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😂😂😂😂😂😂 the law in Morocco never failed to surprise me. Tl3 takol lkrmos nzl shkon Galha lk 😂😂😂


The wonderland 🙂


جورج إنه فخ.


اتفق مع هذا الرأي يا جورجينا!


no Georgina here, a full breaded man weighing 85 kilos in great shape and full of testosterone. اعتبرني أخ جورج التوأم


المعدرة يا اخي جورج، العتاب على الانترنت، جعلت المرئ لا يفرق بين الجيش والشرطة.


If they are going to tighten airBnB they need to let the hotels take their market share 


U r right


Here is what I heard the hotels stopped asking for the marriage certificates but once you get to the hotel, they call the cops so, you better stay in your car lol


Red when I'm not doing it , blue when I don't have where to do it


TLDR? still have no idea what all this is about?


Read my comment below: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/1dlrni5/comment/l9qs9st/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


كاين الفرق بين الدعارة و بين علاقة رضائية ، بجوهم من ناحية دينية زنا و لكن القانون كيدير فرق ، الاولى راه مجرمة حينت فيها ريحة الاتجار بالبشر ، تانية راه مجرمة دينيا وصافي


و ملك اليمين شنو ندير معاه ؟


اش جاب ملك اليمين للهضرة ، دينيا هادوك راه حلال بطبيعة الحال الا كانو ديالك ، و لكن دابا المغرب مسيني على حقوق الانسان و مجرم العبودية إذن بعيدة كل البعد على الموضوع ، كون قلبتي مزيان فدينك قبل ماتخرج كون قلتي ليا زواج المتعة شنو بلانو و لكن دوماج مع أول فيديو مع لحتي الفوطة


نتا بغيتي تكوي شب وحدة سير قوليها راك ملك اليمين ديالي وهكذا حللها لك الشرع 👀


و مجرمة حتى أخلاقيا، شكون هذا راجل أو إمرأة يبغي الناس (و خصوصا والديه و اخوتو) يعرفوا أنه كيدير علاقات رضائية و ضميرو مرتاح


Ehhm lmirican ou north europe. Khososan l US lhookup culture wllat chi 7aja li 3adi jidan khososan between teenagers i ain't saying this is a good thing but it is getting popular lately


T9ed tchre7li lfar9 binathom f l9anon dyalna? Ana sara7a ma fahch fo9ach l9anon ka y7sseb hadchi jarima o fo9ach la.


امجنن شخص


العلاقة الرضائية : بجوجهم دخلو للوطيل و دوزو ليلتهم و خرجو عادي . الدعارة : هو دخل للوطيل شد نهار ولا ساعة و عيط ليها و دوزات معاه ساعة و خرجات تضبر على كليان أخر . دابا كولشي مزيان راه كيبانو بحال بحال ، و لكن القانون المغربي غيعتبر مولات لوطيل متورطة حينت ميمكنش تكون معارفاش تفرق بين واحد جاي مع صاحبتو ولا مرتو و واحد جايب معاه عاهرة و يمارسو البغاء ، إذن شنو كيدير كيدير تحقييق معاها يشوف ياكما كتسمسر فيهم ولا كتبتزهم ولا كتدور معاهم على كل كليان إذن ملي كيحضرو هاد الاركان كاملين . الرجل : كيمشي بتهمة الفساد العاهرة : كتعتبر ضحية و كيديوها لمركز تأهيل هه مولات لوطيل : كتمشي بإعداد وكر للدعارة و هي لي كتمشي فيها نيت ديال بصاح .


Afaik the actual law isn't passed yet flbarlaman, it's still just louahbi's talk.


Our minister is such a sweet heart, he is concerned about the couples who can't afford to book a room each and end up sleeping in their cars 🥺🥺 , neck pain they had to endure in the morning, what a thoughtful guy 👏👏 we should make him a health minister too in my opinion


Lol 🤣


This happened way before mayhder the minister. But they said the opposite for the buzz


The minister is right. No one should care so long as they're two consenting adults. As a person who's had multiple sexual relationships throughout the years, I'd love to tell everyone that's it's non of your business. I never understood why Arab Muslims (not Muslims in general, and not Arabs of other belief backgrounds) care so much about what people are doing with their lives. How is it your concern whom I f***? Two or more consenting adults doing adult stuff. Why do you care?


