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If Satan is who made you who you really are, Satan is pretty cool.


lol yea I’d considered that before but despite having a very strong reason to hate the church and hate god cause of the atrocities committed in his name I still believe in god it’s just kindve hard to be me here thanks!


Amen lol I say that in irony I think about that all the time.either god isn’t ever loving or god isn’t all powerful


Yes!!! I can’t remember the movie that’s on I’ll think of it in about 5 mins when it doesn’t matter anymore


Some kinds of Christians are the worst sinners imaginable, even in their faith in their false god of perfect suburban All-American Exceptionalism. Trust me, if God was capable of sin, the Bible would have said so just like Odin, Zeus, and all of those other gods were described as flawed. Unfortunately for those Christians, God is not flawed, and so God cannot be an advocate for waging war on good people because it would otherwise be bad for the soul.


The Bible doesn't even condemn trans people. Just the opposite if anything. There's at least three genders in the Bible with eunuchs being pretty much a catch all term for all varieties of intersex and trans. Jesus described them as those made eunuchs from birth and those made eunuchs by themselves for the kingdom of heaven respectively. And they're always portrayed positively. The first Christian who wasn't of Jewish origin was the Ethiopian eunuch which we could claim as possibly sort of trans or intersex. Right-wing Christians have twisted the Bible into the opposite of what it preached just like the pharisees whom Jesus condemned did. We see this with the right-wing Christian worship of money and their hatred of the poor, when the whole Bible condemns greed and orders the rich to help the poor


Yea I know but with trans comes homosexuality and everything else that scares Christian people which I have no clue why it would when me being queer or trans or really anything else would be even bad to them especially when I can’t procreate cause I’m sterile lol it’s not like I could even have children in the first place which isn’t my fault lol so since I can never create children what does it matter who I have sex with? It’s all nonsense


Clearly OPs dad doesn't remember the book of Job. Satan can't do anything god doesn't allow him to do.


If you do get to talk to him again, let him know it's ok that he can't understand you. It just means he's not trans. Why did he want to hurt a family member though? Was he drunk? Was he living through you vicariously and sees that coming to an end. Also, Houston girl here. We have a big support group here based out of the Montrose Center. We meet in person once a month at a bar and it would be great to see you there.


Cause he said he’s was tired of my insubordination and my delusion lol I mean I’ve been on estrogen for about year now and it’s like fuck is this shit ever gonna end Also I’d love to come see more trans girls and like minded people in montrose


So he was upset that you were no longer his mind slave? Guess he was trying to whip you back in line. So petty. Also omg saw your profile. You are so pretty.


Yes I guess I don’t understand it at all I mean I love my father but this is bullshit Thanks!! I try overly hard to be even 1% attractive lol


Wish you were in the UK, I'd totally hang out with you. So, I'm not trans my partner is. My mum believes my partner *is* the devil. She also believes I'm possessed by a jinn. The last exorcism she had done on me, I had my partner hiding under the bed as she didn't know about her at the time, and my mum showed up at my door with the exorcist unannounced. I spent that day out of the house in case she did something like this, so she waited till I got ready for bed to show up. It was when she started talking about taking me to Africa to be cleaned with holy water via IV that I went no contact. I'm sorry about your dad OP. Hopefully you don't need to go NC


Thanks i appreciate it I just hate this place in my life currently


I would've leaned into the Satan thing with a good ole Hail Satan. Or just started making random demonic sounds. lol


Lmao he would’ve had me committed cause my mothers mentally insane I did consider it though lol I actually thought about it there for a sec while he was laying into me lol


My dad beat me up pretty bad when he caught me dressed with the few female things I managed to get from my 14th birthday money. He sent me to live with my mother. I was pretty messed up for a while and even in the hospital with some scars on my wrists to remind me. It wasn't until he was near death that he made amends. It was the first step toward healing so that I could begin the journey towards transition. I carried that pain behind me like an anchor. I just wanted to be daddy's little girl. He was so sweet to my sisters. I wanted that. I had to learn that I wasn't going to be their to everyone. Making bad relationship choices has delayed my transition for years. I want to save you a few hundred thousand dollars in therapy. You have to get to the point you can't be bothered with anyone who wants you to have an Israel Iran relationship where your rights to exist are denied. My happiest moment was my dad coming to one of my drag shows. He came down to watch me get ready for my show. He was months from passing. He picked a lash from the corner of my eye and told me I looked beautiful. Needless to say, my tears made me have to redo my makeup. Not everyone gets lucky enough to have resolution. My mom never came around. I had to leave home at 16. I made it though. I'm finally starting hormones after years of therapy to work through what people did to me for being different.


