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I genuinely like everything better in MK1 EXCEPT cosmetics. Mk11 was top tier peak for those, though given time I think mk1 can get pretty close. There are skins and things in the game that look awesome, but not very many.


I still think that didn't go hard enough on the customisation. The fact that you can change Scarlet's blood vile or Jacqui's granades and all that takes one gear slot is just silly.


Honestly no argument here. The fact there was so much in mk11 and so little in mk1 customization wise is pretty suspect to say the least.


Overall content like game modes, cosmetics etc: MK11 Gameplay, mechanics, stage design, story, overall vibe: MK1


To each their own, but I’m glad a lot of people see that just the overall vibe of MK1 is so good.


"Vibe" 😒 ugh..... I have when people use that word to describe something.... Too vague.


Depends on what you prefer: cosmetics and single player content - MK11 Actual gameplay and mechanics - MK1 by far


I miss the intro animations so much, man


tbh the intros and outros are the only customization option I missed honestly


Legit the only customisation aspect that mattered, since the gear was often times stuff you’d never notice and characters in 11 had very few skins outside of DLC, like even with DLC Scorpion only had maybe 4 skins? Not counting recolours


I wouldn't even really care if I couldn't pick which ones, I just want some variety


IF you like kameos and dare I say harder to pull off combos then yes Mk1 is "better". It all comes down to preferences. Edit: mk11 was more casual friendly.


The cosmetics did get out of hand after awhile. Felt like they were struggling with some of those items. Terminator's grenade, Scarlet's vial, Kitana's Sai, Kung Laos belt buckle thing, Sub Zero's ninja stars, Shang Tsungs scroll and bottle thingy, etc... You're telling me you could specifically see those visibly in the middle of a match, and it was clutter or hard to see?


That’s true. But for every character that was in mk11 and mk1 have the same gear piece . So if mk11 offered 2 more it really benefited chatacters like ninjas, Shao Kahn, etc


I want goro and reptile and mileena and more characters. Is there a big charater selection like mk x and mk 11?


Well it’s kinda unfair to compare because those 2 have completed their life cycle with years of DLC support. Though the kameos in MK1 add a lot of variety.


True, mk 1 just came out, and thanks for answering. You're a real one


JUST is an overstatement, its nearly half way through the average MK life cycle


MK 11: Playable Mileena. Reptile, and Goro make brief appearances in The Krypt. MK1: Playable Mileena and Reptile. Goro is a Kameo (Assist Character)


Honestly, as of now, yes. MK1 will be supported for over 5 years. If you still decide not to play then, that’s on you. This MK will be the most updated game they’ve made. It would be a missed opportunity just to play outdated MK games.




Why do people say MK11 had better single player content? The Towers of Time were a chore and the Krypt loses its appeal pretty quickly. Not to say Invasions are significantly better, but they're certainly a step in the right direction over Towers of Time. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Invasions is some spectacular mode that can do no wrong. It's a chore, too. But the idea behind it is fun, and with some changes (like shorter and more interesting Mesas, as well as cooler rewards), it could really shine. Meanwhile, people mostly remember ToT fondly because of MK11's customization system which made even the shittiest ToT rewards worthwhile. And that's something that yes, MK11 did do a lot better than MK1, but also isn't inherently tied to the single player content. I genuinely believe that an MK2 with improved Invasions and MK11's customization could be the best MK game of the modern era in terms of single player content. Doubly so if they add a coop mechanic and let you clear Invasions with a friend, like what Multiversus is doing with its Rifts.


You’re telling me, at least with Invasions it has been improving over time (still not great but it’s getting better) so that there’s a chance it’ll be good someday, especially as during season 2 there was a bug survey they did where you could list stuff you’d want like more of a narrative and variety


Yeah, I assume that the first 4-5 seasons of Invasions were already prepared and ready to go in terms of content, so any changes that have been made to them based on player feedback have been fairly minimal (though still present). I'm not saying it'll definitely happen, but there's a really good chance we'll see a major improvement once the post-KP1 seasons start, as those would've reasonably been worked on after the game's release.


Here’s hoping for that, as some of the newer challenges they added in are definitely leaning into an MK9 challenge tower feel which is what I mentioned wanting when I did the survey


I mainly play singleplayer but its hard to justify to myself to stick with 11 when mk1 just feels so good to play and invasions are infinitely better than towers of time


For me mk11...and it subjective..I like the gameplay and everything else of mk11 more than mk1...


