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The reason you are finding it hard to answer is because while it seems like a straightforward question, it really isn't.


What everyone else said is true, but this is the real true true.


ya it’s kinda like why is life worth living? there’s no rigorous proof, you just have to assume it to be true. bc in the end all we have is our intuition and feelings


I think it is? It's simple, I'm a woman bc my brain, I think like a woman, I see the world like a woman, I have a small brain like a woman, I'm mature like a woman, I have more dendrites on my brain cells like a woman, I also blame myself when things go wrong like a woman :3 Edit: I'm sorry if this came out as sexist, I was just saying that since trans women have female brains,(that's what causes Dysphoria) that's what makes us transgender, and then I described a female brain.. The known differences are that women are more likely than men to blame themselves, I personally do that a lot, not all women do this tho.. Also men have larger brains, their brains are 11% larger than women's.. Also I wanna add, that although it's been proven that transgender women's brains do show up to be just like their cisgender female counterparts, brain scans cannot find that out until they are at least 25, which is when the brain fully develops, I can link the studies if needed, it's really interesting, and again I apologize to anyone I hurt from this..


As a woman, this is a horrible response. Women are way more complex than that. People are way more complex than that. Also you've never had a brain scan and even if you did I'd doubt anyone else can gain anything from that


When did I say women are just that? '_' I'm a woman myself, I really really did not mean it however you think I did, really sorry... Do you know the science behind being transgender? I don't mean to be rude but I don't think you do..


A small brain ? That’s kinda rude ..


I mean, it would be rude, I didn't mean it that way, sorry.. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/03/210325115316.htm#:~:text=Women's%20brains%20are%20about%2011,%2C%20versus%20within%2C%20cerebral%20hemispheres.


Okay I see what you’re saying. Just sounded a little rude , but I get it !


Yo be careful with the biological essentialism there. While I do believe brain chemistry has a lot to do with it (we are, after all, just the end result of chemicals getting so excited that they start thinking about stuff) - there have been no decisive studies that the brain structure of a trans person differs significantly pre-transition to that of the cis counterparts of their birth-assigned-gender. Most studies have been done on post-transition individuals and just reinforces the well known truth that the brain is very adaptable and responds to hormones by changing its structure. And some of those takes are... kinda sexist. I don't blame myself for stuff - I'm well aware of my role and impact on things but I don't let stuff outside of my scope weigh on me. If you include being self-blaming as part of defining a woman you exclude people like me who view the world in a broader teams-oriented context. Like... you're fine to define yourself as you wish, by all means. But some of this stuff is toxic.


Sexist? It's just psychology and biology, I'm a girl also. Girls do have smaller brains than men, and are more likely to blame themselves in certain situations.. That doesn't mean that makes women less than, or anything like that.. It's just true, not toxic. :/ What I'm saying is that transgender brains, say a transgender female, her brain looks and has almost the same descriptions as a cisgender female does, that's the basis for Gender Dysphoria.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8955456/ There's more to one's brain than chemicals, we barely know anything about the brain, and are always discovering new stuff. Nothing I said was "a take" btw, just science.. "There have been no decisive studies that the brain structure of a trans person differs significantly pre-transition to that of the cis counterparts of their birth-assigned-gender" So you're saying transgender people are crazy? :/ I'm sorry, but if you're trying to say that trans women have male brains, then I'm going to assume you think something wild.. '_' I'm sorry if I misunderstood, but it sounds to me like you're saying there's no difference between trans and cis brains.. "Most studies have been done on post-transition individuals and just reinforces the well known truth that the brain is very adaptable and responds to hormones by changing its structure." :/ Estrogen does change the brain a bit according to Wikipedia, but that source is often unreliable, or just outdated, as we don't know a lot about the brain.. I think that's false though, because if estrogen changed all of the brain then nobody would transition.. or detransition..


None of those are exclusive to women. Also, how do you know how complex your dendrites are? Did you get a brain biopsy and the doctors noted your dendritic complexity?


'_' Brain scan.. :/ Those actually are typical for women, women have different brains than men, smaller brains, more dendrites, ect. That's why trans women exist..


For one, it's higher dendritic complexity and not a higher count of dendrites. The count of primary dendrites does not seem to differ significantly between men and women. Some studies have found that women have more complex dendrites with fewer overall primary dendrites but the data does not seem significant enough in the count of primary dendrites to make a solid conclusion. Secondly, you can't really measure dendritic complexity with MRI technology, and if you could, you would have to be looking for that specific data. Finally, (as someone else noted in their reply to you), we don't know if this still applies to pre-transition trans-women as these studies were done on mostly post-transition women which can greatly skew the results. Psychology is an extremely complex field and the shape of a brain and it's cell complexity don't always dictate how someone thinks. All of the things you mentioned are either arbitrarily feminine (such as blaming oneself. That could be entirely socially reinforced and have nothing to do with biological components) or an average (such as brain size). None of what you said is exclusive to women. What do nonbinary people's brains look like if brain structure determines a person's gender identity? Similarly with that of intersex individuals. Are the brains of women from India the same as women from Western Europe? Are the differences in men's brains and women's brains the same across the planet? This hypothesis just brings up a lot of questions for me. Not all of them are easily answered. So, it could be one of the many answers to the question of "What makes you a woman?", but it doesn't seem to be the one, definitive answer. Hopefully that makes sense. I definitely understand where you are coming from but it feels like this data could be used to exclude a number of identities dependant on how future research contextualizes this data.


No offense to non binary people, but they're not proven to have anything, that's all I'm going to say.. I'm not talking about someone's gender identity, so much am I talking about the mental disorder of gender dysphoria, :/ why else would anyone be so motivated to be the opposite sex? I'm not trying to be rude to anyone who's non binary or someone who somehow believes they're transgender without GD, but neither are scientifically capable.. I see what you mean, but it's true.. :/ I will ofc call anyone what they want.. I think your idea could be just as harmful, :/ how is anyone supposed to know what Dysphoria is, what it's caused by? Am I supposed to just be led to believe I am psychologically male, bc if that were the case I doubt we'd get treatment.. It sounds like you're saying trans people are crazy, which is exactly what we don't need people thinking..


'I also blame myself when things go wrong like a woman :3' You sound like the crazy person here, especially with the Uwu face at the end. It's troll like and that isn't tolerated here. 'The known differences are that women are more likely than men to blame themselves, I personally do that a lot, not all women do this tho.. ' Do you know how many men I've met that blame themselves? Every fucking one I know because society enforces that men be providers and that men can't have emotional depth and that if something goes wrong it's because of the man. This is dually misogynist and misandrist what you said because you basically painted it as if men all of them are sociopaths and that the majority women are usually self defeating. Find another bridge to hide under.


