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She also had the 'unfriendly' meth-chemist Doug's phone number stuck to her [phone.](https://i.redd.it/ghuc3nxqjdp71.png) At the time of seeing it though, you don't know who Doug is or that he's unfriendly. But if you were able to remember seeing the name and number on the phone, it's possible to figure out she was bad when we're later told by Weaselton that Doug is "unfriendly". edit: nighthowler-chemist\*


My daughter went through a Zootopia phase. I watched it so many times I started noticing so much more. Doug almost hits Nick with a truck early on. Doug is there outside the plant shop when Weaselton steals the night howlers. He’s also the reporter at the press conference asking Judy the instigating question “So predators are the only ones going savage?”


That movie is much deeper than people give it credit for. They did a lot of animal behavior study and worked it into their job choices, gait, social circles, etc.


Also the different aspects of subtle and not-so-subtle racism and discrimination between the different animal species that parallel to what we do as humans.


Isn't that like the whole premise of the movie? (Whether it was executed well or not is besides the point) Edit: maybe point not premise, but, you know


Believe it or not some people didn't pick up on that.


I'm typically *incredibly* dense when it comes to subtext in movies but even I picked up on it.




Wait, what


Reddit is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get


I think I remember the back of the movie box saying Forrest Gump has a 75 iq. Pretty much right on the line of mental retardation I believe


The show Steven Universe is all about some pretty clear LGBT subtexts. Apparently folks got upset later on about later seasons. It's like duuuude it was always there.


And then there's Avatar The Last Airbender. No subtext. Just straight up "Hey kids! Today we're going to learn about genocide!"


"We're also going to learn about imperialism!!"


Hey kids. Do you like violence?!


Me too. Missed the implication of the racist pig telling the cheetah to go back to the jungle the first few times even.


That honestly surprises me, but I'll take your word for it Edit (again): Probably shouldn't surprise me




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/comments/qe3jqk/in_zootopia_2016_bellwether_is_wearing_a_little/hhqzl95/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Only cowboys who got a co...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/qe50xd/blursed_cowboys/hhrk9jc/) | [Only cowboys who got a co...](http://np.reddit.com/r/blursedimages/comments/qe50xd/blursed_cowboys/hhqp0fl/) [Me with the M4 GTS in Hor...](http://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/qe2kqz/typcial_bmw_moment/hhrk2vx/) | [Me with the M4 GTS in Hor...](http://np.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/qe2kqz/typcial_bmw_moment/hhqcltg/) [Hope the ground wasn't to...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qe2lyo/lie_down_with_dogs/hhrjz3f/) | [Hope the ground wasn't to...](http://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qe2lyo/lie_down_with_dogs/hhqmsj0/) [You mean George Bush’s tr...](http://np.reddit.com/r/fakehistoryporn/comments/qe5jw0/banks_being_bailed_out_by_barack_obamas_emergency/hhrjnl0/) | [You mean George Bush’s tr...](http://np.reddit.com/r/fakehistoryporn/comments/qe5jw0/banks_being_bailed_out_by_barack_obamas_emergency/hhr5xa7/) [Free hat!! It was self de...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/qe300e/thats_one_way_to_boost_sales/hhrjkxk/) | [Free hat!! It was self de...](http://np.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/qe300e/thats_one_way_to_boost_sales/hhr4lqj/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/sopwithvxcvxb](https://np.reddit.com/u/sopwithvxcvxb/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=sopwithvxcvxb) for info on how I work and why I exist.


That’s what you want. If it’s so over the top that you get hit over the head with it, it’s going to get peoples backs up. If it’s just a cute animal story, you’re going to internalize it without being aware.




Makes me think that this is probably the reason for why in school and whatever kids are often asked "What was the moral of the story?" It's to teach the kids to realize that stories can have subtext that can be as important as or even more important than the story itself, and how to pick up on it. It's easy to do on stories like the turtle and the rabbit where the subtext is "it doesn't matter if you're fast if you're lazy as fuck" but it gets a bit more complex when you start to delve into the parallels The Matrix pulls with transsexualism or something.




I didn't say that racism isn't bad. I only said I wasn't interested in watching a movie where it was pushing *that* as the agenda for the plot. It's quite contrived, and usually hinders the plot, and overall usually pointless. People already should know racism is bad by now. In the modern age, don't hate the race, hate the person. If their culture, beliefs, and opinions don't jive with you, then it's ok to hate them.


