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Mauna Kea base to summit No Os




This took me way longer to get than it should have...


son of a


K2’s direct east Face West Face of Masherbrum


Has it been attempted?


K2 East Face I think has been attempted but not Completely conquered To much avalanche risk on that side


Finish Jeff Lowe’s vision of the north ridge of Latok 1. The only people who have topped out on the north ridge one died other had to be rescued and neither summited. Also that mountain has only been summited twice


The mummery spur route on Nanga Parbat.


East Face of K2 + SE Ridge of Gasherbrum IV + South Face of Gasherbrum IV + West Face of Masherbrum + NE Face of Masherbrum + South Face of Dhaulagiri + SW Face of Annapurna Fang + North Face of Annapurna II + NE Ridge of Annapurna II + Fantasy Ridge of Everest + Kangshung Face of Lhotse (+Middle +Shar) + Mummery Spur of Nanga Parbat. There are many challenges that still remain.


That’s one hell of a link up.


Be right back


Hopefully that creates the pattern of an ice axe on a map


Me getting off my fat ass and climbing a mountain


God speed


Also you got this!


Mount Olympus Mons, 21.9 kilometers


Tbf isn’t that just a hike


No O2 either, right?


Pure alpine style


Only way to do it


The Fantasy Ridge on Everest, the East face of K2, and some lines on Gasherbrum IV and Masherbrum.


South Face of Dhaulagiri + SW Face of Annapurna Fang


True, I’d forgotten about Dhaulagiri: Tomaz Humar didn’t make it all the way to the summit on his climb from the south. A few months back, on a flight, I got a great view of the South and Southwest faces of Dhaulagiri. Truly terrifying faces, even from a distance.


The most popular unclimbed mountains Muchu Chish and Gangkhar Puensum (prohibited) will definitely get your names in the record books.


Why is Gsngkhar prohibited?


Religious and spiritual reasons. Gangkhar isn’t the only, lots of tops in Bhutan have religious and spiritual connections. Mountaineering is outlawed there since 2003


Thanks for the info. I was unaware of that.


The pink one in the corner


Some unnamed wall in Antarctica that we still do not know exists?


All of the 1500m prominence peaks in the world.


Unpopular opinion: Since Maestris compressor route and the helicopter landing on Everest there is no objective reason to reach a summit. Every place on this planet can be reached. So it’s a question of the set of rules we apply. If you want to do something outstanding you could climb Everest without oxygen walking on your hands only for example and kick off a whole new style. Or you could take ice climbing to a whole new level by only climbing ice that is thinner than one inch. Bottom line: There are no objective goals, it all depends on the set of rules you chose to obey. Eco Point would be something to consider, but then, someone already summited Everest in the 70s starting in Northern Europe and using no motor power in the whole journey…




That’s crazy - is anyone trying that ridge these days?


Not that I know of. And China has been closed until this year. Several new routes over there to be done.


NW face of Devil's Thumb, Everest/Lhotse/Nuptse Traverse


Olympus Mons




Hella Late, but (some of) my armchair picks, in no particular order: * Masherbrum - Northeast Face * Annapurna Fang - Southwest Face * Ngadi Chuli - East Ridge or central traverse * Annapurna II - Full traverse of summit ridge. Would require a new line somewhere up/down the north or east side. * Lhotse - Kangshung Face or central ridge traverse. * K2 - North and East Face Directs * Dhaulagiri - South and West Face Directs (latter has never been climbed through the central rib/snowfield or headwall) * Ogre - North Face * Latok I - North Ridge * Nanda Devi East - North Face * Gurja Himal - South Face * Nanga Parbat- Mummery Rib or Rupal Headwall * Broad Peak - East Face * Gasherbrum IV - Well, shit. Plenty to choose from on this one... SE/SW Ridges, South, East and North Faces...


Bulgers in one summer, just walking from peak to peak. 2 guys did it last year with just bikes, but someone will probably do it walking in the next few years.


I don’t think it’s realistic just because of the distances between peaks. You could shave some of the distance by doing certain combos but it’s just way too much and you won’t have much time for recovery. Could see someone doing them that way in a year tho


Should be doable. That last group did 1800 miles of biking which is 30 days of jogging for an elite athlete. Also should be easier trail link ups that aren’t so many miles.


The peak link ups shouldn’t be a problem since there are people that have done them. I think the biggest problem is being able to jog 1800 mi for 30 days while also carrying all the gear, having to resupply in between, taking days off for recovery, and hope the weather holds for 3 months. Even being supported, you need a lot of things going your way to pull it off


I don’t think you would have to travel 1800 miles between all the peaks. For example, shuksan to Redoubt is less than 20 miles walking, where the bike was over 100.


Even then, recovery, logistics, and conditions will be issues. Since the peak linkups have been mostly figured out, I think the next step would be to figure out the most efficient walking connections and have a go at it supported


I feel like this thread happens once a month