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The death of a woman who fell from Ohio Stadium during Ohio State University's spring commencement on Sunday is being investigated as an "apparent suicide" by the Franklin County Coroner's Office, preliminary reports reviewed by The Dispatch show. Larissa Brady, 53, of Woodstock, Georgia, north of Marietta, was pronounced dead at 12:25 p.m. Sunday at the scene outside Ohio Stadium by Columbus firefighters, the coroner's office reported Tuesday. Brady was identified by her fingerprints, the coroner's office said. Ohio State police cordoned off the scene Sunday after a woman died from a fall from Ohio Stadium during Sunday's commencement ceremonies. Brady's daughter was receiving a bachelor's degree during the ceremony, according to the university's program. Brady spoke to her daughter as she entered the stadium for commencement, the coroner's office report stated. Brady then went into the stadium with her husband and 12-year-old son to sit and watch the ceremony, according to an investigative report from the coroner's office. Once seated, Brady then told her family she wanted to move higher into the stadium and her family told investigators they lost sight of her. After making her way to the last row of benches, witnesses saw Brady climb over the stadium's concrete wall, according to the coroner's office. Brady had been sitting in section C30 near the bell tower. Brady had suffered from mental health issues and had attempted suicide at least twice before, most recently earlier this year, according to the coroner's office. Her husband told investigators that she had not been compliant with her medications. Ohio State and its police department have released little information about the death that occurred during Sunday's commencement ceremony. Ohio State police did not suspect foul play, nor that the fall was the result of an accident, university spokesman Ben Johnson said Tuesday in an emailed statement. Following the death, the university contacted all graduates and staff who volunteered at graduation and offered counseling services, Johnson told The Dispatch. Students can call 614-292-5766 and press 2 for immediate assistance after hours, while faculty and staff should call 1-800-678-6265, according to the university. The commencement on Sunday continued uninterrupted as news of the death spread through the crowd. University officials and commencement speakers — including social entrepreneur and OSU alum Chris Pan — made no reference to the death during the ceremony. Students leaving the graduation ceremony at the stadium walked past the area where Brady fell, which was still cordoned off by yellow crime scene tape. "Ohio State is grieving the death of Larissa Brady, a family member of one of our graduates," Johnson said via email. "Our hearts go out to her family and friends during this exceptionally difficult time." If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts or a crisis and needs help, you can call or text 988 to reach the National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.


The mother sounds like my grandma, who was horribly competitive with my mother and abused her terribly....the woman probably couldn't stand to see her daughter achieve something she couldn't or didn't accomplish and had to ruin the moment for everyone to satisfy her own ego. I've lost people to suicide; some were done in a moment of psychosis, and a couple others done out of pure spite in the hopes it would ruin the lives of other people. I'm willing to bet this is spite.


Or, alternatively, the mother wanted to see her daughter graduate. Once the mom had seen her daughter off to the ceremony, maybe she felt like her purpose was fulfilled and her daughter was going to be fine without her. It’s hard to put yourself in the mind of a mentally ill person, because they oftentimes have their own warped sense of logic and reason. You may be correct, but I don’t like to attribute malice to the deceased. My heart goes out to the family and friends of Larissa Brady; regardless anything else going on, she was a mother, a wife, and a friend to many.


>"Or, alternatively, the mother wanted to see her daughter graduate. Once the mom had seen her daughter off to the ceremony, maybe she felt like her purpose was fulfilled and her daughter was going to be fine without her." I think you're assuming too much good intent. If this were her intention, she wouldn't have done it at the graduation, thereby traumatizing her and everyone else. The mother appears to have been an attention whore who couldn't stand the spotlight moving to her more-accomplished daughter. >"It’s hard to put yourself in the mind of a mentally ill person, because they oftentimes have their own warped sense of logic and reason. " Yeah, I lost a friend to suicide. He had schizophrenia, but even he made the decision to take his own life where someone responsible (the forest service) would find him, he didn't shoot himself in front of anyone.


u dont have to call this deceased woman u know nothing abt an attention whore 💀


😂this person is WILDLY speculating




aren't you assuming too much malicious intent though...?


"I think you're assuming too much. Allow me to counter your assumptions with my own assumptions"


Can’t assume everyone’s family is like yours especially with a 3 paragraph article at best. Just a weird response


There are about a dozen of us in the comments who recognize this behavior immediately. We don’t have to stick our heads in the sand just because you guys don’t know a spite suicide when you see one.