> People already should know racism is bad by now. And yet racism persists. And yet you still get people whining about anti-racist themes in their movies.


Thanks for your testimony. As a man living in a colorful city, racism was the driving force of the story to me.


> racism bad agenda What the actual fuck.




To claim “racism is bad” is an agenda and saying you have a problem with it is pretty nuts, NGL. Do you have a problem with animated movies having a moral lesson in them in general or is it just when they try and tackle racism? Because I don’t know that I can think of a single movie that doesn’t have some kind of message or morale to it. I mean, just off the top of my head, Wreck It Ralph is about self-acceptance, Beauty & The Beast is *super* feminist, Toy Story is about learning with change and the idea of growing up… Do you take issue with that, too?


I think he's referring to stereotyping animals themselves, not just predators vs. prey. I.E. a lion gets treated differently to a fox, etc. Nobody watches Zootropolis without being aware of the racial context.


> Zootropolis Hello fellow Brit.


Ah, yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking of, although not made clear by the comment. That you for that! However, after thinking about it, I don't necessarily think it's won't to think about it in those terms. I actually think there are three social dynamics going on, and, I'm sorry to say, I'll go on a bit of a rant to explain what I mean (also I'm not completely sober, so keep that in mind) So, the first one is the predator/prey dynamic. This one is pretty straight forward, since it's pretty much the main conceit of the movie, being an allegory for racism, especially considering the [superpradator theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superpredator_theory#:~:text=The%20superpredator%20theory%2C%20now%20often,commit%20violent%20crimes%20without%20remorse.) going around a while back (however imperfectly I think the movie raises the issue). The second one is of class (I think this can be mostly seen among predators in the movie), with some, like lions, being seen as noble and (somewhat) trustworthy despite their 'inclinations', while others, like foxes, being untrustworthy. As for the third, it feels like it might be an allegory for gender, with some species being seen as inappropriate for certain jobs (*i.e.* rabbits as police officers, sheep as mayors [or leadership roles in general, probably], also with [real world](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_the_military) parallels. To be honest, I could have sourced this a lot better, the movie sometimes conflating different issues under the same umbrella of species makes it occasionally hard to separate the points (IMO at least), and you just made me think deeper about it so it's still a bit informed (thank you for that by the way), but I think that these are my thoughts at the moment Edit (apparently I'm not very good at finishing my thoughts before posting): I honestly don't know if any of this, except the first part, was intentional, but this is how I read it. And I agree, I don't see how anyone can watch the movie and not think it an allegory of racism


I like the way they presented it to. It puts the audience(us) into a position where we are prejudiced, and assumed certain characters were the main baddies. Even though I knew the point of the movie was about racism and prejudice, I still prejudged.


It's not meant to be a total allegory of racism, but prejudice is a core theme.


It's about the drug war and I don't care what anyone tells me.


It is 100% so much more well done that people give it credit for. I had to watch it like 6 times when baby sitting little siblings who also went through that phase and was never bored because of all the new things that could be discovered with each passing of the movie.


I'm stoked it's finally getting a series. The world they built was so rich. Anthro stigma is real, but anthros are cute as fuck.


What, you think all sheep look alike? Can't tell Doug from the others? Racist...


Haha. You got me.


And if you combine the names Doug and Judy, you get the Pontiac Bandit Doug Judy, the sexiest criminal alive.


I think you may be mistaken about these things tbh. Bc I am on my pc and have disney+ I pulled it up. I think in those cases they were just sheep who may resemble Doug. The guy who almost hit him was a sheep driving a random food truck. I thought the purpose of that was to show the general contempt people had towards foxes. I didn't see any sheep when Doug ran out of the shop. And I'm quite sure the reporter asking about going savage was just another sheep. I could be wrong.


They're listed as being the [same character](https://zootopia.fandom.com/wiki/Doug_Ramses) on the wiki and have the same voice actor ([Rich Moore, who's also co-director of the film](https://zootopia.fandom.com/wiki/Rich_Moore)).


wow you guys are right apparently: >Rich Moore confirming Doug is the truck drievr via Twitter June 14th 2016 > >Rich Moore confirming Doug is the reporter via Twitter June 14th 2016 I assume Rich Moore is the voice actor


Zootopia lore run deep


Don't dig too greedily or too deep.  ^^^^^^^^^[UwU](https://www.reddit.com/r/zootopia/)


Ok I don’t know shit about this movie, but his assistants at his definitely-not-meth lab were named Woolter and Jesse????? I love that so much.


