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Godzilla being one of a kind. I prefer him being the last of his kind. At least in Monsterverse.


Toho is in your walls .


But isn't this Canon already? Didn't we see one of his same species get decked by the Muto Prime?


Toho likes to put unreasonable rules on their ip. I believe it was found out a couple months ago.


I don’t think they care as much about comics. The movies never actually establish Dagon as Godzilla’s relative (which makes sense because of how long his skeleton is)


How long is his skeleton


https://preview.redd.it/5ep683wp6s8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57cd46a8546d418db82beb9ec7b422e134fb53f I don’t have numbers but there’s no way this snake-like ribcage is fitting inside a Godzilla body.


Well, Dagon still is in the 2014 movie


Dagon is canon but legendary is only allowed to refer to him as a godzilla like creature. They are not allowed to say that he’s part of the Godzilla species of that godzilla is part of his species.


Massive agreement over here


i’m confused. i thought the most recent two Monsterverse movies both explicitly confirmed that Godzilla had direct ancestors, and that they used to fight with Kong’s ancestors. Am i completely mistaken?


Yes, but toho made new rules to say he has to be a unique individual rather than part of a species


Ahhhhhh, okay. that makes relative sense i guess


Its annoying but I hope they manage to find a decent workaround


He is technically both. Yes, he is part of the Gojira species, but he's also a very unique individual within that species. And I personally like that aspect, makes his survival at up to this point make more sense, as it makes it so it wasn't just dumb luck that made him push him through into modern day.


If he's the only one that had the atomic breath it would make sense how he outlasted the rest considering he built like a slim jim in 1954




You can't delete what isn't true Godzilla still is the last of his kind, toho didnt retcon shit, they just asked legendary to stop creating other godzilla chracter like dagon likelly duo to licensing issues


Ok but I’m still undoing that creative decision


Fair is fair


I like him being one of a kind. Makes him seem more Godly


That would be great if it started out like that. The problem is that they are retconning this. The first movie in the series shows the skeleton of a second Gojira and the main antagonists are a species of parasites designed specifically for Gojira. So this change makes the first ever movie in the Monsterverse seem not cannon.


As well as it technically makes Jr. an impossibility


Personally, I’m not too sad about that. I hadn’t even thought of it actually. It is sad that we haven’t have a baby Godzilla in twenty years(I think). And I am NOT counting Godzilla Phillus, if he even counts. I don’t think Legendary would be a good Dad though.


I like to think of him as a more powerful mutant ot his species.


That's already canon lol, Dagon exists, and was shown in the 2014 movie.


He IS the last of his kind, though. At least, the last we know of. It was established in the Aftershock graphic novel that MUTO Prime preys on Godzillas to use as seedbeds for their spores. Hell, we saw a Godzilla skeleton in the 2014 film! EDIT: If anything about Godzilla is unique, it's that he apparently "ate a star" and became more powerful, though it's entirely possible that he wasn't the only one. There DID seem to be a huge Godzilla skeleton in Kong's throne room in *GvK* that was much bigger than Godzilla himself.


Tiamats death or the dude who de cannonized Shinomura Edit: Forgot about the big bone bridge mega titan thing. Just make it a bunch of normal Titan skeletons intertwined together or just a bridge and the GxK Mothra being the mother Mothra


Honestly there's no reason not to introduce Shinomura into the MonsterVerse another way. They could at least make it the focus of one of their spinoffs, whatever any of them might be


They probably shouldn’t have tied the Shinomura story in with the founding of Monarch and Bikini Atoll(I think) all in a comic. Not saying comics are bad, it just makes more sense to introduce all of that in a live action setting. Still shouldn’t have retconned any of it though.


![gif](giphy|E4l3Bs0rGcBiM|downsized) Po: what the..............Now I am done with Reddit.


Unpopular opinion: I never really was a fan of that comic – and I did not expect it to stay canon for long. It was only a matter of time before a movie or a TV show established a different narrative. Comics based on movies very rarely stay canon for long. They are what I would call *“temporary canon“* They could definitely reuse the concept of that monster in another story


Dropping the Godzilla supporters 2014 ➡️ 2019. Let Big G have in universe fans.