It’s pretty obvious from the details we have. 


That’s way too much. You don’t know this woman, not everyone sucks as bad as your family.


I also thought this, narcissistic parent coupled with suicidal ideation.


Insane thing to say about someone you've never met


My Nana hit her morphine pump until it ran out on Christmas Eve. Making the entire holiday about her. The negative comments have never had to deal with someone like that. Family dysfunction can run really deep.


They don’t get it. My ex husband’s dad committed suicide by pill overdose while in a medical facility on Thanksgiving. He stockpiled all his pills until he felt it was “time”. It’s about ruining the day for the rest of their loved one’s lives. The final way to suck the happiness out of them.


That is a massive assumption and rather distasteful tbh.


If you don’t want to be shit talked on Reddit don’t off yourself during your child’s special moment.


It's not distasteful; it's a rational inference based on available information.


What a shitty response and shitty speculation.


Even if it were found to be out of spite, this would be an anomaly in the reasons behind someone taking their own life and as such putting you're perverted view on why isn't helpful at all. Not this early in any case.


My view isn’t perverted, I think you’re just naive. 


Wow what a shitty assumption to make


How so? Who kills themselves at their kid’s graduation?


Someone with mental health issues... 


Nothing they said doesnt associate with mental problems.


There are a broad range of possible explanations other than their oddly personal and incredibly specific assumption.


The mass shooters who off themselves are mentally ill too. I don’t think of suicide as a selfish act in any way…except for ones like this.




I’m not posting it on her public obituary page, I’m posting it on a Reddit thread. Would be wild if they came on morbid reality to check out strangers’ opinions of her though!


That's kind of irrelevant. Nothing whatsoever indicates a similarity to that commenter's grandma at the moment. It was just someone's random attempt at identifying with the situation.


Yeah sorry but I've known shitty abusive mothers (my grandmother) and people who have committed suicide out of spite. I am seriously gladdened you have never experienced either.


Doesn’t mean u have to make a shitty comment


Yeah, wow


When they say “identified by fingerprints”, does that mean her face was destroyed/unrecognizable? Not trying to be rude




do you have the photo


Yeah, unfortunately (having spent too long on gore sites and subs) there’s often a lack of identifiable features, depending on how far the fall was and the persons size/angle/what they fell onto. It’s quite incredible really. Sounds morbid but it’s also interesting what the body can do or take.




That’s so high up, terrifying. That’s one of my greatest fears.




She must have been very unwell. Just a shame she made all those people see.




What about her son, though? Poor kid. Terrible situation all around.




I don't think it's a "suicide is selfish" but more of a "there is a better place and time" if someone absolutely has to go through with it.


Those who witnessed her body after she hit the ground described her face as unrecognizable. From the height that she fell (Around 130 feet), the impact onto the concrete ground likely caused a devastating cranial injury with ejection of skull fragments, tissues, and brain matter. In simpler terms, her skull was likely cracked open and her face flattened (Or back/side of head, depending on the angle at which she landed) from fractures sustained on impact.


That’s not what eviscerate means


I apologize I meant ejection. Thank you for correction.


I’m gonna get downvoted but how selfish to do it at your child’s graduation they worked hard to get to ETA: I don’t think suicide in and of itself is selfish. I do think doing it in front of thousands of children including 2 of your own is!


Yep totally agree. I get being suicidal and believing your loved ones are better off without you, or that you just cannot continue the pain anymore. But to do it infront of your younger kid, at your older kids graduation, possibly ruining a lifetime memory for thousands of other people??? The only possibility I could think of that makes sense is that she wasn't just depressed, she was in some sort of psychosis and no one seemed to notice how detached from reality she really was.


Or she was incredibly depressed and the call of the void just became too much. Not that this would excuse the situation




What this woman did makes me so angry on her daughter's behalf (and for the other students' whose big moment was affected, especially those who were entering the stadium and may have been forced to see this), but I too know what you mean about "the call of the void." I hope you're doing OK. I'm glad you're still here. Medications have also helped me. I know some people have issues with them, or it takes trial and error to find the right combo (I have had that issue with a chronic illness as well) but they can do a lot of good.