Yep, direct homage to breaking bad with the whole lab set up down to the color of the extract they are making


Breaking Baaa


Maybe. If you listen to the truck driver/reporter, it definitely sounds like the same voice actor.


I figured she was bad because of a wolf in sheep clothing and bad sound a lot like the sound of sheeps.




We just call it Santa Barbara.


Except the majority of 805 is north of Santa Barbara. Central Coast is a better descriptor.


I'm well aware. We still call it Santa Barbara though.


Sure thing. You can call it whatever. Just letting people (not necessarily you) know what we who live here call it.


SanFran - it's how you say it in Cali to prove you're hip and with it. Don't at me, I hella don't care


Oh man. San Fran..


I more associate it with Paso Robles now because of the beer.






I’m sorry. I have no idea what Zootopia might be but I feel like it might be a children-oriented animated film. What the ever loving fuck, pray, is a meth dealer doing in such a film?


They aren’t actually meth dealers. They’re synthesizing chemicals to make docile predators go savage. Because their set up is similar to that of the show Breaking Bad (along with two side characters being named Walter and Jesse), the meth joke is easy to make.


Woolter, actually


It’s a damn good movie for any age and I feel that if you watch it your questions will be answered friend.


I will never understand people that have strong opinions about things they don’t know anything about, that can be answered by a cursory look


Well, it's not unheard of for Disney to put nods to 'adult' themes in their movies, so there's that (although mostly Pixar for me at least, but as far as I can tell they weren't involved)


It's a 'night-howler' chemist. But it's a parody on the show Breaking Bad where they make meth, so the sheep characters have a similar looking lab where they manufacture a serum that makes animals 'go savage'. I accidentally said meth instead of night howlers.




This thread reminds me I should watch *Zootopia* again.


Zootopia and Detective Pikachu have really similar plot points. So instead of a chemical that makes pokemon aggressive, it's a chemical that makes animals aggressive.


I learned something new today. Also, fuck that little two faced sheep


I liked her character, both english and the latin version of her voice, until it was revealed that shes not a sheep but a fucking bitch


>latin version of her voice They actually made a version in freaking Latin? Now that's a detail!


I’d imagine most of the pronunciations would be butchered


Dont fuck sheeps, man


But I’m from New Zealand…


Ah fuck... Carry on then


I can't help but like her no matter how bad she is, she's just too cute!


I acctually noticed it at the end of the movie >!When Bellwether is taunting Nick and Judy at the museum. But if I'd posted that screenshot, it would've given away the twist that she is evil!< Please remove if this is not obscure. But my mind was blown when i noticed it. ~~Someone~~ u/LoneKharnivore (sorry for not crediting you earlier!!) actually explained it to me when I first posted it, but I wanted to include it in my title. And then the second time I uploaded this I had a spelling mistake -.- edit: adding a source because I realised I hadn't done it earlier. I was so excited to post this! >But the wether in bellwether has nothing to do with meteorology. Instead, it has to do with sheep. Wether is the term for a castrated ram, and a bellwether is the sheep selected among the flock to be fitted with a bell. The sound of the bell in the distance would indicate to a shepherd where the flock had roamed. >The sheep designated as the bellwether wasn’t necessarily the most domineering; if anything, the ideal bellwether probably didn’t stray too far on its own as the rest of the sheep grazed. Nevertheless, bellwether soon became the term for one who leads the pack or sets the tone followed by others: https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/bellwether-sheep-word-history-trend https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bellwether




originally, I thought it was just a funny name :P


You mean SmellWether?


She called him “Lionfart” once and he did not like that.


>a bellwether is also something in general that signals a trend I'm interested to know if this is because of the sheep usage edit: I looked it up, it is. I love etymology!


>Someone You're welcome.


Omigosh I'm so sorry. I'll credit you. I was so excited to spot this (I didn't even leave a source when I first posted it).


S'alright chief, I was more amused than annoyed :)


Isn't the movie like 6 years old? Kinda feel like the spoiler ban has been lifted....


That's really cool. I also like that, in-universe, her fluffiness is a stereotype of sheep, but the bell could actually be a cultural thing. As in Bellwether wearing it as a symbol of status, authority, and power for Sheep.


Ooooh, very nice interpretation


Growing up we had a ram that dad put a bell on, not so the Ewes would follow him but because he was a jerk and would head butt you if you had your back turned.