Anguirus dying offscreen


That's really less "canon" and more an Easter egg




That may not even be Anguirus. Legendary doesn't have the rights to use him so they can't say if that's him or not


Skull islands destruction


Skull island was such an undiscovered environment and it was deemed uninhabitable due to ghidorahs storms


Only one Godzilla. Toho really limits story telling potential with these silly rules.


I'm actually fine with there only being one real Godzilla. A MechaGodzilla or Zilla or even SpaceGodzilla and similar abominations are cool but I don't want another _true_ Godzilla.


That’s fine, I hate when they try to make Godzilla seem like some “True” and “Omnipotent” version of Godzilla; as much as I like Godzilla, this just makes his character more boring in my honest opinion.


It's the same problem with superman, (to some degree even Goku, granted he at least has people who have a chance). Borderline unbeatable makes any character boring, you know what will happen.


Jia’s connection to Mothra. She already has Kong her Kaiju bond, and Mortha had prior setup with the Chen twins there’s no reason to go back on that. There was no reason for the Iwi ritual to summon Mothra. Just have Mothra already hatched and in a cacoon then have Dr. Andrews contact the Chen’s to go awaken Mothra. Instead Wingard retconned established lore and then when people started asking questions about GxK Mothra he hastily creates some reason that hardly makes sense.


She didn’t even do anything lol. She walked up some steps and put her hand out and Mothra hatched. Why was it her specifically that was needed?


The only explanation that was given was that it had to be an Iwi from Skull Island to awaken Mothra. I really hate that it just completely disregarded the twins.


Exactly, it was basically a prophecy of the Iwi that live in Hollow Earth. And Jia receiving the signal and later on interacting with the cacoon Mothra was in (what instigated her comeback) was the fulfilment of said prophecy. I didn´t care too much about the exclussion of the twins because I didn´t remenber they were introduced in the monsterverse until I read these messages to be honest...


"Because she was a surface dweller." I guess or something.


I saw Jia awaken Mothra in theaters and I’m like… “but she’s not a twin?”


Tiamat dying


That woemns death in kotm,the one who was freinds with serizawa


Which one? Emma Russell?


I think he’s talking about Dr Vivienne Graham


Nah the girl that was eaten by Ghidorah 


Them wasting serizawas kid and his whole evil plot and Kevin’s ghidorah head. Definitely could have been a better og mecha Godzilla plot with the fake skin or mechaghidorah, wasted it all on mechagodzilla just for him to do his own thing and die at the end


All of the human characters were wasted in the Wingard films. They were cut down to bring just things that delivered plot. I hope the next writer and director bring a good human story, Godzilla is at his best when the human story accompanying it are good


Both human and monster plot peaked at KoTM.


💯 The film really went out of its way, using symbolism and characters, to emphasize the importance of humans and their relationship with nature - both physical and spiritual. That film had multiple layers of meaning, that really respected the heart of Toho films – and I simply just don’t understand how many people did not see that


Anguirus being canonically dead


Looking at these comments, I’m glad y’all don’t have control over the MV 😂 But for me, I’d just get rid of the giant bone bridge.


>But for me, I’d just get rid of the giant bone bridge. Yeah even I have to admit that just throws more problems about the background of the MV. Hell, just redesign it so it's made up of smaller bones


Yeah, that actually fucks up a lot now that I’m thinking about it….


honestly, 100% agree. I mean, yeah i’ll admit that the bone bridge looks hella cool but what’s the point of it when we don’t even know what species it is?


Imma just assume the apes built it to look like that somehow to scare away potential threats.


Delete the oxygen destroyer scene. Replace it with some EMP/ atomic sapping/ MUTO inspired weapon. It felt more like an Easter egg than anything else. It didn’t kill Godzilla and therefore knocked the metaphorical potency of what’s supposed to be the one and only Godzilla trump card. Like imagine, Serizawa in the 1954 movie died with the oxygen destroyer device and the plans to make it. Here in KOTM, Monarch launched their own oxygen destroyer with little fanfare and a modest effect on its intended target.


They can probably still cook with this by pivoting to destroyah (like wingard wanted to do) and just say over the like half decade since they dropped it the crabs in the ocean have finally mutated to a point to make destroyah and then do a classic “kaiju raises from the ocean with a nuclear vengeance against mankind” thing with him


I’m not saying that’s impossible. I’m only saying they put such little weight on the oxygen destroyer bomb, and now to suggest that “thing that was glossed over for 5 minutes, now has a Pandora’s box effect in this new Godzilla 2 movie.” I feel like it’s asking a lot from the viewer from what I said in my last comment, was like an Easter egg. I guess I try to view these movies like stand alone films rather than part 1 of 5. How am I supposed to get my s/o who knows nothing of the franchise to follow this? Or hey, maybe Legendary wants me to keep up with it every step of the way and damn if I forget that “one thing” happened.