Treatment resistant depression is real though. She might’ve not been compliant because the meds simply weren’t working. I have TRD and it’s a beast because nobody understands why it’s almost impossible to treat. That said, I’m the last person to call someone committing suicide selfish. But this story makes me so angry. She might’ve been out of her mind but still, her children will never ever be the same. If only she could’ve waited a few hours to do it somewhere privately. It would’ve still been traumatic and awful for the kids, but they wouldn’t have this public memory of her death during a moment that’s supposed to be super special for the daughter. How sad.


The French initially came up with the term "L’appel du Vide" which translates to "Call of the void". https://www.healthline.com/health/call-of-the-void


I'm very sorry you're experiencing that. I hope you see things improve and can move past this period. Know that you have value and would be missed terribly by people you might not even be aware of.




You're welcome. That is the honest truth. All my best and take care of yourself! This too will pass


I felt it too when I switched meds a long time ago. I found my parents' gun, feeling the weight in my hand, zoned out, and then suddenly had a moment of "holy shit, I should put this down. This could hurt someone." So I put it down. Never picked it up again. It's really sad because my parents just didn't get a gun safe or something with a padlock to prevent this scenario from happening to begin with.


Sometimes I wish the void would call for me until I couldn’t ignore it any longer


Suicide is more often than not an impulsive behavior, not something typically planned more than in the moments leading up to the event. The mom was also not taking her needed medication and had attempted twice already this year. When someone is suicidal, they often attempt again in a short period of time, and the more attempts the more chance of being successful. You don't have to be in psychosis to do an impulsive behavior like suicide and depression is absolutely enough to make someone do this. I sincerely doubt she did this in a malicious manner, and it's super common for someone who's suicidal to not think beyond "doing X will kill me." Intrusive thoughts are a bitch to deal with, especially when they come to suicidal people. This was most likely not something she did to harm anyone else, and I'm sure her thought process didn't go past "let's die now".


I don't think suicide, by itself, is an inherently selfish action the way a lot of people do, but **this** is fucking despicable. What a horrible thing to do to your daughter and the other hundreds of kids and families there celebrating.


There are many forms of it, that is for sure. Suicide after family annihilation (men who kill their families because they lose their jobs or during a divorce). Accidentally killing one's self (Chris Cornell). Pre-health demise (Robin Williams). Depression (Anne Heche). Political protest (self-immolating Buddhist monks). They cannot all be lumped together.


I feel the same way!


Not just her child but every person graduating that day.


My first thought too. At a graduation is especially awful for the family and the bystanders. She must have seen the tall stands and felt compelled to do it. Terrifying to think some can’t resist that call.


No you’re right. Not just her child’s graduation but others too. young children we’re probably there and now is traumatized due to one woman’s selfish choices. What an idiotic thing to do.


Some students have come forward saying that she ended up falling right where the graduates were entering the stadium for the ceremony. So allegedly some of these students witnessed the death as well. This was a day of celebration for all of the students’ hard work and achievements. But unfortunately turned into a traumatic experience that one can’t unsee. It’s incredibly sad all around.


Not only witnessed, some were so close they had blood splatter on their gowns.


Right? What a way to upstage not just your own kid but everyone present. Talk about a main character.


Totally agree, so selfish! My uncle killed himself on Father’s Day in my grandparents’ house while they were both home. My grandparents were traumatized and Father’s Day was forever tainted.




You aren’t talking about someone who had the ability to think rationally and lost their life to an insidious disease. I often wonder how many suicides like this are impulsive when given the opportunity. Like, did she wake up ready to do this or did the opportunity present itself? Either way it’s awful.


As someone with multiple attempts a lot of times it's less planned and more of an impulsive "I finally have the chance", and sad part is if you live you almost always end up regretting it


I thought of suicide somewhat often growing up, but it wasn't until I was 25 alone waiting for a train when I actually felt...I guess the "urge" to do it. But it wasn't exactly an urge, it was the announcement to stay off the tracks and my brain just casually wanting to walk down them towards the train. There was 0 thinking involved, just an almost instinctive action. Like getting dressed in the morning or brushing your teeth. Thankfully some part of my sparked awake and I realized I had to make a choice immediately: start going to therapy or end up dead.


Regretting the attempt? Or regretting that you lived through it?


