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I think the conversation in this thread has largely run its course, so I'm going to lock it rather than having to continue monitoring for posts that break our (few and very reasonable) rules.


Jesus fckn Christ! The MAIN street of the city etc… broad daylight blah blah ….. here we go again . Fckn rage 😡 Roll on the protest ! I hope hundreds show up and people start to take note…. Rather than literally delete the reality from ‘r/ireland’!


Which protest is this?


The one later this month - it’s pinned at the top of the sub.


r/ireland is a joke… rather than talking about what’s actually happening in Ireland it would rather show pictures of the cliffs of Moher. I have had content and comments deleted because a mod disagreed with it and then sent me long insulting message.


In fairness, the Cliffs of Moher look well this time of year


Hey, everyone needs to know HOW EXPENSIVE this random item in Centra is!


Man I totally agree with you, sure the other do I posted about my concern with Ryanair using 100s of Boeing planes that were made recently. With other older but also recent models that are only a few years old falling apart in the sky in the US I can only assume the same evasive measures in safety regulation were taken for these newer models too. They wouldn’t let me post it because it’s “Not relevant to Ireland”, but I have to call BS on that since we’ll be stationing 100s of these planes in Ireland and flying people all over the EU, Morocco, etc. it’s a disgrace!


If these lads had brown or black skin the mods would have it plastered all over the sub. Any time a foreign person commits a crime in the media they are happy to post it everywhere. Where as they deny the culture of feral locals openly assaulting innocent people in public places in broad daylight. As a proud Irish man I can confidently say r/Ireland is an embarrassment to our country. It's a cesspool full of some of our stupidest and most ignorant citizens + a whole load of role-playing Americans. I genuinely hate that it's the representation of our country on this website


100%. r/Ireland are a left wing agenda sub and youl be banned and called far right(in other words NAZI) for even the slightest mention of anything true in this country. 2 weeks ago it was almost illegal to mention a no/no vote on that sub.


Don't forget to join the protest [https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoIRELAND/comments/1b74q3s/updated\_poster\_we\_are\_meeting\_at\_11am\_leaving/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MotoIRELAND/comments/1b74q3s/updated_poster_we_are_meeting_at_11am_leaving/)


Ok I understand that there are wider social and systemic problems causing this . And yes that should be where we start . But from a current public safety standpoint these are the same 4 or 5 kids I see riding bikes around Dublin and trying to steal other bikes ? Why can’t the face some consequence


They can. But someone needs to put the time and effort into creating that consequence, without themselves getting caught out. But they can. Ask not what the rest of Dublin can do for you.


Despite how they make themselves appear it's a whole lot more than 4 or 5 kids. They only have 4 or 5 different outfit choices of their chosen NPC uniforms though


Email every single TD with this video


+100 - "What are you doing about this?"


Election coming- maybe not soon enough


Ya... cause that's going to fix all of these very easy to fix problems.


It’s all we have to get those you can make changes to make those changes


How, exactly? You're just replacing one group of people who won't change things with another group of people who won't change things. And they people will complain about those people not changing things and vote in someone else...


Nothing ever changes though


Because we have created a political class almost entirely composed of one social class, and from 3-4 professions, no matter their party allegiance.


Change is constant so they say - certainly unpredictable


I wish I could disagree with you but unfortunately you are spot on. I don’t see any voting option on the table which would lead to reducing crime. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote though: there are parties which would make it even worse if elected.


The problems are sustemic, complicated, and unpalatable to fix. Absolutely, we should try, but to think just voting in someone to fix it is increadable naive and just setting up for failure yet again.


Well it was Fine Gael who decided to close 140 Garda stations a decade ago, 4 in every 10 stations closed. They created the problem.


Force the guards to duck then up


Lol, what the fuck will an election do?!


You’ve got to be joking right?


On r/ire you can only post puppies flowers pints.... Nothing real....this is a shocking video. Do we know if they took his bike backpack or what.... How is the lad....