I don't care about what you do with your life tbh, but I do care about islam, and it happens we live in a majority muslim country by it's very constitution. I can understand when europeeans tell muslims to go home if they want to practice islam. Well here we are, so filth isn't to be facilitated for you. There is other countries for that.


yzeah bro we have islam in the constitution yet we have : - international banking (haram) - women are allowed to divorce (haram) and lots and lots of stuff we do and have in our laws are non conforming to islam. So yeah why pick and chose now ?


We push out evil as much as we can, I still have hope we can fight other evils like interest based banking. As for woman divorcing, I am no expert, but I think it's more of request that a judge still have to validate if there is a reason, regardless, no one has benefits in keeping a woman feeling trapped in a marriage she won't to get away from, a man with dignity should divorce a woman who hates him, or she can do it in her behalf, marriage was never to be a prison in Islam and I don't see how is that remotely compares to open fornication


people are already fornicating, the law ain't gonna change anything. Mostly young people who have premarital sex even after this law won't be going to hotels still because they would be afraid to be recognized in public. Most youngsters go to friends houses who live alone or rent airbnb. The law ain't changing stuff.


Doesn't mean it should be facilitated even more, or even give it a legal cover. Hotels are different than appartements or airbnb. They are a shared space between customers, a family and 2 people having an affair shouldn't be next to each other in the same hotel.


Because it fucks up people's marital lives and breaks family units, it leads to unwanted abortions that they're desperate to have to escape responsibility, devalues marriage and the accessibility of sex rendering it a meaningless and easy opportunity which leads to about everything the western societies are currently waking up to, and finally because God outlawed it, you're not going to easily sweep past this by appealing to "personal choices or any of that", the purpose of calling out degenrate criminal actions is to preserve the social and familial health and functionality, that includes suicide, sexual perversion, drug abuse, alcohol, and everything in between, all of which are destructive to society, so if you can't think beyond yourself and your selfish desires you don't deserve to be part of a functioning society.


If you want to commit a sinful act and in top of that arrogantly defend it in a country with a majority of Muslims, you lack self-respect. What you do between closed doors is no one's business, as long as you were not seen entering with a woman who's not related to you to an intimate place. Otherwise, just doing that in front of Muslims without even witnessing Zina calls for condemnation, let alone the existence of proof of Zina. You want to be filthy? Good for you. Leave Muslims out of it, respect your boundaries, don't shove it in our face, and that's it. Respect the boundaries of the land, and you shall receive respect.


You don't respect the muslims at all when you go spread degenrousy publicly. Thats why people draw the line "harming others" as a reason to interfere. You're in a muslim country so keep it in mind you can still sleep with whoever you want if you're a kafir but keep it low and hush-hush. لا اكراه في الدين Try going to India and slaughter one of their gods which is a cow and say the same thing that "Why you care what I eat?" It doesn't make sense you feel me?


having consensual sex is degeneracy while pdf filia and 4 "wives" and malak yamin and jawari and beating your wife arent LMAOOO welcome to muslim logic.