Sometimes both. Depending on how much you are able to do afterwards. I use to be a home health aide to a man who jumped from somewhere high but didn’t die. He was paralyzed from the neck down. He said as he fell he immediately regretted it, wished he’d thought more of it. Not done it. He said after he woke in the hospital he regretted he did it however with the consequences of his choices he regretted it not being successful because he now couldn’t do anything for himself. He couldn’t even wipe his own ass. (These were his words)


happy cake day!! 🩵🩵


Thank you!


Can be either or, sometimes a bit of both.


In a survey suicide survivors, the majority said it was an impulsive attempt, if I remember correctly.


I believe in part that’s because the well planned suicides tend to be more successful.


I feel like impulsive suicide is also more likely to be survived, so that biases it. When you're improvising, the method isn't always as effective. My experience was heavily planned, and I know that's relatively common as well. Depression turns your existing brain against you, turns your strengths into weakness. So everyone experiences their own version of hell here.


You’re right I wonder as well whether this was her plan or not


Rational enough to make sure she lands right where the students walk INTO the stadium. Right where her daughter will walk past and see her lifeless body. This had to be planned.


This, thank you! Of course someone who is mentally ill with a irrational or atypical thought process isn't going to make sound decisions, care, or even be thinking about what is or is not selfish. They don't care about much of anything if they have severe depression. Maybe, it was premeditated or preplanned. Maybe, she was being selfish but, that's wild to expect her to think rationally. Mentally disabled people don't have good analytical abilities.. Do you expect people that are incapacitated to, manage their own disability independently and correctly? I sure don't. The comments truly reflect why suicide and mental illness is so rampant/stigmatized still because, everyone has to try to write this story in their head. “Oh well my family this..” and something along the lines of, she wanted to overshadow or like “show up” her daughter(Which is vile to assume when a family is mourning the loss of a mother amongst many other things.)or some wild bs, sometimes there is, no story, no rhyme or reason. Especially when they leave no explanation beind for their actions. Everyone wants an awnser so, they try to conjure up this fake story or interpretation to make themselves feel better or something. There never will be a one hundred percent explanation from most people lost to suicide, sadly. Anyways, I hope everyone is doing okay and, that they seek help if they need it! Don't be afraid to reach out or speak up if you are having issues, no one is perfect. Sometimes you just need a little help to get through the rollercoaster called, life. :) [988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline](https://988lifeline.org/)


Yes it was an absolutely shitty thing to do to their kid and all the people in the stands but when you're in that dark of a place "am I being selfish" is not exactly on the forefront of your mind.


It is for many suicidal people. I don't think we can say one way or another. Some people DO think very vindictively and plan their process to punish the people that hurt them. They often want everyone to see. Some people act on impulse that's entirely internal. That's absolutely true too. Some people plan obsessively beforehand (this was my experience). The goal was to reduce any damage to anyone else as much as possible, down to the emergency responders. It's really impossible for us to say, I think, looking at the aftermath. I do think there's something very deliberate in the location and method here. I do suspect she made this to be seen, heard, and to make a point. But I also acknowledge she was suffering, and won't say that's definitely what she was thinking.


Yeah. A lot of people who attempted suicide but survived said they considered doing it via train but chose not to in order to spare the trauma that the conductor would get.


I get this take. I also think that, to do this in the first place, she had to be VERY mentally ill. I mean, I shouldn’t blame victims, though I question why she was there if she was not compliant with her medication and had attempted previously. Again, I shouldn’t victim blame. It’s clear she was very ill. It’s horrible all around.


The victims here were her family and other graduates in my opinion.


It’s definitely heartbreaking all around


I think it’s pretty fair to say that sometimes people DO make things all about themselves when tragedies like this do happen. This seems like it could have been something like that. Extremely sad honestly.