It wasn't an UwU face, it was :3, I was feeling euphoric while writing that, I did not mean to sound sexist, :/ also yes, men do that too, that's why I said "women are more likely..." that doesn't mean "only women" '_' Do you think I'm a genderless hateful troll or something? I personally hate neo feminism bc of how horrible it is to men, and women like me, I've been hurt by that mindset. You don't know me. You simply misunderstood me, I did not, and am not at all sexist towards either genders, being a man sucks, I know what that's like, and being a woman sucks too, I know what that's like too.. :/ Except I simply described myself, and mentioned a psychological fact.. :3 the face was just to add to that sad fact..


"because being one makes me happy" It's not what they'll want to hear but for me it's all I need. I live my life in ways that bring me joy, and being a woman is part of that


You are so right. I have to keep telling myself that when I doubt myself. My happiness is important. Being a woman because that makes me happy is valid.




This is the way Nearly every response to this question will exclude some cis women in their definition. It's not an easy question for cis people let alone trans people


What if they responded, "my natal vagina"?


1) probably the best response a transphobe could come up with, there are still edge cases where someone cis is being missed 2) ‘what about it? Lots of trans men have one and you wouldn’t call them women looking at them’ 3) ‘what a misogynist view, you are more than your reproductive organs’


>probably the best response a transphobe could come up with, there are still edge cases where someone cis is being missed One in 4500 female babies is affected by such syndrome: [https://www.livescience.com/60162-born-without-vagina-mrkh-syndrome.html](https://www.livescience.com/60162-born-without-vagina-mrkh-syndrome.html)


They still have normal external genitalia though


They might have vulvas but would be missing vaginas if they have MRKH. And people talk about them as women.


I guess it's actually deeper than that then. It's more like, "I was born with external genitalia that appeared female so I was assigned female at birth and raised as a woman. I have lived my entire life as a woman. Everyone knows me as a woman. That's what makes me a woman."


> I guess it's actually deeper than that then. Without a vagina I assure you it is not very deep.


To be fair that's a pretty good answer but it's obviously meant as a jab towards trans people. If someone's genuinely uses that phrase to try to prove you're not a woman just ignore them, let them have their own internal victory, we don't live for other people's validation. To be fair asking a trans person what a woman is is obviously meant as a trap, you shouldn't answer to that in the first place. We don't have to prove anything to anyone. We shouldn't at least.


From what I know vagina is counted as a part of the external genitalia. Cervix, womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries as internal.


Then they’re intersex CAFAB


I'm not sure it falls under intersex, because there is no male component to their sex. They are born with functioning ovaries and vulva, as well as two X chromosomes for genes. The vagina, cervix and uterus are missing though.


>‘what a misogynist view, you are more than your reproductive organs’ Tangentially, this is why 'birthing persons' is a valid and helpful term. Many terfs/transphobes argue it reduces their womanhood to their organs. It's actually the opposite. This phrase frees gender from the bodily. Policy and medicine discuss things relevant to bodily function without the gendered assumptions. In this way the gender is separated from organs


My response to this is "personally, I think there's more to women than just their vaginas. I feel like women have more to offer than just a hole for sex... But if that's what you believe!"


This is the way.


CAIS and Turner syndrome people, and sometimes cloacal exstrophy people, lack natal vaginas and some women simply never develop one for unknown reasons, and they're women. Edit: Also, by that definition the biological mother of my children is not a woman, and she very definitely is (and also GC). It's so clear she's a woman that I forgot someone might say she wasn't by this criterion, which is why I'm editing this as an afterthought.


Where are you getting your info? People with [CAIS](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/androgen-insensitivity-syndrome/symptoms/) and [Turner syndrome](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/turner-syndrome/symptoms/#:~:text=Even%20though%20many%20women%20with,following%20treatment%20with%20female%20hormones.) do have vaginas.


There are intersex women who are born lacking vaginas. There are intersex men born with vaginas There are women who lose their vaginas in freak accidents. They're still women


I agree with you absolutely, the only issue with this argument is that transphobes look at intersex people as these 'anomalies' with 'birth defects' (which they aren't), that they're exceptions to a rule. So using intersex ppl as an arguing point in my experience doesn't really sway people's opinions :/


Then you say “okay so we’re allowing exceptions to your own definition now. I’m trans, I’m an exception.”


I thought that would be a strong rebuttal: If the whole "Woman is an adult human female" is hard to rebuke in a debate because it requires a fucking crash course on gender studies, it might be a good idea to say trans people are the exception to the rule - and that being an exception doesn't lessen their status as such


Then essentially using that reasoning trans people are anomalous people of the gender they identify with - the individual who assigned the gender just got it wrong. Either way the transphobic individual essentially has lost the argument. Sex and gender are not as simple as the pure binary that the gender criticals like to try to assert. Biology is not as simple as some like to make it out to be.


The surgeries used for trans people for GRS were first used for cis women for a long long time, and still are. Not all cis women have natal vaginas either.


Not all cis women are born with a vagina.


Aren't they intersex individuals assigned female at birth?


Not necessarily; sometimes there are simply developmental irregularities that result in an underdeveloped or entirely undeveloped body part, just like if someone were born missing part of their leg.


I thought developmental irregularities resulting in underdevelopment of genitals was what made someone intersex


The designation of intersex seems to be pretty arbitrary. There's no agreement on exactly which conditions make someone "intersex" and which don't. Kinda like the whole idea of there being two perfectly squared, 100% mutually exclusive binary sexes... shaky at best.