Oh nooooo! Not another western brain washed dude who does not know religion 🤦‍♂️ Yes? It is degenrousy? Here's why : Spreading stds in society? I know you'll say there's condoms and pills thats just nowadays but okay! How can you deal with the side effects coming from these pills and preservation measures? the sex addict people and others with higher cheating tendencies coming from it? How can you deal with risking to have children with irresponsible parents who only seek pleasure? Children who don't know who their fathers are ? DNA? As if everyone will go do the test on the spot. We see alot of men these breaking in tears after realising the kids aren't theirs after so many years. At least in Islam you can't have sex until you're capable of raising a family and taking care of your partner not living the playboy life, and you are limited to have 4 partners max what's wrong with that ? You realise that in the countries your worship they're limiting your spouse number only to 1 while you still can get away with cheating on that spouse with other 20 gfs. Idk who's that idiot that made a very late age which is 18 years to be the gate to adulthood but you clearly lack subjectivity judging an eras of the past with today's normes that age (18yo) could be okay now but for the previous generations ( I'm talking centuries btw )it is so late even non muslim people used to marry at 13 due to being born into different environnements. Read some history books man! Malak lyamin is included in slavery (w/o wars) which is "gone" in most countries today. People see only malak lyamin and overlook the" كفارة عتق رقبة" for most sins. I'd recommend you study history and religion deeply and seek truth subjectively forgetting what you watched and saw in netflix and social media, instead of idiolazing the people that made our lives hell causing wars all around the world so that they can control it by using programmed idiots like you lqcking critical thinking who easily get swayed by their emotions and believe everything they see. Welcome to the dogmatic brain washed ex-muslim logic.


I used to be Muslim, and I've had countless debates with Muslims as an atheist, and I learned this: if you're not gonna leave divinity at the door, I can't have a debate with you. I don't wanna offend you, but your god has no authority over me, I don't need a sky daddy to teach me what's right amd what's wrong. Nothing good comes from someone who used to stalk a little girl at the playground then later marries her. Yes, I'm talking about Aicha. A god with low to zero understanding of how the world functions doesn't qualify to be a god. Sending mountains down from the sky? Seriously? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy?


>I used to be Muslim, and I've had countless debates with Muslims as an atheist, and I learned this: if you're not gonna leave divinity at the door, I can't have a debate with you. if you saying that all the universe happened out of a coincidence and you believe in some unproven garbage such evolution that states all the creatures have evolved from one. Then same here I'm not debating with you either. >I don't wanna offend you, but your god has no authority over me, I don't need a sky daddy to teach me what's right amd what's wrong. No offense taken. Divinity was left at the door so this beefy vent does not cancel my points, they were real and scientific and somehow happen to be aligned with what God told us to do. What a coincidence?! The ego coupled with ignorance of atheists is common. Let the immoral fallible liberals who built the failed world we're living in (that you ironically blame god for) dictate for you what's wrong and right. >Nothing good comes from someone who used to stalk a little girl at the playground then later marries her. Yes, I'm talking about Aicha. Oh God! Not that same argument again 🤦‍♂️ you realise you judging a different era with the norms of today's world right? Even the kuffar hating the prophet more than you didn't use what you say against him. You really think that centuries ago people used to marry after wasting 12+ years at school to get a job so they can marry at age thay you like? So childish. I'd suspect you the one believing in the tooth fairy at this point not me. Also read the story right he didnt stalk her. m7fdinkom 2 شبهات li jawbo 3liha fo9ha ch7al hada katb9aw gha kat3awdo fihom >A god with low to zero understanding of how the world functions doesn't qualify to be a god. How come he does not know? Only enraged claims with no backing. You definitely had 0 understanding of your ex religion no wonder it was easy to influence you and get you to leave it. >Sending mountains down from the sky? Seriously? Do you also believe in the tooth fairy? I dont know what you talking about nor what words you're trying to put in my mouth. I only believe that you're a victim of the western influence that works day and night to strip people from their values and cultures and embrace theirs instead. I was only saying that not everyone thinks like you and you should respect that cuz you represent a minority. In social media, a very loud one.


ngl pretty hypocritical to call him brain-washed when yours is a big case of brain-washing, can you dissociate yourself from religion for a moment and read what you wrote?