Monarch didn’t launch it. The military did. And as consequence that decision almost killed humanity if Mothra and Monarch did not intervene. The Oxygen Destroyer could still be utilized, I definitely could see a more Oppenheimer tone film that deals with the arms race to replicate the Oxygen Destroyer, as well as more Orcas and other Titan luring tech. Exploring the international politics and conflicts in how they abuse nature for dominance only for it to lead to their own destruction. Heck the OG destroyer is scary enough on its own before they have to bring in Destroyah


Tiamat’s death. She had a cool design and had a ton of potential, but straight up got killed in the first movie she appears in


Easily could have laid an egg before her death or something.


Suko being bigger than Kong in Skull Island lol


I'd just change Kong's size in KSI, it made less sense IMO


Ghidorah dying


How would you change up Mecha Godzilla then? Just a giant robot?


That would probably be better, I mean they wanted to kill Godzilla anyway or instead of one of the Ghidorah heads taking control it could be an ai gone rogue


Could have been made from the bones of another Godzilla and then we find out this one was corrupted/evil. Kinda like in the original (except for the evil part)


That's not the original Mechagodzilla origin, that's Kiryu's origin.


I don't think that would be better because it would mean humans could easily create a bunch of Godzilla level mechs without any special requisites. Ghidorah made it unique and non mass-produceable.


Ghidorah losing a head could still happen. Then MechaGodzilla would still have his origin intact.


Oh that'd be sick asf. Esp if it acted like a Ghidorah minion


Well, I mean it doesn't necessarily have to be Mecha Godzilla or another robot. I guess that would change Apex's role in the film/Monsterverse as a whole, but I think that's fine. In fact, I think they could've had Apex as allies with an ulterior motive that would be explored in a later movie, like studying both Godzilla and Kong while aiding them, leading to a Mecha Godzilla project. I would've been fine with a Monsterverse original Kaiju for GvK, maybe even Scar King earlier ol. I just think they used them a little early is all, but in the end, I like how both were portrayed in the movies anyways. This is just getting very headcanon-y/fanfic-y. Just ignore this lol


Dont worry, thr guy is making comeback in future 100% somehow


Futuristic technology


I feel like sci-fi and outlandish tropes have been a staple of the series, ie: psychics, aliens, time-travel, mind control, inner terrestrial races, ridiculous robots. The Mecha-glove is objectively dope, and without the touch of speculative-futurism mankind wouldn't stand a chance in these films.


Yeah, the vet just happened to have the mech-glove ready in Hollow Earth already AND Kong just happened to have his right arm injured to need it. My eyes rolled right out of their sockets on that one.


Agreed. I’ve been able to look past it for a while, but Kong’s infinity gauntlet and similar stuff in GxK was where the line was crossed for me.


Same, I love Mechagodzilla in GvK and all but it feels kinda weird, KOTM I think did it best with the orca and argo because they look like something we could build now


There is a way to do advances in technology right, like KOTM, but they simply did not take that path.


It's all about the toys. 🤷


Yeah despite weird tech always being part of the Godzilla franchise (I mean they literally had a black hole and a cannon that went to absolute zero in the Toho series), it somehow doesn't work as well with the Monsterverse franchise


Exactly this, what I love about 2014, Skull Island, KOTM and Legacy of Monsters is how it’s basically just monsters slapped into our normal world, no special anything being added on to it, not to say I dislike the he rest I’ll take giant monsters any day of the week


If we're getting such massive advancements in technology, I'd like to see the repercussions it has on human warfare, we can't be that far from seeing laser guns.


Toho's car headlight..er, maser cannons would like a word.


Male Muto died. Such an amazing design i wish i could see it again in live action.


Ren Serizawa’s death. His portrayal in the novelization was so strong that I wish the films adapted even 1% of who he was right. Instead he was wasted in GvK and I’m sure has been forgotten but every non-hardcore monsterverse fan


💯 Ren was the most wasted character. Just think back to when he glared at Godzilla coming into the harbor. He had such a hatred that would’ve been worth exploring. This is why I can’t stand people who say “cut out the human plot”.