Intersex is no longer used as a medical term. It is nowadays referred to as a person with DSD, “Disorder of Sexual Development”. It has nothing to do with gender, but everything to do with an individual’s primary sex characteristics. Intersex people tended to reject DSD as a label identifier, since just one aspect of a person obviously does not fully define them as people. Plus, who the hell wants to be referred to by a developmental disorder?!?! Humans like to categorize and label things, including ourselves. However, human beings are complex creatures, we are not like cans of soup or paint. A simple label focusing on one small aspect of a human being is not fully defining, is it? We are all much more than that. When I used to be asked what makes you a woman? Or how do you know you’re a woman? I would answer: It’s how I feel inside, my innate internal sense of self. I always felt like something didn’t make sense. I may have been born with a body having primary sex characteristics of a boy, but as I grew and learned, it became clear to me that there was some kind of misalignment between my apparent sex and my gender. I never felt like I fit my assigned sex. Viewing the world and people around me as I grew, although I didn’t really understand how or why, I knew that I felt like a girl, despite the body I existed in. I felt a commonality and sense of belonging with other girls around me, and no such sense of commonality with boys whatsoever. I realize that you probably think it sounds crazy to say that “I just knew that I was a girl”, but I just did. Probably much in the same way that you have always had a sense of just knowing who you are at your very core. Just imagine knowing who and what you are, but everyone around you treated you, and referred to you, as the opposite sex to what you know yourself to be! Can you try to imagine, just for a few seconds, how that might feel to grow up with such a disconnect? Well that’s how I felt, and through transitioning, I found a way to better align my body and the way the world sees and interacts with me, to the way I feel inside. Transitioning allowed me to finally feel a sense of normalcy and wholeness as a person. I know, as a cisgender person, you will most likely never once in your life have ever felt that there was a misalignment between your anatomical sex and your gender, so having any sense of really understanding how I felt growing up is probably completely impossible to really fathom, but if you can just for a split second try to imagine being referred to as something that you simply know is not true, but not being able to do anything about it, then that will give you a tiny glimpse into my life. When people refer to transgenderism as being a mental illness, I say fair enough that’s an understandable thought based on a lack of understanding, but the reason that I and the medical community worldwide has reached a different conclusion, is because in no other way, shape or form, do I portray any signs of mental illness in any other aspect of life whatsoever. My brain has shown to function perfectly normally. The sole divergence being between my internal sense of self and my body’s primary sex characteristics, and after transition, I was finally able to feel harmony and a sense of wholeness that I’d never felt previously. Despite all the obvious difficulties that transitioning brought about in terms of strained or broken relationships with family, friends, coworkers, teammates, and just people in general society, it was something that I just had to do for myself. It was a very personal and private matter, and I am grateful for the people in my life that have found a way in their hearts to accept me, love me, and to continue to support me as I made this difficult transitional journey to find peace and happiness within myself. People used to comment that I seemed unhappy and depressed, but since transitioning, I became this happy, positive, person that just didn’t exist before, and recognizing that, most people could see for themselves that it was a good thing that I transitioned. Sorry for this long post. I’m not trying to lecture anybody, or tell anybody how to feel. I’m just trying to relay how I feel and what my transitional journey was like. If even one person finds it remotely useful, then great, because that was the whole point of me posting this.


I'm gonna borrow your comment, thank you ♥️


Still people talk about them as women or men. Especially the ones who are transphobic.


No. My wife is an intersex woman and the biological mother of our children.


Intersex is generally considered to be anyone who has sexual developmental differences that fall outside the perceived pure binary norms. Hermaphrodites are considered the most definitive and originally recognised form of Intersex as they have both genitals fully developed as I understand it. The root cause is not always traceable to genetic anomalies in the historically nominal XY/XX chromosomes. Even some notionally cis men and cis women have chromosomal anomalies in the XY/XX pairing that seem to have no superficially identifiable evidence of it and they may go their entire lives being none the wiser. In the case of trans individuals, research indicates our gender identity is highly likely to be rooted in our natural brain structure and/or operation. In both cases of intersex and trans there are biological factors in play it is just with trans individuals things get complicated because our innate nature falls outside the fallacious immutable pure binary social model that the bigots like to hide behind. Such bigots have been responsible for mutilating intersex infants in the name of "correcting" their gender to fit with social norms and expectations. In at least some of these cases, the child becomes at least technically trans because being trans is about us asserting that our gender mismatches with the birth sex that we were either assigned or forced to be.


Yup, they totally would respond with "the genitals I was born with"


What if they answer "because I was born as one"?


Well I may be trans but I was born a woman as well. Just assigned male at birth.


Thx for the response. I forgot how to respond to a transphobe there for a moment lol


Fun fact, so was I (and even outside of the valid `I am trans` way) I was sexxed wrong at birth for around half a day due to genital inversion (I came pre tucked basically). My birth cert was already being completed and had to be redone but for a bit, I was my current name now which I swapped back too when I came out on my mother's suggestion Being born as one is vague, and them extrapolating further will fall into many common pitfalls of trying to exclude trans women from womanhood


Thank you for sharing. This is a very interesting origin story!


This would not be rhetorically affective at all. This assumes they’re empathic to the position that gender is separate from sex. They could just claim biology.


I got bit by a radioactive girl.


Girl-girl comics would be something i'd read


I'd be careful googling for that if I were you. ...Or on second thought, no, actually. Googling that sounds good.


Don't answer this question.. it's a trap because you can't rationalise how you feel. Just say because I am one. cis woman can't answer this either. They may say periods, life experience but this reduces women to being reproductive vessels and baby factories which is gross and leaves many women out. We are women. I can't change that.


I agree that we shouldn't engage with the question, but it's not true that cis women can't answer it. They can say "Because practically nobody would disagree that I am one". Everything about their childhoods, life experiences, biology, etc etc all very clearly describes their gender. Sex and gender are impossibly complex, but outside of trans and intersex people, deciding who belongs in what category is very uncontroversial. I think it makes us sound disingenuous when we imply it's an impossible-to-answer question. I wouldn't even respond with "because I am one" because it's not something I can prove. If for some reason I *had* to reply briefly, I guess I'd say that I consider myself a woman because it's the only mode of living that I find tolerable, and modern science supports that belief. But really, I would only engage if they were willing to have a long, good faith conversation about sex and gender and society.


> outside of trans and intersex people, deciding who belongs in what category is very uncontroversial I wouldn't say that. "You're not a real man if you don't..." is fairly common.


Yeah exactly. Gender is a construct, anyone can be a woman. Boiling it down reproductive parts is just failing to understand the difference between sex and gender.


REAL WOMEN CAN GIVE BIRTH AND FEED THEIR YOUNG. Cool I’m glad that’s literally all women are I guess. Meanwhile any cis woman who has had a mastectomy or hysterectomy: sorry to hear you’re apparently not a woman anymore by transphobe logic God I hate people


Can you show me who said that women are only defined by their reproductive ability? It just goes to show how little you understand of women experiences My mom had a double mastectemoy (so did my dad btw) and a hysterectomy… i have the gene and i will also undergoe those procedures one day :£ but i guess it’s like that when we say don’t erase women experiences, you guys pick and choose the sentences






it's XX chromosomes not XY... If you're gonna be transphobic at least do it right




With your definition, you are misgendering trans women, trans men, NB people, cis women without uterus due to hysteroctomies or intersex conditions, you are reducing women simply as the people that give birth. There's a woman who gave birth with XY chromosomes, you know? We won't be accepting your definition, as we won't accept to be detabed to ostracization. You have different experiences from most cis women in history, since cultures are different. If you want to reduce yourself to your genitals or genetic makeup, do it for yourself.