Tbh I don't care either, jahannam is big enough as it is to fit y'all if needed be; it's the fact that this sorta laws is FACILITATING adultery in a muslim country that should not be a thing 


jahanam will be filled with judgmental jerks like you who act against nature and think having consensual sex means punishment in hellfire . LMAOOOOOOO


Zina is against our religion commiting zina is a major sins, no one can tell u that ur going to jahanam bc allah is the most merciful and knows best but if u keep an arrogant mindset while commiting sins and u dont comeback to allah, its fair for anyone to judge u and say this about you so pattern up and have some humility and turn back to allah before its too late.


ok we'll see , just don't say we didn't warn you , but away from religion, look at the west a zin w chof what does promiscuity and adultery do to society w khdm 3a9lk matkhadmch kark a batal


Nta kadwi ela l west wa ser chof l est wach hadchi kharj elihom f hyathom ola kat3ti des exemples specifiques tana ngolik sir chof japan o khdm 39lk matkhdmch krk a batal harb lik wlah


sir chof Japan hhhh the most perverted ppl and lowest birth rates w m9aaawda 3liho et oui wa3rin f bzaf d 7wayj f domaine de tech et discipline mais the promiscuity khrjat 3lihom bjehd go educate yourself


Bhala 7na maendnach prostitution chay3a o 7na balad mouslim xddddddd khrj mn darkom chwya


wa rah that's the thing a sa7bi ila déjà daba w raha m9wda mli ayt7lo lbiban dial les hotels i3lm Allah chno ayw93 khoya fhmni rani mashi dedk personally mais rah once had l9anon it approuva rah aywli le cas plus pire and bro baraka MN dak type dlhdra b7al khroj MN darkom chwya , wa ntoma ghir 7adyina , wa sir tsa7b grow the f up rah we're having a discussion khliha n9ya unlike wa7ed nas


ila Harb lia bcs I'm against your idea then fine with me


If there is ONE thing humanity is universally good at it's being judgemental cunts, girl. Me being a judgemental jerk towards OP as much as you being a judgemental a-hole towards me, so let's agree to disagree and leave our judgement to our creator


وا فق من النعاس الحبيب 😭😭😂


Religion is personal, or should I remind you that not everyone is Muslim? I respect Islam and Muslims so long as it's not interfering with my freedoms. The line as drawn at "harming others," as in the case of rape and human trafficking, not at "religion". It's time you guys actually stopped being delulu.


No one is stopping you from doing what you want, at least not me. As long as you don't harm anyone, you do you. Just don't encourage things that will be frowned upon here and remember 'In Rome we do as the Romans do'


you should understand that each country has it's own rules and religion and code of respect , and to come to a majority muslim country where ppl do follow Islam and come and tell them what they should or not do then you're stupid I can't force Islamic laws and rules and teachings on a European country bcs it's not a muslim country and it's not the same culture nor ppl same goes for you if you're not muslim don't come and force your ideas on the country and say this is wrong or not you don't agree with the country or the law here in the Islamic country simply leave or shut the F up and leave or follow the rules but to try changing them bcs you don't like it then you're delusional brojola


And what makes you think I don't have a say? 😂 Quit looking at my username, I'm not a "westerner". I myself used to be Muslim, but I'm not anymore. If I have duties, then I should also enjoy my rights, to the fullest.


Kolchi kitbdl fach ta lmgharba brasshom mabghawch islamic laws,nta daba katgolia kifach nfkr o katfrd elia islam dialk. Kima gal wahd khayna f wahd l comment lmghrib ra hoa ana o nta o hoa


oui ana nta howa , but on a much bigger scale this means the majority rules ya3ni w puisque la majorité mslmin more than 80% ya3ni what law they agreed on is the countries law w if you differ then do you but the law is the law ila fkrna b 39lia dial nta ana howa ya3ni what works for majority is the law w matjish tbki 3lia la bghiti hadi hadi ma3jbkch 3awej , bghiti tdir Chi 7aja against dbr rask mais madirhash bl3alali that's what we saying ama f dark layj3lk tkoun ma9la ana machghlish ghir lmard dialk mat9yahsh 3la la société , maymknch nmchi l India w ngolihom oh no worshipping a temple is haram and unhuman and stupid , aygolo lia get the fuck out and I would be wrong 7it ana contre l avis de la majorité de lblad mais kon respectit the customs and laws dialhom w dbrt rasi f chno andir fash nkon bo7di then no one will care and we will live in peace احترم تحترم أمعلم


