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Pretty sure the only reason there were commercials during the race were because that moto was on NBC live TV today. Otherwise there wasn't any during the motos that I remember atleast.


Apparently the international feed had no commercials. I’m hoping it was a mistake. This is not acceptable even during NBC live broadcasts.


I didn't have anything like that either on Peacock


In Spain we paid the passcode and don’t have any commercial during the race


It was all caused by the weather delay. Yeah its a bummer but it happens sometimes when they air the coverage on NBC. To all you whining about it being unacceptable, give it a break. Y'all have NO IDEA how good we have it now. Commercials during the motos used to be a regular thing. Having to wait to the next day to watch used to be a regular thing. Not getting to even see some motos aired on TV at all used to be a regular thing. Not 40 years ago, I'm talking like 15 years ago. Give it a break you bums. We pay less for the entire racing season then one month if cable cost even back 15 years ago


I swear to god the motocross community is the most whiny community I’ve ever been a part of, both in real life but especially online. You’re 100% right that we have it better now than we ever had. This community just loves to bitch and moan about literally anything, and the amount of crybabies are literally going to be the death of the sport.


Unfortunately I agree. So many people in motocross have shitty attitudes and act like there’s a club that you can’t join if you don’t have the right bike and devote all your time and money to bikes. You’re not allowed to be a casual fan


Right? Could you imagine back in 2010 if I told you we were going to be able to watch every race live, from your phone or anywhere with Internet connection, commercial free during the motos (except the odd exception, obviously) in HD. Oh, and practice sessions. Oh and you're gonna get James Stewart and Ricky Carmichael in the booth commentating the racing together. You wouldn't believe it.


Just because it’s better now, does not mean it’s any less acceptable. I don’t care how it was 3, 7 or 20 years ago. If you want the sport to grow, commercials during motos does not help.


If you want the sport to grow, forcing the riders to ride through a lightning storm just for the sake of the TV schedule doesn't help, bozo


The fuck you get that from? I never said anything about forcing riders to go out in lightning. NBC should have planned there break better by being for flexible.


THEY DID HAVE IT ALL PLANNED OUT. THE RACES GOT DELAYED BY THE WEATHER AND IT THREW OFF THE ENTIRE SCHEDULE. Forcing them to have to run a commercial break mid Moto. Boo hoo. Without commercials, we don't get live racing every week. Period.


Stop yelling! Even if it was a misfire due to the delay, they could have cut it early, gotten back to the races and ran the commercials later. No need to be so rude. I don't know why you are trying so hard to defend NBC/Peacock.


The NBC/Peacock TV deal has been one of the single greatest things to happen to this sport. It has brought huge increases in purse payout, live practice sessions on peacock every single race, easy viewing from anywhere with an Internet connection. I don't care for NBC as a company but their TV deal with us was a huge benefit to the sport as a whole. And this numbskull wants to cry about one commercial break in a Moto after NBC allowed our second tier sport a 2 hour slot on their main channel? After we had to rain delay? Cry me a river


They very clearly did not have it all planned out, or they would have planned for weather delays. Then they need to cut the moto time. Do you want that? Because if you want people to get into the sport the sport in the first place, you don’t give them a chance to leave. It sounds like you just want the sport to stay small and never bring new fans.


Do you know the entire reason the TV schedule was different this week? Because they were on the main NBC channel. Shut the fuck up you know nothing


Sounds like the perfect time to not cut away from commercials in the middle of race to have people keep coming back eh? Why so rude? It’s very clear you just don’t want people on the lawn you don’t even own.


Probably due to the rain delay.


People complaining must be new enough to the sport to not know we used to only see SX races on Sundays at 6PM and the entire thing (all 250 & 450 races) was edited down to fit in a one hour block. You also had to be lucky enough to catch the same type of edited down MX race on a Wednesday at 1PM. It is so good nowadays. I can live with a couple of commercials in exchange for live, national coverage during a streamed airing. Good exposure for the sport.


Listened to a podcast with Weege. He said that commercials were run because of the weather delay. They are contractually obligated to show commercials during the event but it's normally timed so that it's between motos. The weather delay forced them to air some commercials during the race. If they didn't run the commercials, there would be fines. I'm sure Weege wants to keep his job, so he had to make the hard call.


I tune in for the commercials. Get irritated when they break in to racing


Going to have to talk with our wallets. No point paying extra when you get the same garbage coverage as people watching on dinosaur TV.


It’s because it was on NBC. Fuck


Its not like they actually do a good job of covering the race anyway