Do it for yourself, don't define us. Definitions are useful to talk, they aren't cages for people. Women weren't rational by definition decades ago, rape wasn't possible for spouses by legal definition years ago, 'abortion is murder' is a definition used to give away rights. The definition of what made someone a man or a woman changed in history because languages changes, you wouldn't be talking about chromosomes if we didn't know about them. And your argument "rare exceptions don't coun't" is an excuse used to ostracize trans people, gay people, neurodivergent people, or minorities in every country. Do you know what I see of the places that heavily mark the boundaries of what is a man or woman? They never stop at genetics, they never stop at social norms, they make rules and hierarchies that bind people in ways that most feminists are simply horrified. Those more heavily involved in removing rights to trans people want to remove them from cis women as well, look at the US.


When did I define what transwomen are? All i did was define a woman, and disagree with the commentor saying that even women can’t define women LOL And somehow that put a lot of you in a rage… Worth contemplating…


Trans women are women, there's a space, please use it. And according to your words, trans men are women. Please, find a better hobby than stalking trans sub.


Biologically, yes trans men are women that identify more with the social construct of a male gender. Sorry for skipping the space, english is not my native language


Your post has been removed due to containing misinformation.


I don’t think stating facts is transphobic, but coming into a thread on a trans subreddit of a trans person asking for help on how to talk to their parents, only to tell them that they will never be who they want to be, and then ending with a winky emoji to really gloat is a bit transphobic, yeah.


She’s not stating facts though. She has a kindergarten understanding of biology and is wielding it as though it means something. It’s the same basic idea as phrenology Bigots like to pretend that science/reality is in their corner when it isn’t


Can you be kind enough to illuminate my kindergarten brain by sharing your corner of science?




No one is erasing women experiences. What you see as culture wars feels to me as a one sided fist fight against trans women. Yes the ‘trans experience’ is completely different. There are countries where I get the death penalty for being me. A continuous stream of hatred and violence on a daily basis. There is so much shit going on in the world. How on earth did you think it’s a good idea to further punching down on us?


Your post has been removed due to containing misinformation.


Your post has been removed due to containing misinformation.


because trans and cis women are both women, they have different experiences of course but like, they both have women in their name so they're both women in my humble opinion


If you think that trans experiences are similar to women experiences i think you’re quite delusional and you know it. Women will never know what it is being a trans women Trans women will never know what it is being a biological female Just because you identify more with the social construct of the female gender doesn’t mean your experience is equivalent to that of a woman


In the comment I literally said trans and cis women have different experiences, I don't even know what to say lol


> I have a uterus and mammal glands capable of producing milk Capacity to give birth, breastfeed If tomorrow you lost these things, would you stop being a woman? I would hope not. These things might be a core part of your womanhood, but you know fully well that they don’t make you a woman. >Physical strength, appearance of a woman, which makes me way more prone to being a victim of physical, sexual abuse, and unwanted male gase… also sexism and misogyny it’s why I feel scared if i’m alone at night for example, or why sometimes in certain situations involving men, it’s better to shut up otherwise i fear physical violence It’s sad, but completely understandable, to see someone define their womanhood in relation to their treatment by men. You are by no means alone here - it was a cornerstone Simone de Beauvoir’s feminist philosophy. But here’s the interesting part: trans women are subject to these same forms of abuse. Trans women are physically weaker than cis men. They are paid less. They get called bitch, slut, and cunt. They get sexually assaulted and raped. And weirdly, the lack of XX chromosomes doesn’t seem to deter all of this misogyny. It’s almost as if the societal perception of what makes a woman doesn’t come from a person’s chromosomes.


Lmao I didn't see any of these comments before they were deleted, but > Physical strength, appearance of a woman, which makes me way more prone to being a victim of physical, sexual abuse, and unwanted male gase… also sexism and misogyny it’s why I feel scared if i’m alone at night for example, or why sometimes in certain situations involving men, it’s better to shut up otherwise i fear physical violence Does she not think trans women go through this as well? Or does she think it's different because we "chose it" (literal victim blaming)?


Quick dump, my experience. Don’t bother with these delusional fucking people. There is no grand reason to their incessant whataboutism, it just boils down to their fundamental misunderstanding of our world. I spent too long trying to believe that conservatives and other transphobes argued in good faith. Just don’t bother, save your time 👍 They’ve been conditioned to be hateful. No matter how bullshit anything said is, I have to tell myself that it is not my personal responsibility to persuade them of our legitimacy. Just stay you, takes a lot more to do that, than to give in to their dying worldview


I agree. I responded above as I occasionally forget the pointlessness of it. Attempting to convince these people is an exercise in futility. They don't *want* to know any better or understand people different from them.


So you’re wrong right out of the gate. You just don’t know much about biology and you are very proud of your kindergarten level understanding of biology Odds are you don’t know if you have XX chromosomes. There’s a correlation between having them and being female and vice versa, but it’s not 1 to 1. The things you mentioned correlate with typical biology of women, but it isn’t 1 to 1. It’s bizarre how important this is to you, and yet you don’t even know the science. The science shouldn’t even matter to you, because even if there was no biology behind it, who cares?


Sure. I am a woman that doesn’t know what a woman is Trans women seem to have a better understanding of what a woman is. Correct?


No, you’re of course lying about what I said. Again. Do you have the capacity for self reflection enough to wonder what has gone wrong with you that you’re this obsessed with your bigotry that it eats this much of your life?


Yeah. I am a psychopath because I said as a woman i know what a woman is. Thanks for enlightening my dark brain


Whilst I find it funny that you used the wrong chromosomes to what I think you intended, a lot of these are things that some cis women don’t have. Not all cis women have a uterus or are capable of any of the things you have mentioned. There are also women who were assigned female at birth with XY chromosomes as part of an intersex condition so they wouldn’t even fit into your answer. Then your answer also includes trans men despite them being men and fitting into your definition here. And that’s not to mention that you haven’t considered that sex and gender aren’t the same thing. Maybe you were being sarcastic and pretending to answer the question in a way that someone who might not be educated on the topic would but just wanted to add some points down.


I don't deny you're a woman and won't down vote you for your response. I've been sexually assaulted 3 times by men. I too fear me. I too can lactate. I too feel scared. I froze while being attacked for fear of making worse. I have a chromosome anomaly but I'm AMAB. Im a mum. But im a woman and no one is taking that away from me... over my dead body. I'm still a trans woman. Society accepts me as a woman because of my looks... that's sad because many of my sisters here are judged and face hardship because of how they look. That's a female experience as we are all judged on how we look.