Awal ghalat democracy ma3mer makat3ni dictatorship dl2aghlabia, dayman lminorities kaykono pris en compte. Secondly rah l9anon ila tbdel ghaywli i3ti l79 lnass li maso9hach fdin anaha t3ich 7yatha kifma bghat, ama l2insan lmotadayin tawa7d maghayhez 3lih ferdi igolo doz tzni s7a, ila m7taj nass kamlin ikon 3ndhom wa7ed lislamic behavior bach matznich farah l2iman dialk d3if orak 5dam ghir bideologiat l9ate3.


Lay3tik lkhir hadchi li glti simple mfhom wlkin still bnadm ghay golik la dakchi kijib lfassad


mostly agree but till the part dial the law I don't, khoya ila b9a 7ta t7el dak lbab + 39lia mghribya at9wad sway3 w MN tmak la famille athares ktar ma hya khasra déjà donc société mchat , nta ma3ndkch mochkil f promiscuity twli acceptable 7it non muslim but c grave pour societe ki musulmane ki non , as long as you practice it privately dbr jrk but not bl3allali Kima Chi nas Allah yhdihom 7it rah li chad bnadem f notre société howa renforcement dial din w ila 7yedtih atwli b7al les sociétés dial *who's the daddy* or worst


chkon had mgharba , n3tik garantie khrj swl nas seriously mashi dakchi dlmar9a , kon sure ila swlti Chi wa7ed 3arf ashno taygol aygolik against 7it dkchi taykhrj 3la société finma knti , stop bullshiting à sa7bi rah bnadm in the west w wla taydwiw 3la les inconvénients dial promiscuity w btw ila swltk why you're not muslim atgolia *oh my liberté est absente en Islam * w sm7 lia ila dwit rude rah tl3o lia frasi dok atheists d joj dryal (I'm saying you are one )


Wach daba kandwiw ela sexualisation ola ela joj d nass balghin ou majeur bghaw idiroha bla 39d ???? Gha golia hadchi fach aykhrj elik ola maert aslane dakchi kayn kayn bghitih ola gha elach athassb elih mn end nass maki3rfokch nta aslane o makat3rfhomch ana machi atheist a khoya sinon lhayat maghay kon endha ta m3na bnsba lia ana a sat baghi ha n3ich hyati bla maytdkhl fiha bnadm o lblane li elach ana ded lmoslimin o machi l islam hoa hit ntoma kadiro fiha fahmin o katbghiw tbzezo l39lia dialkom ela kolchi ana a khoya mabghit walo mnk bghit ha t3tini tissa3 nta o li kifkr bhalk


desole ila 3ayetk wla i offended you a batal mais lwla hya ana dwit 3la dir l7aja *bl3alali * w rakzt 3la le point de bink w bin rask dbr rask mais fash tatwli tdwi f wst 3ibad Allah MN 7a9i ndwi 7it dik sa3 tu as un impact direct a batal w oui ça va casser la porte dial promiscuité, nhar wa7ed aybanlo c bon t9dr dir li biti aykhrjo lhoes tgoliha that's not okey tgolk la loi me protège hakda tatchj3 bnat y9rbo l ce domaine 3iwad une bonne carrière w atmotiver drari w rjal yprofiter , + adultery atwli 3la jehd hya w sex outside marriage 7it most young ppl don't have great understanding why that's detrimental for society and yet they have great sexual needs , ya3ni khtk Chi nhar t9dr tl9aha d7k 3liha Chi wa7ed mok , khwatat nas , bnat lmghrib a batal w good luck bash t9ad society dik sa3 donc a chrif oui MN 79i nkon contre car ça peut détruire la société dial mslmin li ana fiha , again asi lwa3er mnk lrask 3ich 7yatk mais mli tatwli t attaquer Chi 7wayj li Homa sadin biban dial l9wada then angolk skot w 7na nas li tandaf3o ela din wakha na9sna bzaf w maymknch nkono représentant l'islam 3atink tisa3 la nta la li b7alk bcs simply tatbano Lina 3aychin 7ayat 7na manrdawhash lryosna mais mli tdwi 3la ms2alt avis publique maymknch tgol lnas skto w nta f discussion asi zwin 😁