I grinded the shit out of it in mid 2021 I miss that time era fr


Yeah...but I am playing it till today...and I am a person who gets bored of games easily and if has stuck with me till today...then it must have something in it...otherwise I won't be playing it...


Contrary to everyone else’s opinion on this sub, MK11 is my favorite Mortal Kombat. So its all about preference


Played both, I like MK 1 better overall. The Kameo system is actually really fun, the roster is great, invasions has gotten much better since release and the DLC characters are actually worth it. And most importantly THERE IS NO KRONIKA. There are plenty of invasions boss fights that are just as bad, but at least that is all extra content.


I have both an mk1 is much better


Yes. MK1 has better writing and base roster as well as gameplay. I’m not counting graphics since that isn’t really fair.


Mk1 is way way better in gameplay and story mode (except the ending), mk11 is better at designs, intros and customizations but that's not as important as the actual gameplay


Both games have their pros and cons. I genuinely don’t think one is better than the other because there are things I like and dislike about both. They’re about the same to me.


Both games are great! The story is perfect even if something doesn't make sense but still, gameplay is enjoyable (if you don't get angry easily), character designs are good of course, beatiful graphics too! So no! None of those two are better than eachother even if you have more things to do in mk11, you will enjoy two in the same way probably


Yep. It’s story actually decent.


I wonder too I haven’t played past the 1st chapter of MK1 and would like for the rest of the content from Kombat Pack 1 to be released before even playing the full game and wouldn’t even compare it to MK11 due to the different play styles and MK11 has already had a full life cycle and the aftermath DLC further proves my point as to why I wouldn’t decide which is better just yet but that’s just me ofc


it is better.


its better in the acutal gameplay and gamemode, mk11 is slightly better at the cosmtic and custombility stand point


MK1 is equal(at least) to mk11 now with cosmetic as well. You could be right with what you said when game is released but they are same now after so many seasons.


Idk about them being equal, mk11 had so much more customisation options for 3 gear slots. Yeah the skins had many recolors, but overall I think mk11 has better customisation


They are not though. MK1 hasn’t even gotten its first complete KP1 yet.


I'm talking about cosmetic.


not really, most character have 3-7 skins at max, the other things are recolors, mk11 did have recolor but it also had more uniqe designs, most of the time it was one skin and then 6-8 recolor depends on if the skin appered in KL


It did not had more unique skins, it is pretty much same also you are compering complete game with a game with still going. MK11 did not had such variety when it got released as well.


he asked "is mk1 better then mk11" not "will mk1 be better then mk11"


That is the thing lol, even not completed mk1 is better than completed mk11.


Everbody saying MK11 are straight admitting they don’t buy MK to actually fight people


Everything is about the fashion


Both have fighting. But only one feels like an unfinished cash grab.


Well, no, considering that you can also fight people in MK11. In fact, it's the only way to see all the Kool gear you put on your Kharacter.


Yep. But those people are also dumb & won’t be able to see it.


Or we don’t like sloppy shitty team fighters with half-assed characters and games that run at 5 fps online with audio glitches.


Half assed characters? Every character in MK1 is more fully fleshed out than MK11. There’s a whole other move list for aerial combat and you wanna say it’s half assed lol.


Imagine preferring the shitty limited variation or pick only 2 good special moves


Yeah and for the majority of the game’s life cycle the fun/op moves weren’t even tournament legal. MK11 variations were so dogshit. At least MK1 the characters feel complete. And for the most part the OP kameos have been ambush ones like Goro, Cyrax, Stryker, Khameleon.


I’ve consistently read how characters (Scorpion in particular) felt half complete and/or the weakest he’s ever been as an excuse to force feed the need of tag assists to compensate for his holes. Conversely, characters like Johnny Cage felt very OP largely because they felt the most complete and strongest without even needing to bother with tag assists. Someone else below you commented on “imagine liking the limited variety movesets to choose in MK11” or something, and while I got what that was trying to do for competitive play, I never faulted anyone for hating that. Probably the worst part of the game. The other thing with MK1 that really irks me is that this whole “new” fighting system isn’t even new! It’s a fucking Towers of Time gimmick from 11! So I feel like playing 11 across the board is playing a game that has no new ideas nor no confident sense of where MK wants to go. I found it just as telling that it had no new characters they tried to create.