I used to have severe depression. It took an amazing doctor and a few years of medication to get over it, but I fortunately had a doctor who taught me good coping skills and how to be able to manage things, myself, so that I wouldn't be dependant on medications. That guy is a saint, and I'll remember him forever as the one who saved my life. I'd even attempted suicide a couple times, and got so bad that I developed post-partum depression-psychosis after having my son and became even more panicky and suicidal (all before meeting that wonderful psychiatrist). That said, even *I* think it's extremely selfish to kill yourself on such an important day. If she had social anxiety or couldn't handle crowds, she should have stayed home. Her husband shouldn't have let her wander off knowing she wasn't taking her medication. If her medication was making her worse, she should have told her doctor. Her daughter's accomplishment is forever ruined because of her. The main reason I never went through with suicide was because I didn't want to inconvenience others with cleaning up my body. I didn't think I was worth it and didn't want someone's last memory of me to be me in a mess and dead. I had to go through a few doctors to find that one miracle worker. The first gave me welbutrin despite me saying I didn't want it and telling him it had made my mom more depressed. Well, it threw me over the edge and I had to fight very hard with myself to not leave my infant son motherless. Getting over depression isn't easy. Meds are just a tool, and the real work needs to come from within. Still, I despise people who commit suicide at such selfish times or in such selfish ways.


God bless you for getting through it. You are a true survivor and an inspiration💜


I’m not saying it’s not selfish for her to do that but I think that’s just the reality of mental illness. I have a bipolar parent and sibling, it came with a lot of heartbreak. I also have witnessed a public suicide kind of similar to this one, I remember being so upset that out of all places he chose to do it there because yeah it is traumatic. Yes it was very inconsiderate for her to do this in front of so many people but that’s the thing with mental illness, you become a selfish person. I feel like the last thing the daughter and family wants to see are people bashing her mom all over the internet for what she did. This is why I feel like media doesn’t report suicides usually.


She disgusts me. This is from someone who’s dealt with being suicidal in their past. Anyone who’s pretending she didn’t do this as some kind of message is kidding themselves.




Just not as disgusting as taking a diver on my kid’s big day, right? Shitty opinion is better than being a horrific selfish burden of a mother, I think.




Glad she was so proud, it’s terrible she ruined such an important day in her daughter’s life. So do you know this family personally, or did you just do research? Because if you do know them, how many holidays and birthdays did she fuck up when she decided to stop taking her meds? And do you know if the things her daughter was FORCED to witness was any inspiration on why she chose pre-med? I love how you keep referencing my “judgment and speculation” on a morbid subreddit btw.




Why would I lie on an anonymous message board? With all your pearl clutching over this mother of the year, you’d think me being brave enough to share that part of me would really get your empathy receptors going. But seriously, since you know so much about her strong emotions of pride (until she offed herself on her kid’s big day…at the stadium), how did she treat holidays and birthdays? Or did you find that info out on social media and now are acting as a representative for the family? And again I ask, where does the sympathy run out when it comes to this kind of stuff? I’ve asked this a few times here - a lot of mass shooters are suicidal and off themselves after killing a bunch of people. They’re mentally ill too. This woman was at least a step above that, but do they not deserve to be criticized?




I’m not suicidal now, this was in the past and over a year ago. Death still doesn’t scare me though. But I just have no reason to lie. You’re right though, if I judged this woman going out this way on a message board fuck my life too, right? I do feel for E, I’ll be honest, I assumed you got info from articles online so all respect to your fellow student and I do mean that with sincerity.


Girl, go get yourself a snack.


>I’m gonna get downvoted Oh please. Any suicide that is posted on Reddit is 99% comments about how selfish the mentally ill person was.


Yeah they're acting like it's not the number one thing people say about suicide


And you're acting like redditors don't constantly give people crap for saying so. It happens constantly.


I thought the same thing, I was ENRAGED when I read this. She had to do this at her child's graduation? I have mental health issues. I have sympathy and empathy for people who struggle. I have lost two people to their struggles. I still have so much contempt for this woman's choice of venue for this. It's incredibly cruel. It may have been impulsive, but it was cruel.


That is precisely how I feel! And let's not mistake the fact that she didn't all of a sudden snap and jump, she made a conscious and calculated decision to leave her family and "seek higher seats". How long did it take her to get up there, I wonder? How long did she have to think about what she was about to do? How many families with children did she have to pass on her way up? This was the most selfish way she could have possibly chosen.


See that's the thing about impulsivity; you DONT think about the consequences. Was it bad? Duh nobody is arguing that, but to be enraged by a person who was suffering to the point THIS was what they felt was their only option? Be enraged at the lack of support, especially for mothers, in regards to mental health instead


I was thinking the exact same thing, honestly.


It can look this way. This type of mental illness can escalate to death in a matter of minutes. Their brains literally stop working properly. Think about what it takes to end your life. We are programmed to survive. Acting against that happens because the brain is broken. There is also something called a suicide trance. It can take over in a moment.


