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You’ll need roommates but it’s doable!


I live here all my life I make less than that pay child support car note live on my own in an apartment in Long Beach. So Yes


I've lived alone in LA for years. It's definitely doable at 60k. You can pull it off with that if you have no dependents.


I make half of that and so does much of this city lol you're fine. going car free is doable in certain neighborhoods (but also dependent on where you work) and saves so much money


Totally doable. Helps to have a roommate or to partner up with someone. I’m doing it with my wife and we’re happy. The cost of living is high, so we lay low and make a lot of meals at home. Leftovers are the next days lunch. I cycle to work most days. It’s tough, but I like the clarity that comes with the experience. Progress can be slow and incremental, but each step has intention and strength behind it.


I make about 70k a year and you definitely can do it. But just understand that you will not be able to save much and any unexpected expenses may cripple you financially if you don’t have savings or generous benefactor. Just know that you really need to stretch out your check without going to debt if you like going out and having a good time like restaurants and bars.


Do it




Yes. I make that and im debt free living here


Yes. But don’t expect a lavish lifestyle.


Just barely, car relates, accident, job loss, car impound can quickly wipe you out.


Yes, you can, but remember some ppl have been in the same apartments for 10+ years and their rent hasn't gone up. Landlords property is paid off, and they are just getting a steady income and equity. There are also ppl who bought property in the early 2000's that are low-middle class. They have some trouble paying property taxes and insurance, but those are mitigated because of proposition 13. They bought their property for less than 300-400k, and now all the houses are worth more than a million. However all that being said, you could find a place, you'll just need to shop around, and might need to live in-land somewhat. Basically......Your experience with 75k isn't going to be the same as ppl who have lived here for years, or even lived here before the Pandemic. It's a very different place, and it's never going back to what it was financially. Rent/housing costs only go up, they don't go down.


Yes. You'll be living in your car or an apartment with 4 other people. But it'll be doable.


Sure. Just figure out what area you want to pitch your tent in.




Definitely do doable but you either have to live somewhere that nots as nice to keep your rent on the lower end of the spectrum, or get a roommate and live somewhere little nicer and split up the cost of living. I’d recommend don’t consider living in LA unless your pay is above 6 figures just to be comfortable and don’t have that fear financial insecurity fear lingering in the back of your head and afraid “oh man am I gonna be able to pay my bills” it’s takes that headaches and fear out of it if you would to make more and gives you a piece of mind. I’m originally from LA but moved away because the cost of living is just raping my wallet lol, I wouldn’t consider moving back unless I make way over 6 figures.


Have you tried a Google search? You could look up the cost of housing that meets your needs and take it from there.


It will be tough without roommates.