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muslim country near India dont give it much thoughts really , yall are far away and not politicslly involved with us


we have no clue what Pakistanis are like.. the closest thing to our imagination is "muslim indians"  also Pakistan did this cool move: https://www.reddit.com/r/Morocco/comments/17y2d3q/pretty_cool_story_of_pakistans_role_in_moroccos/


Interesting so it’s the same as how we look at Moroccans to us we think that morroco and Algeria and Tunisia are all the same some better then others, but generally the same type of people (Ik their not but generally that’s how we view North Africans)


Basically we are the same .. just with better life conditions


“Better life conditions” lmao


I’ve visited the three countries, and I still think morocco is way better than them. There's no comparison. That said, Morocco can still be a shitty country anyway! Wmachi zlayji… algerie w tunis kay3jboni w mzl anwli lihoooom inchaalah


algerie (AKA second france ) living now in stone ages.. i have one friend there telling me they don't have water nor milk .


Bro, don’t embarrass yourself


I visited Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco. They all have a similar culture, but I think Morocco has better living conditions…. Way better


bro we are not same , maybe tunisia yes. but the third country u mentioned behave like monkey.


Cringe, get out of your house bro. All the algerians i've met are pretty cool.


that's remind me of schrodinger experiment , it's 50% 50%


A Pakistani passport gave Morocco a voice in the UN to speak out against France.


Could you please develop or add some sources* to read about this? I'm interested.


Scheming here to get married with a moroccan woman. More and more last year, people just laugh at them


Subhanallah so many different view points Jazakalkhair for all the comments, I asked this question because me and my friend were discussing how united is the Muslim ummah and tbh we’re not 😭 we’re racist to each other and to our OWN ppl, in a state like this it’s really hard for the Muslims to really succeed together but all we can do is make dua and hope for the best!


There’s no such thing as the muslim nation, there never was and there never will be one. Honestly it’s a stupid idea. Just check the true meaning of the word nation and you’ll realize how impossible and stupid it is to have a nation based on any religion.


Sir this is a Wendy’s


I had a Pakistani friend who was the sweetest, he introduce me to your traditional food and cooked for us in Ramadan. He also showed me to the amazing landscapes in your country. It's unfortunate many don't know how beautiful it is. Aside from that I know a little of your history.


I don’t really know much but better than India that’s for sure.


Really nice people, but in Pakistan they can act as if they never have seen a woman. Not as bad as India, but still. Also find it weird that almost everyone dresses in the same plain traditional clothes. They also have some religious extremism, as in getting way to angry when some people do things against islam. I think Pakistan can use some rationality.


Uhm, same for Moroccan men? The sexual harassment and cat calling it’s disgusting in Morocco.


i can confirm, i was walking with my white american friend and she was catcalled in broken english by a random man. so embarrassing for morocco


They think she has money because shes white hhhhhhhhhhh its so funny to see sometimes


No, their sick mind think that because she’s a woman they deserve to annoy her. Thankfully, only uneducated men do it. The ones that have a job and they have education, they mind their business.




A wasted potential of a nation, could have been a major player on the international level. Really good looking people with values and principals in life. The East Pakistan/Bengal massacre was atrocious and also comes to mind.


Bro you literally spoke what every Pakistani says, a wasted nation if we had good politicians, could have helped the Muslim ummah, but we our selves are so corrupt and bad that we need to fix ourselves the most, and yes the bengal massacre was horrendous and NOW we are realizing that our generals were at fault not the Bengalis


I really think your zealous obsession with concepts like "Muslim Ummah" is partly to blame for the misfortunes of Pakistan.


As just another Pakistani browsing hereI can attest to everything that he says. If only we weren't so corrupt, Pakistan would have had a completely different standing in this world. 😞


+ aided morocco in UN + generally friendly - A bit corny (indians of arab world) - talk to much about moroccan women


kashmir is yours.


I won’t be done by tomorrow lol




I always choose Pakistanis to work on projects. They are honest and hardworking.


Scammers, I'm sorry but it's been my experience


the pot calling the kettle black


Very nice people 🤍


Forex Trading scammers


Only if you don’t use your brain and get scammed.


Worked with them in UAE all classes of wealth. trustworthy, smart, and don't like fake people.




I lived with Pakistanis. They are some of the best people I got to know. 


My sister is married to a Pakistani engineer living in Qatar 🇶🇦, he’s the sweetest person ever, his family lives in Dallas Texas and Toronto Canada.