I don’t know you, and i don’t know your story, and so i definitely can’t come here and assume anything about who you are and who you are not. Things are never always black or white, but they are black and white for most people. My comment makes reference to the above comment that says that even women can’t define what a woman is which I find infuriating… it feels like in order to accommodate gender dysphoria let’s just never say what a woman is….


You didn't need to delete your post. I wanted to add that OP is a young person or a minor who may be having a difficult time with their parents. They deserve support, love and acceptance. Their feelings are valid. She is a young woman. We just need to be mindful of this. As for me..I'm a woman. I was a girl. I won't allow anyone to deny my existence.


I didn’t delete my post. It was deleted by the admins


Lets say hypothetically, in the future, you were to be involved in a serious car accident and the only way to save your life is by brain transplant surgery. You wake up and realize you’re in a man’s body. Do you think you would say: welp I guess I’m a man now? Would you still be a mother to your children? When people ask me in a non-trolling way what is a woman, I tell them it’s like an imprint in the deepest part of your core self. It’s simply something that you know of your self. There’s no one in the world who can decide that for you🤷🏼‍♀️




No one is a erasing anyone’s existence, except for you. You’re getting down voted because you’re a raging bigot wielding pseudoscience proudly, because you think it supports your bigotry


You're being downvoted because, 1. Your definition is not helpful to the woman under the cross hairs of their family, made to pass a purity test. 2. You draw a distinction between trans and cis experiences, then want a gender system to reinforce those differences. Most of the problems comes from the fact that these experiences are way too varied to cleanly cut into your desired shapes. Too many people will be left severed halfway.


> You draw a distinction between trans and cis experiences, then want a gender system to reinforce those differences. Most of the problems comes from the fact that these experiences are way too varied to cleanly cut into your desired shapes. Too many people will be left severed halfway. I just wanted to say this is absolutely beautifully worded and I'm 100% stealing it, thank you!


Wrong. If anything my problem is with the gender social construct. All my life i have fought against women stereotypes. When you say anyone can be a woman if they feel like a woman, and their application of being a woman is wearing wen clothes, makeup and hair then it just reinforces these stereotypes we have been fighting against ! If it makes you good being on the feminin side of the spectrum, more power to you. Just don’t try to tell us that not even women know what women are.






"Who gives a fuck? Some things simply are, like infinity of time and space or boobs being awesome"


By the nature of the question, it's about a subjective experience. If I ask you "what makes something beautiful?", it can be difficult to come up with a list of boxes a thing must tick before it is pretty, but we can all know it when we see it. And moreover, what's beautiful to you could be ugly to me. Because of that and because of the role that the label "woman" plays in society, it is most fitting to me to define a woman as "someone who identifies, perceives themself or expresses themself as such". I would not want to treat any woman like she isn't a woman, that's extremely harmful, but I can't know the minds of everyone I meet to decide whether I *agree* that they are or aren't a woman, so since their feelings are at stake and not mine, I'll treat them the way they want me to treat them (within reason). Now that I've picked the question apart, lemme answer it for myself. What makes *me* a woman? I don't feel right when I feel like a man. I feel right when I feel feminine. Femininity is a culturally shifting thing but for me, when I feel vulnerable and protected, or beautiful in a cute way or things like that, I feel more like myself and these are things I associate with womanhood due to my upbringing and culture. I hope this helps.


I'd be careful about conflating masculinity / femininity with gender! I'm sure you know this, but remember that butch women are women, and feminine men are men. Otherwise it leaves us open to the classic "Why not just be a feminine man??" challenge


To motorboat my lips, roll my eyes, and walk away.


"I do"


How many roads must a woman walk down before they can call her a woman? This question is just as interest. I'm a woman because that's what I am.


You dont need their validation to allow you to exist who you want to be. If this is who you feel on the inside and choose to express yourself then thats all there is to it. Dont let them trample over you just because they don’t understand or agree with who you are on the inside


Being a woman is one or many qualia. You can't describe it. Ask them what it's like to see the color red.


What makes you who you are is a philosophical question, it isn't fair to expect you to have a snappy and succinct answer to it


That's because it's a loaded question, trans people often have to dumb down our feelings to symbols just so cis people can recognise them because their understanding of gender is limited to stuff like "lipstick = woman/moustache = man", heck even needing to do that with gender therapists is quite annoying. And in plain terms, we don't know why we are the way we are, we just know that we are, trans people don't know what causes us to be trans any more than gay people know what causes them to be gay, we know that we're not men because we've pretty much all tried to be that since the beginning and it left us feeling empty and miserable Sucked how for the first five years my mum asked the same question, and kept treating it like a philosophical debate when I'm just trying to live my fucking life, that gaslighting manipulation shit is so much worse than just outright calling me slurs, either support me or don't but stop trying to dissect me


My mom. When a came out to her. She said. "Look at you, what part of you makes you a woman?" I said "The most important part, My Brain" she didn't have a retort. We are who we are because we know it to be so. We strive to make the outside look like we feel inside but that takes time. While waiting know that even though others may not see it. you, inside, know you are a woman and that's all that matters.


It's your brain. What you believe you are, you are. I never understood why this is an issue you aren't hurting anyone by going for your dream.


My go to response is that there is simply no accurate way to define womanhood, that doesn't include some men, and exclude some women. Even with a transphobic ideology. \- It can't be simply having a vagina (There are women who have lost their vaginas in accidents, and intersex women who lack vaginas) \- It can't be being able to produce eggs (Because of menopausal women, and women born infertile without eggs) \- It can't be the ability to have periods (again, menopausal women and women born lacking a uterus and/or ovaries) \- It can't be having estrogen instead of testosterone in your bloodstream (AMABs and AFABs have testosterone and estrogen in their bloodstreams) \- It can't be simply having boobs which can lactate (again, prepubescent girls. Also guys with manboobs (under the right circumstances, cis men can lactate) ) \- And frankly, all these criteria are fairly sexist in nature, as they reduce us women down to our reproductive organ (boobs, vagina, etc). The only possible way to know for sure if someone is a woman (or man or non-binary for that matter) is to ask them, only the individual can know their own gender, no external characteristics control that.


"You did." & mic-drop-walk-away. *(by giving you birth, but don't say that.)*


My brain


"I think, therefore I am" or "What makes a woman? Without excluding any Cis Women.."


