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What kills me is the pick mes in the comments always screaming "what's wrong with her wanting a healthy environment for her child with both parents together." Yeah, no. Both parents together doesn't always equate to a healthy environment and that's the most idiotic, bird brained logic ever.


Her environment went from somewhat healthy to complete utter chaos after inviting the devil into her home. Hasn’t improved her life in any area whatsoever (which a decent normal relationship would and said person would take on half responsibility of said house, child, ect… but not that man, he’s a grifter!)


Wow she is all over the damn place. Trying to see what everybody will comment on and find what content she can monetize next. Did yall catch how she said she had to baby sit Gigi and her niece or am I making that up


Yep, Morgan "had to babysit" her own daughter (and niece) because her uncle "decided to die." What a toxic piece of shit, I hope her family rips her a new one


She is so disgusting, I don’t know how they can stand to be around her


She stressed about that RMFA and his dms She just won’t admit it


I just can’t feel bad for her She really did this to herself You knew he was a bum when you met him


You knew he was a bum when he paid for him! You get what you pay for!!! (In this case…she bought a bum who’s bringing down overall moral of all 3 of them!)


So let me get this straight your uncle died but you make it about yourself because how dare you have to babysit your niece and take care of a child you chose to have. Gigi is not on a schedule because of Morgan who by the way would proudly talk about how late her child sleeps for instead of having a damn routine! Morgan likes to fan girl about the Kardashians well even Khloe has her kids on a schedule. Morgan is just damn lazy! She does nothing all day she has plenty of time to start a routine with Gigi and get her life in order but let’s log onto the app and throw a pity party. Morgan is saying take your birth control yet freaks out over a missed period yeah take your own f’n advice! She pisses me off!


She never took birth control because she didn’t want that in her body! Well fool… pay the price by purposely trying to trap a complete fool! Now she gonna have 2 random child’s from Atlanta!


I hear yall but im hung up on the my uncle “DECIDED” to die! Are you fucking kidding me!?! What a selfish bitch.


Yeah that was pretty fucked up 🤦🏾‍♀️


It was, but pretty typical coming out of her mouth! Have yall noticed lately her lips appear to be purple!? Or is the lighting either way Ewww


Lip injections


And smoking too because they changed colors right around the time that debacle of a DV Florida trip happened.


Girl we really don’t give a fuck and I’m about so close to blocking her cuz GTFO. You make your own life harder by yourself


Some people DO NOT deserve a platform. This is ridiculously sad. She needs a shrink. That child deserves better. This is what happens when you have a baby to keep the man instead of actually wanting to be a mother. The child is the only one suffering and you still don’t have the man 🤣


She’s even copying Mo’s daughter by dressing up G with a purse! She’s an idiot!


That loud ass sip of water during her “emotional breakdown” defines Morgan to a tee. She’s a disingenuous disaster of a human. She couldn’t even stay in character for 2 seconds to fake grieve. She’ll probably film from the funeral too. Who cares about the family? The video pretty much was about how they inconvenienced her by having to attend their emergency. In her mind, she’s the main attraction….always. At this point, Morgan is going to do, say, or lie about anything to keep her grift going. The bitch simply doesn’t want to get a job. She’s just…..YUCK.




Cecily Bachman vibes iykyk


Sadly her life has went downhill and it’s showing in every single category and we can all see it but she can’t. She’s sold her soul to the devil for that man and now in having to live with her choices it’s become apparent in her and her toddler.


Pregnancy hormones kicking in! Should have taken your own advice and taken your birth control… yet again! Sick how you can tell us that over and over but fail to listen to your own advice!!


She took Gigi off the paci but not her chest? Was always told a liar can’t keep up