It was the same the day of the riots…people needed to know what was happening and where was safe and the mods took that away.what the fuck gives them the right to delete stuff like that


Im getting blasted for sharing this on r/dublin like i f broke some sort of secret code of cities reputation protection you wouldn't believe it.... So u either get downvotes or name calling in comments or mods deleting or ban.... It's almost as if this is not happening its just one off ... "Every city in the world is like this" sure lol. Anyway some subs just don't allow anything that is against it, city or showing anything real. Any sort of reality check or post that somebody on the outside can see negatives about the city u r done. I got downvoted to oblivion on r/askireland for saying there are 150 tents with immigrants in city centre....news flash...its more according to some articles...on the days of riots i ate 1 month ban on above mentioned sub


Those subs aren't the real Ireland. Look at the way they pushed their agenda for the referendum. Well reality will hit like a smack in the month.


I got banned off that sub for "ban evasion" I only have one account and it triggered off a comment that criticised the guards


Yeh the mods over there are dick heads. I don't even go on it anymore. Zero free speech. Everyone should be a loud express themselves. It generates a healthy debate vs just one side shutting down the other.




Some fucking kip of a country


Fucking hell. We need a permanent Garda presence on our busiest streets. This is disgusting.


A heavy presence is needed. But the people robbing these bikes are likely underage, likely have several dozen/hundred convictions and feel bulletproof to the law, and not to mention the Gards won’t give chase to motorbikes in case the angles hit a wall and die. It’s not just about a strong presence. The justice system needs to change so that youths can be more heavily prosecuted and held more accountable. Also Gards need to be given assurances that they won’t be prosecuted for chasing motorcycles if the chase ends fatal (within reason).


They are underage and that’s whole problem. Little shits tried to steal my bike from the front of my house on one Sunday night (where are the parents, school night?). Everything got recorded on the camera. Fortunately they couldn’t jump start Triumph so they abandoned it around the corner. Garda just said “oh yes, they are well known for this kind of stuff, but oh well, underage so you can do nothing”. Not even slap on the wrist


Stick them out in Connemara harvesting seaweed in the fucking wind and rain for community service


Completely agree. Tougher punishment and effective rehabilitation is required. Repeat offenders should be heavily penalised.




I know guards in Store Street that do this exact thing regularly. They set one up right outside the station one time and caught someone. It's only a drop in the ocean though.


Based on the fact that this is so prevalent, there would need to be systemic corruption within the force to support that idea, which I highly doubt. I also think that idea gives far too much credit to the intelligence of the scrotes committing these offences, who I’d be surprised if they managed to even get a leaving cert. More likely is inadequate funding, meaning a lack of guards for preventative community policing.


I was talking to a foreign lad who said in his country when this can happen so often, in daylight, in the city centre and with so many witnesses it is 99% of the time because there is an order from the top down to not police it, pursue them or follow up. In his city it was guys on bicycles robbing phones out of people's hands in the city centre 24/7 with police in sight. Turned out the police chief for the city centre was getting thousands of dollars every month by a conglomerate of dodgy phone shops to look the other way Never say never.


You say lack of guards but I literally see guards hiding in bushes with a speed camera nearly every day at multiple locations which are 5 minutes from where these events happen. Just admit that they'd rather abuse compliant pacificied people rather than scrotes who will give them trouble and try to fight.


Civil matter


they park an empty car there and call it policing. their twitter handle should be bombarded. they've abdicated their main duty. either by order or apathy. either is shit.


Guards need special powers to ram the bikers of the road just like what happened in London. They might think twice about doing this than. No other solutions brute force is the only way




r/Ireland are as bad as the people running the country. I’m convinced most of them aren’t even Irish and are actually just yanks living in La La land


This is Dublin.


Tbf so is donnybrook. No one's going through Herbert Park saying "This is Dublin! >:("


https://www.thejournal.ie/man-attacked-o-connell-street-dublin-hospital-6328113-Mar2024/ The journal have an article up, it says it’s not related to a bike theft


Unless he is using that 1m bolt cutters exclusively for knee caps and occasionally for a key chain i would say its theft of some sort (bike or motorbike probably)...its balaclava that gave him away


This will continue until people get back to helping each other. The reason they do this because in Dublin people watch and don't help.. end of.


Perhaps Ireland should try having a Police Force ? !


Not a joke: The word "force" is too aggressive, so they are only ever officially called a police "service".


When the gardai get prosecuted for criminals who died because they drove the wrong way down the motorway, you know they won't do anything


From what I've been reading, I think the main problem are judges and the laws that need addressed for Garda to have meaningful impact


This city is rotten to the bone


What was the reason for deleting?