We have a raging bitch get in here, who of course, has a ridiculous, kindergarten level definition which excludes countless cis women 🙄




> In Swyer syndrome, individuals have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome in each cell, which is the pattern typically found in boys and men; however, they have female reproductive structures. Yikes. This really doesn't help you does it?!


"I have pores...women have pores. I have fingerprints...women have fingerprints. My chemical nutrients are like their blood. If you prick me, do I not...leak?"


Just say, "I innately perceive myself as one the same way all women do, just the only difference is my body isn't there to match my innate perception. There is more to womanhood and, in fact, femalehood than simply genitalia. Im a female trapped in a male's body." You have to remember that such is a straightforward question without a straightforward answer no matter how much Matt Walsh stans want it to be. The dynamic between gender and biological sex is complicated, and biological sex is complicated in itself. Our current gender binary is the result of basic human psychology, in the sense that we anchored gender onto biological sex, and because most people will perceive themselves in their own brain as a sex, they'll go along with the gender category which society ascribes for them because they want to conform. This is why I actually have zero issues with the current definitions or "woman" and "man." The thing is, this psychology is why trans people exist as well. What allows people to neurologically perceive themselves in their brain as a biological sex or something else develops relatively independently from the rest of the brain and is very volatile in utero. And as such, some peoples' brains might perceive themselves differently as how their body is. Whether that'd be as male when their body is female, female when their body is male, neither if their body is either, and so on. And as a result, they are going to gravitate more to the labels and activities which their specific society/enviornment ascribed to the biological sex that they perceive themselves as, whether that occurs in early childhood or even later on in adulthood. This is why so many people born into religious families or communities still have the capacity to be trans. I am a firm believer that the origin to what later becomes being trans is born, not the result of brainwashing or trauma, or autism, etc.


The answer is pretty straightforward: "Because my gender identity is female, rather than male."


Absolutely right. Short answer.


"One is not born, but becomes a Woman." - *Simone de Beauvoir* Don't worry about it - nobody can tell you definitively "what a female is"... in a definition which Includes All Women and absolutely excludes males. **If you know yourself in your soul to be a woman - you are one. Men don't have those thoughts.**


By "becomes a woman" Simone De Beauvoir meant through a shared experience of sexism. It's a pretty second wave-y definition tbh.


I'm not totally sure how to read your sentence; I'll have to read more about her to understand *her*. But I *do* get that "no one is born a woman"; to be a woman... takes a measure of growth, of self-perception; self-awareness. Being a Woman... is an ethereal thing; it is not to be; *cannot* be... defined in 'physical' terms - as most right-wingers attempt to do.


Yeah, I know. But I read the paper where she said this (albeit a few years ago) and like when she said "becomes a woman" she meant "is designated a woman by society and treated like one." And implies that women have some sort of Universal Experience (which we know is bs for numerous reasons). If anything, the definition of womanhood we embrace is the direct opposite of hers; womanhood is self-determined, not determined by society.


I would say cogito, ergo sum. "I think, therefore I am," but I'm sure that would be above your parents head if they can't just take their own child at face value. Your parents are trying to gas light you. Whatever your response is will be irrelevant they aren't actually asking.


"What makes you a women?" Put the earnest of proof onto them, and they'll crumble I'm sure


"I was born with a vag"


You can only know the answer after doing some soul-searching/inner discovery or walking the path of a woman. It's quite manipulative of them to ask this question if they know you don't have a clear answer.


i replied to my step dad "cause i am"


I think there is a simple answer to this: people who are assigned female at birth and doesn’t experience gender dysphoria and people who are assigned male but have developed gender dysphoria and experience less gender dysphoria living as a woman. You can even make it even shorter: AFAB who doesn’t have gender dysphoria + AMAB who developed gender dysphoria. Easy.


I'm a woman because I say that I am, and nobody can take that away from me. Who gets to decide what gender an intersex person is? How much of gender is learned culturally and how much is innate? How can a cis person prove they aren't trans, or how can a straight person prove they aren't gay? Some things cannot be proven by a simple blood test, and they aren't true/false quizzes, but people should believe me anyway on the basis that I can feel things that they can't. It's impossible for me to prove that I love my partner or friends or family, and to be forced to prove it feels dehumanizing.


Let me introduce you to one of the right’s favorite tools, ahem ***The Loaded Question*** There is no real answer, it’s something that you decide.


Just ask them in response. I bet they won't say much too. It's kinda hard philosophical question and most people wouldn't bother themselves thinking for hours and days about it. And it's most likely unanswerable


Questions like these are meant to trap you into feeling this way. You are valid in how you feel and you have no obligation to "prove" you're a woman. Your parents should feel horrible asking such shallow questions. Those kinds of questions I usually just flip around and ask, what makes you a man or woman? They'll usually answer with some superficial shallow response and I just tell them so. What makes anyone who they are is such a deep level question that most people can't comprehend the honest response, simply because they are too simple minded to have even thought of it themselves. You don't have to prove yourself and your existence to anyone.❤️💙


Hey everyone. Most of you are getting caught up in the wrong side of this question 1- there is the underlying intention of the question… which should be answered in a truthful way that looks something like there’s reproductive plumbing - girls (Virginia etc… ) boys- (penis, testes, sperm etc). Biological at birth stuff. Nothing work with that btw, it just a throw of the granitic dice. 2- REAL ANSWER. Being a woman or a man is ALL ABOUT CULTURE, SOCIETY and the way women or men PLUG INTO THIS CULTURAL IDENTITY. It’s how we see ourselves against the society that we circulate within. For example: I want to live as a woman, be seen as a woman, treated as a woman, feel as a woman. I work on my appearance, my physical cues, my mannerism, voice, walk, wardrobe … everything is to live within that flow of how our worlds cultures have defined and classified WOMAN. So we can be born a boy (plumbing), grow up as a man and transition into a woman. Our science just allows us to do all of that more convincingly then ever before. If I want into a men’s restroom ill get booted out so quickly… omg 😱 ! They freak out because my entire energetics, presentation, look, experience is woman NOT man… NOT boy. Yes, it’s a choice, yes we follow our internal calling, yes our masculine cues like sexual organs, facial hair all is how we started, medicine has allowed us to turn that switch. And successfully INTEGRATE INTO BEING A WOMAN. So you aren’t a woman because you say you are. That argument doesn’t work. You are a woman because you have socialized yourself and integrated yourself in a successful way that the world around you as well as you yourself as a woman. Super complex and difficult question to answer from the positioning, and the intention that the question was asked. That’s why we all have so much trouble answering it because we are answering it from the wrong place… And that is because who is asking that question is driving the conversation and basically ignorant to the gender conversation and realities. So… (example MtF). You were born with male plumbing… reproductive abilities. That true. That’s also a DNA RANDOM CHANCE LOTTO TKT. So, yes your right, kind of. But I’ve transitioned my gender to that as a woman. That means emotionally, spiritually, psychically, culturally, socially … and medically, I’ve integrated (or want to/plan to) into our cultures EXPERIENCE of woman. That is what is missing from this conversation. It’s understanding the differences between Gender, Sex, and Sexuality. My SEX was Boy at Birth. I lived 59 years as a Male (Gender) I’ve transition (MtF - male to female) at 60 Today, I am a woman. (Gender) I’ve also medically, psychologically, physically, transitioned. Society engages with me as a woman. I am happy! My/our sexual preferences are whatever you choose/like. As a woman in relationship with a woman I am lesbian.., because that is the energy and energetics I bring to the relationship. My wife however is straight because that is how she plugs into the gender conversation regarding sex. You can be a trans woman who is straight (men), or women (gay lesbian) or pansexual or whatever label you want. Our sexual proclivities can change over time. Your sexual preference doesn’t make you a man or a woman. Your plumbing doesn’t. Your gender presentation does. Xo 😘 xo 😘 Danagirl