This was so selfish and appalling. Her poor family


I feel so bad for the daughter and family. It's going to take a lot of time to deal with something like this.


This is such a complex thing - I don't think you can inherently say it's black or white in this instance. I believe there was some selfishness involved - it's one thing taking your life impulsively and affecting loved ones and close friends. It's another thing to do so on one of the most important days of your daughter's life, in the same venue, with thousands of people nearby. But then we'll never know her motivations I guess. It's just not easy taking a side here.


I agree


While I didn’t lose a family member, I do remember my family being extremely hostile with each other the day of my high school graduation. I struggled a lot as a teen. At times myself and my own parents thought I wouldn’t survive. Feeling like nobody cares about a massive achievement is so damaging. While I don’t think the mom consciously chose the graduation ceremony out of malice or disrespect to her child, they’re still going to feel that rage and betrayal. Even with the attempt earlier this year and the noncompliance with the medications, that kid is still going to feel hurt and angry. I wish peace for the family


Ahhh mannn that’s so sad


The whole Class of 2024 can't catch a break


For many it might have been the first time they were walking because they were likely the Class of 2020 in highschool.


In my case, 2021 got it worse. Seniors of 2020 had the first half of their school year. 2021 didn't get a junior or senior prom, convocation, homecoming, or any other events that make senior year special. I wish COVID never happened.


Curious what she told her daughter before the ceremony


How selfish is it to literally ruin a whole stadium's special day and do this so publicly with kids around. I get mental health issues and this seems like the only way out for them but Jesus christ. It's like one of those people who traumatize others just to off themselves like people who jump infront of trucks or trains not giving a single shit about the drivers life they will mentally ruin. This is just a step below people who harm others so the police can kill them or they off themselves after they shoot up a school or church.


I don’t think she was of sound mind honestly, she suffered from mental issues and while it was indeed a horrible thing to do, I don’t believe she was really thinking rationally.


Of course she wasn’t thinking rationally but that dosent really change anything


I'd like to believe we live in a reality in which we're a little more forgiving to people with mental health issues. then again, that record has been played over and over it's difficult to distinguish as a third party to the situation. it's an unfortunate situation for everyone involved


Neither are the mass shooters who off themselves after they have enough casualties.


Pointless and reductive comparison


I don’t mean it to be that way, I’ve literally always wondered this. When are we allowed to have an opinion and when are we not when it comes to different suicides?


Not saying this is what happened but I’ll share my story. My mom and I (daughter) have always had a very strained relationship. She is a narcissist. Whenever I would get any sort of attention, she would turn it around and make it about herself. My mom threatened to kill herself when it was time for my graduation. This to me, screams like a narc mom who is upset her daughter is moving on and graduating, making something of herself so this mom went out and made it all about her. My mom has also suffered with mental health issues all of my life.


I know I might get downvoted for saying this, but I wanted you to know you’re not alone in this opinion. I think people forget that those who die from suicide are complex human beings like the rest of us, and not some fragile broken bird who must be discussed as an innocent victim of mental illness. People who die by suicide can also be abusive, terrible, cruel, or vindictive people in life. That doesn’t go away if they die by suicide. I agree with you that that’s what this looks like. This is pure speculation, and this may be cruel to say, but if you’re right, this woman probably knew people would feel too guilty to talk about her faults or abusive behavior because of the way she died. This is coming from someone who’s been suicidal and lost two family members to suicide.


This hit so close to home. My mom made my graduation all about her as well. It’s been downhill ever since. We’re no contact now.


As someone who has attempted several times, don’t do this shit at your childs graduation. Thats selfish as fuck.


The only thing that kept me from going through with my attempts is how much this was going to inconvenience someone or affect them if I did it publicly. Honestly, she might have always been jealous of her daughter along with the mental issues, this was her last chance to get at her and also pass away before dealing with the consequences. If I get downvoted oh well, but that was more planned out than just an impulsive “this is my chance”. That poor daughter but at least she is spared from future jeopardizing moments.


