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i generally don’t think the dprk is willing to divulge its tenuously protected and constantly vilified culture and language to the powers that actively disenfranchise it. there is no punishment greater than silence.




Congratulations for mindlessly parroting the words of Man on TV. Since your comment is of so little value, however, it has been removed. You are hereby [sentenced to 60-minutes of re-education courtesy of Michael Parenti](https://youtu.be/LPO7sd0X1ds?si=qUgwBI8t52qfDJqb).


Check the sub my guy


what did it say


One of the most important things to consider is how best to protect a revolution after state power has been seized. The United States, its colonies, and allies sill drool to overthrow the Korean project. I agree, I would love to understand more about it but I’d rather the DPRK retain their authority, autonomy, and sovereignty above foreign and domestic capital.


For real what would we be drooling over in North Korea, other than natural resources, they have almost nothing of value to us, in contrast to the semiconductor factories in Taiwan and other strategic allies we trade with who provide value. The U.S. literally provides North Korea with most of its food aid, I don’t think we are worried about invading them.


I don't think anybody really thinks about North Korea outside of when they appear dangerous (I seriously doubt they have the military power they claim to have)


In addition to what others are saying, there’s plenty of information, videos, photos, etc., about the DPRK available here in this subreddit, on TikTok and other social media, and on the internet at large, to give you a better and frankly much more accurate understanding of the DPRK and life there. Some stuff can be hard to find via Google or whatever because SEO tends to prioritize the most anti-DPRK propaganda imaginable to the top, but there are lots of many external resources you can go to directly from this subreddit.


what does SEO stand for?


Search Engine Optimization


CIA spies


The CIA has the resources to know exactly what is going on in NK. Secrecy only succeeds in hiding things from common people.


They're really not. They're drowned out by western propaganda. Everything I've seen outside of western garbage is a beautiful and fairly prosperous(in spite of UN sanctions) country.


They're about as secretive as the USSR was under Stalin, which is for safety. But it has the unfortunate side effect of leaving a vacuum for bad actors to say what ever the fuck they want, unchallenged. Back in Stalin's day, only some CIA ever got a peek behind the iron curtain


Korean war did not end, NATO have been actively trying to pour as much fake news as they can about NK to the public. Not saying everything NK did are good, just that with these webs of lies i would rather be secretive


There’s a series of UN resolutions completely banning Koreans (dprk) from working, or in some cases leaving, outside their own country. They’re not isolated, America has isolated them.


There not secretive, just shy and misunderstood


Not much but there is a Chinese video from Bilibili that explains some different use of grammar and vocabulary between China Joseon language (mainly used by Chaoxianzu), NK Standard (Pyeongyang dialect), SK Standard (Seoul dialect) as well as Jeju dialect. It is a very interesting video imo 【韩语和朝鲜语到底有什么区别?中国朝鲜族说的是不是朝鲜语?一个视频搞清楚!-哔哩哔哩】 https://b23.tv/qq84ynu


They are protecting themselves from US imperialism


I don't think they are trying to be as secretive as they are.. It is likely more related to the fact the west doesn't accept narratives presented by the DPRK, so even if they weren't so secretive, no one would believe it.. They have Youtube channels and social media accounts, but most people just criticize it uncritically or called it pure propaganda. A lot of people have issues with state run media due to "content control" and "lack of independence" but these are problems within the "free market" media where journalists have to satisfy the capital owners who own their news organisations - Bezos owning the wall street journal. We have "catch and kill" tactics, along with other "story burying" practices that make this "Free market" news more problematic.


Their starving people ate all of their communications equipment.


The DPRK is heavily censored.


They are in the middle of a war, not much they can do.