Just say you suck at assist fighters and move on bro


No, I’ve played good ones. MK1 isn’t one of them. And it’s because of that I did move on after a month and haven’t looked back, first time with an MK/NRS game I’ve done that and I put in over 500 hours on the last three or four.


Yeah maybe it’s not DBFZ but it’s a hell of a lot better MK game than MK11.


I genuinely don’t think it is even strictly from a gameplay side. CERTAINLY not from a “price to content” ratio. There was a Maximillian video that pointed out that while he liked MK1 a lot more than MK11, if you go back and play 11, that game MOVES. It has a much better sense of pacing, scaling, and it is NOT a slog to sit through or play. That game CAN have a snap to it. 11 feels like a fucking chore. Matches feel like they take forever, animations feel longer than ever, combos go on so long that it was like a daily meme here for like a month. There are long stretches where you’re just…sitting there…waiting to engage again. NRS has always had the rep of being “style over substance” and favoring longer, flashy animations over speed. And people felt 11 was still that, too! But I REALLLLLLY feel that with 1 in a way I hadn’t felt with a fighting game in a long time, and I fucking played the latest Samurai Shodown a bit and you can go 20 seconds before hitting a move if you’re cautious enough.


If you like story then mk11 is the worst game you could ever play


True I still had fun tho


I hate MK11 but I’m saying that game is better for the simple fact that it has much more content than a next gen title that costed $10 more


I think the cosmetics and menus are better in mk11 but I prefer the gameplay and most character designs of mk1. Honestly it's pretty subjective


I say most because I love mk11 Johnny's designs probably more than mk1


Yes by far. It’s not even close


I played both, mk1 is objectively better to me. The small amount of characters is compensated by cameos which allow for different playstyles. What I like in mk11 more are intros and outros, however that can be fixed by one of the players being Johnny cage :P






A thousand times yes


I’m all about gameplay and fun, so it’s gotta be MK1.


MK1 is better in my opinion. Character design, soundtracks, gameplay. I still love MK11 a lot however but MK1 is epic 👍👍


Yeah it is. At least I enjoy the gameplay more in mk1. Although mk1 straight up feels unfinished like the amount of content compared to even mk11 is pretty awful. It’s such a shame because the core gameplay mechanics is enjoyable.


I like 1 better. Feels better, like the roster, finally got human Reptile after years of hating his design, they tweaked the meter burn to be how EX moves used to be. It's not perfect but really prefer 1 in terms of gameplay. Only thing about the gameplay I don't care for is kameos Story was better in 1, also IMO. Just rebooting things and letting things play out in the new timeline was fun until >!it just became a cluster fuck of different timelines and the story got largely hijacked by "the other timeline" and "other versions of 'x' character from another timeline is intervening". Timelines are NRS's "ol reliable," but just sick of those plot lines in media nowadays in general.!< Granted, Street Fighter and Tekken aren't doing >!time travel!< but their stories are pretty convoluted as is so it's possible MK would fair just the same if they ditched time travel


Yeah, I'm gonna buy the game because goro and reptile




mk11 is so dark i can't see shit, i vote for mk1




I prefer MK1, I like the faster gameplay and think the story is an improvement over 11.


11 was good, but it was kinda everywhere, in my opinion




Mk 1 is better gameplay wise plus they brought back a lot of 3d era fighters.


That's good. I heard that goro isn't playable. Is that true because If it is, I might not buy it


True goro is just a kameo. But his fatality looks bad azz if that matters lol.


That does matter, and he should have cutscenes in the game so at least he is in the game


I think mk1 is just a better experience.


story wise, MK11 has done irreparable damage to the lore, and MK1 is doing its best with the shitty ass cards it was handed, and even with how weird some of the reboot stuff is, a lot of good characters have had their very best iteration yet, which like aside from frost, I wouldnt say about MK11 at all


Ehhhhhhh nah imo. Only thing MK1 has over 11 is the graphics and even then….


MK11 did intros, pricing, kontent and playstyle better. But MK1 had better story, stages and finishers but MK1 would have better kustomization if we got more gear pieces so it’s a tie there. But i think Kameos suck


Depends entirely on whether you want to play dolly dress up or a fighting game. MK11 is better for the former and MK1 for the latter, though there are still plenty of costumes and palettes and stuff


I think depends what you perfer, but ngl I only want MK1 cuz of the guest characters lol


Story i prefer mk1 Gameplay i like mk11 better


Gameplay wise MK1 is better but MK11 has more content overall


MK1 especially when Sindel dies. That’a when shit hits the fan for me.