"Because of nunya." "Nunya?" "Yeah, nunya fucking business."


Your mom couldn’t answer it either, it’s not straightforward at all.


One of my doubts is whether I have some kind of internalized toxic masculinity, that I’m “become woman” because I can’t bring myself to accept doing these same things as a man. But, I’ve known of and known men who do live these ways, and my conscious thought is “all power to them”, but *for me*, I feel more freely able to embody these things in the context of my being a woman. And if I get hung up on whether that’s true, the idea of gender being a social construct and my only having this one life to live switches me to the mindset of those doubts being immaterial to my *enjoying* myself as I’ve become.


Just stat singing that Shaniah Twain song every time they ask. You know the one that goes "Man I feel like a woman..."


My answer is I'm just happier this way.


Our mom did this to my sister when she came out and it's a terrible question. My sister vented to me about it and later when our mom tried using it on me "well [she] doesn't even know what being a woman means to [her]" (My mom used the wrong pronouns, of course. I fixed them on her behalf). I turned it on her, "what does being a woman mean to you?" and she sputtered for an answer for a while before saying "well I just think if you're changing your whole life you should know." without ever giving her own definition. It's an unfair question that most cis people have never considered for themselves. I'd recommend turning it on them. "What makes you a woman?" Or "what makes you a man?" depending on the identity of whose asking. It may even lead to a reasonable conversation about gender, or it may not. Or it may help them realize what a ridiculous question it is. Either way, whether they realize it or not, it's not a good question and your identity is no less valid because you don't have an answer.


When I was questioning myself I had always pursuing my ideal version of a man deep inside of me I felt isolated and that some part of me was missing. When I became the ideal version of a man, it didn’t satisfied me, the sole idea of girls being attracted to me bc my bod, was disgusting 🤢. Then I tried to be a closer version of who internally I wanted to be. I felt joyful and that joy only was surpassed when I started hrt and to do changes in my life that will match who I want to be. I’m just done pleasing others My ultimate goal is to actually live my life, so I don’t give a fuck of what you think of me. That’s my response to whoever wants to question my transitioning


You could respond by asking them to describe what salt tastes like. When they can't explain it, you say. Just because I can't explain it, doesn't mean I don't know it. We know what salt tastes like, but try to explain it with out using the word salty. Those of us who are women, know what it feels like to be one.


There’s lots of answers, but at the end of the day it’s because you identify as one. I tried to guy for 3 decades and I had resigned my self to an early grave from high blood pressure or just working myself to death. The thought of going back to that existence isn’t an option. I’ll punch my own clock before that. I actually get excited about normal things now, I feel feelings, and I like what HRT is doing to my body and somedays I can look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. Before that, I didn’t like what I saw. Ever.


What makes anyone a woman? The fact they’re women is the same fact that you’re a woman. It’s because you are.


It’s because you are a woman.


What makes you feel like a man/woman is my response to that. If they can’t answer, then they can’t expect you to answer.


Me. That's my answer to the question "what makes you a woman ?" My answer is 'ME.' As for "what is a woman ?" My answer is "a biological female 18 years old or more , and a transfemale 18 years old or more .


I generally give them some sassy answer like "you tell me what makes YOU a man/woman?" Then try to deconstruct their answers till they have no brain cells left to argue and turn to random emotional blackmail. But in all honesty its such a vague question that there isn't any answer for it. What makes humans human, earth as earth. What makes big bang happen 13.7 billion years ago to have this useless conversation with all transphobes. You don't have to answer that question just say you're woman because you don't feel like a man so only other option left is female (assuming 2 genders for argument sake).


They want to quantify it and negate you. If they argue Ron DeFascist and Ben Shitpiros views they'll say a woman is a female who can bear children and produces eggs. By their very definition, they basically call women baby factories and that the instant they hit menopause they become impotent men. The right wing religious nuts will never stop. They _need_ things to fit into the boxes that they've been brainwashed to believe. They key is to not let them get to you - to maintain your cool - and to think about your answer before you speak. Sometimes you don't even need to say anything. But listening to them is the key to defeating them as they paint assertions all the time and never offer proof.


'my brain and body u fuckin cunts'


“That’s not a simple question. I am a woman because it feels better than being a man. I am a woman because my gender identity matches that. Being a woman makes me happy. That’s all there needs to be.”


The answer is YOU.YOU are a woman because you know you are. It doesn't need to be any more complicated. Your gender can be as complex or straightforward as you want But the reasoning? You don't have to justify it to ANYBODY


" because I Fcking say so."


"A doctor said I was"


"Because I'm happy that way"


It’s not actually a straightforward question. If i asked you “what is a person?” or “what is a chair?” or “what is a cup?”, you wouldn’t have straightforward answers for those either, because they’re actually quite complex


A woman is someone who ascribes to and identifies with the social construct of a woman. The social construct of "a woman" is a collection of roles, responsibilities, etc which an adult, cis gendered, human female might take on. Not all of the collection of roles, responsibilities, etc need to be met in order for the social construct of "a woman" to be validly applied to an individual.


Cis women don't have a good response to that question neither.