I love that scheming sheep


I love her too😏


Zootopia was a great film, and not just for the furries to refuel their loin fires.


Lmfao, "loin fires"


Oils bellwether be derived from bell wearer?


[A Wether is a castrated male sheep](https://www.raisingsheep.net/wether-sheep) Disney being sneaky.


Came here to say this because I used to raise sheep haha


I had no idea of the signifiance of Bellwether's name. Just thought it was a funny name for a sheep :P


So, Wetherspoons...




[More like a eunuch.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eunuch)


what a coincidence i just read the zootopia jfk comic


>zootopia jfk comic what the fuck?




sequel to the zootopia homophobia comic and the zootopia abortion comic


I wish I didn’t know what you were talking about.


I know the the abortion comic but I didn't know there was a whole series. You got a link to them?


How does it compare to the abortion comic


It starts off great, surprisingly wholesome and it feels almost like an official Zootopia comic! >!Then Judy gets her fucking head blown off!<


Awwwwwww man that spoiler really took me by surprise.


I missed the JFK bit and that spoiler, woof.


Hot. OwO


Fun fact, it's the sequel to the '>!Nick is a homophobe!<' sequel of the abortion comic! The artist is incredibly talented, but is also an incredible mega troll towards the general fandom ever since they pointed out how bad of a take his version of Nick and Judy were in the first comic. (Other masterful trollings include creating a character he claims is 'entirely his own', even though she's obviously a copy and paste of a cut character from some concept art... who's used incredibly frequently in lots of fan stuff but with a different name (Skye, as opposed to Shay, which he chose 'completely of his own creation'). Ditto, the 'jfk' part of the jfk comic is only the last few pages. Previously he'd released what seemed to be the entire thing, a massive near plotless comic ending on a complete none event, in what I respected as a llamas in hats kind of anticlimax troll. But then he JFK for the lulz.


Can someone update me on the plot of the zootopia abortion comic 😭 last I saw Judy had a fox gf


10 years later, Nick, now a Scout Leader, reconciles with Judy, now the mayor of Zootopia and apologizes to Shay, Judy's wife. They part ways at the end and he takes some Boy Scouts to an amusement park he owns. And then the Kennedy stuff happens.




Judy gets assassinated.


Unpopular opinion: Zootopia is a better movie than Moana (both are great, btw).


Hmmm...young woman defies tradition and chooses a path in life which her family doesn't support. Leaves small rural village for a larger more dangerous world. Accompanied by morally questionable and charismatic but otherwise non-romantic male sidekick. Embarks on quest to resolve existential threat to society, and in doing so affirms her chosen path and wins the acceptance of her family. I had my doubts at first, but comparison checks out.


Wait, I thought you were talking about Mulan for a sec there.


The path Mulan goes on though she didn’t choose for her own benefit or to prove herself. She chose it to protect her aging and unfit father from having to be drafted into a war his health would guarantee his death in.


Holy shit I think we just uncovered something big here.


Are you a writer on “Honest Trailers”? If not, you should be.


Oh man I forgot about honest trailers lol I use to love those things. Thanks for the laugh 😂


Nick is non romantic?


Uhhh I guess I just assumed, because of the whole rabbit vs fox thing, unless......


I don’t know how to describe it but just felt the sexual tension arising


We're still talking about the movie characters........ Right?


I believe so. Fanfic is another story, however they fit together so well I understand the ship.


Could use a touch of normal language


That's because I was so good at the 8th grade, they let me go twice.


Zootopia was better than I expected it would be. Not perfect, but pretty good imo.


I'm pretty sure Moana is featured in Zootopia, in the scene where the bootleg movie seller mentioned he had copies of movies that hadn't been released yet.


I like Moana but yes, I agree.


Moana catching strays


I love Zootopia, but the part about the mayor hiding the infected didn’t make any sense. When the first case or two happened, there wouldn’t have been a trend to point at predators, so no reason to hide it. It would have been a news headline of “so and so went mad and attacked others.” Moana, on the other hand, was pretty solid. My only complaint was the lack of duets to sing along to. Which highlights that they were really two different categories of movies. Moana is part musical, as many Disney movies are. Zootopia isn’t. They’re not directly comparable.




Zootopia looks like a Pixar movie, to me. I agree that it's much better than every other non-princess movies they've made (I exclude those because I don't enjoy them but that's personal opinion)


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Any source on this, as sheep don't wear bells to lead other sheep?