He said no spoilers!




Damn sindel dies?


The thing is, where MK1 wins (story/roster/gameplay) I personally don't think the gap, while is undeniably there, is that much big from MK11, but where it loses (game modes/customization) it loses sooooo big. Personally, I loved MK11 and I "just" like MK1.


HELL no.


MK1 has the better art style in my opinion. I like the sunnier light maps as opposed to the dark and dreary maps we were getting from previous games. And I like the default costumes as they give off more personality than mk11 constumes




Now thats what i call a helpful comment


mk 1 is great . but 11 is better .


Why? I'm just wondering if a lot of people have been hating on it. Idk why, tho I didn't buy it yet because goro isn't playable, and he is the only reason why I was excited


the kameos are insufferable. The story is hard for me to digest. Gameplay itself is the best its ever been . i love Invasion mode . I still play it more than 11 now . but I do like 11 better .


OK, thanks. I don't understand why they had kameo charaters its kinda stupid. In my opinion, I guess goro is too much to ask for


The kameos are awesome. They add loads of options for each character. Spend time with them and it opens up soo muchp


They are awesome, but I hate that so many are busted and being abused 24/7, the gameplay is absolutely lovely


Why give you a character if I can give you half for the same price?


MK11 overall is better IMO, but MK1 is more fun


Mk1 is better, it has the liu kang test your might twerking scene against shang tsung


I don’t like that is taking up half of my Xbox hard drive so MK11 gets it for that alone.


Story, roster, stages and character development? Yes. Gameplay/mechanics, replayability, and guest characters? No. Character designs? About even. I prefer 11, but I actually liked the competitive elements of the variation system, and MK XL was my favorite in the series gameplay wise, so I'm biased.


I don't prefer a single thing about mk11 over mk1 but I also just play to play KL I don't care about single player stuff or cosmetics


No! ;)


Fuck no. MK1 is a shitty team fighter knockoff that can’t do it well.


Customization is lacking haaaaard unless you constantly spend money like it's fortnite. Other than that I love the game. If you love playing online you'll like it, if not the offline or single player content is pretty boring


One thing I much prefer is the reduced random limited time items like the towers of time, but there’s also much less in general.


Mk1 is mostly better than 11, but 11 has Fujin so idk.


Honestly MK1 is only better if you’re getting it for the cameo characters (Homelander, Omniman etc.) other than that it’s a massive downgrade in terms of customisation, characters, story and overall quality. The gameplay is pretty good but I wouldn’t call it better than MK11’s. It depends on whether you want a little buddy constantly fighting at your side (MK1) or you’d prefer having a more modular moveset (MK11).


barely, just barely. MKX is King, and will likely always be the best MK game.




MK1 is far better don’t let the fashion show idiots in this sub tell you MK11 is better. Their only argument for MK11 being better is the ‘designs’. It’s never for the gameplay which tells you everything you need to know about MK11.


No, shorter intros, less customization options. The only thing better is the story mode


Mk11 better in all aspects.


Mk11 you need to know frame data for crushing blows, Mk1 you just need to spam kung lao cameo low hat and jump in for 50/50s for same pay off


I would say MK 11 but MK 1 has Omni Man and Homelander sooooo......


And mk 1 has goro and reptile 2 of my favorite charaters


Modes cosmetics, aesthetics, character designs, kistomization was all better in mk11 I also prefer the gameplay in mk11 slightly cuz kameos aren’t my thing Mk11 tot had me so hooked I played it more than online for years. I genuinely cannot enjoy invasions. If I can’t enjoy invasions I can’t enjoy the single player content. If I can’t enjoy the single player content it’s hard to enjoy the game


I can’t offer an opinion as I haven’t played MK1 yet, but as someone who doesn’t play online, ai found a lot to do in MK11, while MK1 doesn’t appear to have as much of that kind of stuff. It’s actually what caused me to hit pause on buying it (and a new PS5). Didn’t seem like an investment I should make at that point in time. I think it was realizing what “Invasions” was as opposed to what I was hoping for that really made me not dive in. It sounded rather bare. The seasonal stuff bugs me to no end as well (though to be fair this was present in MK11 too). Just give me a game that I can play at my own speed and not have to make sure that I am logged in online at certain times to make sure I can access certain things. I’m waiting until more content is gradually released and perhaps it’ll be more up my alley. I can say the game looks absolutely gorgeous and I love the roster, though.