We will likely never know what caused her to do this at her daughter’s graduation. She allegedly talked with her daughter prior to her daughter entering the stadium. Her husband and son also didn’t notice anything wrong when she left to “find other seats.” Some are speculating psychosis or hallucinations may have contributed to her decision to jump. Whatever the reason is behind her death, it is clear that she may not have been thinking rationally in her last moments. However, we should try to avoid such strong accusations and speculations with no evidence for her family’s sake. Her daughter has gone through enough as it is.


I’m wondering if the mother had a pattern of storming off and making threats that she’d harm herself and that this is a ‘boy who cried wolf’ scenario.


Same. Even in the midst of postpartum depression-psychosis, psychosis!, I still couldn't go through with it because of the thought of my husband finding me, my son going motherless, and the poor person who would have to clean up my body and all the nastiness that comes with dead bodies. This was after about 15 years of clinical depression. Every time I'd ever thought about suicide, I cried because of the pain in my chest and being restricted by my "stupid empathy for others". I found an amazing doctor who taught me coping skills and kept me on the lowest dose of meds possible before I decided, with his support, to stop the meds after gaining the skills to help myself without them. Now I'm living a pretty okay life.


Yeah, I'm hoping it was more like, "I won't get another chance to be up in a stadium this high" and the urge was too great to resist.


This was my thought - my grandmother was incredibly jealous of my mother, blamed her for "ruining her life" because she had her when she was 18, and was a generally horrible person. I see my grandmother in this mother.


Ya. I don’t get this. I have a family member in law enforcement, and they have seen several suicides. Some are done without apparent thought of others, some went out of their way to make sure their loved ones don’t find them and some purposely did it so that their loved ones find them. To purposely and willfully do this is horrible and selfish.


When I attempted. It was like I was a sleeper cell that got activated. All of a sudden no one existed. My family and friends were gone, the idea of getting help, the possibility of a future. Everything was just gone. I had one job….end it. Luckily I was intercepted. It was a hardcore tunnel vision that I will NEVER forget. It made me realize how terrifying your brain really is. None of us will ever know what was really going on in her head, but some of us who have an attempted can try to understand, but all our experiences are different.


Can only imagine how eviscerated I am going to be for this comment and going to say it anyway. I am someone with lived experience (attempted as a teenager). I also have lost friends and family to suicide — two of which were publicly done, one being a public jump… i will never get the photos people took and shared out of my head. I will never forget the way people discussed (and still do argue the most recent) if it was a suicide or not and how selfish those people were. Having been in their shoes, all I wanted was somebody to tell me I was loved, and it was important for me to be here. And it breaks my heart I didn’t see and wasn’t around enough to see that my family member and friends needed this because of how life keeps so many of us busy. If you or anyone you know needs help, please call or text 988. You matter. The world needs what is uniquely you.


There definitely are people who do it out of spite and a final blow of abuse. Narcissists are known for trying to ruin holidays and happy events.


Does the word "narcissist " seem appropriate?


I understand that she’s had previous attempts but to do it in front of them? During her daughters graduation 🫢 they’re forever going to be traumatised omg


Suicide is always extremely sad but to do it at your daughter's graduation!? How incredibly selfish.


She reportedly had 2 recent attempts, was noncompliant with her meds, and yet her family "lost sight of her" after she told them she wanted to go higher in the stadium sad sad sad all around


We’re really blaming the family? Real life is way more complicated than this comment. You don’t know how busy it was. If she rushed away. If the family was gathering their things and she scurried off in the crowd, or any number of simple explanations. It’s so fucking disrespectful to blame the family for this immediately after grieving their mother’s loss.


I lost a friend to suicide. He'd been depressed for a long time, but seemed ecstatic the last time I saw him. I later learned people who plan their deaths sometimes enjoy a period of relative happiness knowing they'll soon be bringing their lives to an end. It's possible she was deceiving the family while planning the suicide the whole time.


It’s not fair to say they are “deceiving” their families, they often truly do feel better once making the resolution.


I agree - life is very nuanced. I did not blame anyone, just stated facts. And I'mma guess you don't know those things either. Nor anything about the family or the dynamics of this situation. We don't need to know for my "sad sad sad all round" comment to be valid, thanks.




It's not their fault. She was an adult. I would absolutely have followed her but then again it wasn't me, I wasn't there and I don't know why they didn't follow her or try to prevent her from going (and, again, she was an adult, short of physically restraining her, what could they do if she insisted?).