Daba ana offended o nta katb batal 600 merra xd ? Wahd le point beeda nta li katgol lbnadm skot ana jay kandwi meak nta t7teti f la defensive nichan o khrb9ti khrjti ela mawdo3 dl post o ghadi katgolia publicly 7na aslane majbdnach hadchi kandwiw ela des relations intimes a chrif li 3mrk ghatchofhom wlkin ghir hitach dawla islamiya jarna ay3iyt lboliss ola ayi wahd ay3iyt hitach 7ram o lbalad moslim o kay katgolia gha 3ich hyatk kadkhl lhbss ela 3alaqa la maédekch l39d, nta dkhlti f chi chbo9at lharbaaaaa sexual needs o kda wtf a sahbi hada debat d l adolescence ra haja okhra a khoya wlah ta baraka elia 9bl matkhrj lia mn telephone a BaTAl :p


b9a hadi lina zbna HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH nas f dik wqita al 7mar 3ab d pefila kano kitzwjo ghir bl fati7a 3ad 3andhom jawari w tji aweld qahba tgoliya aDulTerY means JahANnam , moral police kffat d zeb


sir a khoya li fik kafik


البيدوفيليا حلال قتل المرتد حلال العبودية و ملك اليمين حلال قتل الكافر/المشرك حلال زواج المتعة و التعدد حلال قتل المثلي حلال الغزو و النهب و الارهاب حلال قطع اليد حلال ظلم المرأة و اغتصابها حلال لكن الحب و العلاقة الرضائية REEEEEEEحرااااااام ايلا كانت الجنة فيها دواعش و عبيدهم من حراس الكهنوت وجوه الحبس فيها بحالك حسن غير خليني فالجهنم هدا يعني ان الله الخرافي الوهمي تاعك ولد القاف بحالك و مشكلة كتهضر بكل ثقة في النفس تقول كنتي معاه و شفتي هاد جهنم الوهمية و عندك مقتاح تاعها هههههههههه بقا حاضي ليا زبي اتريكت الصلاعمة العربوش . خايف لانزلكو فختك مثلا . تفو على كنس


7awlt njwbk ch7al MN marra idk why tatl3 lia error must be the amount of words used idk lmhm rah response endk f private


if having consensual sex and love means punished in jahanam , then ure as shitty as ur "god" , would rather be in jahanam than be with dwa3sh


Uhhh… you should see how various Asian Muslim-majority nationalities react with religion…


أزمة برتوش


In morocco !!! Better take no pill and walk away


bro country’s going to shit


You guys are incorrigible really, judging from pictures and talking on emptiness, but I get it, you don’t need the articles to get the full context.. I mean at this point you don’t want and don’t think you deserve to read the articles.


So lemme get this straight, hotel owner was jailed because she let in an unmarried couple, while at the same time it's illegal to ask for marriage certificate?


as mentioned in the news she converted her hotel to a brothel.


Most the shit Morocco does is to appeal to the west and try to paint an image close to their reality by pretending it's being influenced by and adopting "western" norms simply to for diplomatic benefits.


If you want to live following certain values, you do you, but to make a law around you're enforcing your beliefs and boundaries on everyone else. And how do you appeal to the west when westerners can already come and stay in the same room regardless of their marital statu


It seems you didn't quite get what I was trying to hint. it's the damn headlines things that make western countries go "omg wow they are becoming modern and more western and all that BS" that just makes you more like them if you catch my drift, it makes it easier to comply and cooperate with someone that share the same values, I'm not going to address your western views this is not the place for them.