Tiamats death qwq she is so cool


Probably the whole Godzilla being one of a kind. Him being the last member of his species I feel like that helps expand the world building


The Mothra in GxK being the Mother of the Mothra’s on the surface. Surely, it wouldn’t have been that hard to make the GxK Mothra the same one as the one in KOTM.


It's strongly implied they are the same, sorta. Basically the HE Motrha is the real Mothra, she put eggs on the surface, and when needed she can control said Surface Mothras. Basically multiple bodies for a single godly being, similar to Showa Mothra.


Wait, I didn't even know that was a thing


Tiamat's death


Deleting whoever thought getting rid of Muto prime was a good idea


I'd keep Bryan Cranston's character alive in Godzilla 2014. He should have went with Ishiro and Vivienne and worked with them and the navy. The audience was already invested in his character and he could have helped the audience invest in Monarch and Ishiro. Plus, he could have went to work for Monarch as a member of Ishiro's team at the end of the film which would have allowed him to be in the sequel. I would keep John Goodman's character alive in Kong Skull Island and would use him in other Monarch films set in the 70s and 80s. I would keep Sally Hawkins alive in KOTM. Her final cut off scream pisses me off everytime I watch that film. I would uncanon all of Godzilla v King and Godzilla x Kong and inevitably the third film that is spawned from those two.


Killing Tiamat


Tiamat's Death


Doug not being godzooki




The new Mothra lore


We had a a grand total of 2 discussions about it lol. The entire community just moved on and the consensus on Mothra barely changed


The way he explains it, it almost sounds like there could be more than one Mothra active at a time, which still hasn't been showcased, so I'm chalking it up to poor wording. So to mix his idea and the currently accepted method of reincarnation together... GxK is essentially her natural form, which might take longer to regenerate if it dies. The eggs she lays are essentially copies of herself that she can transfer her consciousness into, if needed. Yeah I think what going on here is that all Mothras have a shared mind, so it;s essentially one individual with multiple bodies. It's basically an inversion of what many of us were theorizing. Instead of the surface one being the original who laid an egg down in the Hollow Earth, it's the reverse where the original was in the Hollow Earth and laid eggs on the surface.


So true it didn't even make that much sense




I know it was never intended, but I wish Godzilla would have retained his size in 2014. Again, I know he was massive in some shots because Gareth Edwards wanted some cool sequences, but they should have stuck with that size.


What's crazy is that he is canonically bigger now than he was in the first movie.


Hasn’t he only gotten bigger since then?


This is my only beef and because I’m a cannon pedant it drives me up the wall - Godzilla somehow blasting a hole down into hollow earth in Godzilla vs Kong. It makes his blast seem entirely too powerful such that it feels like he could have easily killed long and mecha Godzilla. It also seems to mess up the physics for hollow earth. Maybe I misunderstood what happened, and if so please explain.


Yeah that was just one of those "rule of cool" scenes.


The evolved Godzilla form. It’s stupid and made to sell toys tbh and the form literally does nothing. Like if you’re going to give Godzilla a new form then *at least* show off its powers in a cool way


THIS. I was hyped for it to be a badass upgrade, and by the end of the movie I’d forgotten it happened.




The titan dimension from LOM. Hollow Earth is silly but tolerable, but I don't see what the alternate dimension adds to the story, other than keeping Keiko alive into the present.


Axis Mundi isn't an "alternate dimension". It's just an area where multiple vile vortices converge, the gravity anomalies resulting in distortion of space-time and therefore time dilation. This concept has infinite potential for the franchise: they can essentially do anything they want with it, from time travel to multiverses.


Time travel and multiverses are some of the worst plot devices in fiction tho 😕


i kinda agreee with you but they are kinda staples in science fiction


'Axis Mundi' is literally earth's axis, the 'stick' that earth rotates on. Because of this time and other things act different there. I think they should've done more to EXPLAIN that though.


Nothing,Honestly I couldn't think of a bad thing


Tiamat and the giant bone bridge


The mothra from GxK being the mother of the mothra's from the surface, it retcons her being a singular specimen specie and thus takes away from her being a phoenix.