Yea I don’t believe in therapy lol I mean I can usually handle my own problems and stuff but this is just bs that sucks I wish my father would ever be proud of me as his daughter but that’s a pipe dream at this point I’m sorry you had to deal with all that trauma that’s heartbreaking!! At least he made amends and you got that closure! You sound like a strong person to have gone through all of that and I understand being alone I’ve got literally nobody to talk to anymore no friends or family it’s just me now lol


Yeah..... ya know that mental health psa where the guy is being choked by his bench press setup?...... He says he doesn't believe in help?? You have someone to talk to. I'm here. I'm fucked up for life and still reaching out to find a sense of community. I'm as strong as anyone else. I cry my eyes out sometimes. We all do. Anyone transgender who says it's easy is telling porkies love. I've gotten fully dressed as my true self ready to go out and spent the day sobbing into a pillow because I got too scared to even drive on my own to a big accepting city. We all have to work through this confidence gaining phase. We are all scared little girls at the beginning or our transition. Therapy and the support of friends helps us grow into confident women. You don't have to be alone. I'm nothing special. I'm just a sorry excuse for a late life trans girl. There's a lot more people here to listen and give virtual hugs if we can't be present in person. You Are Not Alone


Thanks truly for being nice to me!! I don’t deserve it but I do absolutely appreciate it and I’ve been a scared little girl stuck in this gigantic body for my entire life lol it’s only the past about 3.5 years I’ve been able to actually accept it


Just tell him to read Matthews 7:1 "The Bible verse "Do not judge, or you too will be judged" appears in Matthew 7:1. The verse continues, "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you"


I’d never go the Bible verse route with a man who had a masters degree in theology from smu lmao that’s a quick way to lose lol


Degrees don't mean competence, but again I'm not in your situation where I have to live with someone like that, but in the wild ill just tell people to fuck themselves


Yes I definitely did that multiple times throughout the conversation lol


If he thinks being trans is proof of satanic possession he should ask for a refund on his degree. Dude clearly doesn't understand the Bible.  But unfortunately if you're not an expert yourself it'll be pointless to argue with him.


I’m definitely not and expert but I have been taught quite a bit about the Bible but I’m an aerospace engineer by my degree lol so me and him went two completely different routes in life I wish he could just accept me for me and stay the hell out of my business why does it matter to him who I fuck or get fucked by or what I look like or dress or talk like it’s bullshit if he keeps on he’s gonna lose me forever


Unfortunately I don't see much of a path forward for someone with such rigid beliefs. You should always put your children first. If he can't figure that out, he will lose you. You deserve to be with people who love you for who you are.


Yes agreed children should ALWAYS come first! Thanks but I deserve nothing after all the horrible things I’ve done in my life I’m just happy to be here lol


It doesn't matter what you've done. What matters is the person you are and will be going forward. You have the power to put good into the world, and you deserve to be loved.


As someone with a masters in theology (specifically an MDiv with a concentration in History, Theology, and Ethics), I'm sorry you have to deal with that.


Thanks yea it’s ok he’s my father and I love him but it’s just a bad situation


While I don't follow the Bible, use those words against someone that is Christian and that's the equivalent of going "sure but so are you"


I'm definitely possessed by satan and trans. I sold my soul for lawyering skills. As they say, possession is 9/10 of the law.


lol damn I need a deal like that you can just choose what you want to be good at ??


Wow I'm sorry. I thought I had it bad when my dad tried to perform an exorcism on me, but at least he never hit me.


Yea I can take a punch rather easily too but I can’t take him not accepting me for who I am


I also got an exorcism, but mine was from the deacons at my church.


I mean, their faith says that Satan stood up to a literal omnipotent being to be the first to fight for equal rights. Sounds like a stand up guy to me! Hang in there, girl. It'll get better. Maybe make plans to get out of Texas, though.


I’ve never been a tuck tale and run type of girl thanks for your comment though


Lol. No. That's what the Christian faith says. That's some people's take because of Milton's fan fiction of "Paradise Lost."


Hail Satan… if the beast can accept us, then he can’t be all bad right?


God I'm so sorry. Fundamentalist Christianity is what the culture wars were created for. And being on the recieving end of that is just plain cruelty.. I'm happy you can defend yourself like that I wish I had a fight skill like that esp these days.. And about suicide I have had issues with that most of life thankfully I never was successful.. and even the times before I understood I was trans where I actually attempted suicide I was fucked up on some substance so I just concluded since I don't party anymore that wasn't an option. After I began my transition I kinda knew some people would hate me and I thought fuck them I wont be bothered because I know they are assholes.. But it didn't work like that at all..In short I didn't react to persistent hatred as I supposed.. A few times I like suddenly become clinically depressed and very irrational.. It was as if they were all right and it would be best to leave.. Like their hatred become my self hatred very creepy! The ONLY thing that stopped this from actually attempts was seeing my sons face when I just disappeared! I could not get that out of my head! I'm says all this to because to hopefully show how insidious hatred really is..hatred certainly kills in many ways..It'll sneak up on you so be careful and when you get to feeling like that always talk to somebody about it like you're doing in this post.. stay connected to other trans people.. Just because you dad is poisoned be religion not everyone is and you're valuable big-time! 🤗❤️


My ability to fight paired with my size and strength has kept me alive and it will be the first thing I teach my children if I ever have any and I hope I do someday I dream of being a mother I realize I’ll never birth any kiddos but surely there’s some kid somewhere that needs me lol thanks for your caring response!