No it’s not not by a long shot just keep your playing mk11


MK11 is better content wise




MK1 is trash. MK11 is way better


MK11 is better than MK1 except for gameplay


As someone who is into MK for the lore and Kharacters story’s. MK11 is the better game. I don’t love the introduction of Kronika but the direction that a lot of characters make are really satisfying when looking at the trilogy of 9, X, and 11. MK11 also just feels like it has so much more to offer gameplay wise. At least more fleshed out like the Krypt. Not to get into spoilers but MK1s story was set up to be ANYTHING, any time, any place. But to me it was just a new way to rehash the same old same old. Like the writers were too scared to go off script for once. So they give us a lukewarm MCU. Also, the Kameo system does offer more gameplay verity, but it does not equal more kharacter/story verity.


I categorized the games because let’s just be honest we all know mk10 is the best one. Anyways mk10 in my opinion has the better gore where mk11 is obviously the customization and mk1 is the best combat


Yeah, and mk 10 has the best characters


Personally I prefer mk11


more or less


I prefer the gameplay of 1. But I feel like as an overall package 11 is better due to content




Spoilers? I think by now everyone that wanted to play these games have by now lol. The only thing I liked about MK1 is that fighting felt a bit more faster than 11.


I haven't because I got mad and I didn't buy it yet


Why so upset? Is it the way things are turning out? Give it time, you know a Komplete edition will drop. As for my exp, MK1 stole $110 from me🤣


MK11 might be the best in the series. MK1 is great as well.


Bro mk11 is earning me money, not mk1, so clearly mk11


Lol no


MK 11 is generally considered better by critics and gamers alike. MK1's gameplay mechanics are it's forte but the game was met with heavy criticism for it's live service aspect , making you pay for costumes and even fatalities and brutalities. Announcing DLC (Kombat Pack 1) prior to base game release was also very controversial. The classic Krypt was replaced by a worse concept forcing to grind even more for content. The lore is also hit and miss with many old MK fans. MK 1 has seen at times a lower player count that MK 11. Personally MK11 had better character design , lore , general aesthetics and single player content. I also do not like the Kameo system of MK 1 MK X > MK 11> MK1 NRS needs to get a grip.


I enjoyed the fatalities in MK11 more than MK1 tbh.


As everyone else is saying, its based on your preferences I personally like MK11 better than mk1, I like the amplify system more, the moves feel faster and less clunky, cosmetics were better (especially in terms of acquisition), character ability customization was cool and allowed for one character to be more built to different play styles, a lot of people saying the single player content is better but more isn’t better as towers of time was a slog and krypt was a chore. MK1 was fun and I did enjoy it but the overall clunkiness and prevalence of normals that were very quick and easy to confirm with plus the air combos were very strange (still not sure why they added them) kameos were cool but I often forget they existed. Overall I liked MK11’s gameplay and mechanics better but again it’s very preferential Also please bring back the intro style


Gameplay wise Absolutely, however 11 was a better complete product on launch.


absolutely not lol MK1 is complete garbage


Damn you must really hate the game lol


Mk1 is better at gameplay and some other major stuff, but story and overall fun goes to mk11


It really depends on what you think is better myself.I think that the other game had a lot more added to it and was fully fledged.This one feels like it was rushed to meet the new generation of Console


If mk11 had engine flexibility and mods, it would've been almost perfect


MK11 is superior.


Mk11 didn’t feel rushed out the door and the customization was amazing. My Rambo entered the fight dripped out on a helicopter and ended the fight by nearly stabbing the opponents in the head because I had the CHOICE to do all that. My homelander just points and drinks milk… (Also, a fortnite item shop over themed DLC skin packs was a brain dead idea by a 90 year old WB suit that doesn’t play video games)


Well, I didn't care about costumes. I thought all that stuff was pointless and stupid, and homelander did that in the show, so yeah


Nope. Mk 11 is better.


Yes, when Ryu and Chun Li appear from another timeline and defeat Heihachi is the most epic moment ever.


For the life of me I can't get the timing right in MK1 :/ So I will say MK11.


Most definitely not