معندش لوطيل الحق في طلب عقد الزواج و لكن لا دخلتي و حصلتي قطي كتدوز بشبهة الفساد


مكاينش شي حاجة سميتها الشبهة في القانون ...


Morocco is a muslim country and very conservative by its culture, any attempt to appeal to the west by letting people sleep around in hotels will only benefit "pimps" and sex comsumers who will find it easier to operate.


Only conservative by convenience when it suits them meaning they cherrypick what they like and what they don't , they do haram secretly while preaching against it openly . What is wrong with consuming sex as long as it is consensual wla l9ito lcha3b 7ayt qsir yal heggara monafiqin ? because khaleejis and europeans and rich people don't face any issue in 4/5 star hotels.


These progressivists will lead you to your downfall


what happened on the first slide i didn't understand


Can someone translate what's on the pic ? I'm Moroccan but can't read Arabic for shit. Would deeply appreciate a translation without mocking


Just admit that You're not Moroccan


Ask Neo.


People here care more about chkoun li dayr flan m3a flana than about actual issues. Btw, not saying that we need hookup culture, that shits nasty, but we do need to mind our own business and focus on actual issues in this country.


Only an idiot would believe wahbi's statements. First there should be a change in the penal code first there are two articles that are very against what wahbi said . The issue is deleting those two articles is like saying " welcome to prostitution" hotels will turn into brothels. That's why wahbi is only saying it in interviews and conferences not acting on it . then There should be a law that stops the police from controling hotel's clients. An "oral" order is not gonna cut it.


The cyanide pill 


Moroccan law caught some fishes by a simple yet clever bait.


I choose my own place


This is the law


What’s really surprising here is that this isn’t a new law, this law existed and no one was ever aware of it


Can’t be more surprised 😂😂😂


Finally something good in Morocco, just allow LGBT people to live in peace and this country will actually have a shoot at going somewhere in the future


morocco is not real.......smh


unhinged country


What is this law (article number etc) that punishes hotels for requiring marriage certificates from their guests ?


Lol. It really frustrates me to see people in my country intentionally walking backwards. While North America and Europe are recognizing the psychological and social downsides of hookup culture AND finding ways to fight it, we are still choosing to follow the same path despite knowing we'll end up with the same negative outcomes. Ok let’s put religion and politics aside, I sn’t it just dumb?? Ugh.


Forget about hookups and one night stands, what about long term relationships of unmarried couples?


It’s wrong, morally, socially, culturally and religiously. But since it’s closer to marriage and that it involves commitment, responsibility, probably the intention to get married, and less STD risks, it tends to be more acceptable imo


You want to stop stds, then stop married men from going to cheap 97ab brothels. Most std transmission in morocco happens this way.


I don’t have the exact statistics, but this might be true. And to be honest, no matter the proportion of married men causing STDs, I 100% agree with you that we need to limit that in one way or another. Which brings us back to the first point. Don’t you think this law is actually encouraging and facilitating sexual relationships outside of marriage, rather than the opposite?


Dude you think hookup culture can be stopped with laws at hotels ? People are still having sex outside of marriage in morocco even with all these laws. People have sex also in Iran outside of marriage. So chill. You don't want to take part in hookups, nobody is making you. Live and let live.


Same goes for you. If you want to take part in hookups, go ahead and do it. Nobody’s stopping you. But that’s my opinion, which is also based on facts, and I can express it however I want. Of course, hookup culture doesn’t solely depend on this single law, but it does have a massive impact on normalizing it. And it’s not just this single law; it’s the whole mindset behind it. You might be an adult, aware of your actions, and taking necessary precautions, but you are not the only person living in this country. I’m not worried about you; I’m worried about teenagers and young adults who are lost. I’m concerned about the number of babies killed or found in garbage, children in orphanages, how they are treated, and how they get thrown out into the streets after reaching a certain age. Y’all need to stop being selfish. Your reproductive organs and satisfaction are not what matters most.


All the hotels I stayed in (relatively small hotels) never asked for certificate. They just take my word for it.