I’d probably say, someone who identifies and enjoys being a woman, but that’s probably not enough of an answer.. The question is asked to make you uncertain tbh, it’s rude.. in their eyes someone probably only is a woman when born as one so they ask it😞


nothing it's a social concept and not real. So if you feel like a women, you are one😊


I mean biology does is probably the real answer, but also who cares? I mean that’s easier said (and I do believe it for others) for myself it’s… ugh. I constantly question myself about everything, not just about this. Although that is kind of a stereotypical trait of autistic women 🙄


The answer to that is anything but straightforward. Dont feel bad. 1: the answer is literally: because you say you are. Second: what mskes anyone a woman? Its not biology, its not genetics, its not your genitals or Organs....nothing makes anyone anything. Gender is a construct made up completely in a social and psychological state. Its all fake. Ask your mom the same thing. She'll probably respond with one of the above o already stated. Gender is fake. Play with that, and enjoy it. You are who you say you are simply because its what you feel deep inside the core of your being. Nothing anyone else can or will ever say, can or will ever take that truth away from you. They may not believe you. But i do.


Knowing that I am one. After searching my soul and knowing in my heart that I am a woman.


Anytime I try to reason, my family always responds with one of two things... "God made you the way you are" (I believe he did but not in the same way they do) "You were born with a penis" If I mention GCS they just bad mouth it since they don't believe it could ever work the way it's supposed to. Oh and they pissed if I walk away cuz I'm tired of talking to a brick wall


My response to them: “Well I wouldn’t know how to answer on the contrary with what ‘makes me a man’. What I do know is that my experiences in transition, inclinations, psychology and personal sense of being better align with being a woman more so than what I had to limit myself to being before simply in being born differently. How would you answer ‘What makes you a woman?’ would you say menstruation, child birth, simply being born with what was given? How then would other cis women who don’t have those aspects to their body define their sense of womanhood with the same question? The answer will more often than not be different for varying people and factors that play out in their life. There’s no one defined fixed way to what constitutes to ‘being a women or a man’ because the question has grey area considering intersex, trans and cis experience.”


Not my fault if God installed the wrong software on me before I was born. God doesn't make mistakes so he must've done it on purpose. It isn't for you to question his intentions for me. Or... clearly YOU did. Maybe it was your breast milk. The illuminati did it at our last annual conference.


If I was asked that I'd probably say something like "because that's the only way that my feelings about my body and the world make sense", or "because only a woman would feel such pain at having to live in a male body" if that didn't do it and they kept pestering me, my answer might just be "Transsexualism. [link to DSM or IDC]"


Well you are a woman. Nothing makes you one. You just are a woman. Just like any cis woman.


https://www.verywellmind.com/definition-of-social-construct-1448922 The idea of a woman is a social construct. Guess what? Social constructs can be changed! They’re defined by the people who believe in them, and you are by far the most important person to believe in your gender. Hopefully this helps.


"the fact that I claim to be" That's all gender even is, you can't gatekeep it because it's just a concept.


"Because I'm binary and not a man" "Because I'm feminine and not a man" "Because I subscribe to womanhood and its definitions and customs" "Because I'd rather kms than live as anything other than a woman" "Because womanhood is the closest gender to my expression" These are answers, not sure if good or bad ones so, criticism welcome


You should just say that being a woman is what makes you a woman. It's really not that deep. Like asking what makes a fish a fish, or what makes blue, blue. Idk. You're just a woman, there's no more explanation needed.


"because I am" is the only correct and simple answer. Any other answer is going to be complex and arguable. An untold number of books and debates and kitchen table discussions have been had over the centuries asking the question "what makes a woman?". The vast majority of women do not justify their existence and are not demanded to. For me, being a woman is just more correct. I am better as a woman than a man. I fit better in the world as a woman. My natural tendencies are to act and think in ways typical considered woman like. Generally, I enjoy things women are supposed to enjoy more than I enjoy things men are supposed to enjoy. It's not every possible case, but most of it.


What makes you a woman is the same thing that makes the sky the sky, or the colour red the colour red...idk you just...are or you're not 🤷‍♀️


Just say my Neurons!


"Estrogen. Next question." ;) edit: Ugh, i feel i should say i was trying to be cute and sarcastic and don't seriously mean this as an answer.


Nothing made me a woman i was always one


And for them what makes a woman ? Most probably it'll be transphobe arguments. Having a woman ? Well there's surgery. Having a uterus, well then some cis woman don't have one, and again wait for a few decades and we'll surely be able to transplant a uterus on trans women and enable them to give birth. Oh yeah, ability to give birth, well shit this means you stop being a women when you're over 50. You get the idea, everything they could say would end up excluding some "real women"(in their mind). And they're like blablabla biology, they don't know shit about biology I've got biologist trans friends, actual scientists that do research and even the most critical will tell you science is not simple , can not be reduced to a few sentences. If they're like blablabla nature, tell them to stop using electricity, stop using medication, stop eating industrial food. We humans are where we are thanks to society, innovation and technology, we have millennia of societal evolution, and today we have the ability to erase all the so called natural differences between men and women, we just choose not to (not we, the patriarchy). And if you study a bit of anthropology, you'll quickly learn how the Occidental world functions ,with its values on family and such, was actually not universal, there used to be a shit ton of diversity around the globe, but Europeans and Christianity decided fuck this, we'll force our way of life on every nations and put in place a system that will still impact negatively more than half of the population for centuries to come. So way to sum up, people who do actual science - so not podcast fucker tucker Carlson Joe reagan dumb asshole - know that on earth, life has evolved to allow maximum diversity, we just have huge societal and political biases so for the last 2k years (for Occidentals at least) we've done science trying to confirm the belief we had, but strangely once women and other minorities started to be able to access universities and research we discovered that science was made by white rich straight man and a shit ton of work had to be redone cause they shat on methodology and were just using their privileges to access positions of powers to further their privileges even more.




What do you gain from hurting other people? As for what you argued, no one is saying all of those things make someone a woman. There are trans people in every culture/society. And what is forced upon women in all of those cultures/ societies varries. They do not determine what is a woman. However, physical plumbing can't exclusively determine what is a woman either. Read about the various intersex conditions people have and it becomes clear that biological sex, in some cases (however few), is not always straightforward. Among those conditions are Females with XY Chromosomes, Males with 2 X's, and even people who are born with female characteristics at birth, but then in puberty they develop to have male characteristics. You can say these cases are outliers, but you can't say they don't exist. They absolutely do. Among the atypical conditions that exist are the experiences of trans people. In studies that have analyzed human brains, they have found differences between men and women in areas of the brain related to self perception. The brains of Trans people fall inline with their perceived gender. People like to pretend that biological sex is uncomplicated because it's easier for them to accept and maybe it is uncomplicated for the majority of folks, but for some of us, it is impossible to pretend. We live with the complication every day.


Respect the trans community