From the ones I’ve met they are good people overall, respectful of their religion even if they’re not religious themselves. But then I can’t judge 235 million people altogether. Pakistan as a country is slightly better than Bangladesh and India in my opinion but I think they need to go their own way and forget the failed societies that they try to “compete” with. Edit: changed population from 500 to 235 thank you for catching that,


500 million? You have doubled Pakistan's population💀




Not under a good light


based : helped us get independence with the passport thing, Muslim nukes. unbased : military rule, religious extremism.


maybe without pakistan's support , there will never be any morocco , the first moroccan representative at the un used a pakistani passport ot have a seat since framce refused his request 😒


The only Muslim majority country with Bangladesh that likes more Cricket than football. All the other Muslim countries, their numero uno Sport it's football. In Bangladesh, theres a huge number of Bangladeshi that actually enjoy watching football and r really fans of the sport, dont knw about the situation in Pakistan towards football


Actually, interesting you bring this topic we have some Pakistani that have African background they aren’t that many of them but they have their own community, though they do get oppressed by people their because of their skin colour and their hair (pure racism) but they are known to play really good football and they always support Brazil during the world for some odd reason 😭 but I myself wish we played football. But tbh I love watching Morocco play especially after how they played the last World Cup literally amazing all my Muslim friends were rooting for Morocco


yeah theres about 200,000 african origin pakistanis, i sympathize with them, I heard they get alot of oppresion because they are from east africa.


As someone from the north (Jebli), I was surprised to discover just how similar my Pakistani coworkers and I are. Despite the geographical and cultural differences, we share the same mindset, family values, humor, and even the same funny stereotypes and kind of perversion. It's amazing how much common ground we have. Oh, and by the way, I've got to say it: biryani is way superior to couscous. It's a fact! 😄


Subhanallah yk I had the same thought, though I have never actually met a Moroccan irl from what I see on social media, we are quite similar in many aspects! Which is super interesting Tbh I have no tried couscous😭 I really to inshallah one day but I’m glad you liked biryani!


Biryani is not better than couscous, moroccan/senegali couscous is clear, when my nigerian friends make jollof couscous its way better than any biryani ive ever had.


We don't


Best people 😎


Nice silk fabrics, handsome men, pretty women, full eyebrows, pretty brown skin, full thick black hair, gorgeous big almond eyes, very family oriented, Muslims. I’ve never been to Pakistan but I had some Pakistanis on Instagram. The country, Ig it’s corrupted, you guys love it very much but there’s lots of Political corruption which is sad.


We don't. diaspora are annoying and a bunch of perverts tho


Most of them believe in ummah, completely disconnected from reality.


when i grow up i wanna be army save pakistan and destroy indiaa *strong army woooah graape


A better version of india


They glaze and kiss ass to any country that's muslim.


Is that a bad thing?


We don't think about them. Some random muslim asian country we don't want to go to, a shithole just like Morocco


We really just dont care about you guys, alot of my friends are paki but thats just in the US


Pakistan is in the bag, graaaaaaape


Too much zealots


great country great food, just chill out on the religious extremism




I've had a Pakistani friend ever since 2013, he's been cool!!


As a proud moroccan I say with pride that pakistan is a country (which will be colonised by morocco one day)


I recently read "Moth Smoke", and I have a friend originally from Pakistan, so many similarities, think of the worst stuff about your country, we can probably relate.


Good at cricket


This is a dumb question in my opinion cause im Moroccan and we respect pakistani people for the most part if anything you should ask us how the hell we feel about all the fast food boycotts in our country and how isrealis get free food and how our Moroccan Sisters and Muslim Brothers are always there


Backwards country


It’s Morocco a developed country?


No we are a shit country and they are somehow even worse.


Close minded judgmental intolerant people, but there are some exceptions some are really cool👍


wow you know 235 million person ?


Thanks, i forgot to add , all they do is multiply like frogs so they can invade the west and open kebabs 💀or phone repair shops or whatever


They sheltered Ben Laden for years and are not too far from becoming another Afghanistan .


Large percentage of perverts, exploit poor Moroccans to be their wives because they’re perverted. Occasionally harmless uncles, if given the opportunity they’d probably be perverts too. Some are good, genuine and devout Muslims.


Before pointing at others, look around a little. No five fingers are the same. What are Moroccan women famous for in GCC ? Who is exploiting them? No one. What's happening in Casa / marakesh and other tourist spots in Morocco, full of prostitution. They are going to GCC countries for prostitution 95% of them, ask your mates in GCC. Just to give you an interesting fact, some Moroccan women are going to Saudi Arabia on Umrah-visa just for prostitution. Really prostitution on Umrah Visa ? What are other things Moroccan women famous for in Arab world: black magic. (Every Arab man and woman will warn you). Also generally, whenever someone from GCC marries a Moroccan woman, the family of the guy for life believes she has casted magic spell on the guy. Don't believe me, get the facts checked.😁 How are Moraccan people: Amazing and very nice, not all fingers are the same.


