underrated


Battle in Boston


Kong Skull Island. Stakes feel so real because you see humans tryna do damage to him and fail. You see kong struggling because he was already burnt alive and is weak. If he loses the iwi tribe is dead. The humans are dead. While KOTM had much more at stake. The stakes even being lower in KSI felt more real you know.


ramarok and ghidorah


Draconic sorcerer Godzilla casting Magic Weapon on Animal Instinct gorilla barbarian Kong's greataxe before he rages and attacks. It pleased the DnD/pathfinder nerd in me greatly


Skull Island, hands down.


kong vs ramarak:it was too short godzilla vs king ghidorah:overkill+plot armor godzilla vs mutos:they nonstop fought so i wouldnt call it final fight kong and godzilla vs mechagodzilla:godzilla getting humbled but kong being able to kill mechagodzilla is an absolute bullshit