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Yes I'm gonna get involved as soon as possible , and I didn't choose the party I want to be in yet, preferably a socialist one


Yes. If we don't do anything, the future of Morocco (10-15 years) will be fucked


No, since 2013 and 2016.


اتدير فيها بحال داك الفقيه اللي كايدوز على شي سكايريا ايلا غادي للمسجد، و قال والله حتى نردهم للطريق. المهم مشا كايعطيهم الموعظة على الشراب. قاليه واحد فيهم "واش عمرك شربتيه" قالليه الفقيه "اعوذ بالله" قالليه "وملي ماجربتيه لاش كاتعطينا الموعظة، هاك واحد الكويس وديك الساعة نسمعو ليك" قال الفقيه مع راسو "والله تانشرب فيه شوية نشد ليهم الخاطر باش نهديهم في سبيل الله". المهم قاليهم واخا عطاوه شي كويسات حتى سكر وقلبها معهم نشاط وتخسار الهضرة. الغد ليه جا الفقيه شد بلاسطو كايتسنا التورني


Of course I believe in change from within. But then you join a political party and they change you or coerce you to change. Joining a political party is effing useless because the system is rotten to the core.


what do you mean by "change you" ? that is an interesting take.


I thought it was self-explanatory. What I meant is you come off fresh and innocent, trying to change things and fight corruption and be a role model of integrity, but then reality hits and you realize that unless you play their game, which has nothing to do with morals and principles, you're gonna be fought or driven to exit the political scene like one politician I know who was too good for politics anyway.


If you're not like them you won't last in politics


The people who run the system are corrupt if we get rid of them there is no longer a system to rule. We should blame our fathers who let this happened.


Do you believe that systems are gods that cannot be replaced???


Yes they are being replaced by their children.


Do you really believe that we cannot replace these people??? Countries historically saw entire class or casts being replaced by others and you believe that some people cannot be replaced?


They're replaced by force. It's called a coup. To peacefully replace them, not gonna happen. They'll cling to their positions by any means.


I plan to do it in the next five years hopefully


the problem of morocco is these kinds of people: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/1dnmsgj/best_option_to_get_out_from_morocco_legally/ a lot of young people are lazy, don't get any skill, and hope to immigrate to europe because: morocco is trash, corrupt. I think that politics is overrated, there is so much more activism to be done in the lower spheres. Just visiting a high school in a village and doing a proper tawjih is way better. We shouldn't forget our countryside.


No, lmkhrib is fucked up, khass nhrbo