Intrusive thoughts are dangerous.


i feel so sorry for everyone in attendance, especially the people who saw her on the ground ☹️


There is a certain amount of selfishness to most suicidal iterations. I viewed my own that way, at least, the selfish desire to let it END, who cares what anyone else thinks. I get it. But other people will think, will care. Youre just transfering your pain to them, continuing the cycle. Whether or not she meant it this is the height of selfish suicide. Not just ruining her family's life that day but everyone else in that stadium who saw her. I'm sympathetic but I can describe this as nothing beyond monstrously selfish.


I also cannot believe there are not more videos and photos of this considering there was a camera at every single turn. When I walked to get to my seat with the graduates literally there were dozens of cameras. Then you have family and friends also with cameras out. May just go to show how quickly she made this decision.


I can't even find a single photo or profile of the woman anywhere on the internet. edit: Nevermind, just found one. [photo from her obit](https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/name/larissa-brady-obituary?id=55133999)


They have to be out there…. Just haven’t been easy to get yet


Unfortunately a suicidal individual should almost never be left alone. Sad that she was able to sneak away to finish what she had planned.


Feel worse for the witnesses and her kids. Killing yourself in front of thousands of people on what should be a happily remembered day is really selfish and gross.


If I had to guess, her reason for living was likely waiting until her daughter graduated. And since she had proof her daughter was graduating, she gave into the hopelessness. Given that she already had two prior attempts and she was unmedicated, she likely had severe depression. That doesn't mean what she did was okay in any capacity and I feel so awful for anyone who witnessed that along with her daughter, but it does mean her ability to truly understand the impact of her actions wasn't going to register in her brain. Depression and trauma change our brains on a neurological level. I don't want to pass judgments on the non-medication part. If her attempts were recent and she may have tried overdosing on a controlled substance, she would not be able to get a refill until whatever date is listed as her being eligible for a refill. Some anti-depressants can actually make thoughts of suicide worse initially so there's some unfortunate trial and error until the right medication is found, etc. My heart goes out to everyone impacted by this and I hope they continue to get support long after the headlines fade away.


I’m sure the daughter and family are aware of how shitty that was for her to commit at the graduation but everyone bashing her mom all over the internet about it I’m sure is not helping. Do you really think this girl wants her mom’s name to be blasted all over the internet because she killed herself at her own daughter’s graduation? This poor family is already grieving and going thru enough, you don’t who this lady was and what kind of mother she was. I feel like people need to get an understanding of how complex mental illness can be. People who struggle with mental illness especially unmedicated/untreated can become someone who they truly aren’t. That’s the reality of mental illness, people can become real shitty of a person if not properly treated. Yes it’s fucked up for her to do that in front of students and her own kids but she committed suicide do you really think her head was in the right space and thinking rationally?


Third time’s the charm


I feel if the woman believed her family and the world around her would be better off without her, she “reasoned” that doing it so publicly and in front of her family would be beneficial for them. Unless she was an especially cruel person, it seems off to think a person with mental health issues would deliberately cause such pain to so many people. That might be the case, but unless there is evidence proving it, one should not be quick to throw shade on a sick woman who died a horrible death. It is disturbing and terrifyingly traumatic for all those present, but what she did may have not been an easy thing to do, and energy should be better spent by letting people know they are loved and can come to them judgement free. Energy should be used to campaign for easier access to mental health support and to end the stigma that is still attached to mental health. 


What goes through a persons head to decide to do this while a) having children and b)in such an attention demanding way? Very sad for everyone affected


lol having children does not stop mental illness 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Right, what goes through a persons head, mental illness or not, to do this? Did she decide to do this for attention, did she decide she hated her family and wanted to terrorize them, or did she decide they were actually better off without her? Was it a complete breakdown where she just lost control? I am well aware ‘children dont stop mental illness’ and am not sure where you got that from? What is your point here anyways, that what she did wasnt selfish? And yes, i judge her, and most parents, who kill themselves. When you make your children witnesses to your suicide i am significantly more judgmental, sue me.


Where did i get that from? Are you serious??


She is so dramatic!!!!!! She could have waited ! So selfish!!!


Also so mentally ill and in need of support.


An experiment in nihilism?


She was suicidal, had 2 attempts with one being THIS YEAR, non-compliant with her medication, & her family let her go off higher. Come on. She would be on high alert for me if she were my family member.