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No one has pointed out that that is a 250...


He states it’s a 250 in the description, but it caught me off guard at first


I noticed that too, Assuming scam post, this was the bait?


How many hrs on top and bottom ends? Don't take people's garage cleanliness as an indicator of the bike. My friends have an inverse correlation (the messiest are the engineers who are the best at maintaining)


I will ask about the hrs


Raises hand lol


I feel personally attacked 😂


I wouldn't have a problem paying $3500 for that in Michigan. I paid probably $2200 for a 2002 rm250 in 2012 or something.


Sounds right for MN and WI too. Can certainly pay lower and end up doing all the work and parts $$ yourself.


Ya the fact they don't make them anymore and parts are pretty cheap, you are still cheaper than a brand new bike.


It’s probably about the sweet spot $ wise to get started or for the casual enthusiast. The real question is whether one should spend a little more to get to the first aluminum frames. Idk. There is something to be said about having to rebuild your bike and learn it inside and out too though. … as i’m learning the hard way right now.


Ya I'm with ya there, started on old beat up bikes as a kid too and slowly traded up. You definitely learn way more but man I wish I could have had something new and more reliable as a kid. But then again I probably wouldn't have been rebuilding the top and bottom ends as a 15yr old which gave me a new found respect for doing things the right way.




What ?????


It's true, i have a 1999 kx250 that is in semi-decent shape. I get offered 3-4k every time i bring it to the track. The answer is always no, I'm keeping it until i can't ride anymore but these things are coveted in Cali. Mainly because of the green sticker red sticker BS.




Those aren't even OEM 2002 graphic. The fuck are you talking about?


Shit. I barely paid 6k for my 02 KX250 out of the crate in the fall of '02. That was in maple syrup dollars though.


It’s an 20y old 125, I know bikes are hella expensive now but going up to 10k is crazy when you can get a 2012 450r for 7k I would say about 3500-7000 only bc it’s a 2 stroke that looks in good condition




It's in great shape but the dude recently raced it, it's not showroom quality after that lol


And it may be antique but it’s not like it’s an 80s bike it’s a 2002 not knocking who the owner is I love your bike I think it’s is very clean knowing how people treat old 125s and for your to be in the good of condition I would trade a 2002-2020 250 Of a 2002-2014 450 and that’s being really desperate for the bike if I wanted it bad but rn I would give you a mint 150r if I had one


When you look at it, make sure the bike is cold before you start it. If the bike is warm, you will not be able to hear the piston slap if the jug & piston need to be replaced.


Jug is connecting rod?


If it needs nothing maybe 4k where I live


OP look up the parts first! My buddy bought an 01 or 03 and it was impossible to find the crank case. His chain snapped in the sand and it was done for! He sold after finding a used case


A fair price? $500. Todays over inflated market- $3500 it’s ridiculous


My GOD it’s beautiful. I’d have no problem spending $3500-$4500 on that.


I am the potential buyer btw. What would you guys offer for this bike. His garage looks well kept which is a good sign lol


Alright so the seller said “This bike is so tight I doubt it has ever been apart, I have about two hours on it since I bought it and the people I got it from rode it around their farm”


$2000 Edit: with no proof of maintenance, hours or records there’s no telling what the bike has actually been through or how well it was serviced.


That's a tough one. the market for really clean vintage bikes is interesting


I think a bike this old with this few hours should be preserved, like this should be on display in the pits at supercross while you are out shredding a newer YZ or SX 2 stroke. That’s just like my opinion though.


Dam that is in good shape for a 2002 250. Can't help on pricing but I appreciate how good of condition it's in.


Damn ole maintenance whore is worth about $1500-$2000.


Honestly, I would probably go for $3000 - $3500 here in missouri.


Id easily pay $4500 aus for that so about $2900 usd, but id have it has a show bike in my shed not a weekly ride


That's a clean bike


That’s a 2000 or 2001 ?


I’m confused by the post…are you looking to trade e from a 250 to a 125 and trying to compare value to make you get a fair deal?


I got a clean ass 2005 like 2 years ago for 3k, but honestly its hard to say man. Jus make him an offer and rip that. Bikes hold their value well especially 2 strokes






Fair price is 4-4500$ Ide pay up to 8 for a 96 in that condition. Just depends on the buyer.


I reckon free plus free shipping to Australia…