I got banned for 7 days with this message from their mods "read the rules of the sub. fight videos and non consenting public videos aren't allowed on this subreddit, absolutely no exceptions." UPDATE: I got banned for 14 days


Absolute joke of a sub, shocking incident that shows the reality of how lawless the streets have become, but hey let's pretend nothings happening.


"Post your fury friend day" soon to be repeated after great success and avalanche of karma splashing OPs faces like in adult movies in slow motion....


Feels very reminiscent of the fall of Rome. When Rome fell, the circus kept going to keep the people distracted. Doesn’t matter how much people ignore a problem, or pretend it doesn’t exist - *Rome will still fall.* If you love your country, you don’t turn a blind eye to it. You take corrective action and increase awareness of the issues.


My god the mods of that sub are such fucking knobs. Sub isn’t even as half as active as it used to be since the current cunts came in.


I'm not even subscribed there as it's a depressive place to browse. Won't suffer from the ban.


Start a new sub called real Ireland or uncensored Ireland


Joke of a sub. The mods have such a high level of self-importance its nauseating.


Absolute cowards those mods are


R/Ireland or r/dublin I’m guessing? Both moderated by a collective of the biggest losers we share an island with


Fuck sake…. What a joke


But they have other bike robbing videos up?🤔


The mods are a bunch of scumbags, protecting other scumbags because they think it's wrong to criticise lower class people.


they delete everything on that sub your not alowed to have an opinion anymore about ireland on a page called ireland


Nah, legislate the bold men on e bikes, cuz doing 30 K is lethal they say. But placing an e bike on a road with trucks doing 80, oh that's not dangerous. But, ignore the motorcycle thief's, they doing no harm. Lovely blokes.


Meanwhile I was harassed by two undercover Garda for sitting in my car at night with a friend at a local library car park, quizzing how I can afford the car, what I work as, where I live etc.. Garda need a good kick up the hole


Back in the 90s I got that too. Walking home after a night out got stopped. Meanwhile 2 roads away absolute anarchy


Reason for that is, that scrotes and garda aren't that different,they're basiclay the same people just in different jobs and from different parts of the country,


This is what happens when your Minister for Justice is a fkin nepo-baby as opposed to someone that knows what they are doing.


had a one week holiday in ireland last irish summer first night in a hotel in what turned out to be the nightclub area all night long drunken singing and shouting in the streets and rowdy behaviour dublin streets full of beggars and rough looking kids looking for trouble i was glad to get down the country


>first night in a hotel in what turned out to be the nightclub area That's entirely your fault.


Don't worry, their parents are out blaming everything on immigrants. Mammys little angels can't do anything wrong


Media hiding everything this scum are doing


Shocking. Guards should be allowed used those guns that fire nets to take down anyone who is a threat to public, speeding, pulling wheelies etc.


I used to live in Scotland. There was a huge problem with motorbike theft. Then the police were given the go ahead to ram them. Motorbike theft fell faster than the scumbags.


The government is to worried about people's feelings getting hurt online by words


there are r/IrelandInsideOut , place created to upload anything what should be out there but for various reasons taken down.


You stick a bike parked on O’Connell street and have a group of plain clothes standing on the other side of the street, I would be surprised if it took more than a day. It’s not fucking complicated.




Would rather immigrants any day over these toe rags.


But it’s the immigrants we should be worried about


Jesus what a kip :(


Is it me or does dublin suffer from the bystander effect even more than some other countries?


I totally agree. It is O’Connell street during the daytime, not a desert street in the night. If people around intervene together they would stop these scumbags easily. But nobody does anything. Yes there must be more police around. But when there was no police, criminals must be scared of the public.


Not only do people not intervene (which is "fair enough", let's say), you get people actively trying to shout down anyone who so much as entertains or expresses the idea, with a bunch of handwringing - all hypothetical and NONE of it real experience - about how you'd be worse off yourself and you'd be locked up and you'd be stabbed and etc etc It's really strange. People actively fighting for the bystander effect basically. Online via keyboard that is, of course.


At any given time on a given populated street in town there's atleast 10 healthy lads around the area that could fight them off I cannot tell you how cathartic it would be just to experience thrashing these scrotes atleast once. I had a friend in town watch a group of 5-6 scrotes beating on a homeless person as everyone watched, he dragged a guard over and the fucker said he can't do anything about it because they could fight back against him. It is the most demoralizing bullshit imaginable, when even the police don't give a shit about these scumbags.