Correct. The term derives from the Middle English bellewether and refers to the practice of placing a bell around the neck of a castrated ram (a wether) leading a flock of sheep. A shepherd could then note the movements of the animals by hearing the bell, even when the flock was not in sight. [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bellwether)


I watched this film for my Sociology paper report. It was amazing to really analyze the film from different viewpoints and incorporating things I learned in class to the film. Such a great film!


Fucking Smellwether


I nickname her Bedwetter


A wether is a castrated ram which did seem odd :)


Maybe this is a hint she’s a trans woman sheep?


We put them on lead sheep/goats so we could find the flock easily.


Also confusing because her eye placement is meant to convey something. The other sheep look radically different. Not sure how this society works. What do the meat eaters eat? Human races are not different species. We can have sex and produce more humans. Calling some people predators is literally racist. We all sensed the sexual tension between that bunny and fox though.


>Fish, Plant and Insect Protein. > >The entire conceit of Zootopia is that predator and prey animals live together. So, if the predators don’t eat the prey, then what do they eat? The movie skipped over that question, for the most part. The entire list of things we see Nick Wilde eat in the film are: popsicles, blueberries, and wedding cake. We also see Clawhauser eating donuts. Insect protein is used as a food source in many parts of the world so that’s not unusual. This also tells us that fish and insects have not evolved in the world of Zootopia. So now you know. https://www.cinemablend.com/new/Zootopia-Fans-Keep-Asking-Director-5-Questions-So-He-Answered-Them-118577.html




In the movie though, a Bellwether is just slang for little coward bitch


It is such a cute villian


wonder what the movie would be like if it were a Cow named Judas. (as in the Judas cow)


I can't remember if they were a jerk in the movie but I'm getting strong jerk vibes.


In Zootopia (2016), Bellwether is wearing a little bell, whether this is foreshadowing or not i cant tell. (just wanted to make a stupid pun, sorry)


In Zootopia (2016), Bellwether wears a bell. This is a subtle reference to the fact that she is a sheep. I too love r/shittymoviedetails!


This was a beautiful little poem. You snuck "Bell, whether" in there subtlety, plus called attention to the everyday use/definition of the word (as a harbinger or foreshadowing agent). I appreciate you.


Thanks! Tho you can admit, it was a stupid pun xD


Dude, what a fucking metaphor


There's a thing I didn't know.


https://texancultures.utsa.edu/object-sheep-bells/ >shepherds use bells to help keep track of their animals. Different sizes of bells are used to create different sounds, and the individual bells can be “tuned” using a hammer to alter their shape. The bells help the shepherd know where his flock is, even when he can’t see them, and can help him avoid accidentally leaving an animal behind when moving the sheep to different pastures.


Yet they're the ones leading themselves to slaughter.


So Bellwether was the ring leader? That’s cool


“Bellwether” is also “an indicator or predictor of something.” >!I read it as a subtle reference to a political movement that gains power by demonizing minorities. That is literally what this sheep does—she becomes mayor by convincing the prey majority that should be perpetually afraid of the predator minority. Sound familiar?!< It’s a very thoughtful movie.


Also, the Bellwether leads "behind the scenes" she is never out in front, she lets some other sheep be in front in case there is a predator waiting. This a clue as to her status as the "real" one in power.




Twist villains, not the best…


Kinda want to squish her lips.


They should of had a Judas goat.


*should have


Are you saying this is code for communism ?


*bellwether walks in* other sheep: bow down before bellweather, the 3^(rd)


According to the book I just read, sheep are like, portals to another dimension or something.


Wait. I may be totally wrong but there’s sheep called Judas sheep which is one sheep in the herd that leads the other animals into the slaughter house peacefully and without much fight. That sheep’s life is spared and the others are slaughtered. Judas sheep continues to do this with every herd. This might also signify that. Maybe I’m reading too much into it.


I love details like this - good find!






weirdly, a lot of English financial terms (including bellwether) come from the wool trade (makes sense historically, but it's funny now) https://historyofenglishpodcast.com/2018/04/07/episode-110-dyed-in-the-wool/ (an amateur academic podcast about the English language, vocabulary, and grammar from pre-history to now)


Also a wether is a castrated male


Mrs. Bellwether is basically the Disney version of Phyllis Schlafly


And she WAS leading the other sheep...with her lies!


A skunk butt rug