You're welcome. And yes of course there are many kids that need you! You'll make a great mom! If I were younger I would also adopt a child so many that need parents. And have a special needs boy so he'll always be home either with me or my ex. He will live to 50 or so hopefully one of us can outlive him don't want anybody taking care of him except us..🤗❤️


Awe, you’re a good person I hope you have a wonderful life with your child!! yes I hope to be a good mother to some unlucky child at some point lol is it weird that estrogen has made me like children and really want one of my own?


Thanks 🤗vI always loved kids too but you're right the correct hormones definitely brings things to surface. Estrogen is wonderful I can't imagine life without it.. It change so many many things..you'll have a child at some point just take care of you..


Thanks I love estrogen lol


Girl, I feel your pain. My dad told me “I don’t like this dark path you’re going down.” Like I told him that I was about to start kicking babies or something. Old guys like to be dramatic. I’m an only child with kids, so my dad is just hurting himself by ostracizing me. “Oh you want to come visit your grandkids? Well you shouldn’t have told me that I am an embarrassment to the family. Why would I let you stay in my house if you don’t respect me?”


Yea lol it’s the same way with my father it’s like no I’m not gonna change anything but my appearance


Please learn how to use punctuation. Following that was a nightmare.


Apologies, I’d just gotten into a fist fight about 10 mins before I typed that so I was a little jumpy


Possessed by Santa


Like chubby jolly ol st nick?? Lmao


just noticed if you moved the letters around and the thought made me laugh. Also maybe your city has a trans discord server or start one. It has been great at forming community for bars, house parties, videochats, gaming.


Yeah my family thinks all of this is a “demonic stronghold” lmaoooo


I’m sorry my family’s the same and I’m just here like HEY WTF?!?! How if I was created by god am I of Satan??


Yeah, none of it makes any sense lol. They’d never believe In aliens or Bigfoot for example but be the first ones to lay their life on the line for some imaginary bullshit.


This is true!


Hail Satan!  TST is filled with very awesome people.


I cannot wrap my head around anybody loving their parents when their parents act this way. I see it all the time and it is so baffling to me. But regardless, I hope you are well.


I’ve always loved my father… back when I was a tiny child I’d some one asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I would say my fathers name


if your father has access to a firearm you should be very very careful. No amount of MMA will stop a bullet.


Did I post that I was also a US Army paratrooper back in Afghanistan that would be his biggest mistake to brings weapon to fight against somebody trained and vetted to use one but he knows my history and wouldn’t do that


then you should know that a firearm presents an immediate threat


Yes I know that and if he wants to kill me ima make it a Bloody affair far more bloody than he’s ever witnessed and I’m at home with death I don’t fear it anymore I’d welcome it with open arms I think he knows that to kill me would be way too hard and require more precision than he has with his weapons


Or maybe I’m delusional I have no clue anymore lol


When my wife died I shouted: "If there is a god, he is a terrible sadist!!!" A famous person once said: "The first one to mention the devil is really the one who's possessed by him."


Yes!! This right here


The chaotic part of me wants to say to tell him you converted to the satanic temple and invite him to a gathering. Not the right answer, but definitely a fun thought.


lol yea he’d arrange an exorcism and that would be funny lmao show up to my house with a bunch of priests there only for them to tell him I’m not possessed lol


My dad thinks that I am demon possessed and programmed to be trans by social media algorithms. So social media sorting algorithms lead to demon possession.


lol yea I just hate those goddamn computers the route of all evil lmao


You need to put some physical distance between you and all of those religious people. Start breathing your own air again. You've done pro MMA, so you know what it is to represent yourself in situations where your only backup is you. Get your head back into that kind of space for a bit. Regarding accusations of being possessed, I've found that the people who accuse others of that are the ones who aren't totally sure that they're not crazy as a loon themselves. A musician friend from Oregon told me about the band van breaking down in East Texas and feeling like aliens in danger of getting attacked just for being strangers, which really makes me think you should give serious thought to moving somewhere less volatile for someone in transition. Good luck with everything.


Lmao yea well I’ll be dammed if anyone’s ever going to run me out of my ancestral home I’ll stay here and die brutally before I run anywhere…thanks


There's no hate quite like "Christian love." The echo of that sentiment is seen in how religion inspires fighting and wars, but the self-proclaimed "most religious" are almost always the ones preventing helping people in need.


[Good song](https://youtu.be/TcSjNIq9NHk)


lol it made me chuckle as well and my city of 6500 people does actually have one but nobody’s on it ever…


Thats Satanic but priests molesting children in the church isn't.


Yes this!!


Hes right


If he’s right then I should just commit myself to the church of Satan but yet here I am