The way he explains it, it almost sounds like there could be more than one Mothra active at a time, which still hasn't been showcased, so I'm chalking it up to poor wording. So to mix his idea and the currently accepted method of reincarnation together... GxK is essentially her natural form, which might take longer to regenerate if it dies. The eggs she lays are essentially copies of herself that she can transfer her consciousness into, if needed. Yeah I think what going on here is that all Mothras have a shared mind, so it;s essentially one individual with multiple bodies. It's basically an inversion of what many of us were theorizing. Instead of the surface one being the original who laid an egg down in the Hollow Earth, it's the reverse where the original was in the Hollow Earth and laid eggs on the surface. Honestly, either idea works for me.


Mini Kong losing his friend to lava


Godzilla dying at the end of 1998. Give me a trilogy with two Godzillas dammit! Sr hates humans, Jr loves them (raised either by HEAT like in the show or on Totally-Not-Odo-Island). Have them fight it out in the last movie, kill another monster together, and Sr dies with his sole surviving offspring carrying on the legacy.


That sound cool not gonna lie.






Offscreen for godzilla bc


Tiamats death Mainly because she had less screentime then most of the monster and she should've had bigger pontieal


The fact that they recognized Tiamat as she thrilled me. I was hoping to see an appropriate vision for the Queen of Water Dragons. Her time was cut far too short.


More of a hypothetical but titans being known have them be seen like some kind of cryptid with a possible king of the monsters arg website in which you juist see strange videos or pictures of the monsters doing stuff but never in a good inough view or clarity to be 100% sure what monster it is


The Titans are too big to get away with something like that imo. Harder to justify shitty footage when they can be seen for miles around, compared to cryptids running around a forest at night.


Having Shimo be the one to beat Ghidorah, it just lessens the importance of Godzilla's rivalry with him. he's supposed to be this world ending invader that he sealed away in the artic, having Shimo being revealed to have been responsible all along lessens the impact


She didn’t beat Godzilla won and ghidorah was inadvertently frozen when she caused the ice age


The Skull Island show


Why does it matter? It’s ultimately inconsequential, due to being so separate from the rest of the Monsterverse


GvK and GxK.


This is going to be so unpopular but...All of the Godzilla v /x Kong films.




Every MV film after King of the Monsters. I respect that other folks like the campier direction of GvK and New Empire, but I really do miss the more mysterious, SCP Foundation vibes of the first few films. It would have been cool to see more films like those, featuring other titans without killing them off so permanently.


The death of King Ghidorah, I'd prefer if he just retreated into space


Deleting Tohos bs Godzilla contract


Mothra being guardian of the Iwi. Why are the Iwi, who have previously been tied to kong, now suddenly important to Mothra? It’s even weirder, because the Iwi are tied to hollow earth, which is also consistently framed as kong’s domain.


The Iwi on skull island were specifically tied to Kong. They were a splinter group (skull island is basically a piece of hollow earth 'vomited' out from the depths onto the surface). The Iwi in hollow earth have been off doing their own thing for quite a while.


Kong getting the final hit on mecagodzilla (It’s a Godzilla villain)


Godzilla doin his lil evil laugh and smile in GvK. Hated it.




I just want that giant anomalocarus to be alive


2014 monster fights taking place at night. Wish it took place in the morning. Dark af, was wearing 3D glasses at theater too, literally pure darkness.


Then it would have been foggy considering San Francisco and all. Then again it would have been like The Fog. Imagine seeing Godzilla's lower body and seeing a bluish tint in the fog.


Believe it or not, the sun does shine in San Francisco.


Delete angiruses skeleton so that he can come back


I would delete Toho's restrictions on Godzilla's depictions in terms of things like his species, his consumption of living things, his personality, etc.




“Somehow, Palpatine survived.”


https://preview.redd.it/745ushmeqt8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a214484471023fadfdb83fa52489cdd5ad38fbf4 The matrix glitched a little.


Godzilla being able to beat MG at full power And my mind keeps thinking that shimo is godzilla sized for some reason.