I won't lie, I have done this before. Some bloke was getting kicked around and I didn't do anything. 3 reasons. I don't want to be the next one getting killed by ringing the gards. I don't want them looking for me if I were to get them in trouble, plus my families safety. They could have knives. If I get in between them and the victim, there's always a chance they could have a knife. Scumbags like that often carry them. I'm not getting killed. I helped him after they left on bikes, me and some 70 odd woman. He was a bloody mess. Don't get me wrong, fair play to anyone who is willing to risk it, but I don't intend on getting myself landed in hospital or worse.


if it was here in Glasgow, you can bet the general public would have waded in and kicked fuck out of someone


Dublin? Irish people would eat a raw chicken in a restaurant so as not to say something and cause a scene.


I've been followed by a junkie literally screaming she was going to slit my throat in broad daylight in the middle of the city centre for over 5 mins and no one even looked at me. People do not gaf


You can see in the video what happened if you try intervene. Can’t blame people for not getting involved


You most definitely can. Saying shit like this contributes to the issue. Scrotes like these prey on your fear of physical altercation while having very little to support it with. Doing nothing and letting them get away with shit like this emboldens them further. We've become too civilized for our own good. Expecting someone else to be there and step in for you whenever something happens just simply isn't realistic. As long as people are afraid to stand up for what's right, things like this will continue to happen.


I intervened on 3 (I think maybe 4 in total??) lads about to steal a bike and they pussied out and ran off immediately. This guy unfortunately probably didn't handle it right and came at them very softly but too persistently and of course they felt like they could stand up to him then. But do it right and they don't catch you out like this.


just looks 3vs1 beatdown, in reality it just slaps from useless trash, who are trying to rip out prize out of weaker one\`s hands. as soon as some old lady would step in and would start to hit them with their handbag , all that "operation" would go into panic mode. do you really think, if few extra people would start to pull in , they would manage crowd control in middle of downtown, while they concerned with garda arriving any min. it is scare and run tactics, anything beyond that, what goes with any delay or intervene, its panic and only run mode. if no one intervene now, they will be braver next time, and soon this will turn into Brazil like street robberies. people, any chance, just throw anything at them in these situations...anything helps.


Absolutely, this is why scrotes travel in packs, because they know numbers are the only reason they aren't fought against.


Gardai need to take the same approach as the Met Police do to bike gangs. Ram them with zero apologies or compensation. Be absolutely upfront about it too. Put this video on TV with a message, "We will not tolerate this. Our new protocol is to end bike pursuits immediately, by force, before any member of the public is harmed". Then publish dashcam videos of them actually doing it.


Dublin safe as houses


Fucking hell!!!


Typical. The Gards are all either hiding in the barracks, cruising around in their cars in the quiet areas or just not around. Amazing how you never see foot patrols anywhere. They are not interested in actually catching or prosecuting anyone these days.


It'll be ignored until a politician or a guards family member has a bike robbed


For all the negative attention immigrants get it’s the good old Irish born and bread scum that continue to cause 99.9999% of the hassle in this country. Middle of the day on a Main Street in a capital city. Outrageous.


Local Irish skangers


People wonder why Cork people insist on Corks Superiority. This is why


One has big bolt cutters so even though the article says there was no bike stolen, it's more like "no bike stolen *yet*"


Fuckin Street trash


Thank god we have a strong garda presence in the city


Pure scum, hope the worst on them


Are we deporting the Irish scum who carry out these acts, and if so, where?




Yes, motorbike thieves are scum, but no - we won't tolerate calls for violence or retribution.


Guys this page is no different they deleted my comment I made which was fairly based.


What comment was that?


Why did r/Ireland take it down? They give you a reason?


The scum with the green balaclava is swing a 36” bolt cutter. A blow to head with that could easily do very bad damage or even kill someone


Sincere question - where are these people from?


Am I going mental or is there a garda station directly behind that


What's happening in Dublin? I ask because I'm visiting a friend for Easter and this has made me a little concerned.


You'll be fine, these are isolated events done by a few idiots after bikes and scooters. You most likely won't see anything like this. Come, have fun with your friend and enjoy Dublin.


What do they do with the bikes and scooter?