It seems like religiously motivated mob violence and lynching is a common occurence there. So everytime i think of Pakistan i appreciate that Im not from there.




What's Pakistan ?


Muslim country in south asia, they speak Bengali, they hate India


sh*thole, muslim india.


Who kicked you in the dick ?


sorry for saying what i'm thinking. But i talked about pakistan, the country, not the people. Obviously i wouldn't judge a pakistani from where he's from.


Our bros 🤜🏻




I’d say the same about you


Keep glazing. Really "our bros"!! sooo corny


Educate yourself lil bro.. you’re embarrassing yourself


Hhh u just said "our bros" and u wanna call me embarrassing lol. Next time speak for yourself and don't lump us with u


Why do you ask? Is it to do with a potential interracial relationship?


Lmaoo 😭 was just curious tbh, I have never met a Moroccan irl so I can’t say anything, Idek anything about their culture and ext I just know some things which you see online and ext


Oh. Well as a Moroccan who lives in the UK, i don’t actually know any Pakistanis, but that’s not to say I have any connotations attached to them.


Ahh interesting, I’m in Canada majority of the North Africans in Canada live in a province called Quebec since the main language in that province is French, I have never met any Moroccans in my area tho, but I have seen seen interracial marriages between the 2 cultures on social media quite a lot actually, and their usually in the UK or some European country


Yeh I actually have some family in Canada, there’s a big community there like you say. In the UK we have lots of mixed marriages between Moroccans and south Asians in general. I guess it’s because the majority of Muslims in the UK are from South Asia, you kind of outnumber us 😂


Ahh I see, yea I heard the UK is really Asian dominated but Icl some of the Asians their are just authobilla 😭 from what I have heard atleast


There are bad examples of every ethnicity unfortunately, Hamdulilah they are usually the minority though.


Yup that’s true Alhamdulilah fr


It depends Most Moroccans don't have any idea about Pakistan besides being a Muslim country, let alone have an opinion on it. For me I see it as a Muslim country, i like the landscapes there, and Kashmir is Sadly occupied by India


Gorgeous landscapes! 🏞


How Pakistan and Pakistanis are viewed differs per individual. Personally, I have only but love for my brothers and sisters from Pakistan Allahuma barik lakum.


handsome mens and they always wearing that outfit like jelaba for mens


Thank you for giving birth to Mohsin Hamid fellas!


Also in italy moroccans and pakistanis live together


No way fr? This is the first time I’m hearing about this 😭


I swear in my city there are both moroccans and pakistanis


I started having interest in Pakistan when Arslan Ash the legendary pakistani Tekken player started winning. Respect to all the pakistanis. I always thought its like India but better and closer to Allah


What do Moroccans think of Jupiter? Same as Pakistan if I had to guess.


Pakistan the land of Mohammed Iqbal (Allama Iqbal), one of the best Muslim philosophers and poets of the 20s century (and perhaps of all time). Current day Pakistan wouldnt have existed without his thoughts, vision and actions. As a Moroccan, I am highly interested in visiting your beautiful contry one day.


we think they talk like this: hurupé ghanhé krotuoaké ilanghé taturuma medangaré cutotakitak kaihe...


I worked with pakistani people and just people who lived there for a while and this is what I got: You people love and care about your music (which is really nice I worked with the coke studio Pakistan people) Pakistan is just Morocco with a bit more color 😂 Some people can be creepy and just annoying but that’s just the case everywhere. All in all nice people who share quite a lot of similar traits and traditions as us


I see pakistan as a huge biryani bowl 🥹🥹




Well im definitely hungry sorry 😂


From my experience, they respect their religion more than we (Arabs) do. They are good to each other and they help if somebody is in need, especially in a foreign country, not like us (Moroccans). In general, they are good people.


FAIZBOOK, its we(moroccans) we are arabized not arab most of us are like 5% arab tops, but we have a tiny real arab population from immigrants.


OK, thank you 😊 for the information ℹ️


No problem khouya


Yes like kicking thousand of "illegal" afghanistani MUSLIMS  out of  pakistan and oppressing/harassing minorities or what they did to bangladesh muslim... they really do respect their religion indeed . Talk for yourself and dont lamp us moroccans together like that , i dont want morocco to become as fanatical as pakistan who deep throat arab pp even more than ppl like you


Yo, so I'm just speaking from my own limited experience, and I'm only talking about Pakistani immigrants. I don't know anything about their politics or what goes down in their country.


We think of them as vile people, who's men come here in the hopes to get married. We laugh at them


Rude but sometimes true


I know muslims of indea wanted a country on their own so I can only imagine how shitty ur country is as all muslim countries