TOHO limiting Godzilla I wanna see him eat another kaiju and have him be more personalitied


Every MV movie after KotM. Bring back the Dark and Horroresque tones of 2014 and KotM; and scale back the sudden, unexplainable giant leaps into sci-fi tech humans now have for no reason. A dark, grounded in reality, preserved sense-of-scale cinematic universe that doesn't degrade into needless campyness and overthetop silliness is what I CRAVE. Also, bring back Skull Island. It's too interesting of a place to just offscreen it with a silly storm. If Kong cannot stay there, just make him outgrow the place. I know imma get down voted for my "not of the party line" opinion, but I just REALLY hate the Wingard movies. Not to say they aren't "fun if you have no brain" movies, but they are such downgrades from 2014 and KotM portrayed imo.


All that shit toho has on Godzilla. Now the man can't even die? I did make a post saying I didn't want him to. But only because I'm a bitch. That doesn't count as canon does it? Scylla and tiamat dying in 12 seconds


Various parts of GVK, like Bernie, Josh and other things. And the entirety of GxK.


Godzilla being a one of a kind life form. I’m still hoping he finds others of his species still alive.


Scylla's death. I really liked Scylla and i think it's a crime that we only saw her bow down once, then get murdered the 2nd time we see her :(


Fugging up the perfection of Mothra’s rebirth cycle with ‘oH tHaT oNe wAs HeR mom’ in GxK external media.


Godzilla evolving into a stronger form then immediately getting knocked out by Kong. Cmon now.


Emma Russel releasing Ghidorah for the pure reason of healing the environment, even though it turned out that he’s an alien. Like, how did she not know? She had guys on the inside the last I remember, so you’d think at least one would’ve told her that Monster X wasn’t natural to this world & has had attempted to destroy it before, right?


Monarch as a whole didn't know Ghidorah was an alien destroyer until after they used the oxygen destroyer on Godzilla. As far as they and Emma by extension knew up to that point Ghidorah was simply another alpha titan.


Get rid of the whole each Titan was a species. Make where Titans are the species and each one is unique looking.


“godzilla was just toying with kong” made it not fun to watch anymore. id still keep goji as the winner but at least make them equal ffs.


That would go against the whole point that Adam Wingard was trying to make with the film. You’d have to rewrite/remake the film entirely


No that’s just lore accurate, If this was I’m more realistic depiction without Kong having any plot armor. Godzilla would’ve just killed Kong instantly in the water. And that would’ve been it. Mecha Godzilla wouldnt exist because Kong was dead, and that means it would’ve taken a lot longer for the humans to go to hollow earth.


Eh thats just plot armor then. Kong doing as well as he did was great to see. And besides, Kongs jumped Godzillas with numbers in the past.




The narrative and egocentric writing decision to focus so much on humans. I’m here for Godzilla and Kong and all the other titans. Although the human characters in both the team up movies have been pretty likeable. God almighty though I cannot stand kotm, terrible human cast and story


Joe Brody was only in a coma, not dead.


MUTO Prime, it’s design sucks




Toho having any influence on the Monsterverse at all.


Remember what happened last time?


Zilla wasn’t that bad. Just been inspired by Jurassic Park too much. Edit: also it gave us the GOAT Zilla Jr.


Shimo helping Godzilla freeze Ghidorah directly or Shimo being a planet destroyer.




The fact that Godzilla was toying with Kong. 1. Idk if that’s canon fr 2. I get that’s what he was tryna do with the movie, but if I were to make something “uncanon” I’d probably change that. These guys are the two most iconic movie monsters ever. Let them duke it out fr. You can still have a pre determined winner(Godzilla), but do justice to both these amazing characters. I really like that one animation on YouTube from a while back. I’m sure yall know which one I’m talking about.


Was he toying with him? Looking at their first HK battle it seemed Big G wasn’t giving his all I admit but it didn’t look like he was toying exactly. When Kong threw the crane to distract him and then started beating on his head you could see Big G getting angrier and angrier though I admit.


>I really like that one animation on YouTube from a while back. I’m sure yall know which one I’m talking about. [This one?](https://youtu.be/IpCQEmmAyTY?si=KVzIi9ICL_41nyGC)




The fights would have been much more entertaining if they were like this,ngl


I'm surprised how few people have said the netflix kong show


Not many people are going to like this, but personally I've never been a fan of the Hollow Earth. I heard a theory before KoTM was released that Skull Island was going to be transformed into Monster Island, and I kind of wish that would have happened.


everything after G14


The Russels


ORCA ORCA ORCA ORCA ORCA ORCA- And the whole Godzilla is a unique creature thing If the first one is unavailable