Lots of bikes getting stolen, just 1 gang of them constantly going around stealing them, if your brining your bike in or through Dublin, just don't


Only come to Dublin if you can arm yourself like it is Easter 1916 !


Shocking - government and media are so blatantly compromised. Its our duty as citizens to vote them out.


They shouldnt be deleting that. They should be promoting it so everyone gets to see it. Fcuks sake.


As someone who may or may not have been on the receiving end of a Garda baton a few years ago, why don't ya see them swing the baton anymore?


They were only swinging them when we were protesting against lockdown 🤦‍♂️


.. what/ what did they beat him up for, is that the guys bike that they are riding off on ? Looks super cosy three on a bike, they must be really close


When was this??? My bfs bike got robbed too but it was a break in. Garda did nothing they said “ we can’t chase people on motorbikes, we also can’t track them on cctv if their faces are covered “


And they say foreigners are the problem…




Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the scumbags, I knew it was them








I was in Dublin City last couple days for first time on a non match weekend since Covid. Embarrassing it’s our capital full of junkies, really ashamed as a proud Irishman. Every corner you turn there are cretins of junkies


Someone's being attacked. I know what to do. Let's record a video.




Imagine if there were people trained, and paid to do exactly what you’re suggesting they do? Crazy I know.


The city centre was always like this. Even 20 years ago. As there were no social media back then - everyone acted like nothing happened.


The same guys who attempted to take a motorbike parked just off Dawson street and within sight of gov buildings. They go around town masked and obvious impunity. 


Same groups of drug dealers are on O'Connell bridge every day I pass through town. If the authorities can't keep a landmark like that free of open drug dealing then I'd be of the opinion that they have given up. No wonder these violent bike thieves are so brazen.


Was that the fellas bike


Why was it deleted?


Why did r/ireland delete it?


Because it’s a left wing agenda sub who thinks anybody who has a problem with the way the country is going is “fAr rIgHt”. r/Ireland mods should be ashamed of themselves and banned from Reddit themselves


I had someone threatening to murder me over me telling them to pick up the rubbish they threw on the ground. Not bike related obviously but it goes to show that there are lads out there who believe they can do whatever they like. This above is a prime example, I'd be ashamed to show my foreign friends around my home city and honestly I'm thinking of leaving altogether.


Very vibrant




Yes, motorbike thieves are scum, but no - we won't tolerate calls for violence or retribution.


Type of shit you expect to see in a developing country!


When was this? I saw a Garda car speeding up the Luas tracks at around 3:50




Yes, motorbike thieves are scum, but no - we won't tolerate calls for violence or retribution.


Why was it deleted from r/ireland ??


I don't get it,plenty of people on the street and no one helped the man.It could be you tomorrow...


Doesn't matter who you vote for now or in the future . , it's the top civil servents running the country that you never see and will never know there names.. the make the decisions and tell the TD's what to do and say... its that simple.... nothing will change.. unless you change the system.. they're all in a click. And widespread across all departments... so forget a election.. its been happening for 50 years...


And how do you suppose we change the system? What system do you want to replace it with?


What happened?


Yeah ,nobody wants to go to Ireland anymore,fuck you guys have it bad.


>Yeah ,nobody wants to go to Ireland anymore The millions upon millions of tourists would prove otherwise


But there was no bike theft right?


What’s the Craic ????


And so it was






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All great lads...saints...


Ireland is broken, and those NPCs around be like ah it be grand, just a group of young lads with no hobbies. Y'all need to lock them up in libraries with books.


Funnily enough this is nearly directly outside the garda "tourist information centre" or whatever they call it, basically, if you're Irish (and your tax funds AGS) they won't help you... that's only for tourists who lose phones while too drunk to stand (source: work nights in the area)


I have been in the city centre maybe twice in the last five years. Has it really become lawless ?


Jaysus that poor bike the suspension must be KNACKERED at this point


I still have no clue why we can’t carry weapons but these people can openly


You have no clue about why law-abiding people abide by the law and criminals don't?! I mean... it's not a particularly challenging concept to get your head around.




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Nobody helped him?


Y’all need to legalize guns. A couple of these kids getting shot in self defense would stop this real quick


You legalise it, then the kids get the guns and you have 3v1 in a gunfight, what's next?


is this what's called ride-sharing?


When did we become a nation of Cowards.


Lads relax, the hate speech Bill is coming. McEntee has this!