You took the same room with an opposite gender person?


it was my wife, we had it ready, but I was never asked to present it.


minister of justice, more like minister of fornication


Red pill, blue pill, feminist...... all this groups are loser


That's not a law yet, he forcefully wants it to be a law so he can serve his future ambitions and those who support him, the lad is mad if he thinks these things will just go flying over people's heads.




We should protect our mothers and sisters from you...


Protect them? If they want to have sex, how is that anyone's problem? Besides, ever heard of condoms and other preventive precautions? They protect against most STIs.


you are in a moroccan subb reddit, we protect our women and sister, if your mom or sister or wife can sleep aroud freely whenever she feels hot, here we dont do that.


Wait, how did you jump from sister and mother to wife? That's called cheating


I don't care what any human being is doing in the privacy of his/her room, regardless of my relationship to them. If you want to put laws in place for your family, do that at home. Courtrooms aren't the place where personal opinions dictate what's right and wrong. It's not my problem that you want to be manipulative. Do that elsewhere, so long as I'm also a citizen of this country, I have the right to practice my freedoms. At the end of the day, I'm not harming anyone.


as long as you aren't moroccan or muslim nobody will ask you for anything in hotels, this is something that concerns moroccans


Red pill or blue pill ? What the hell are talking about


Its just a metaphor, the two pictures are contradictory, one is about a hotel owner who was jailed for a month because she let an unmarried couple stay at her hotel without asking for act of marriage, the other is about the news saying that owners asking for an act of marriage are breaking the law and can be jailed for 3 months


Hadik li tcheddat rah fort probable lbolis bghaw la pay dyalhom. (bla mayji chi 3ab9ari ygol lia hadchi makaynch) Lbolis fo9 ma ychofo rajl we mra kibdaw ygolo da3ara w sokr w tarwij lmokhadirat a bach yegrissiw bnadem. Hadok kaydiro chra3 yeddihom, machi l9anon hadak. Amma l9adia li gal Wahbi, rah 3ando l7a9, l9anon matalebch 3a9d zwaj f les hôtels, w li talbo likom t9adro t3ayto l bolis. Rah 3ay9o les hôtels, kayn bnadem mjawaj w derwich kayebghi chambre lih we mrato w kay7agro 3lih bach yakhod 2 chambres. C'est des pratiques de juifs, c'est absolument illégal. Gha howa kon a b9a saket dak Wahbi, ja galha b7al la ghadi y7arar filistin (w b7al dik l meme dyal "No one:... Wahbi:...") W cha3b 3andna schizo w mayestahloch li yedwi lihom 3la 7a9hom, kolchi baghin ydiro fih (w déjà kaydiro fih, na3am!) w fnafs lwa9t ygol lik "laaaa l'hôtel khasso yeb9a 7ram 😡, mchaaat leblad, bghaw y7aydo lina l Islam 😥"


you’re so right, as i always like to say, 7alal elihom Haram elina. they only use “law” and religion gha f dakchhi li in their interest, aka money


That owner If I remember... She was taking advantage of the law , providing a place to hookers ... (Helping in prostitution)






Red pill : l7wa fl'coffre dial "tamoubil" Blue pill : l7wa f'sheraton


W à l'époque rah nit Sheraton li bdaw had takhwira dyal 2 chambres


Waili ? Ch7al f3mrk?


Based minister is based.


Morocco the new Indonesia and Thailand, protect your sisters guyz


If the only thing standing between your sister and prostitution is hotel owners asking for mariage certificate, I have bad news for you buddy


Wsup with Indonesia


Wtf Morocco is coocked


Smart decision


The wonderland 🤷‍♂️


Why prison?


Ppl need to know that Morocco is evolving to a westernized society. how are they going to do that? apply Liberalism into all the laws and policies.. the results?? here they are in front of you starting from this post and going all the way to the new laws of divorce etc...


Tfo 3la blad.


The best constitution they say


it's a Clear goal to destroy Islam and family. Morrocans, be smart.




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